A Candle For Remembering

A Candle For Remembering
May this memorial candle lights up the historical past of our beloved Country: Rwanda, We love U so much. If Tears could build a stairway. And memories were a lane. I would walk right up to heaven. To bring you home again. No farewell words were spoken. No time to say goodbye. You were gone before I knew it And. Only Paul Kagame knows why. My heart still aches with sadness. And secret tears still flow. What It meant to lose you. No one will ever know.

Rwanda: Cartographie des crimes

Rwanda: cartographie des crimes du livre "In Praise of Blood, the crimes of the RPF" de Judi Rever Kagame devra être livré aux Rwandais pour répondre à ses crimes: la meilleure option de réconciliation nationale entre les Hutus et les Tutsis.

Let us remember Our People

Let us remember our people, it is our right

You can't stop thinking

Don't you know Rwandans are talkin' 'bout a revolution It sounds like a whisper The majority Hutus and interior Tutsi are gonna rise up And get their share SurViVors are gonna rise up And take what's theirs. We're the survivors, yes: the Hutu survivors! Yes, we're the survivors, like Daniel out of the lions' den (Hutu survivors) Survivors, survivors! Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights et up, stand up, don't give up the fight “I’m never gonna hold you like I did / Or say I love you to the kids / You’re never gonna see it in my eyes / It’s not gonna hurt me when you cry / I’m not gonna miss you.” The situation is undeniably hurtful but we can'stop thinking we’re heartbroken over the loss of our beloved ones. "You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom". Malcolm X

Welcome to Home Truths

The year is 1994, the Fruitful year and the Start of a long epoch of the Rwandan RPF bloody dictatorship. Rwanda and DRC have become a unique arena and fertile ground for wars and lies. Tutsi RPF members deny Rights and Justice to the Hutu majority, to Interior Tutsis, to Congolese people, publicly claim the status of victim as the only SurViVors while millions of Hutu, interior Tutsi and Congolese people were butchered. Please make RPF criminals a Day One priority. Allow voices of the REAL victims to be heard.

Everybody Hurts

“Everybody Hurts” is one of the rare songs on this list that actually offers catharsis. It’s beautifully simple: you’re sad, but you’re not alone because “everybody hurts, everybody cries.” You’re human, in other words, and we all have our moments. So take R.E.M.’s advice, “take comfort in your friends,” blast this song, have yourself a good cry, and then move on. You’ll feel better, I promise.—Bonnie Stiernberg


Paul Kagame admits ordering...

Paul Kagame admits ordering the 1994 assassination of President Juvenal Habyarimana of Rwanda.

Why did Kagame this to me?

Why did Kagame this to me?
Can't forget. He murdered my mother. What should be my reaction? FYI: the number of orphans in Rwanda has skyrocketed since the 1990's Kagame's invasion. Much higher numbers of orphans had and have no other option but joining FDLR fighters who are identified as children that have Lost their Parents in Kagame's Wars inside and outside of Rwanda.If someone killed your child/spouse/parent(s) would you seek justice or revenge? Deep insight: What would you do to the person who snuffed the life of someone I love beyond reason? Forgiving would bring me no solace. If you take what really matters to me, I will show you what really matters. NITUTIRWANAHO TUZASHIRA. IGIHE KIRAGEZE.If democracy is to sell one's motherland(Africa), for some zionits support, then I prefer the person who is ready to give all his live for his motherland. Viva President Putin!!!

RPF committed the unspeakable

RPF committed the unspeakable
The perverted RPF committed the UNSPEAKABLE.Two orphans, both against the Nazi world. Point is the fact that their parents' murder Kagame & his RPF held no shock in the Western world. Up to now, the Rwandan Hitler Kagame and his death squads still enjoy impunity inside and outside of Rwanda. What goes through someone's mind as they know RPF murdered their parents? A delayed punishment is actually an encouragement to crime, In Praise of the ongoing Bloodshed in Rwanda. “I always think I am a pro-peace person but if someone harmed someone near and dear to me, I don't think I could be so peaceful. I would like to believe that to seek justice could save millions of people living the African Great Lakes Region - I would devote myself to bringing the 'perp' along to a non-happy ending but would that be enough? You'd have to be in the situation I suppose before you could actually know how you would feel or what you would do”. Jean-Christophe Nizeyimana, Libre Penseur

Inzira ndende


Hutu Children & their Mums

Hutu Children & their Mums
Look at them ! How they are scared to death. Many Rwandan Hutu and Tutsi, Foreign human rights advocates, jounalists and and lawyers are now on Death Row Waiting to be murdered by Kagame and his RPF death squads. Be the last to know.


Rwanda-rebranding-Targeting dissidents inside and abroad, despite war crimes and repression Rwanda has “A well primed PR machine”, and that this has been key in “persuading the key members of the international community that it has an exemplary constitution emphasizing democracy, power-sharing, and human rights which it fully respects”. It concluded: “The truth is, however, the opposite. What you see is not what you get: A FAÇADE” Rwanda has hired several PR firms to work on deflecting criticism, and rebranding the country.

Targeting dissidents abroad One of the more worrying aspects of Racepoint’s objectives was to “Educate and correct the ill informed and factually incorrect information perpetuated by certain groups of expatriates and NGOs,” including, presumably, the critiques of the crackdown on dissent among political opponents overseas. This should be seen in the context of accusations that Rwanda has plotted to kill dissidents abroad. A recent investigation by the Globe and Mail claims, “Rwandan exiles in both South Africa and Belgium – speaking in clandestine meetings in secure locations because of their fears of attack – gave detailed accounts of being recruited to assassinate critics of President Kagame….

