Rwanda: Cartographie des crimes
Let us remember Our People
You can't stop thinking
Welcome to Home Truths
Everybody Hurts
Paul Kagame admits ordering...
Why did Kagame this to me?
Inzira ndende
Hutu Children & their Mums
Ways To Get Rid of Kagame
- The people should overthrow the Rwandan dictator (often put in place by foreign agencies) and throw him, along with his henchmen and family, out of the country – e.g., the Shah of Iran, Marcos of Philippines.Compaore of Burkina Faso
- Rwandans organize a violent revolution and have the dictator killed – e.g., Ceaucescu in Romania.
- Foreign powers (till then maintaining the dictator) force the dictator to exile without armed intervention – e.g. Mátyás Rákosi of Hungary was exiled by the Soviets to Kirgizia in 1970 to “seek medical attention”.
- Foreign powers march in and remove the dictator (whom they either instated or helped earlier) – e.g. Saddam Hussein of Iraq or Manuel Noriega of Panama.
- The dictator kills himself in an act of desperation – e.g., Hitler in 1945.
- The dictator is assassinated by people near him – e.g., Julius Caesar of Rome in 44 AD was stabbed by 60-70 people (only one wound was fatal though).
- Organise strikes and unrest to paralyze the country and convince even the army not to support the dictaor – e.g., Jorge Ubico y Castañeda was ousted in Guatemala in 1944 and Guatemala became democratic, Recedntly in Burkina Faso with the dictator Blaise Compaoré.
Almighty God :Justice for US
Killing Hutus on daily basis
RPF Trade Mark: Akandoya
Fighting For Our Freedom?
Madame, Monsieur,
Je vous écris au nom d'African SurViVors International, une organisation
dédiée à la défense des droits et à la protection des survivants de guerres, de
génocides et de déplacements, en particulier dans la région des Grands Lacs d'Afrique.
Notre mission est de promouvoir les droits humains et de contribuer aux efforts
de reconstruction post-conflit pour les communautés affectées au Rwanda, au
Burundi et en République Démocratique du Congo.
Nous sollicitons d’urgence votre intervention en faveur de M. Muhima
Marcel, également connu sous le nom de Rasta, un réfugié rwandais actuellement
détenu en Ouganda. Nous craignons gravement que M. Marcel soit déporté au
Rwanda, où il fait face à une menace imminente pour sa vie sous le régime de
Kagame, connu pour son histoire bien documentée de violations des droits de
l'homme. Les actions du gouvernement rwandais, notamment les exécutions
extrajudiciaires, la torture et les arrestations arbitraires de ses
détracteurs, sont largement reconnues, et M. Marcel court un grand risque de
devenir la dernière victime de ce régime oppressif.
Outre le cas de M. Marcel, nous sommes également profondément préoccupés
par le procès à venir du Dr Charles Onana, prévu les 7, 8, 10 et 11 octobre. Le
Dr Onana est un journaliste d'investigation et auteur respecté, qui s’est
inlassablement efforcé de dévoiler les atrocités commises par le régime de
Kagame, y compris son rôle dans l'orchestration du génocide rwandais et le
massacre de plus de 15 millions de Rwandais et de Congolais. Il est faussement
accusé de négationnisme du génocide – une tactique souvent utilisée par le
gouvernement rwandais pour faire taire ceux qui osent remettre en question son
discours officiel. Le Dr Onana est la voix des sans-voix, et sa persécution
représente un effort plus large du FPR de Kagame et de ses alliés pour réprimer
la vérité et punir la dissidence.
Nous vous exhortons à enquêter sur la détention de M. Marcel et sur le procès inique du Dr Onana, afin d'assurer leur sécurité et de défendre leurs droits fondamentaux. La communauté internationale ne doit pas fermer les yeux sur la persécution continue des critiques et la répression brutale de la liberté d'expression au Rwanda. Les destins tragiques de personnalités telles que Paul Rusesabagina, Mr. Bwanakweli Charles Kizito, Mme Domitille Uwimana, Kizito Mihigo, Mme Idamange Ivonne, M. Deo Mushayidi, M. Théoneste, M. Hassan, M. Rashid, Ntamuhanga et bien d'autres sont des rappels poignants de la volonté du gouvernement rwandais d’éliminer ceux qu'il perçoit comme des menaces.
