[Since 1994, the world witnesses the horrifying Tutsi minority (14%) ethnic domination, the Tutsi minority ethnic rule with an iron hand, tyranny and corruption in Rwanda. The current government has been characterized by the total impunity of RPF criminals, the Tutsi economic monopoly, the Tutsi militaristic domination, and the brutal suppression of the rights of the majority of the Rwandan people (85% are Hutus)and mass arrests of Hutus by the RPF criminal organization =>AS International]
dialectic often appears broken up for convenience into three moments called
"thesis" (in the French historical example, the revolution),
"antithesis" (the terror which followed), and "synthesis"
(the constitutional state of free citizens).
The Hegelian
dialectical formula: A
(thesis) versus B (anti-thesis) equals C (synthesis).
For example: If (A) my idea of freedom conflicts with (B) your idea of freedom then (C) neither of us can be free until everyone agrees to be a slave.
The Soviet Union was based on the Hegelian dialectic, as is all Marxist writing. The Soviets didn't give up their Hegelian reasoning when they supposedly stopped being a communist country. They merely changed the dialectical language to fit into the modern version of Marxist thinking called communitarianism. American author Steve Montgomery explores Moscow's adept use of the Hegelian dialectic in Glasnost-Perestroika: A Model Potemkin Village.
For example: If (A) my idea of freedom conflicts with (B) your idea of freedom then (C) neither of us can be free until everyone agrees to be a slave.
The Soviet Union was based on the Hegelian dialectic, as is all Marxist writing. The Soviets didn't give up their Hegelian reasoning when they supposedly stopped being a communist country. They merely changed the dialectical language to fit into the modern version of Marxist thinking called communitarianism. American author Steve Montgomery explores Moscow's adept use of the Hegelian dialectic in Glasnost-Perestroika: A Model Potemkin Village.
How is it
possible to consider a Hegelian argument?
If the
ideas, interpretations of experiences, and the sources are all wrong, can a
conclusion based on all these wrong premises be sound? The answer is no. Two
false premises do not make a sound conclusion even if the argument follows the
formula. Three, four, five, or six false premises do not all combine to make a
conclusion sound. You must have at least one sound premise to reach a sound conclusion.
Logical mathematical formulas are only the basis for deductive reasoning.
Equally important is knowledge of semantics, or considering the meanings of the
words used in the argument. Just because an argument fits the formula, it does
not necessarily make the conclusion sound. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel knew
this when he designed his dialectic.
History is therefore a long series of conflicts, the greatest of which is the conflict of ideologies which seek to enslave the minds of individuals and societies to conform with a synthesis. History invariably shows that societies are less resilient to cultural programming than individuals. In other words it is easier to indoctrinate an entire nation than it is to make an individual accept an antithetical point of view. In this way conflicts arise between groups, both of which may or may not be right in their views. There are essentially three sides to any controversy: yours, mine and the truth. Just like any other conflict, the difference between the conventional interpretations of history (the thesis and the antithesis), and the truths of history (the synthesis) are matters of debate. What we have attempted to show here are facts from an antithetical point of view without the disputed theories which usually accompany them. The result is an account of history which is intended to be as representative of the truth as anything you will find. It is left for the reader to decide which details should and should not be believed, but it must always be remembered that without an antithesis there can be no synthesis. Much of what we will cover will is too discomfiting for many people to accept. This doesn't make the content false or untrue by itself, and the fault of misunderstanding does not lie with those who reveal an antithetical paradigm but with those who remain subjective according to their own bias. Our goal is to merely to provide a brief and succinct survey of important trends and true causes of wars and conflicts, not to prevent or stop them, but so that the reader may be left with a general understanding of his or her place in this world with all the necessary information to act accordingly and with the correct interpretations for future studies. The facts are that there is a plan in effect to establish a synthesis which is a single world government and a single world religion which will encompass all of humanity. It was masterminded by a relatively small group of cooperative individuals carefully selected to manage large populations of people and all aspects of their societies and cultures. In terms of government it is an oligarchy with despotic intentions and it is already in place. To date this plan has been persistent and successful in accomplishing its overall objectives. The internationalist movement has had many facets over the years and a continuous history of conspiracy to advance an internationalist cause cannot be easily traced to its beginnings with any certainty. For practical purposes we will begin our study with the emergence of the group which calls itself the New World Order. In this chapter we will show the reasons and purposes behind the New World Order before moving on to how it has manifested itself and accomplished its goals. The details of the variety of agents of this New World Order are trivial if not insignificant. Like the Hydra of Greek mythology it cannot be killed by decapitation. Where one agent falls two rise to take its place, and due to the esoteric and secretive nature of these groups and their rituals it is virtually impossible to gain more than a general understanding of what they are trying to achieve as a whole. Furthermore, the initiates of secret societies may pass through all the ranks of their particular factions without ever gaining knowledge of the secret they serve. This is a cosmic struggle between good and evil ultimately directed by the same forces no matter who their pawns are. What ThreeWorldWars has done here is attempt to expose the negative forces in this ongoing conflict and trace the diabolical agents to their sources to give the reader a general understanding of how the world has turned out the way it has and what lies in store for us in the future. It certainly didn't happen by accident.