Ways To Get Rid of Kagame

How to proceed for revolution in Rwanda:
  1. The people should overthrow the Rwandan dictator (often put in place by foreign agencies) and throw him, along with his henchmen and family, out of the country – e.g., the Shah of Iran, Marcos of Philippines.Compaore of Burkina Faso
  2. Rwandans organize a violent revolution and have the dictator killed – e.g., Ceaucescu in Romania.
  3. Foreign powers (till then maintaining the dictator) force the dictator to exile without armed intervention – e.g. Mátyás Rákosi of Hungary was exiled by the Soviets to Kirgizia in 1970 to “seek medical attention”.
  4. Foreign powers march in and remove the dictator (whom they either instated or helped earlier) – e.g. Saddam Hussein of Iraq or Manuel Noriega of Panama.
  5. The dictator kills himself in an act of desperation – e.g., Hitler in 1945.
  6. The dictator is assassinated by people near him – e.g., Julius Caesar of Rome in 44 AD was stabbed by 60-70 people (only one wound was fatal though).
  7. Organise strikes and unrest to paralyze the country and convince even the army not to support the dictaor – e.g., Jorge Ubico y Castañeda was ousted in Guatemala in 1944 and Guatemala became democratic, Recedntly in Burkina Faso with the dictator Blaise Compaoré.

Almighty God :Justice for US

Almighty God :Justice for US
Hutu children's daily bread: Intimidation, Slavery, Sex abuses led by RPF criminals and Kagame, DMI: Every single day, there are more assassinations, imprisonment, brainwashing & disappearances. Do they have any chance to end this awful life?

Killing Hutus on daily basis

Killing Hutus on daily basis
RPF targeted killings, very often in public areas. Killing Hutus on daily basis by Kagame's murderers and the RPF infamous death squads known as the "UNKNOWN WRONGDOERS"

RPF Trade Mark: Akandoya

RPF Trade Mark: Akandoya
Rape, torture and assassination and unslaving of hutu women. Genderside: Rape has always been used by kagame's RPF as a Weapon of War, the killings of Hutu women with the help of Local Defense Forces, DMI and the RPF military

The Torture in Rwanda flourishes

The Torture in Rwanda flourishes
How torture flourishes across Rwanda despite extensive global monitoring

Fighting For Our Freedom?

Fighting For Our Freedom?
We need Freedom, Liberation of our fatherland, Human rights respect, Mutual respect between the Hutu majority and the Tutsi minority


Thursday, August 30, 2012

28/08/2012 07:38:00 KongoTimes!

[Since 1994, the world witnesses the horrifying reality : the Tutsi minority (14%) ethnic domination, the Tutsi minority ethnic rule, tyranny and corruption in Rwanda. The current government has been characterized by the total impunity of RPF criminals, the Tutsi economic monopoly, the Tutsi militaristic domination with an iron fist, and the brutal suppression of the rights of the majority of the Rwandan people (85% are Hutus), mass-arrests and mass-murder by the RPF criminal organization.

So long as justice and accountability for RPF past and current crimes are ignored and delayed, Peace and Stability will remain illusive and impossible in Rwanda=>As International]

Didier Reynders
Vice-premier Ministre et
Ministre belge des Affaires étrangères
Didier Reynders, Vice-premier Ministre et Ministre belge des Affaires étrangères, en appelle à des concertations à l'ONU et à l'UE en vue des sanctions contre le Rwanda, et promet la pleine participation de son pays qui compte également suspendre son aide au développement. Cette nième pression diplomatique sur le Rwanda ne fait que conforter la position de la RDC qui a réussi à mobiliser la communauté internationale autour de la nouvelle agression rwandaise. L'avalanche des sanctions préliminaires, les poursuites ouvertes contre Ntaganda et ses lieutenants à la CPI, les perspectives du même genre de poursuites contre Paul Kagamé et les hautes autorités constituant son régime, etc; autant donc de résultats qui indiquent, d'une part, que la diplomatie congolais carbure à plein régime et, d'autre part, que l'étau ne cesse de se resserer contre Paul Kagamé qui n'aura pas d'autre issue que de lâcher du lest.

Le patron de la diplomatie belge en appelle à des concertations à l'ONU et à l'UE en vue des sanctions contre le Rwanda, et promet la pleine participation de son pays qui compte également suspendre son aide au développement. Kigali a compris le message et s'engage à coopérer pleinement dès cette semaine.

ier Reynders boucle sa mission congolo-rwandaise par Kigali. Le Vice-premier Ministre et Ministre belge des Affaires étrangères a été reçu le week-end par le Président Rwandais, Paul Kagamé, avant de tenir une conférence de presse avec son homologue Louise Mushikiwabo. A cette occasion, le chef de la diplomatie belge est monté d'un cran dans son discours pour appeler fermement le Rwanda à prendre une part active dans le processus de pacification de la région et à prouver qu’il n’est pas une partie du problème, sous peine de sanctions internationales.
Didier Reynders a, bien entendu, continué à laisser à Kigali le bénéfice du doute au sujet de son implication dans le conflit à l'Est de la RDC. Bruxelles n'a, en effet, pas encore décidé de suspendre son aide au développement au profit du Rwanda, mais le ton est bel et bien monté d'un cran face aux autorités rwandaises.

« Il est urgent de prendre des initiatives et si ce n’est pas le cas, il y aura une escalade. Et ce, pas seulement sur le terrain, mais peut-être au niveau international. La Belgique attend les discussions qui vont avoir lieu au Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU et au comité de sanction dans les prochains jours. Mais s’il en ressort une volonté de sanction au niveau international, nous y participerons", a prévenu Reynders.

Ainsi, Didier Reynders a demandé à Kigali de s'abstenir de tout soutien au M-23, sous peine d'une "escalade" dangereuse qui pourrait se traduire par des sanctions internationales. Quant à ce que la Belgique pourrait faire comme action, le patron de la diplomatie belge a laissé entrevoir des sanctions à la suite des précédentes. "Nous aurons peut-être des décisions à prendre", a-t-il menacé, faisant ainsi allusion aux mesures de suspension d'aide déjà prises par certains pays occidentaux.

