Rwanda: Cartographie des crimes
Rwanda: cartographie des crimes du livre "In Praise of Blood, the crimes of the RPF" de Judi Rever
Kagame devra être livré aux Rwandais pour répondre à ses crimes: la meilleure option de réconciliation nationale entre les Hutus et les Tutsis.
Let us remember Our People
Let us remember our people, it is our right
You can't stop thinking
Don't you know
Rwandans are talkin' 'bout a revolution
It sounds like a whisper
The majority Hutus and interior Tutsi are gonna rise up
And get their share
SurViVors are gonna rise up
And take what's theirs.
We're the survivors, yes: the Hutu survivors!
Yes, we're the survivors, like Daniel out of the lions' den
(Hutu survivors) Survivors, survivors!
Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights
et up, stand up, don't give up the fight
“I’m never gonna hold you like I did / Or say I love you to the kids / You’re never gonna see it in my eyes / It’s not gonna hurt me when you cry / I’m not gonna miss you.”
The situation is undeniably hurtful but we can'stop thinking we’re heartbroken over the loss of our beloved ones.
"You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom".
Malcolm X
Welcome to Home Truths
The year is 1994, the Fruitful year and the Start of a long epoch of the Rwandan RPF bloody dictatorship. Rwanda and DRC have become a unique arena and fertile ground for wars and lies. Tutsi RPF members deny Rights and Justice to the Hutu majority, to Interior Tutsis, to Congolese people, publicly claim the status of victim as the only SurViVors while millions of Hutu, interior Tutsi and Congolese people were butchered. Please make RPF criminals a Day One priority. Allow voices of the REAL victims to be heard.
Everybody Hurts
“Everybody Hurts” is one of the rare songs on this list that actually offers catharsis. It’s beautifully simple: you’re sad, but you’re not alone because “everybody hurts, everybody cries.” You’re human, in other words, and we all have our moments. So take R.E.M.’s advice, “take comfort in your friends,” blast this song, have yourself a good cry, and then move on. You’ll feel better, I promise.—Bonnie Stiernberg
Paul Kagame admits ordering...
Paul Kagame admits ordering the 1994 assassination of President Juvenal Habyarimana of Rwanda.
Why did Kagame this to me?
Inzira ndende
Hutu Children & their Mums
Rwanda-rebranding-Targeting dissidents inside and abroad, despite war crimes and repression
Rwanda has “A well primed PR machine”, and that this has been key in “persuading the key members of the international community that it has an exemplary constitution emphasizing democracy, power-sharing, and human rights which it fully respects”. It concluded: “The truth is, however, the opposite. What you see is not what you get: A FAÇADE”
Rwanda has hired several PR firms to work on deflecting criticism, and rebranding the country.
Targeting dissidents abroad
One of the more worrying aspects of Racepoint’s objectives
was to “Educate and correct the ill informed and factually
incorrect information perpetuated by certain groups of expatriates
and NGOs,” including, presumably, the critiques
of the crackdown on dissent among political opponents
This should be seen in the context of accusations
that Rwanda has plotted to kill dissidents abroad. A
recent investigation by the Globe and Mail claims, “Rwandan
exiles in both South Africa and Belgium – speaking in clandestine meetings in secure locations because of their fears of attack – gave detailed accounts of being recruited to assassinate critics of President Kagame….
Ways To Get Rid of Kagame
How to proceed for revolution in Rwanda:
- The people should overthrow the Rwandan dictator (often put in place by foreign agencies) and throw him, along with his henchmen and family, out of the country – e.g., the Shah of Iran, Marcos of Philippines.Compaore of Burkina Faso
- Rwandans organize a violent revolution and have the dictator killed – e.g., Ceaucescu in Romania.
- Foreign powers (till then maintaining the dictator) force the dictator to exile without armed intervention – e.g. Mátyás Rákosi of Hungary was exiled by the Soviets to Kirgizia in 1970 to “seek medical attention”.
- Foreign powers march in and remove the dictator (whom they either instated or helped earlier) – e.g. Saddam Hussein of Iraq or Manuel Noriega of Panama.
- The dictator kills himself in an act of desperation – e.g., Hitler in 1945.
- The dictator is assassinated by people near him – e.g., Julius Caesar of Rome in 44 AD was stabbed by 60-70 people (only one wound was fatal though).