Nous en appelons également à Amnesty International, à Human Rights Watch,
aux Nations Unies et à d'autres organismes internationaux pour qu'ils fassent
pression en faveur d'enquêtes impartiales sur les abus commis par le
gouvernement rwandais, tant à l'intérieur qu'à l'extérieur du pays. La
communauté internationale doit tenir pour responsables ceux qui sont impliqués
dans la persécution, la disparition et la mort de Rwandais et de Congolais
innocents. Des mesures fermes, y compris des sanctions ciblées, doivent être
prises contre les hauts responsables du gouvernement et de l'armée rwandais
complices de ces crimes.
Nous appelons le Parlement européen et la communauté internationale au sens
large à agir rapidement pour protéger la vie de personnes vulnérables comme M.
Marcel et le Dr Onana, en veillant à ce que justice soit rendue et qu’ils ne
soient pas réduits au silence pour avoir dit la vérité.
Enfin, nous sommes profondément préoccupés par les conditions des détenus
dans les centres de détention secrets du FPR. Nous demandons des garanties du
Conseil des droits de l’homme des Nations Unies quant au traitement humain de
tous les détenus conformément au droit international, et exigeons la libération
immédiate de ceux qui sont injustement emprisonnés.
Nous vous prions de bien vouloir accorder une attention immédiate à cette
affaire. La vie de M. Muhima Marcel et du Dr Charles Onana est en danger, et le
temps presse. Les principes de démocratie, de justice et de droits de l'homme
exigent une intervention rapide pour empêcher de nouvelles atrocités.
Nous vous remercions de votre attention et de votre soutien aux peuples
rwandais et congolais dans leur quête de justice et de droits humains. Urgent Action Needed -
Imminent Threat to Mr. Muhima Marcel and Unjust Trial of Dr. Charles Onana
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing on behalf of African SurViVors International, an
organization dedicated to advocating for the protection and rights of survivors
of war, genocide, and displacement, particularly in the African Great Lakes
Region. Our mission is to promote human rights and contribute to post-war
reconstruction efforts for affected communities in Rwanda, Burundi, and the
Democratic Republic of Congo.
We urgently request your intervention on behalf of Mr. Muhima Marcel, also known as Rasta, a Rwandan refugee currently
detained in Uganda. There is grave concern that Mr. Marcel may be deported to
Rwanda, where he faces an imminent threat to his life under the Kagame regime,
which has a well-documented history of violating human rights. The Rwandan
government’s actions, including extrajudicial killings, torture, and arbitrary
arrests of its critics, are well known, and Mr. Marcel is at great risk of
becoming the latest victim of this oppressive regime.
In addition to Mr. Marcel’s case,
we are also deeply concerned about the upcoming trial of Dr. Charles Onana, scheduled for October 7th, 8th, 10th, and 11th.
Dr. Onana is a respected investigative journalist and author who has tirelessly
worked to expose the atrocities committed by the Kagame regime, including its
role in orchestrating the Rwandan genocide and the mass killing of more than 15
million Rwandan and Congolese people. He is being falsely accused of genocide
denial—a tactic often used by the Rwandan government to silence those who dare to
challenge its official narrative. Dr. Onana is a voice for the voiceless, and
his persecution represents a broader effort by Kagame's RPF and its allies to
suppress the truth and punish dissent.
We appeal to you to investigate both Mr. Marcel's detention and Dr. Onana's unjust trial, ensuring their
safety and calling for the protection of their fundamental human rights. The
international community must not turn a blind eye to the ongoing persecution of
critics and the brutal repression of free speech in Rwanda. The tragic fates of
figures like Paul Rusesabagina, Kizito Mihigo,Mrs. Idamange Ivonne, Mr. Deo
Mushayidi, Mr. Theoneste, Mr. Hassan, Mr. Rashid, Ntamuhanga and others are
stark reminders of the Rwandan government’s readiness to eliminate those it deems
a threat.
We further call upon Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the
United Nations, and other international bodies to press for impartial
investigations into the abuses committed by the Rwandan government, both
domestically and abroad. The international community must hold accountable
those responsible for the persecution, disappearance, and deaths of innocent
Rwandans and Congolese. Strong measures, including targeted sanctions, must be
taken against high-ranking officials of the Rwandan government and military who
are complicit in these crimes.
We appeal to the European Parliament and the wider international
community to act swiftly to protect the lives of vulnerable individuals like
Mr. Marcel and Dr. Onana, ensuring that justice is served and that they are not
silenced for speaking the truth.
Finally, we are deeply concerned about the conditions of detainees held
in secret RPF detention centers. We ask for assurances from the UN Human Rights
Council that all detainees are treated humanely in accordance with
international law, and we demand the immediate release of those unjustly
We respectfully request your immediate attention and action in this
matter. The lives of Mr. Muhima Marcel
and Dr. Charles Onana are in danger,
and time is of the essence. The principles of democracy, justice, and human
rights demand swift intervention to prevent further atrocities.