Kigali ébranlé

Le discours semble acoir été capté 5/5 à Kigali où l'on a senti une sorte d'abranlement. Le Rwanda s'est engagé à coopérer pleinement à la pacification des Grands Lacs. En effet, réagissant aux propos de son homologue belge, Louise Mushikiwabo a affirmé l'engagement du Rwanda de prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires et de collaborer avec les pays de la région des Grands Lacs. Dès cette semaine, elle se rendra au siège de l’ONU à New York pour réaffirmer cet engagement, mais aussi défendre la ligne de communication de son pays.

En attendant, on peut constater qu'après les récriminations qui ont fusé de toutes part contre le Rwanda, avec des sanctions isolées à la clé, la position belge tend à organiser la réaction internationale contre le Rwanda en faisant entrevoir des sanctions concertées que Didier Reynders estime plus efficaces que les précédentes mesures plutôt symboliques et isolées.

« J’ai entendu l’annonce des Etats-Unis qui porte sur la suspension de son aide au Rwanda de l’ordre de 200 mille dollars. Je ne pense pas que ça fasse une pression importante », avait déclaré le Ministre belge des Affaires étrangères le jeudi 23 août à Lubumbashi après sa rencontre avec le Président Joseph Kabila. Il estimait donc que si l'on doit prendre des sanctions contre le rwanda, celles-ci devraient être consécutives à des concertations au niveau de l’Union européenne ou des Nations unies. « Moi je préfère travailler avec une coordination pour que si des mesures doivent être décidées qu’elles le soient pour tous ensemble dans l’Union Européenne ou aux Nations Unies. Les actions isolées semblent être des effets d’annonce », avait dit Didier Reynders qui préconisait la stratégie du dialogue pour mettre fin à la guerre.

L'étau se resserre sur Paul Kagamé

Cette nième pression diplomatique sur le Rwanda ne fait que conforter la position de la RDC qui a réussi à mobiliser la communauté internationale autour de la nouvelle agression rwandaise. Depuis le début du drame, Kigali est allé de dénégations en dénégations, mais sans parvenir à stopper la roue de la diplomatie. Dès le départ, presu'au même moment où l'ONU diffusait son rapport incriminait le Rwanda, Kinshasa avait donné l'alerte en engageant, sans attendre, une offensive diplomatique qui a justement commencé par Kigali.

Une première contre-vérification conjointe sur terrain se soldera par la première fuite du Rwanda dont les experts refusèrent de contresigner le procès verbal. Celui-ci établissait, en effet, l'éimplication du Rwanda par des preuves telles que des militaires rwandais recrutés et équipés au Rwanda, mais aussi des ex-FDLR retournés au Rwanda mais qui ont été réinjectés dans les rangs du M-23.

L'avalanche des sanctions préliminaires, les poursuites ouvertes contre Ntaganda et ses lieutenants à la CPI, les perspectives du même genre de poursuites contre Paul Kagamé et les hautes autorités constituant son régime, etc; autant donc de résultats qui indiquent, d'une part, que la diplomatie congolais carbure à plein régime et, d'autre part, que l'étau ne cesse de se resserer contre Paul Kagamé qui n'aura pas d'autre issue que de lâcher du lest. Au finish, le Rwanda va incontournablement s'en sortir sérieusement affaibli avec les sanctions multiformes qui sont attendues. Kinshasa compte, par ailleurs, saisir la Cour Internationale de Justice (CIJ) pour obtenir les réparations consécutives, notamment, à,la grave crise humanitaire provoquée par l'équipée de Paul Kagamé.

Jonas Eugène KOTA

Published By www.KongoTimes.info - © KongoTimes! - All Rights Reserved.
As International is an international nonpartisan charity organization devoted to defending human rights. It’s an organization working to promote democracy and national reconciliation, inside countries of the African Great lakes Region.

As International centers its work on the twin concepts of freedom of self-determination and freedom from tyranny. These ideals include the belief that all human beings have the rights to speak freely, to associate with those of like mind, and to leave and enter their countries. Individuals in a free society must be accorded equal treatment and due process under law, and must have the opportunity to participate in the governments of their countries;

As International’s ideals likewise find expression in the conviction that all human beings have the right to be free from arbitrary detainment or exile and from interference and coercion in matters of conscience. ASI does not support nor condone violence.

The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

 [Since 1994, the world witnesses the horrifying reality : the Tutsi minority (14%) ethnic domination, the Tutsi minority ethnic rule, tyranny and corruption in Rwanda. The current government has been characterized by the total impunity of RPF criminals, the Tutsi economic monopoly, the Tutsi militaristic domination with an iron fist, and the brutal suppression of the rights of the majority of the Rwandan people (85% are Hutus), mass-arrests and mass-murder by the RPF criminal organization.

So long as justice and accountability for RPF past and current crimes are ignored and delayed, Peace and Stability will remain illusive and impossible in Rwanda=>AS International]


The Rwandan bloody criminal
and dictator  allowed to run a country.
8 millions of assassinated Rwadans, Congolese Hutus
plus Western citizens including priests and nuns.
Instead of arresting him and bring him before the bar of justice, Kagame was in March 2003 awarded the 2003 Global Leadership Award by the Young Presidents' Organization (YPO). He received the award in recognition of his "commitment and tireless work to address crises, to foster understanding, unity, and peace to benefit all people." YPO regard his role in reconciling the Tutsi and the Hutu differences in Rwanda and in developing a peaceful solution to the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo as a benchmark of great leadership, uncommon inspiration and remarkable achievement.

