[Since 1994, the world witnesses the horrifying Tutsi minority (14%) ethnic domination, the Tutsi minority ethnic rule with an iron hand, tyranny and corruption in Rwanda. The current government has been characterized by the total impunity of RPF criminals, the Tutsi economic monopoly, the Tutsi militaristic domination, and the brutal suppression of the rights of the majority of the Rwandan people (85% are Hutus), disappearances and mass arrests of Hutus by the RPF criminal organization =>AS International]

Le silence criminel
Le silence
criminel des pays occidentaux connus sous le nom de la communauté
internationale, «On a l'impression que rien ne se passe là-bas » Charles
Who's to
Blame for corruption, tricked wars across Africa, the flourishing tyrannies and
dictatorships in the African Great lakes region (Rwanda, Uganda, Democratic
Republic of the Congo), etc., tricked defense of ethnic minorities, fake democracies,
extra judicial killings, arbitrary arrests, fake opposition parties, arbitrary
arrests, poisons, disappearances, , assassinations, mass murder , war
crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide:
- Some Western individuals
- Some Western fake Associations and foundations (Survie, Clinton Foundation, Les amis du Rwanda au parlement européen sous le patronage de Louis Michel)
- Some Western Non-governmental organizations
- Some Western countries
- Some Western media including journalists worldwide (CNN, Africa voices that in fact became Africa Dictators voices, RTBF),
Since you
begin to speak out, you face aggressions, you become unstable at work only
because you decided to speak out and denounce the criminal silence. You can't
get a job often in reprisal for your work as the Truth teller determined to speak
out about all types of crimes committed by the current regime in Rwanda and
indeed together with some western individuals, organizations and governments...
But time
and again, Obstruction of justice we encounter here in Europe and elsewhere in
North America scandalous attitudes as you try to tell the Truth about the
bloody obvious involvement of some western individuals and governments not only
in the Rwandan genocide but also in the still ongoing crimes committed at daily
basis in Rwanda by Paul l Kagame, his RPF and the Tutsi led-government in
Kigali ( unspeakable ethnic cleansing). This dramatic and obnoxious situation has led the media, journalists
and western NGOs to keep all the truth in silence. In this case, I can’t talk
about these crimes beyond speaking with friends or family.
As a
result, little documentation exists on the topic of Attacks of all types on me
and other dedicated human rights activists who denounce the existing obstruction
of justice occurring across the western world to silence Hutu survivors and now
refugees in Netherlands, Belgium and Germany as well as in North America.
level of multiple aggressions and menaces exist against me and other Truth tellers either Hutus or Black and White Truth tellers, it raises
compelling freedom of speech and security concerns for those survivors only
because they happen to be born Hutus...a much larger percentage of Hutu refugees experience pattern discrimination.
embarrassing, and you feel like an idiot saying anything, especially when you
are reporting on much, much greater horrors,” Lauren Wolfe
The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
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