Thank you for your consideration and for standing with the people of
Rwanda and the Congo in their quest for justice and human rights.
So long as justice and accountability for RPF past and current crimes are ignored and delayed, Peace and Stability will remain illusive and impossible in Rwanda=>ASIF]
RPF Mass-murder, arbitrary executions, mass-arrest, mass-rape and disappearances of hundreds of thousands of returnees
Observances and remembrance activities can occur during the week of Remembrance that runs from the Sunday 16, 2011 through the following Sunday 23, 2011.
Yes we must always remember the Rwandan Genocide Day!
The deadliest years : 1996-1997: the years of the infamous mass murder of refugees in Zaïre (currently the
Candles in honor of and pay tribute to the hundreds of thousands of returnees,, victims of RPF barbarism.
Mr. Bwanakweli Charles Kizito. My brother disappeared on January 23, 1997 He certainly got murdered by Kagame's death squad |
Genocaust, Gendercide, mass murder, ethnic cleansing with extreme hatred, etc. We have waited long enough to see if the world still has any conscience to bring even masterminds of those bloody mass-slaughter. So right now Rwandans should launch the final onslaught to liberate themselves forever from the clutches of RPF and Kagame oppression and cannot afford to continue to fold their hands and watch Clinton and Blair's evil Angel of Destruction. Côte d'Ivoire and Tunisia are the best patterns of nations to take care of themselves.
We had thought that somebody would have known that it is cheaper to prevent sickness than to cure it but the world seems to say bring on the sickness so we can deal with it. Nobody can justifiably pontificate and condemn any form of action Rwandans might employ now to defend and extricate themselves from this Evil – General Paul Kagame and Tony Blair, his adviser.
It only makes sense that the world should justify the usefulness of the various regulatory and arbitration bodies it has put in place by acting now in the case of Eastern of Congo and FDLR issues to end the Rwandan Tyrannical regime. Such a situation can't remains the same forever.
The prefectures of Ruhengeri and Gisenyi have suffered the highest number of the very planed massacres and extra judicial executions by RPA soldiers. Amnesty International has received countless reports of unarmed civilians being killed there by the RPA, in the wake of reported attacks by "infiltrators".
Bwanakweli Charles Kizito disappeared on January 23rd 1997 and has never come back |
Domitille Abimana gang-raped at the Gisenyi gendermerie, her one-year son Nshuti, 2 daughters Diane 6 and Rosette 8 years old raped and thrown into Kivu lake |
Returnees were facing arbitrary mass arrest or disappearance, rape and mass-rape, the use of Aids as a weapon of war by RDF and local defense militias, children are brainwashed, arbitrary executions and mass murder in different public places including churches and schools during wedding ceremonies and meetings. One man talked of how those who have recently returned have told him that Rwanda is not safe: they said that people are taken to Gacaca and on clearing they are again collected from their homes and disappear according to the planed genocide obviously from the 1,500-pages reporting names of the must-be Hutus murdered issued by the written made-up African Rights organization.
Individually their names might be cleared, but the ongoing ramifications of being associated with the genocide continue to haunt people. Those who were guilty and have been punished continue to live with the threat of future punishment for the same crime, while those who are innocent but are associated with the genocide however tenuously continue to live under suspicion.
It has been a seventy years of harrowing and most tortuous time for us but our patience has run out and we can no longer watch helplessly while Kagame, Tony Blair and their accomplices relish in the wanton destruction of the Rwandan majority properties and murder of their children, mothers, fathers, wives, brothers, sisters and friends.
It is only just in this life that the guilty be made to pay even when justice served does not reverse the loss but it will palliate or ameliorate the agony of the victim. Today the level of human rights abuses as practiced in Rwanda are abhorring and cannot be condoned any longer. To get an idea about what is going on in Rwanda, browse in our blog.
This stand is non-negotiable because all the people, Rwandans and Congolese people (over 6 million) who have been murdered by General Kagame were murdered for one purpose : Blood oil, bloody diamonds bloody tin and gold.
The world must be held responsible until this festering sore has been addressed and justice meted out.