One of Kagame's achievements : Massacres of Hutu
intellectuals, women and children in the
Rwandan Auschwitz : Kibeho - Gikongoro

  1. In April 2005, Kagame was awarded an Honorary Degree of Doctor Laws by the University of the Pacific in the United States.
  2. In September 2005, Kagame was awarded the Andrew Young Medal for Capitalism and Social Progress by Georgia State University in the United States.
    International Criminal Court: The right place for Paul Kagame
    To face his awful criminal charges
    The mastermind of the Rwandan Genocide
    has to be denied sanctuary.
  4. In September 2005, Kagame was awarded the African National Achievement Award by the Africa America Institute in the USA. 
  5. In April 2006, Kagame was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by Oklahoma Christian University in the USA. 
  6. In May 2006, Kagame was given the 2006 ICT Africa Award, an award that is designed to recognize and reward organizations and individuals that have demonstrated excellence in promoting the use of ICTs for the overall development of the African continent.
  7. In September 2006, Rwanda was listed as a Top-10 reformer on the Ease of doing business index by the World Bank.

    July 2007, Kagame won the Best Head Of State in Africa in Support of ICT Award. Kagame won the same award in May 2006, in an event that took place in Kigal.
  8. In August 2007, Kagame was given the Hands Off Cain Award for his role in ending the death penalty in his country.
  9. In November 2007, Kagame was awarded an Honorary Degree of Doctor in Law by the University of Glasgow in Scotland. 
  10. In December 2007, Kagame was given the African Gender Award in Dakar, Senegal for his role in promoting gender equality in Rwanda.
  11. March 2009, Kagame was awarded with “The Distinction of the Grand Cordon in the Most Venerable Order of the Knighthood of Pioneers” by Liberia’s President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf.The highest honour in Liberian was given to Kagame in recognition of his exemplary leadership and exceptional contribution to the promotion of women’s rights.
  12. In June 2009, Kagame was awarded the Children's Champion Award by the US Fund for UNICEF for Promoting Children's Rights
  13. In September 2009, Kagame was awarded the International Peace Medal from Saddleback Church for his support and role in the P.E.A.C.E. plan.
  14. In September 2009, Kagame honoured with the Clinton Global Citizen Award in recognition of his leadership in public service that has improved the lives of people of Rwanda.
  15. November 2009, Kagame was presented with the ‘Most Innovative People Award for Economic Innovation’ at the Lebanon2020 Summit.
  16. May 2010, Kagame was awarded 'Lifetime Leadership Award for Development and Equality' by Rwandan Women in recognition of his efforts in developing the nation and promoting equality amongst Rwandans.May 2010, Kagame was awarded the 2010 Rwanda Convention Association (RCA) Award of Excellence in recognition of his role in steering Rwanda towards a knowledge-based economy and promotion of the private sector.
    Kagame and his RPF unspeakable crimes against the Hutu majority population in Rwanda

  17. On 5 June 2010, Kagame was awarded the prestigious 'Energy Globe Award' on the occasion of World Environment Day celebrated in Kinigi, Rwanda. 
  18. On 5 July 2010, Rwanda International Network Association (RINA) awarded Kagame for his continuous efforts in the promotion of Education.
  19. On 27 September 2010, British Magazine New Statesman included Paul Kagame in the list of "The World's 50 Most Influential Figures 2010" on 49th place.[44]
  20. On 19 November 2010, Kagame was presented the “Grand Croix – Ordre de merit du Benin” the country’s highest national award.

    The decoration is awarded exclusively to personalities of the rank of Head of State in recognition of outstanding achievement or to express esteem.
  21. 1 June 2011: President Kagame was awarded the Chello Foundation Humanitarian Award 2011 for his “outstanding leadership of the Republic of Rwanda since 1994”
  22. 1 September 2011: THE International Olympic Committee (IOC) awarded President Paul Kagame with the 2010 IOC award for 'Inspiring Young People' around the world
  23. On 7 November 2011, AERG (Association des Etudiants Rescapes du Genocide) awarded Kagame "... in recognition of his efforts and courage to stop the Genocide as he led the Rwanda Patriotic Army,", at the cerebration of AERG 15th Anniversary
 As International is an international nonpartisan charity organization devoted to defending human rights. It’s an organization working to promote democracy and national reconciliation, inside countries of the African Great lakes Region.

As International centers its work on the twin concepts of freedom of self-determination and freedom from tyranny. These ideals include the belief that all human beings have the rights to speak freely, to associate with those of like mind, and to leave and enter their countries. Individuals in a free society must be accorded equal treatment and due process under law, and must have the opportunity to participate in the governments of their countries;

As International’s ideals likewise find expression in the conviction that all human beings have the right to be free from arbitrary detainment or exile and from interference and coercion in matters of conscience. ASI does not support nor condone violence.

The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
Friday, August 17, 2012

The RPF government is also accused of  illegal detention, torture, enforced disappearance, attempted assassinations of political opponents, restrictions on the freedom of speech and press, violence toward journalists and human rights advocates, discrimination against the majority Hutu.