La dialectique du maître et de l’esclave est la théorie la plus célèbre de Hegel, laquelle a été développée dans la Phénoménologie de l’Esprit. Cette oeuvre relate l’aventure de la conscience parvenant à la conscience d’elle-même.
Deux êtres conscients d’eux-mêmes s’affrontent pour la première fois. Dès qu’ils se rencontrent, le problème de la reconnaissance émerge, car ils ont tous deux le même désir de reconnaissance, cette dernière ne peut alors avoir lieu qu’à l’issue d’une lutte des consciences.
Pour obtenir la reconnaissance de l’autre, chacun va risquer sa vie. Mais la lutte entre eux ne conduit pas à la mort de l’un des adversaires, parce que le désir de reconnaissance exige un “reconnaissant” et un “reconnu” plutôt qu’un mort. Tuer l’adversaire détruit ce témoin et donc rend impossible la reconnaissance. Pour cette raison, la conscience qui vainc ne tue pas le vaincu, mais le maintient en vie, dans le but de faire travailler la conscience vaincue. Le vaincu, lui, l’a été pour avoir préféré la servitude à la mort. La situation devient alors celle de la relation entre le vainqueur (le maître) et le vaincu (l’esclave).
Une fois la lutte achevée, la relation maître/esclave va se retourner peu à peu. Voici une synthèse de ce mouvement dialectique en cinq points :
Premier point de la relation maître/esclave
Le maître de l’esclave a besoin de reconnaissance. L’esclave est l’essentiel, et non le luxe, pour le maître. C’est ce que Hegel appelle la certitude objective. Mais cette reconnaissance n’est pas réciproque, comme le maître est reconnu par quelqu’un qu’il ne reconnaît pas, et la reconnaissance unilatérale n’est pas suffisante. Le maître veut agir comme un être conscient de soi par la réalisation de son désir vers un autre soi. Cette question est problématique, car à la fin de la lutte, l’esclave ne sera pas reconnu par le maître comme un autre être conscient de soi, et sera réduit à une chose (phase d’objectivation). Le désir du maître est orienté vers une volonté objectivée ou un objet, et donc, le maître n’est pas reconnu par un autre être conscient de soi. Sa certitude objective n’est pas confirmée par un autre être conscient de soi et ne saura jamais obtenir satisfaction en étant reconnu par un esclave ou une chose.
Deuxième point de la relation maître/esclave
Il n’y a pas de maître sans esclave. Un être conscient de soi devient un maître par la possession des esclaves. En conséquence, le maître dépend de l’esclave pour exister en tant que maître. Il faut ainsi distinguer la dépendance formelle de la dépendance matérielle.
Troisième point de la relation maître/esclave
Le maître dépend matériellement de l’esclave. Sa supériorité sur la nature du travail est réalisé dans l’esclave. Le travail est placé entre le maître et la nature et transforme la nature en objets désirés par le maître. Le paradis dans lequel vit le maître est lié aux produits du travail de l’esclave. Tout ce que le maître a est produit par l’esclave. Le maître n’est donc pas un être indépendant, mais plutôt dépendant de l’esclavage.
Quatrième point de la relation maître/esclave
Le maître est inactif, sa relation à l’Etre est médiée par le travail de l’esclave. Le maître reste belliqueux, et l’existence de l’esclave est réduite à travailler pour le maître. L’esclave est actif et a une relation directe à l’Etre. La relation de l’esclave à l’Être est dialectique, car l’être est nié et transformé par le travail de l’esclave en marchandises. L’esclave est la principale force moteur pour la négation de l’Etre.
Cinquième point de la relation maître/esclave
Les êtres humains deviennent conscients d’eux-mêmes à travers le désir et les esclaves le deviennent à cause de la peur de la mort. L’appréhension du «néant» ou «mort» est une condition nécessaire pour la révélation de sa propre existence. Dans ce cas, c’est l’esclave et non pas le maître qui saisit le sens de l’authenticité et devient conscient de sa propre individualité. Hegel pense que l’esclave devient l’agent de la révolution historique. L’esclave, par conséquent, aboutit à une conception différente de l’individualité et de l’authenticité.
Hegel affirme par ailleurs que l’histoire de la guerre entre Etats aboutit à assimiler les plus faibles. L’État le plus puissant réussit à survivre et se développe sur son territoire, se transformant alors en empire. Les citoyens de cet Etat ne sont plus obsédés par la guerre car la menace extérieure a été éliminée. Comme il n’y avait plus de guerre, le capitaine n’a pas la prétention de supériorité sur l’esclave, parce que la supériorité serait affirmée dans la lutte à mort. En conséquence de cela, le maître est devenu un maître épris de paix, a accepté l’idéologie esclave et devenu chrétien. Un maître chrétien est un maître sans esclave et un esclave chrétien est un esclave sans maître. Comme il n’y a pas maître sans esclave et d’esclave sans maître, les deux sont réduits à des rôles inauthentiques et interchangeables.