The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
[Since 1994, the world witnesses the horrifying Tutsi minority (14%) ethnic domination, the Tutsi minority ethnic rule with an iron hand, tyranny and corruption in Rwanda. The current government has been characterized by the total impunity of RPF criminals, the Tutsi economic monopoly, the Tutsi militaristic domination, and the brutal suppression of the rights of the majority of the Rwandan people (85% are Hutus)and mass arrests of Hutus by the RPF criminal organization =>AS International]
Rwanda: Cover-Up Negates Killings
(Brussels) – A report published on October 13, 2017 by Rwanda’s National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR) attempting to discredit Human Rights Watch documentation of extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances is full of falsehoods, compounding the injustice and abuse suffered by the victims’ families, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch has found that Rwandan government officials threatened and coerced victims’ family members to present false information about what happened to their loved ones. Human Rights Watch is deeply concerned about the family members’ safety.
Bwanakweli Charles Kizito Disappeared on January 23rd, 1997 He's reported to have be detained and then killed in military camp of Ruhengeri because of his relations to the French people before 1994 |
A France 24 investigation, aired on October 31, found numerous discrepancies in the NCHR report and corroborated the circumstances surrounding four of the summary executions documented by Human Rights Watch.
Since the NCHR report was issued, Human Rights Watch has analyzed the report as well as the statements made during the October 13 news conference and the commission’s presentation to parliament on October 19. Human Rights Watch has also carried out further investigations into some of the killings. Some of the witnesses Human Rights Watch spoke to were shocked to learn what had been alleged in the NCHR report.
A case in point was the extrajudicial killing of Alphonse Majyambere. The NCHR produced a different person at its news conference – with the same name, but from a different sector and almost 30 years older than the person who was killed.
For the case of Elias Habyarimana, killed by security forces in March, the NCHR presented a woman named Pelagie Nikuze who said Habyarimana is her husband and that he is living in Belgium. Human Rights Watch found that the man who is said to be in Belgium is a different person. The man killed in March was a fisherman who never had a passport.
The NCHR acknowledged that Fulgence Rukundo was killed, contending it was for illegally crossing the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo. Yet several villagers confirmed to Human Rights Watch in late October that they and dozens of other people from their village had personally witnessed soldiers executing Rukondo for allegedly stealing and killing a cow on December 6, 2016, in Kiraga cell, several kilometers from the border.
The cases are included in the 40-page July report by Human Rights Watch, “‘All Thieves Must Be Killed’: Extrajudicial Executions in Western Rwanda,” which documents the extrajudicial executions of at least 37 suspected petty offenders and the enforced disappearances of four others between April 2016 and April 2017. Human Rights Watch has since documented at least one additional killing by police of a suspected thief in the same period. Family members were threatened when they tried to recover the bodies of their loved ones, and authorities spoke about the executions in public community meetings, using the killings as a warning to other would-be thieves. Since the Human Rights Watch report was released in July, the killings appear to have stopped.
The Human Rights Watch report is based on research in Rwanda between January and July 2017, including interviews with 119 witnesses to the killings, family members and friends of victims, government officials, and others knowledgeable about the arrests and executions. All interviews were conducted individually and privately. Human Rights Watch explained to each interviewee the purpose of the interview, its voluntary nature, the way the interview would be used, and the fact that no compensation would be provided, in accordance with the methodology Human Rights Watch uses in its research in over 90 countries.
The July report includes the names and other details about all the cases it documented and photos of many of the victims. Human Rights Watch provided a list of cases and requested meetings with Rwandan authorities before publication.
Human Rights Watch stands by its findings and strongly rejects the allegations made by the NCHR. Despite the cover-up in the NCHR report, Human Rights Watch continues to call for a constructive dialogue with the government and the NCHR and remains open to meeting and sharing information before publication of major reports, Human Rights Watch said.
The NCHR report was released three days after Human Rights Watch published a subsequent report documenting the systematic use of torture in Rwanda. Over the course of 10 months, Human Rights Watch repeatedly sought meetings with authorities, including the NCHR, to discuss those research findings. None of these meeting requests were granted.
“Rwandan authorities have disparaged and attacked Human Rights Watch for speaking out about egregious human rights violations, while threatening family and friends of victims who have already suffered immensely,” Sawyer said. “The government should immediately cease all intimidation and harassment of family members and other witnesses, take reports of killings and other grave violations seriously, and join the ranks of countries that work toward respecting fundamental human rights.”
Attempted Cover-Up with Deceptive Cases
Of the extrajudicial executions and enforced disappearances documented by Human Rights Watch, the NCHR claimed that seven individuals are still alive, that four died of natural causes, that six died in “various accidents,” that one was shot by Congolese soldiers, that eight were shot by Rwandan security forces while illegally crossing the border from Congo, that two were shot while resisting arrest, and that 10 others were “not known.”