by Chris McGreal in Washington - The Guardian.co.uk

The head of the US war crimes office has warned Rwanda's leaders, including President Paul Kagame, that they could face prosecution at the international criminal court for arming groups responsible for atrocities in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Related articles:

by Kevin Jon Heller

Rwandese and Congolese to the ICC: Indict Kagame
y Ann Garrison

The United States of America seems to have no permanent enemy or friend, but permanent interests. In pursuit of its interests, the US has created dictators in many countries gotten rid of them when they ‘threaten’ the US interests. Potentates like Mobutu, Hosni Mubarak and Ali Saleh were left to face the wrath of the mass after they proved to be a liability to the US. Dictators such as Theodoro Nguema Obiang, Denis Sassou-Ngwesso and Ali Bongo are still in power plundering and ruining their countries as they deem fit simply because they have not yet proved to be dangerous or independent minded in dealing with the US.
Rwanda, since its resurrection from the 100-day massacre became the darling of the West. Nobody lectured Paul Kagame on democracy or Human Rights.
Those who failed to interfere to stop genocide in 1994, especially the so-called world powers, had to pat him on the back to silence him from accusing them of their failure. Those who still remember how the international community failed Rwanda, wonder how Kagame would be key to the destabilization of DRC that was destabilized since it gained independence. Many still remember how the CIA killed the founder of DRC Patrice Lumumba and handed over power to puppet and thief Joseph Mobutu who ruined and plundered DRC for decades. Many wonder how, ironically, DRC 'stability and prosperity' can be in the agenda of the country that toppled and killed its founder. Still many wonder how invading, plundering and destabilizing DRC would be a crime while doing the same to Iraq would be deemed legal! What a contradiction!
Currently, the lovey dovey relationship between Kagame and The West has been stained. All results from the poisoned chalice known as DRC. Kagame is now openly assaulted and accused of aiding M23, a ragtag rebel group in DRC in order to destabilize the already destabilized DRC. Before long, Kagame and Museveni invaded DRC under the pretext of repelling and seeking to arrest Hutu militias. This reason was accepted for a while before the true motive came to the agora. Seriously, Kagame is threatened and warned that he can be indicted by the International Criminal Court in The Hague just like Taylor who was recently found guilty and sentenced to serve 50 years in the prison.

Stephen Rapp
The Head of US war crimes office

Some western countries have announced the suspension of financial aid to Rwanda. This is a warning to Kagame to behave well. One Stephen Rapp, who leads the US Office of Global Criminal Justice was recently quoted by the Guardian saying, “Charles Taylor never set foot in Sierra Leone, and aided and abetted, and was convicted of aiding and abetting, the Revolutionary United Front with assistance that was substantial and, the judges said, without which the RUF could not have committed the atrocities to the extent they did commit them. Because of that evidence, Charles Taylor was convicted and sentenced to 50 years." if anything, this is a clear message to Kigali that the US can change the rules of the game anytime if at all and when at all.

Kagame remains at large despite war crimes
crimes against humanity and genocide he com-
mitted in both Rwanda and Democratic
Republic of the Congo

Will Kagame be cowered by such moves? Will he stand his ground to see to it that the real truth about DRC is known so that the world could judge? Is the US morally competent to point a finger at Kagame for destabilizing the country it destabilized since its independence? Let’s do justice for Kagame even if we don’t like him anymore.

By Nkwazi Mhango.

The author is a Canada-based Tanzanian and author of Saa Ya Ukombozi.

Comment on this article!

The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine

The Hague, 17th August 2012


Today Friday 17 August 2012, at 11:30, the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague has received the complaint formally presented by opposition parties FDU-Inkingi, Rwandan National Congress (RNC), Congolese organisations and members of civil society Women's International Network for Peace and Development (RIFDP - Canada, Belgium, Netherlands).

Counsel Barrister Christopher C. Black and Nkiko Nsengimana on behalf of the platform FDU-Inkingi/RNC and other complainants submitted the dossier. The ICC acknowledged with a letter of receipt herewith attached.
We wish to invite Rwandans, Congolese, Africans and the rest of the international community to support this demand for justice.



Dr. Nkiko Nsengimana

Lausanne, Switzerland



Interim Committee,


Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa,

Washington DC, USA






Whereas Article 15 (1) of the Statute of Rome states that “The Prosecutor may initiate investigations proprio motu on the basis of information on crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court.” And,

Whereas Article 53 of the Statute requires the Prosecutor to “initiate an investigation unless he or she determines there is no reasonable basis to proceed…” and

Whereas it is a matter of public record that the Security Council published on June 27, 2012 a Letter dated 26 June 2012 from the Chair of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to the resolution 1533 (2004) concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo addressed to the President of the Security Council and its associated Addendum (the Addendum) and,

Whereas the said Addendum presents findings of the Group of Experts that provide a reasonable basis to conclude that crimes within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court have been and are being committed by Paul Kagame and others under his command and control, and

Whereas the Complainants, the United Forces For Democracy in Rwanda (FDU), the Rwanda National Congress (RNC), le Reseau International des Femmes pour la Democratie et la Paix (RIFDP), represent significant elements of the civil society in Rwanda and L’Association Pour la Promotion de la Democratie et du Developpement de la RDC (APRODEC) and Congonova, represent significant elements of the civil society of the Democratic Republic of Congo (the DRC)

Stephen Rapp 
Leader of the US Office of Global Criminal Justice
 And Remembering that the States Parties to the Statute stated in the Preamble to the Statute that they are “Determined to put an end to impunity for the perpetrators of these crimes and thus to contribute to the prevention of such crimes”;

The Complainants hereby draw the attention of the Prosecutor to the Addendum that sets out the facts that the Rwandan authorities led by President Paul Kagame, and including his minister of defence, General
James Kaberebe, the Rwandan Defence Forces Chief of Staff, General Charles Kayonga and the Rwandan Defence Permanent Secretary, Brigadier General Jack Nziza have
  1. Provided direct military assistance to the M23 rebellion inside the DRC including the use of children under the age of 18 as M23 combatants as described at paragraph 19 of the Addendum which constitutes a war crime under Article 8(b)(xxvi) and 8(e)(vii) of the Statute,
  2. Forced former enemy combatants of the Democratic Forces For the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) to serve with units sent by the Rwanda Defence Forces to reinforce M23 which constitutes a war crime under Article 8(2)(a)(v) that forbids compelling a prisoner of war or other protected person to serve in the forces of a hostile power as described in paragraphs 20 and 21 of the addendum, and note President Paul Kagame’s criminal responsibility, and that of the other named officers under his authority, for these crimes under Article 28 of the Statute regarding their superior responsibility.
The Complainants further recall the DRC Final Report (the Mapping Report) of June 2010 made to the Secretary-General of the United Nations by Madame Navanethem Pillay, United Nations Commissioner For Human Rights and that, among other crimes therein set out it is stated at paragraphs 20-33 that the armed forces of Rwanda and of the DRC committed genocide against the Hutu ethnic group in the DRC (Zaire). During the entire period of time in which these crimes were committed Paul Kagame had command
responsibility over the Rwandan armed forces.