- Organise strikes and unrest to paralyze the country and convince even the army not to support the dictaor – e.g., Jorge Ubico y Castañeda was ousted in Guatemala in 1944 and Guatemala became democratic, Recedntly in Burkina Faso with the dictator Blaise Compaoré.
Almighty God :Justice for US
Killing Hutus on daily basis
RPF Trade Mark: Akandoya
Fighting For Our Freedom?
Friday, January 22, 2016
[Since 1994, the world witnesses the horrifying Tutsi minority (14%) ethnic domination, the Tutsi minority ethnic rule with an iron hand, tyranny and corruption in Rwanda. The current government has been characterized by the total impunity of RPF criminals, the Tutsi economic monopoly, the Tutsi militaristic domination, and the brutal suppression of the rights of the majority of the Rwandan people (85% are Hutus)and mass arrests of Hutus by the RPF criminal organization =>AS International]
The Would-be President of Rwanda Mrs. Ingabire Victoire, UMUHOZA WACU |
can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If
you're a man, you take it.
..................................... Malcolm
..................................... Malcolm
appel a la mobilisation generale pour l’ultime combat
Au moment où le jour de la liberté profile à l’horizon, nous sommes conscients
que la lutte pour la liberté n’est pas facile ; acceptons la souffrance.
Nous sommes déjà conscients qu’aucun de nous ne peut réussir seul ;
quelque soit la forme de ta contribution, elle ne sera jamais négligeable.
Quand le peuple d’Israël était en désarroi se retournait à la bible. Nous aussi
lisons 1Cor3 : 4-9
« Quand l’un
vous déclare : « j’appartiens à Paul » et un autre :
« j’appartiens à Apollos », n’agissez-vous pas comme n’importe quel
être humain?
Au fond qui est
Apollos ? Et qui est Paul ? Nous sommes simplement les
serviteurs de Dieu, par les quelles vous avez été amenés à croire.. Chacun de
nous accomplit le devoir que le Seigneur lui a confié. J’ai planté Apollon a
arrosé, mais Dieu a fait croître ; en sorte que ce n’est pas celui qui
plante ni celui qui arrose, mais Dieu qui fait croître. Celui qui plante et
celui qui arrose sont égaux, et chacun recevra sa propre récompense selon son
propre travail. Car nous sommes ouvriers avec Dieu.
Rwandais, où que nous soyons ; quoi que nous faisons ; qui que nous
soyons, hommes et femmes, vieux et vieillards, jeunes et adultes,
enfants !
Debout, soldats su
Christ, le maître nous appelles.
Marchons, marchons
au glorieux combat.
Que dans nos rangs
l’esprit Saint renouvelle le feu sacré d’un cœur qui, pour sa cause bat.
Trop longtemps
désunis, affaiblis par le doute ;
Du ciel aux mondes
entraînés tous les jours.
Enfin Jésus nous
met sur la route où nous attend de Dieu l’invisible secours.
Si nous luttons en
regardant à toi,
Tu l’as promis, il
va de ta gloire
En ton fidèle
augmente-nous la foi
Repos, temps et
talent, santé, fortune et vie, nous donnons tous !
En priant on le
Ici la
croix ; demain la gloire infinie
Nous partons, Ô
Jésus Dieu le veut, Dieu le veut.
Honneur aux
vaillants et braves soldats de Dieu
Qui, mêmes chargés
d’entraves, luttent en tout lieu.
Ils s’en vont,… et
l’on oubli, leur noms leurs combats, mais leur sublime folie ne périra jamais.
Très chers compatriotes, à l’origine de ma pensée, il n’y a que la voie
impérative de ma conscience et de mon désir de suivre la volonté de Dieu où
qu’elle puisse conduire.
J’ai pris aussi cette décision à cause du profond souci que m’inspirent les
injustices et les iniquités que mon peuple continue à subir aujourd’hui.
Bien entendu, je ne suis pas poussé par le désir du Martyr, car sans amour
le martyr lui-même devient une forme d’orgueil spirituel.
Je viens par cette occasion pour parler et écrire au nom d’un peuple qui,
sur la terre de ses ancêtres, doit choisir dorénavant de s’affirmer et
d’assurer son histoire dans ses aspects tant positifs que négatifs, sans
complexe aucune.