The NCHR provided the most detailed information on two cases: Alphonse Majyambere and Elias Habyarimana. During the October 13 news conference, the NCHR presented a man named Alphonse Majyambere with a presumably valid national identification card from Bushaka cell, Boneza sector in Rutsiro District. Based on his ID, this man is 64 years old. The Alphonse Majyambere whose summary execution Human Rights Watch documented was from Nyagahinika cell, Kigeyo sector, in the same district. The Majyambere who was killed, a known thief in his village, was born in 1981 – making him around 35 years old at time of death. He was originally from Rukombe village.
In late October, Human Rights Watch spoke with people close to Majyambere in Rukombe who re-confirmed that Majyambere is dead and was killed by security forces in late September 2016. A family member who saw Majyambere’s body told Human Rights Watch on June 14 that, as the police were burying Majyambere’s body, “they announced to the crowd, ‘If we kill and bury him like this, let it be an example to those of you who want to steal.’” The same person told Human Rights Watch in late October that the NCHR report is “pure lies. Do these people think I am too stupid, as someone who saw his body, to not to know he is dead?”
“Alphonse was a vagabond and a thief,” a different witness told Human Rights Watch in late October. “He would steal cows and move to different areas. His death is known. He could not have been an old man. He was born in 1981.”
For the second case, the NCHR presented a woman named Pelagie Nikuze who said she is the wife of one Elias Habyarimana, a former soldier who has been living in Belgium since 2009 and who is originally from Nyarubuye cell in Rutsiro District.
While Human Rights Watch does not discount the existence of Nikuze’s husband, Human Rights Watch had documented the killing of a different Habyarimana in Gabiro cell in Rutsiro District. He was from Nyagahinga Nyagahinga village. Security forces killed this Habyarimana, who was approximately 30 years old, in late March on Lake Kivu for using an illegal fishing net. He was among 11 people executed for using illegal fishing nets in cases documented by Human Rights Watch. In late October, Human Rights Watch re-interviewed people close to Habyarimana and other witnesses to his execution. They confirmed that Habyrimana was indeed killed earlier this year.
“I heard that the government said [Elias] was alive,” someone close to Habyarimana said in late October. “I was shocked when I heard this. Elias is dead.” The Habyarimana who was killed was never a member of the army and was never in possession of a passport, the person said. “He did not even know how to read or write,” the person said. “How can people who did not know him be allowed to say that he is alive and living in Belgium? Instead of helping with his children who were made orphans by the state, they now persecute us with these lies.”
Government Intimidation and Threats
Numerous family members of victims told Human Rights Watch that local authorities had interrogated, threatened, or even detained them since the publication of the July report. Authorities attempted to coerce some family members to provide a false account of what happened to their loved ones. Human Rights Watch has also documented threats to local communities where the killings took place.
For example, in Nyagahinika, a resident said, “In August the local officials had a meeting and said, ‘We know some of you have been speaking to strangers about Majyambere [one of the victims]. Anyone who speaks of his death will have problems with us.” Another family member of a victim told Human Rights Watch that he was threatened repeatedly by local authorities who wanted to know everything he had said to Human Rights Watch.
The family member of another victim said, “In July, the radio talked about those killed by men from the security services in Rubavu and Rutsiro, including [the victim]. The local authorities started to threaten me to know if I was the one who gave this information to Human Rights Watch. Since then, the authorities suspect me. Then they used [the victim’s] second wife to say that [he] died of a disease in the hospital, but this was a pure lie.”
Human Rights Watch is not the only international body concerned with reprisals against those who dare speak out. On October 19, 2017, the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture, invited to visit Rwanda after its 2015 ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture, suspended its trip due to obstruction from the government and a fear of reprisals against people the subcommittee interviewed. It is only the third time in 10 years that the subcommittee has suspended a visit.
Attacks on Human Rights Watch Staff
The NCHR report triggered a torrent of disparaging and unfounded allegations against Human Rights Watch staff from government officials and parliament members. On October 13, Justice Minister Johnston Busingye tweeted allegations that certain staff were sympathetic to the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda, FDLR), a largely Rwandan Hutu armed group active in Congo. On October 19, in an open debate at parliament, a member of parliament called the Human Rights Watch executive director a “dog of genocidaires.”