The Complainants further recall the Report made by Robert Gersony to the UNHCR on October 11, 1994 a written summary of which is attached, in which Mr. Gersony stated that Rwanda Patriotic Army forces under the command of Major General Paul Kagame committed systematic and sustained killings of Hutu civilians in Rwanda between April and July 1994 and recall the report made by ICTR Lead Investigator, Michael Hourigan to the UN Office of Internal Oversight (OIOS) of August 1, 1997 (Hourigan
Report), echoing the report he gave to ICTR prosecutor Louise Arbour, that Paul Kagame was responsible for the shooting down of the presidential plane carrying President Habyarimana of Rwanda and President Ntaryamira, President of Burundi and others.

While neither the Mapping Report nor the Gersony Report nor the Hourigan Report provide evidence of crimes within the jurisdiction of the ICC they do provide clear evidence of a continuing and systematic pattern of criminal conduct on the part of Paul Kagame in the great lakes region which goes to the strength of the case against him regarding the crimes for which he is responsible within the jurisdiction of the ICC.

The Complainants also note that the Gersony Report and Hourigan Report were, among other evidence of crimes against humanity committed by Paul Kagame, in the possession of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal (ICTR) for Rwanda and are public documents made exhibits in trials at the ICTR and yet the various Prosecutors of the ICTR refused to prosecute Paul Kagame for his crimes thereby providing him with complete immunity from prosecution and a resulting sense of impunity and this impunity thereby encouraged him to commit further crimes in the DRC without fear of punishment.

The Complainants therefore request the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to act on the information provided herein and to commence an investigation as requested with a view to laying charges against Paul Kagame and any other person or persons complicit in these crimes and to confirm to the world that no one has impunity for crimes committed within the jurisdiction of the ICC.

Submitted at the The Hague, this 17th Day of August, 2012

Christopher C. Black Barrister
Counsel to the Complainants

The Hague,

The Netherlands

The Hague, 17th August 2012




Today Friday 17 August 2012, at 11:30, the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague has received the complaint formally presented by opposition parties FDU-Inkingi, Rwandan National Congress (RNC), Congolese organisations and members of civil society Women's International Network for Peace and
Development (RIFDP - Canada, Belgium, Netherlands).

Counsel Barrister Christopher C. Black and Nkiko Nsengimana on behalf of the platform FDU-Inkingi/RNC and other complainants submitted the dossier. The ICC acknowledged with a letter of receipt herewith attached.

We wish to invite Rwandans, Congolese, Africans and the rest of the international community to support this demand for justice.

Dr. Nkiko Nsengimana
Lausanne, Switzerland

Interim Committee,
Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa,
Washington DC, USA
As International is an international nonpartisan charity organization devoted to defending human rights. It’s an organization working to promote democracy and national reconciliation, inside countries of the African Great lakes Region.

As International centers its work on the twin concepts of freedom of self-determination and freedom from tyranny. These ideals include the belief that all human beings have the rights to speak freely, to associate with those of like mind, and to leave and enter their countries. Individuals in a free society must be accorded equal treatment and due process under law, and must have the opportunity to participate in the governments of their countries;

As International’s ideals likewise find expression in the conviction that all human beings have the right to be free from arbitrary detainment or exile and from interference and coercion in matters of conscience. ASI does not support nor condone violence.

  The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
Thursday, August 16, 2012

[Since 1994, the world witnesses the horrifying reality : the Tutsi minority (14%) ethnic domination, the Tutsi minority ethnic rule, tyranny and corruption in Rwanda. The current government has been characterized by the total impunity of RPF criminals, the Tutsi economic monopoly, the Tutsi militaristic domination with an iron fist, and the brutal suppression of the rights of the majority of the Rwandan people (85% are Hutus), mass-arrests and mass-murder by the RPF criminal organization.

So long as justice and accountability for RPF past and current crimes are ignored and delayed, Peace and Stability will remain illusive and impossible in Rwanda=>As International]

Rwanda - Kigali
By Clive Muhenga, Kigali
The Rwandan parliament recently passed a law authorizing high-ranking security officials to monitor email and telephone conversations of individuals considered potential threats to the national security. Although the law is secretly rejected by most Rwandan citizens around the country, only opposition militants in exile dare to openly denounce what they call a text dictated by fear and violence.

In Rwanda, the chief of police, the army commander and the head of the intelligence services are all allowed to monitor the communications of anyone suspected of threatening national security. The law, which has just been passed by Parliament, also prohibits accessing banned websites or reading certain materials.

Reading documents considered subversive by the government is equated with complicity with the author and carries the same sentence. “It means that if I were to call Patrick Karegeya or read his party’s communiqué, I would be punishable by law,” comments an independent journalist who wishes to remain anonymous.

Colonel Karegeya, former head of military intelligence under President Paul Kagame’s regime, is currently in exile in South Africa with General Faustin Kayumba Nyamwasa, the former Army Chief of Staff. Two years ago, they formed the Rwanda National Congress (RNC), together with other defectors of Kagame’s administration. The party continuously calls for the Rwandan president’s departure.