Conclusion sur la relation du maître et de l’esclave chez Hegel
Hegel est arrivé à la conclusion que l’historicité de l’existence humaine est impossible sans la violence. Un monde entièrement pacifique est en contradiction avec la nature de cette historicité. L’existence humaine est, par conséquent, mieux comprise en termes de lutte à mort pour la reconnaissance que de recherche d’harmonie, comme le prônent les moralistes, tels que Lévinas
The Globalist Elite
| |
Thesis Antithesis
| |
Marxist Russia Nazi Germany
| Conflict of |
| World War II |
1917 Bolshevik Revolution 1933 Hitler's accession to power
USA Constructs and subsidizes USA constructs and subsidizes
Soviet Union 1920 -- present National Socialism
| |
Post World War II United Nations, a step towards New World Order
Since World War II:-
The Globalist Elite
| |
Thesis Antithesis
| |
Marxist Russia Capitalist West
| (no longer Free Enterprise)
| Conflict of |
| Cold War |
USA Constructs and subsidizes USA constructs and subsidizes
Soviet Union | Germany, Japan, Israel, Foreign
| Aid, Korea, Vietnam, etc.
| |
Detente, Glasnost, Perestroika, destruction of the Berlin Wall
and supposed collapse of Soviet Union. One step closer to NWO.
At the present day:-
The Globalist Elite
| |
Thesis Antithesis
| |
Communist China USA and/or CIS (Russia)
| Conflict |
| |
West see Russia as under threat from China and unite with CIS
| |
New World Order
__________________________________________ In our adversarial 'two' party politics:- The Globalist Elite | | Thesis Antithesis | | Aust. Liberal Party Aust. Labor Party or or (US. Republican Party) (US. Democratic Party) | Conflict of | | general election | Multimillion dollar borrowing of campaign funds | | Profit | Synthesis | Australia becomes a Republic so that new Constitution permits usurpation of States' sovereignty and National Sovereignty surrendered for Asian regionalization in NWO. __________________________________________ In recent Sydney news:- The Globalist Elite | | Thesis Antithesis | | NSW State Government Aborigine activists in Redfern | Developers/financiers | Conflict of street | | violence and arson | Desire to evict and resettle Free relocation of Aboriginie Aboriginie residents outside tenants to brand new homes. Metropolitan Sydney prior to Profit from redevelopment of 2000 Olympic Games. Beautify site and subsequent sale of and redevelop as commercial slums transformed to luxury or inner-city apartments for inner-city apartments, shopping wealthy Chinese with a view and commercial complex whilst to huge increase in rates. retaining some ownership. | | Profit | Synthesis | A FURTHER step towards the destruction of Australia's once homogeneous society with development of largest Asian Colony to date in the heart of Sydney. __________________________________________ In the religious world of AD325:- Satan | Constantine and Rome | | Thesis Antithesis | | Athanasius Arius | Conflict of | | theology | Trinitarianism Unitarianism | | Conflict of human reasoning culminating in First Nicea Council | Profit | Synthesis | Recognition of carnal reasoning against Christian faith and its institutionalization under State patronage and control. Eventual outlawing of Christian faith and the persecution of true saints by the false church until today, true Christianity is accounted heresy and ridiculed by most Bible students. __________________________________________ In the religious world of Papal Rome:- Satan | The Globalist Elite | | Thesis Antithesis | | Roman Catholicism Protestantism | Conflict of | | theology | Counter Reformation Reformation Great harlot Prostitute daughters Vatican II World Council of Churches End of Gentile Dispensation Beast unites with Image to the Beast Incarnation of Pope Apostasy | | Profit | Synthesis | Union of churches to stop Communism and rule New World Order __________________________________________
Satan| The Globalist Elite | | Thesis Antithesis | | Roman Catholicism Protestantism | Conflict of | | theology | Counter Reformation Reformation Great harlot Prostitute daughters Vatican II World Council of Churches End of Gentile Dispensation Beast unites with Image to the Beast Incarnation of Pope Apostasy | | Profit | Synthesis | Union of churches to stop Communism and rule New World Order
The Globalist
| |
Thesis Antithesis
| |
USA and Tutsis France and Hutus/Twa
Kagame/RPF Rebels President Habyarimana/Majority/minority
| |
Ethnic and
| Conflict |
Since october 1990, RPF Genocide against Hutus with Massacres of Tutsis as a sine qua non condition to permanently seize power in Kigali
| |
France see Rwanda
as under threat from Tutsis Rebels and United States unite with Belgium
| |
Tutsi minority RPF
regime seize power and Hutus enslaved
The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
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