Human Rights Watch categorically rejects all accusations of collaboration with the FDLR or of political bias. The FDLR includes people who participated in the genocide in Rwanda in 1994 and others who have committed, and continue to commit, horrific human rights abuses in eastern Congo. As the Rwandan government is aware, Human Rights Watch has documented and denounced the FDLR’s abuses in detailed reports and news releases, repeatedly called for those responsible to be brought to justice, and has testified in court about their crimes.
Rwandan officials have repeatedly accused those perceived to be “against” the government of collaboration with exiled opposition groups or armed groups such as the FDLR.
On October 19, the parliament recommended that the government re-evaluate its relationship with Human Rights Watch so that “ignominious acts tarnishing the image of Rwanda and Rwandan people could not continue.” The Memorandum of Understanding between the Justice Ministry and Human Rights Watch, which in theory allows the organization to be registered in Rwanda, expired in June 2017. Human Rights Watch requested a meeting with the ministry to renew this document but has not received a response.
Human Rights Watch (HRW) has released a report detailing unlawful detention and torture in Rwanda.
The 91-page report - We Will Force You to Confess: Torture and Unlawful Military Detention in Rwanda - alleges details widespread and systematic torture by the military and accuses judges of being complicit in the creation of a culture of impunity for the armed forces.
Victims were beaten until they signed confessions, often on fabricated charges, in a series of centres around the country, HRW says, claiming that Rwandan officials use torture whenever they please.
This is not the first time Rwanda has been accused of torture.
In 2012, Sarah Jackson, Amnesty International's acting deputy Africa director, said that though Rwandan military's "human rights record abroad is increasingly scrutinised, their unlawful detention and torture of civilians in Rwanda is shrouded in secrecy".
According to Tuesday's report, the use of unlawful incarceration and torture is continuing.
Al Jazeera spoke to HRW's researcher Lewis Mudge, who is based in Nairobi, about some of the details in the report, why torture continues to be used in Rwanda and if justice would be served for the survivors.
Al Jazeera: Your new report shows that Rwanda's military uses arbitrary arrest, and in many cases torture to force confessions out of suspects. How widespread is this practice in the country?
Lewis Mudge: Human Rights Watch confirmed 104 cases of people who were illegally detained and in many cases tortured or ill-treated in military detention centres in Rwanda during a seven-year period. This information came from speaking with 61 former detainees of this illegal detention and through trial observations.
Some men spoke of having weights tied to their testicles, others of being handcuffed with their hands behind their backs for days on end. |
Only an independent investigation by the government of Rwanda could shed light on how deep this problem really is.
Al Jazeera: The report documents heinous methods. Could you elaborate on the types of measures being used on suspects?
Mudge: Beatings, asphyxiations, electric shocks, mock executions … these were just some of the types of torture used to extract confessions or get detainees to accuse others. Some men spoke of having weights tied to their testicles, others of being handcuffed with their hands behind their backs for days on end.
Many former detainees told us that in the end, they agreed to whatever they were told to say - they could not take the pain. There are also the inhuman conditions in which these people were kept. Many were given rations that could barely keep them alive through months of detention.
Al Jazeera: Is there a specific group or set of individuals that the Rwandan military is targeting? Is it also being used to quell political dissent?
Mudge: People who end up in military detention in Rwanda are accused of crimes against state security and terrorism. This is not necessarily being used to quell political dissent, rather, it is being used against those suspected of association with groups hostile to Rwanda such as the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) - an armed group based in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo - and, to a lesser extent, the Rwanda National Congress (RNC), an opposition group in exile. Some of the members of the FDLR took part in the genocide.
Al Jazeera: If the majority of victims or survivors are said to be belonging to the FDLR, is this partly why the issue is shrouded in secrecy?
Mudge: No, the FDLR is openly regarded as an enemy of Rwanda. And the FDLR have carried out, and continue to carry out, killings, rapes, and other serious abuses against civilians in eastern Congo. However, the majority of former detainees were not FLDR, but were suspected of having ties to the FDLR, hence their illegal detention and forced confessions.
Al Jazeera: This is not the first time that the Rwandan government has been accused of torture. Has there been any improvement in the way the country's deals with suspects seen as threats to the state?
Mudge: No, this is an ongoing problem. Our research is from 2010 to 2016, but we have cases suggesting this continues.
Al Jazeera: And yet, in 2015, Rwanda ratified the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture, allowing visits to detention sites by the protocol's Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture. But a national mechanism has yet to be set up. Surely, this is not positive.
Mudge: We are told the national mechanism will be set up "soon". We are also told the mechanism will likely be in the National Commission for Human Rights, a body which has shown a reluctance to investigate sensitive cases of human rights abuses in recent years.