Anything and everything
“[The law] means that we are now at the mercy of these three big men of the police, army and intelligence, because the threat to national security is an umbrella charge than can include anything and everything,” explains a young lawyer, who also doesn’t want to reveal his name. “It’s a means of silencing us. It’s censorship, plain and simple,” says a young university student.

On local radio stations only a few voices have criticised the law, denouncing the violation of individual privacy. In a reaction, the Rwandan Interior Minister, Fazil Harerimana, announced a campaign to explain the wisdom behind the law.

Gripped by fear

The most virulent criticism comes from Rwandans in exile. “This is another sign proving that the regime in Kigali is totalitarian,” says Eugène Ndayaho, vice president of the oppositional United Democratic Forces (UDF). The UDF is the party of opposition leader Victoire Ingabire who is being tried for allegedly collaborating with terrorist groups.

“The government is in fact only legalising a long-time practice,” says Ndayaho, who lives in France. “Even Ingabire fell victim to it. It’s a new step in the enforcement of laws that destroy freedom. The regime is protecting itself through dictatorial practices based on fear and violence.” His view is shared by exiled journalist Amiel Nkuriza, who sees in the new law “evidence that the regime is gripped by fear.”

Crush the opposition

The new legislation is an addition to other recently adopted laws on genocide ideology and sectarianism, which sparked wide criticism from international human rights organisations. Amnesty International, for example, called in a 2010 report for the amendment of these laws that are written in vague terms, claiming that the Rwandan government is using them to crush any opposition and silence free speech. The revision process for the law on genocide ideology is currently underway.

As International is an international nonpartisan charity organization devoted to defending human rights. It’s an organization working to promote democracy and national reconciliation, inside countries of the African Great lakes Region.

As International centers its work on the twin concepts of freedom of self-determination and freedom from tyranny. These ideals include the belief that all human beings have the rights to speak freely, to associate with those of like mind, and to leave and enter their countries. Individuals in a free society must be accorded equal treatment and due process under law, and must have the opportunity to participate in the governments of their countries;

As International’s ideals likewise find expression in the conviction that all human beings have the right to be free from arbitrary detainment or exile and from interference and coercion in matters of conscience. ASI does not support nor condone violence.

The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
Monday, August 13, 2012


Et les peuples d’autres puissances économico-stratégiques du monde.

Vous qui êtes à la pointe de la science et des technologies !

Vous qui maîtrisez le droit et les méthodes d’investigation sur tout dans le monde !

Vos services et organismes de défense de droit de l’homme savent bien

Ce qui se passe dans le monde et surtout à l’est de la RDC!

Etes-vous dignes de vous ou n’êtes-vous que l’ombre de vous-mêmes ?

Etes-vous démocrates, humanistes et respectueux de droits de l’homme ?

Voyez, vous avez créé la Cour Internationale de la Justice

Et la Cour Pénale Internationale pour juger et sanctionner au besoin

Criminels et autres scélérats du monde entier !

La littérature de vos peuples vous dépeint comme suffisamment humains

Et sensibles aux souffrances humaines !
Avez-vous vu ce qu’endurent les populations de l’est de la RDC ?

Avez-vous remarqué le cataclysme humanitaire qui y bat son plein ?

Le Congo est comme quelqu’un qu’on a suspendu dans le vide

Par des cordes subtiles et à peine visibles

Et qui court sans avancer,
Qui déploie des efforts sans en voir les effets !

La RDC est toujours tirée par derrière par des ficelles occultes

Que vous, Grands de la planète, voyez ou connaissez

Et que vous pouvez tout d’un coup ou d’une seule décision couper.

Mais pourquoi ne le faites-vous pas et laissez-vous perdurer la tragédie des Congolais ?

Voulez-vous sacrifier les majorités pour les minorités ?

Les millions des morts Congolais ne valent-ils rien à vos yeux

Comparativement à quelques centaines de milliers des morts rwandais par le génocide ?

La RDC pleure et enterre sans cesse ses morts !

Elle est désemparée devant son cortège de malheurs et complications !

Elle est sans cesse endeuillée par des guerres à répétition

Et dont les motivations sont le mercantilisme occidental

Qui se sert de quelques affairistes voisins de la RDC.

N’avez-vous pas de cœur face aux horreurs inimaginables vécues par des Congolais ?

Etes-vous démocrates, respectueux de droits de l’homme, assis sur la justice

Ou n’êtes- vous que des pharisiens dont l’hypocrisie célèbre brouille et malmène la terre ?

D’un seul mot, en un clin d’œil, le deuil et la potence congolais peuvent être enrayés

Si vous le voulez vraiment !
Les Congolais sont atrocement meurtris et développent déjà

L’âme de révoltés ou de vindicatifs !

Ne craignez-vous pas qu’un autre génocide décime encore des vies innocentes

Dans le rift africain ?

O RDC, ceux qui doivent te rendre justice semblent être juges et parties

Dans ton procès contre tes ennemis est-africains qui pillent tes villages,

Violent tes filles, pillent tes richesses et qui déciment tout à leur passage

Dans tes murs !

O RDC, l’oubliée et l’holocauste du monde entier !

Le Rwanda peut-il parler devant toi s’il n’avait pas d’appui secret ?

Maintenant, le Rwanda a pris goût à s’enrichir sur ton dos

Alléguant lutter contre les forces négatives disséminées sur ton sol.

Maintenant, le bourreau crie malignement à l’épuration ethnique contre les Aryens africains,

As-tu RDC conscientiser tes enfants pour qu’ils lèvent comme un seul homme

Contre l’ennemi !

Regarde que depuis ton indépendance, les puissances du monde s’activent

A te balkaniser ou à spolier tes ressources, RDC !

Vas-tu toujours courber l’échine face à ceux qui sont à la base de tes misères et sinistres ?

Les cris de douleur et de détresse des Congolais sont montés jusqu’au ciel,

Qui, de par le monde, ne les a pas entendus ?