Je n’ai pas la prétention d’être un messie ou un prophète mais d’être
quelqu’un qui a toujours regardé un mal de loin comme homme prudent.
Très chers semblables, il est nécessaire et il est urgent que nos cadres et
nos travailleurs de la plume apprennent qu’il n’y a pas d’écriture innocente
En ces temps de tempêtes, nous ne pouvons pas laisser à nos ennemis d’hier
et d’aujourd’hui, le monopole de la pensée, de l’imagination et de la
Il faut, avant qu’il ne soit trop tard, ces élites, ces hommes de la
régions des grands lacs reviennent à eux même, c'est-à-dire à leurs sociétés
vouées à la division et à la misère dont nous avons hérité pour comprendre, non
seulement que la bataille pour une pensée au service des masses déshéritées
n’est pas veine, mais qu’elle peut devenir crédible sur le plan national,
régional et international en inventant une image d’un homme véritable qui leur
permettra de réaliser des changements profonds de la situation économique,
sociale et politique, susceptibles de nous arracher à la domination de nos
semblables et à l’exploitation étrangère qui livrent nos enfants aux guerres et
combats meurtriers et sans merci.
Voici ce que moi je vois et que je propose aux
autres intellectuels de la région des grands lacs à la veille des élections de
nos présidents :
- il nous faut prendre la tête des révoltes qui s’annoncent dans les
campagnes affolés par l’avance progressive de la pauvreté, épuisés par la faim
et la soif, et sont délaissés
- Il nous faut donnés un sens idéologique aux révoltent des masses urbaines
et désœuvrés frustrés et fatigués de voir habiter des grandes villas du
siècle et circuler dans les grosses véhicules ces pseudo-élites aliénés qui
sont à la tête de l’état et qui leur offre rien que les fausses solutions
pensées et conçues par les cerveaux d’un groupuscule ultra fichiste et
qui disposent une armée façonnée, agissant à la gestapo de l’Allemagne Nazi.
Mais à la révolte passagère, que j’appellerai simple feu de paille devait
se substituer pour toujours la révolution, la lutte éternelle contre la
domination d’un peuple sur un autre.
Certainement, d’autres après moi le diront à quel point s’élargit le fossé entre
certains individus nanti (qui détiennent le pouvoir) et ceux qui n’aspirent
qu’à manger à leur faim, boire à leur soif, survivre et conserver leur dignité.
Fort de cette certitude, je voudrai que ma pensée s’élargisse à tous ceux
qui souffrent dans leurs chairs, à tous ceux qui sont bafoués dans leurs
dignités d’homme par une minorité ou par un système politique qui les écrase.
Permettrez, vous qui lirez ce message ; je ne parle pas seulement au
nom du peuple Rwandais tant aimé, mais également au nom de tous ceux qui
ont mal quelque part.
je parle au nom de ces
milliers des Congolais qui sont dans les camps de réfugiés dans leur pays ou
dans les pays frontaliers et qui bénéficient d’un statut à peine supérieur de
celui d’un chimpanzé protégé dans le parc des volcans
je souffre au nom des réfugiés
Hutus Rwandais, massacrés jour pour jour, pourchassés, humiliés et dispersés
dans les forêts de l’Est du Congo à fin qu’ils n’aspirent à aucun droit et
devoir civique de leur pays d’origine; et que leurs tristes sorts ne se
résument qu’à la mort infligée par le gouvernement Congolais qui devrait les
protégés selon le droit international.
Je pleure au nom des pauvres
paysans (Hutus et Tutsi) confinés et affamés dans leurs villages, sans eau ni
lumière, et à qui on demande de pleurer chaque année début juillet leurs morts
qui ont permis à ces ultras sanguinaires de gouverner à leurs propres destinés.
Je pleure sans cesse au nom de
cette femme Congolaise désabusées, violée jour et nuit par son compatriote sous
l’œil complaisant de l’homme blanc, parce que sa maison, son champ, ses
cultures sont implantés au-dessus du nickel, du coltan, de l’or et du diamant
que cet homme blanc veut arracher de force par le truchement de nos semblables,
après avoir piétiné les cadavres des frères et sœurs de cette femme.