It is imperative that the commission demonstrate independence and courage to investigate these sensitive cases if the national preventive mechanism is to be anything more than a cover for these crimes. The Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture will visit Rwanda next week.
It should visit areas of unlawful detention and torture outlined in the report. The Committee Against Torture, the body established by the Convention Against Torture to monitor compliance by state parties, will review Rwanda's compliance later in 2017. It should ensure that Rwanda takes torture allegations seriously and carries out credible investigations.
Al Jazeera: How have Rwandan authorities responded to your findings and what are you expecting to happen, moving forward?
Mudge: We have shared research findings on numerous occasions over the past 10 months with the government of Rwanda and asked for meetings in order to further clarify our work. We have also asked for an official response to this report. Unfortunately, we heard nothing back.
The government of Rwanda must confront the systematic use of torture and unlawful detention. The government should immediately cease arbitrary and unlawful detention and torture in military detention centres and ensure that no one is held in unofficial detention centres.
It should then investigate all allegations of torture, enforced disappearances, unlawful and arbitrary detention and arrests and ensure that the perpetrators are brought to justice.
The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
It was Thursday.
The deadliest months -1997
January - february - march - April - May - June - July
La journée nationale des disparus Rwandais, le 23
janvier de chaque année, est l’occasion de rappeler que des centaines de
milliers de familles rwandaises sont séparées à cause de
du génocide rwandais planifié et mis à exécution par Paul Kagame ,
des assassinats multiples à travers le pays et en dehors de celui-ci,
et qu’elles ont le droit de savoir ce qu’il est advenu de leurs proches.
Paul Kagame et le gouvernment du FPR ont l'obligation, en vertu du droit
international humanitaire, de faire tout ce qui est en leur pouvoir pour
déterminer le sort des personnes disparues.
My brother disappeared on January 23 1997, It was Thursday
I remember those days distinctly. When Paul Kagame and RPF’s ethnic cleansing against the Hutu went ahead at a very large scale across Rwanda went ahead in 1996, then January 1997 the RPF soldiers, DMI and militias (local defense forces) targeted the Hutu student returnees, the Hutu community leaders, ex-FAR officers and soldiers, Hutu businessmen and rural peasants, teachers and intellectuals, among others and subjected them to arrest, inhuman torture and illegal killing.
Showing posts with label apolline. Show all posts Saturday, January 23, 2013
October 1996- October 1997 : mass-murder of hundreds of thousands of Returnees.
My brother : Bwanakweli Charles Kizito disappeared on January 23rd1997 and has never come back |
RPF Mass-murder, arbitrary executions, mass-arrest, mass-rape and disappearances of hundreds of thousands of returnees.
Observances and remembrance activities can occur during the week of Remembrance that runs from the January 23, 2014 through the following Thusday 30, 2014.
My sister : Domitille Abimana
Yes we must always remember the Rwandan Genocide Day!
The deadliest years : 1996-1997: the years of the infamous mass murder of refugees in Zaïre (currently the Democratic Republic of the Congo) and mass-murder of hundreds of thousands of returnees +
The deadliest month : January 1997
Genocaust, Gendercide, mass-murder, ethnic cleansing with extreme hatred, etc took place in Rwanda since RPF invaded the country and seized power in 1994 and still it continues. We have waited long enough
to see if the world still has any conscience to bring even masterminds of those
bloody mass-slaughter. NOTHING IS DONE . So right now Rwandans should launch the final onslaught
to liberate themselves forever from the clutches of RPF and Kagame oppression
and cannot afford to continue to fold their hands and watch THE EVIL and EVIL Advisors going ahead with the country's Destruction. Rwandan survivors should be the best patterns of
people to take care of themselves.
We had thought that somebody would have known that it is cheaper to prevent
sickness than to cure it but the world seems to say bring on the sickness so we
can deal with it. Nobody can justifiably pontificate and condemn any form of
action Rwandans might employ now to defend and extricate themselves from this
Evil – General Paul Kagame and Tony Blair, his adviser.
It only makes sense that the world should justify the usefulness of the various
regulatory and arbitration bodies it has put in place by acting now in the case
of Eastern of Congo and FDLR issues to end the Rwandan Tyrannical regime. Such
a situation can't remain the same forever.
The prefectures of Byumba, Ruhengeri and Gisenyi and later Gitarama and Kibungo have suffered the highest number of
the very planed massacres and extra judicial executions by RPA soldiers.