Qui n’a pas vu les images cataclysmiques de la RDC ?

Qui s’est précipité à rendre justice aux Congolais ?

Qui a pris la bonne décision pour éviter le pire dans le rift africain ?

Qui s’est mis à la place des Congolais pour comprendre leur deuil ?

Qui a eu pitié des Congolais qui se tordent des douleurs atroces au quotidien ?

Qui s’est comporté à leur égard comme un bon ami ?

RDC, serais-tu donc l’holocauste de l’utilitarisme mondial le plus cynique et obstiné ?

O Américains, Britanniques, Français

Et les peuples d’autres puissances économico-stratégiques du monde.

Vous qui êtes à la pointe de la science et des technologies !

Vous qui maîtrisez le droit et les méthodes d’investigation sur tout dans le monde !

Vos services et organismes de défense de droit de l’homme savent bien

Ce qui se passe dans le monde et surtout à l’est de la RDC!

Etes-vous dignes de vous ou n’êtes-vous que l’ombre de vous-mêmes ?

Etes-vous démocrates, humanistes et respectueux de droits de l’homme ?

Voyez, vous avez créé la Cour Internationale de la Justice

Et la Cour Pénale Internationale pour juger et sanctionner au besoin

Criminels et autres scélérats du monde entier !

La littérature de vos peuples vous dépeint comme suffisamment humains

Et sensibles aux souffrances humaines !

Avez-vous vu ce qu’endurent les populations de l’est de la RDC ?

Avez-vous remarqué le cataclysme humanitaire qui y bat son plein ?


As International is an international nonpartisan charity organization devoted to defending human rights. It’s an organization working to promote democracy and national reconciliation, inside countries of the African Great lakes Region.

As International centers its work on the twin concepts of freedom of self-determination and freedom from tyranny. These ideals include the belief that all human beings have the rights to speak freely, to associate with those of like mind, and to leave and enter their countries. Individuals in a free society must be accorded equal treatment and due process under law, and must have the opportunity to participate in the governments of their countries;

As International’s ideals likewise find expression in the conviction that all human beings have the right to be free from arbitrary detainment or exile and from interference and coercion in matters of conscience. ASI does not support nor condone violence.

The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine

Everyone has heard of the 1994 Rwandan genocide

Everyone has heard of the 1994 Rwandan genocide
The so-called “hundred days” is either a distortion, a misrepresentation or a downright lie.

Rights of Victims Seeking Justice

Rights of Victims Seeking Justice
Survivors Speak Out: Advocating for Justice and Compensation for Victims of the RPF Genocide We are thrilled to announce an exciting new collaborative project, spearheaded by Jean-Christophe Nizeyimana, the esteemed economist and human rights activist, as the founder of AS International. This initiative aims to amplify the voices of survivors and shed light on the ongoing quest for justice and reparations. Join us to uncover critical insights about the mastermind behind the Rwandan Genocide who remains at large, evading accountability. Stay informed and take part in this vital movement for justice and human rights.


I am Jean-Christophe Nizeyimana, an Economist, Content Manager, and EDI Expert, driven by a passion for human rights activism. With a deep commitment to advancing human rights in Africa, particularly in the Great Lakes region, I established this blog following firsthand experiences with human rights violations in Rwanda and in the DRC (formerly Zaïre) as well. My journey began with collaborations with Amnesty International in Utrecht, the Netherlands, and with human rights organizations including Human Rights Watch and a conference in Helsinki, Finland, where I was a panelist with other activists from various countries. My mission is to uncover the untold truth about the ongoing genocide in Rwanda and the DRC. As a dedicated voice for the voiceless, I strive to raise awareness about the tragic consequences of these events and work tirelessly to bring an end to the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF)'s impunity. This blog is a platform for Truth and Justice, not a space for hate. I am vigilant against hate speech or ignorant comments, moderating all discussions to ensure a respectful and informed dialogue at African Survivors International Blog.

Human and Civil Rights

Human Rights, Mutual Respect and Dignity For all Rwandans : Hutus - Tutsis - Twas

Rwanda: A mapping of crimes

Rwanda: A mapping of crimes in the book "In Praise of Blood, the crimes of the RPF by Judi Rever Be the last to know: This video talks about unspeakable Kagame's crimes committed against Hutu, before, during and after the genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda. The mastermind of both genocide is still at large: Paul Kagame

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Kibeho Concetration Camp.

Mass murderers C. Sankara

Stephen Sackur’s Hard Talk.

Prof. Allan C. Stam

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Prof. Christian Davenport

The Unstoppable Truth Prof. Christian Davenport Michigan University & Faculty Associate at the Center for Political Studies

The killing Fields - Part 1

The Unstoppable Truth

The killing Fields - Part II

The Unstoppable Truth

Daily bread for Rwandans

The Unstoppable Truth

The killing Fields - Part III

The Unstoppable Truth

Time has come: Regime change

Drame rwandais- justice impartiale

Carla Del Ponte, Ancien Procureur au TPIR:"Le drame rwandais mérite une justice impartiale" - et réponse de Gerald Gahima

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Credible reports camps sheltering 2,500 million refugees in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have been destroyed. The UN refugee agency says it has credible reports camps sheltering 2,5 milion refugees in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have been destroyed.

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Everything happens for a reason

Bad things are going to happen in your life, people will hurt you, disrespect you, play with your feelings.. But you shouldn't use that as an excuse to fail to go on and to hurt the whole world. You will end up hurting yourself and wasting your precious time. Don't always think of revenging, just let things go and move on with your life. Remember everything happens for a reason and when one door closes, the other opens for you with new blessings and love.

Hutus didn't plan Tutsi Genocide

Kagame, the mastermind of Rwandan Genocide (Hutu & tutsi)

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