Je parle au nom des mères de
toute la région qui voient mourir leurs enfants de faim à la campagne partout
au Rwanda, de paludisme et d’autres maladies infectieuses, ignorant qu’il
existe pour les sauver des moyens simples, que la science des pays occidentaux
ne leur offre pas, par contre préférant investir dans les guerres fratricides
pour les caprices et l’égoïsme de nos chefs d’état, dont les pouvoirs sont
menacés par l’excès de tyrannie et de dictature sur les peuples assoiffés de
liberté et d’indépendance.
Je parle également au nom de L’Enfant,
L’Enfant d’un pauvre qui a faim et qui a besoin d’aller à l’école. Cet enfant
grince les dents, il est rongé par la souffrance en lorgnant les camarades de
son âge, belle tenue sur le corps, belles chaussures aux pieds dans les grosses
véhicules sur le goudron vers l’école des grands. Cet enfant de son retour par
désœuvrement il sera enrôlé de force dans les milices et groupes armés pour
gonfler les chiffres des KADOGO qui vont pourchasser ses frères pour les
éloignés des terres convoitées.
Je parle au nom de cette
journaliste Congolaise affligée par la violence faite aux femmes, essaie de
donner une information juste et impartiale; fait une analyse des faits réels;
de là elle propose une approche globale de solution politique concrète et
vraisemblable. Malheureusement elle prêche dans le désert ; toutes ses
propositions tombent dans l’oreille des sourds parce qu’ils sont acharnés à
s’enrichir aux détriments de ces déshérités.
Je proteste au nom de ces
dirigeants locaux congolais de l’Est qui sont exploités par les systèmes
politiques pourris et corrompus, et par le truchement ces impérialistes
monstrueux, sont emballés dans les projets macabres d’extermination de tout un
peuple qui cherche désespérément un retour digne au pays natal pour aider à
construire une Nation sans différence.
Mon peuple est un concentré de tous les malheurs des peuples, une synthèse
douloureuse de toutes les souffrances de l’humanité.
C’est pourquoi je vibre naturellement au nom des orphelins et des veuves de
la région des grands lacs qui scrutent avec anxiété les horizons d’une scène
accaparée par les marchands de canons.
Mes pensées vont à tous ceux qui sont touchés par la destruction de la
nature et de son écosystème à l’Est du Congo et les milliers de réfugiés qui
vont mourir, abattus par la redoutable arme de la faim et de la maladie.
Je ne peux pas naturellement oublier ces soldats congolais (du recru
au général) obéissant aux ordres, le doigt sur la détente qui courent
derrière ces réfugiés hutus dans les forêts, et qui savent que la balle
qui va partir en appuyant sur la détente ne porte que le message de la mort.
Je m’indignerai toujours en pensant au peuple hutu qu’un certain nombre de
pays occidentaux (Etats-Unis, Belgique et la Grande Bretagne) ont choisi de
substituer à un autre peuple (TUTSI) hier encore martyrisé.
Je pense à ce peuple hutus c’est-à-dire à ces familles disloquées errant
dans la nature en quête d’une terre d’asile ; courageux, déterminés,
persévérants et infatigables depuis 1990.
Que ces réfugiés rappellent à chaque instant, à la conscience humaine la
nécessité et l’obligation morale de respecter les droits d’un peuple :
avec leurs frères TUTSI, ils peuvent vivre ensemble.
Aux côtés de nos frères militaires congolais qui meurent dans une guerre
fratricide, suicidaire et insensée, qu’ils interpellent leur Président KABILA
parce qu’il agisse contre la volonté de ses citoyens.
Je me sens également proche à nos camarades Mayi Mayi avec toutes leurs
composantes, classées dans les forces négatives par les talentueux
colonisateurs de la région, et qui se battent pour la libération de leurs
territoires convoités ; mais qui malheureusement leurs villages sont
bombardés et pillés ; leurs sœurs et leurs femmes sont violées ainsi que
leurs frères sont tués et humiliés par les TUTSI congolais soutenus par les
expansionnistes avec à la tête PAUL KAGAME. Malgré tout et je les encourage,
ces camarades affrontent et affronteront avec courage et lucidité leur
Enfin, par compassion je pleure aux côtés de la veuve et orphelins du feu
HALYARIMANA, retranchés sur une terre d’asile qui ne leur est pas facile de s’y
accrocher ; cette veuve est accusée par méchanceté de génocidaire et par
conséquent, elle doit abandonner ses orphelins, aller pleurer et essuyer ses
larmes en prison.