Amnesty International and other human rights organizations have received countless reports of unarmed civilians being
killed througouht the country by the RPA(and now RDF), in the wake of reported attacks by
the "fake infiltrators".
One day Kagame himself was saying that even a drum full of water can be
emptied by scooping it with spoons slowly but surely. This was meant to imply
that the Hutus will eventually be finished. What you see is what you get.
Several informants talked of how this logic was being applied in the Gacaca
courts, which have allegedly convicted people for crimes committed by their
fathers who have since died. One young woman who was only 10 at the time of the
genocide said, I am not willing to go back to Rwanda because my parents won't me back in Rwanda. I cannot go there
because to be back means to be under permanent humiliation, threat and to sum
up, to be in the same situation of my parents...
Returnees were facing arbitrary mass arrest or disappearance, rape and
mass-rape, the use of Aids as a weapon of war by RDF and local defense
militias, children are brainwashed, arbitrary executions and mass murder in
different public places including churches and schools during wedding
ceremonies and meetings. One man talked of how those who have recently went back
home have told him that Rwanda is not safe: they said that people are taken to
Gacaca and on clearing they are again collected from their homes and disappear
according to the planed genocide obviously from the 1,500-pages reporting names
of the must-be Hutus murdered issued by the written made-up African Rights
Individually their names might be cleared, but the ongoing ramifications
of being associated with the genocide continue to haunt people. Those who were
guilty and have been punished continue to live with the threat of future
punishment for the same crime, while those who are innocent but are associated
with the genocide however tenuously continue to live under suspicion.
It has been a seventy years of harrowing and most tortuous time for us but our
patience has run out and we can no longer watch helplessly while Kagame, Tony
Blair and their accomplices relish in the wanton destruction of the Rwandan
majority properties and murder of their children, mothers, fathers, wives,
brothers, sisters and friends.
It is only just in this life that the guilty be made to pay even when justice
served does not reverse the loss but it will palliate or ameliorate the agony
of the victim. Today the level of human rights abuses as practiced in Rwanda
are abhorring and cannot be condoned any longer. To get an idea about what is
going on in Rwanda, browse in our blog.
This stand is non-negotiable because all the people, Rwandans and Congolese
people (over 6 million) who have been murdered by General Kagame were murdered
for one purpose : Blood oil, bloody diamonds bloody tin and gold and extermination of the Hutu community, which is underway.
The world must be held responsible until this festering sore has been addressed
and justice meted out.
One important component
of sustainable peace in Rwanda is an effective and accessible TRUTH TELLING
MECHANISM. DISAPPEARENCES need to be made a national agenda and the family
agenda socialized to reintegrate thousands of families to respect the victims’
dignity. We need to speak out together for the TRUTH.
The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
The prefectures of Byumba, Ruhengeri and Gisenyi and later Gitarama and Kibungo have suffered the highest number of the very planed massacres and extra judicial executions by RPA soldiers. Amnesty International and other human rights organizations have received countless reports of unarmed civilians being killed througouht the country by the RPA(and now RDF), in the wake of reported attacks by the "fake infiltrators".
Returnees were facing arbitrary mass arrest or disappearance, rape and mass-rape, the use of Aids as a weapon of war by RDF and local defense militias, children are brainwashed, arbitrary executions and mass murder in different public places including churches and schools during wedding ceremonies and meetings. One man talked of how those who have recently went back home have told him that Rwanda is not safe: they said that people are taken to Gacaca and on clearing they are again collected from their homes and disappear according to the planed genocide obviously from the 1,500-pages reporting names of the must-be Hutus murdered issued by the written made-up African Rights organization.
It has been a seventy years of harrowing and most tortuous time for us but our patience has run out and we can no longer watch helplessly while Kagame, Tony Blair and their accomplices relish in the wanton destruction of the Rwandan majority properties and murder of their children, mothers, fathers, wives, brothers, sisters and friends.
Genocide masterminded by RPF
Human and Civil Rights
Rwanda: A mapping of crimes
KIBEHO: Rwandan Auschwitz
Mass murderers C. Sankara
Stephen Sackur’s Hard Talk.
Prof. Allan C. Stam
Prof. Christian Davenport
The killing Fields - Part 1
The killing Fields - Part II
Daily bread for Rwandans
The killing Fields - Part III
Time has come: Regime change
Drame rwandais- justice impartiale
Sheltering 2,5 million refugees
Latest videos
Rwanda's Untold Story
Rwanda, un génocide en questions
Bernard Lugan présente "Rwanda, un génocide en... par BernardLugan Bernard Lugan présente "Rwanda, un génocide en questions"
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