

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Breaking news: A family tearing through the desert

We appeal to the conscience of the human rights organizations and the governments of United States, United Kingdom, China, France, Canada, Germany, Russia, Belgium and The Netherlands to help the Rwandan people and the Hutus in particular during this current difficult times they experience and to ensure that all essential steps are undertaken in terms of international human rights and humanitarian law will be respected in Rwanda. We deplore the ongoing silence of the world powers and of the United States and England in particular about Kagame's cruelties and crimes of his RPF party, military and police against his own people.

The abductions of Rwandan citizens originally from  the northwestern region across Rwanda by Kagame’s secret agents happened during the last two months.  There may have been hundreds of victims. There are testimonies that many Rwandan citizens, including European citizens who want to remain anonymous and who confirm the ongoing abductions and forced disappearances. 

Recently graduated at University in Kigali, Ingabire Josephine is about 40 years old. She lived in Muhoza, Kimisagara, in the Nyarugenge county has reported missing since 21st April, 2014 when she left her home where her 10-months old baby stayed with her husband.
Mrs Ingabire Josephine
A mother of the 10-months child
Abducted by the Kagame's  Police
and secret services agents

After giving the food to the prisoner, she went back outside where she quickly got surrounded by the Rwandan police and secret service agents of Paul Kagame, the Rwandan dictator, who did not inform her family that she was under arrest and where she is detained.

According to her husband, Gregoire Harerimana told IGIHE newspaper that Ingabire was missing since April 21st in the afternoon when she went to the 1930 famous prison in Rwanda, carrying food for the prisoner known as Ndoliya James, a husband of her cousin.
Harerimana has made a statement that he’s extremely worried about her wife as her whereabouts remain unknown. The situation became very complicated because she left a baby that all the time cries due to the lack of breast milk.
Harerimana has revealed that the baby cries too much very often by bedtime in the night and my daughters aren’t at home but in boarding school very far from home.

Mukoreshe telephones
muhane amakuru
Twikize leta y'igitugu
As many other citizens believed to be Hutus from the northwestern region of Rwanda Rubavu and Musanze, respectively known as RUHENGERI AND GISENYI have recently have been abducted by the Kagame’s secret police and no charges have been filed at this point.  However, their current detainment or disappearances have not related to any criminal charges, or anything that happened the nights of their arrest and disappearance.

The majority of Rwandans believe the RPF government is often dangerous and violent against them, the RPF government claims Hutus are very often linked to the FDRL rebels.  So they kidnapped them and are holding them against their will till the Rwandan police and RPF secret agents decide they aren’t terrorists’ threat.

We will be posting updates as they come in, including a more detailed biography of all abducted people with real reasons behind those shameful arrests.  What we real know according to many eye-witnesses from that region, those abducted people happen to be peaceful citizens who were violently attacked for speaking out about their beliefs, beliefs which this situation are proving to be truth.

Isaiah 42-46:
 “Hear, you deaf.  Look, you blind, and see!

The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine

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