Seigneur, si les méchants de ce monde voulaient tester
où arrive la résistance de l’homme, je pense qu’avec l’expérience du peuple
hutu (surtout à l’Est du Congo) ils l’on déjà vu quand même !!
Cependant je me lève au nom de tous ceux qui cherchent vainement dans quel
forum de ce monde, où ils pourront faire entendre leur voix et la faire prendre
en considération réellement ?
Seule la lutte libère et j’en appelle à tous ceux qui sont opprimés, à
tous ceux qui sont affligés par la situation actuelle dans la région des grands
lacs pour qu’ils montent à l’assaut pour la conquête de leurs droits, pour la
conquête de leur dignité.
S’il vous plait, hâtez-vous pour ne pas rater le rendez-vous de l’histoire!
Banyarwanda banyarwandakazi, Hâtons-nous pour aller encaisser un
chèque que Grégoire KAYIBANDA et ses compagnons ont signé à la première heure
de l’indépendance
La lutte de notre peuple est ouverte aux malheurs de tous les opprimés.
Elle doit s’inspirer de toutes les expériences des hommes depuis le 1er
souffle de l’humanité.
Nous voulons être les héritiers de toutes les luttes de libération en
Afrique sub-saharienne ; nous devons être à l’écoute des grands
bouleversements qui ont transformés l’Afrique. Nous tirerons les leçons de la
lutte de libération au Mozambique, aux Zimbabwé, à la Namibie et en
Afrique du Sud ; les leçons de leur victoire contre la domination d’une
minorité blanche et leurs conséquences de ces victoires.
Ouvert à tous les vents de la volonté des peuples et de leur
révolution, nous instruisant aussi de des certains échecs quelques parts qui
conduisent aujourd’hui à certains manquements de droits de l’homme (cas du
Zimbabwe), à la criminalité et la pauvreté avec leurs conséquence comme la
Pandémie du VIH/Sida (Afrique du sud) ; nous ne voulons une fois gagner
cette lutte, que conserver le noyau du pureté qui nous interdira de nous
inféoder aux réalités des autres pays, même si par la pensée nous nous
retrouverons dans les systèmes d’intérêts.
Nous le savons très bien que le nouvel ordre économique international
s’inscrit tout simplement à côté de tous les droits des peuples : droit à
l’indépendance, droit aux libres choix des formes et des structures des
gouvernements comme le droit au développement.
Tous ces droits des peuples s’arrachent dans la lutte
et par la lutte des peuples. A aucun moment ils seront le résultat d’un acte de
Chers frères et sœurs, malgré les difficultés auxquelles nous sommes confrontés
aujourd'hui, nous devrons conserver une inébranlable confiance que notre
mouvement de libération doit maintenir sa cohésion, renforcer son pouvoir de
négociation, se trouver les alliés parmi les nations et recommencer avec ceux
qui peuvent nous entendre, l’organisation sous un nouveau visage, d’un
véritable mouvement politico-militaire.
cause juste même s’elle ne rencontre que des revers ou indifférence, peut
à la longue trouver un écho dans le concert des nations et des peuples ;
et je l’espère.
Dès aujourd’hui, il faut à mon avis des études sérieuses prenant en compte tous
les éléments qui ont conduit et qui, plus tard peut conduire d’un jour à
l’autre aux calamités qui ont endeuillé notre pays.
Sur ce, j’invite des historiens, des sociologues, des ethno- anthropologues et
démographes de la région aidés par les mêmes spécialistes des pays étrangers à
se pencher sérieusement sur ce problème. La conférence de la région des grands
lacs basés à Bujumbura devrait apporter sa contribution.
Ce n’est pas un secret. Aujourd'hui dans notre pays et dans les régions
environnantes (MASSI – RUTCHURU) le traitement injuste infligé aux Hutus et aux
autres peuples par les Tutsi est devenu une honte pour le Rwanda.
Les hutus ne peuvent pas supporter plus longtemps en silence de telles
conditions dégradantes. Nous ne pouvons pas parce que Dieu qui nous a crée
tous, nous a commandé de résister au mal.
Je me hâte aujourd'hui à réveiller votre conscience et je suis persuadé que les
hutus en mettant un terme à ces conditions s’entendront aux mêmes qualités
d’amour chrétien dont ils ont fait preuve pendant de longues années
Car je suis sûr qu’il y a des milliers de Tutsi de bonne volonté à travers
toute la région et dans le monde qui au fond de leurs cœurs condamnent les
violences populaires et le traitement inhumaine infligé au hutus. J’en appelle
à ceux-la pour qu’ils s’arment de courage et qu’ils prennent la parole en faveur
de la loi, de la dignité et de la moralité.
J’ai pris cette décision à cause de mon amour propre pour le Rwanda et pour
toute la région. J’écris ceci parce que mon pays est en danger de perdre
son âme et peut facilement glisser dans l’anarchie tragique et un fascisme
Il faut qu’il se produise
quelque chose, dans les meilleurs délais qui éveille la conscience assoupie de
notre pays avant qu’il ne soit trop tard.
Si la mort est un compagnon très humble lorsqu’on n’est obligé de la côtoyer
toute la vie, le temps est venu où peut-être seule l’acceptation volontaire de
la souffrance par des innocents pourra inciter la nation à liquider ces fléaux
qui sont le mensonge, l’injustice, l’exclusion et la dictature sur tout un
peuple qui ne cherche qu’a s’avancer dans la dignité devant Dieu et devant les
Ce pendant, je me pose la question :
Combien d’hommes
doivent mourir encore avant que nous ayons une société réellement libre, vraie
et pacifique ? Cela prendra combien de temps ?
On dit qu’on n’a pas vraiment vécu, tant qu’on n’a pas des choses à regretter
(Dr Blerok).
A mon sens si nous parvenons à comprendre et à nous imprégner de l’esprit et du
sens réel de ce qui s’est passé, je crois qu’on pourra transformer notre nation
en une société d’amour, de justice, de paix et de fraternité où tous les hommes
(hutus – Tutsi) seront vraiment frères, et pourront vivre côte à côte en
Mais la recherche de la paix va de paire avec la ferme application du droit des
pays à l’indépendance, droit des peuples à la liberté et des nations à
l’existence autonome. Sur ce point, le palmarès le plus impitoyable, le plus
lamentable et détenu au cœur de la région des grands lacs en terme d’arrogance,
d’insolence et d’un croyable entêtement par un petit pays, le Rwanda de Paul
KAGAME, qui depuis plus de 15 ans, avec l’inqualifiable complicité de ses
protecteurs (Etats-Unis et la grande Bretagne), continue à défier la communauté
Au mépris d’une histoire réelle, qui n’est pas très veille, l’histoire de
l’exile des Tutsi en 1959 et celle du fameux génocide, où les Tutsis
étaient confronté à l’honneur ; Paul KAGAME et ses compagnons arrivent à
infliger aux Hutus mille fois, ce qui fut leur propre calvaire.
En tout état de cause, ces Tutsi dont beaucoup ont salué leur courage et leur
sacrifice d’hier, doivent savoir que les conditions de leur propre quiétude ne
résident pas dans leur puissance militaire financée de l’extérieur. On peut opprimer un peuple pendant 100 ans, il finira
par se libérer et le prix à payer sera exorbitant.
J’invite, et les autres peuvent me rejoindre, ces tutsis à commencer à apprendre
à devenir un peuple comme les autres, parmi les autres. L’Afrique du Sud et le
Burundi doivent leurs servir de leçons.
Certes, ceux qu’ils étaient hier les autres le sont aujourd’hui. Ces qu’ils
sont aujourd’hui, les autres peuvent le devenir demain ou après demain et eux
vont repartir à la case de repart et ça sera un cercle vicieux.
Banyarwanda Banyarwanda Kazi à quoi serviront ces luttes sans
amour ? Excellence Paul Kagome, une lutte sans amour est une lutte en
vain ; le sang que tu fais couler appelle et appellera un autre sang.. A
toi d’y réfléchir pour préserver le pire à vos contemporains et à vos
Pour l’heure, je tiens à rappeler haut et fort notre solidarité militante et
agissante à l’endroit des combattants, femmes et hommes de ce peuple vaillant
parce que nous savons qu’il n’y a pas de souffrance sans fin.
J’ai parcouru des milliers des Kilomètres à pied, j’ai perdu des êtres qui
m’étaient chères dans des moments terribles. Dans les durs moments que
nous traversons je vous demande, à chacun de nous que nous puissions mettre
ensemble nos efforts pour que :
- cesse la morgue des gens qui n’a pas de raison,
- s’efface le triste spectacle des femmes violées et des
enfants mourant de faim dans l’Est du Congo ;
- disparaissent le mensonge et l’ignorance ;
- s’arrête la traque de nos élites et leaders à
l’étranger ;
- s’arrête ces feuilleteaux politico- judiciaires et
condamnations injustes à Arusha et ailleurs ;
- ses prisonniers de l’histoire de façon injuste
trouvent leur liberté
- triomphe la rébellion légitime d’un peuple,
- se taise le bruit des armes ;
Et qu’enfin, avec une seule et une même volonté, luttant pour la survie d’une
partie de l’humanité, nous parvenions à chanter en cœur dans la foi :
La foi fait
tombée sous nos yeux les plus fortes murailles,
La foi nous rend
victorieux et gagne les batailles,
La foi nous ouvre
le trésor de la toute puissance.
Les plus faibles
deviennent forts, sous sa sainte influence.
Protégés par ce
bouclier, nous n’avons nulle crainte ;
Que n’ont pas
souffert les héros dont noms suivons la trace ?
Que de danger, que
de travaux mais quelle sainte audace ?
Que leur victoire
et leur combat enflamme notre zèle ;
Croyons et courons
sur leur pas, notre chef nous appelles ;
Quand la foi vit
au fond du cœur et nourrit l’espérance ;
On est pour
l’amour du sauveur, joyeux dans la souffrance.
Nous chanterons en cœur avec le poète Novalis ces strophes :
- Les astres reviendront sur terre d’où ils se sont
éloignés pendant nos temps obscurs ;
- Paul KAGAME déposera son spectre sévère et deviendra
un homme parmi les hommes ;
- Tous les peuples de la région se rassembleront à
nouveau après une longue séparation ;
- Les vieilles familles orphelines se retrouveront
et chaque jour verra de nouvelles retrouvailles, de nouveaux embrassements.
- En chaque tombe se réveillera la cendre éteinte ;
- Partout brûleront à nouveau les flammes de la
vie ;
- Les vieilles demeures seront rebâties ;
- Les temps anciens se renouvelleront et l’histoire sera
le rêve d’un présent à l’étendue infinie.
« La
patrie ou la mort, nous vaincrons !
Dr. Jules MUHOZI
The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
[Since 1994, the world witnesses the horrifying Tutsi minority (14%) ethnic domination, the Tutsi minority ethnic rule with an iron hand, tyranny and corruption in Rwanda. The current government has been characterized by the total impunity of RPF criminals, the Tutsi economic monopoly, the Tutsi militaristic domination, and the brutal suppression of the rights of the majority of the Rwandan people (85% are Hutus)and mass arrests of Hutus by the RPF criminal organization =>AS International]
How President Paul Kagame crushed Rwanda’s free press
Anjan Sundaram has authored a book – Bad News: Last Journalists in a
Dictatorship – that is full of things about Rwanda and its leadership which not
only bear very little resemblance to facts on the ground, but are outright
fictions and distortions.
Sam Gody Nshimiyimana who is one of the supposedly harassed Rwandan
journalists frequently mentioned in the book as ‘Moses’ and who knows Sundaram
and his wife very well refutes the many allegations in “Bad News”.
I worked with the author, Anjan Sundaram at Internews/EU Kigali for three
years and was not surprised to learn he had published a book on Rwanda. He had
told me about it. But what I didn’t know was that I would feature heavily as a
character in his book under the fictitious name, Moses. That’s how I know that
most of the events and dialogue in this book, at least those that concern me,
are completely fabricated.
The Internews project was led by Sundaram’s wife, Nathalie Blaquiere, who
had made her hatred of Rwanda known. She manifested it against employees, where
she would inexplicably want to set salaries based on your nationality. Rwandans
received less. She would say she knew who was a Tutsi or Hutu, though Rwandans
generally are not in the habit of advertising what ethnicities they belong to.
She frequently moved around Kigali on motorcycle taxis, in a country she said
was full of bad people.
When we had training for journalists, Anjan would come and assist as a
trainer, since his wife was the boss. In the end she couldn’t convince sponsors
about budget implementation, because we didn’t properly utilize the money they
were allocating to us, instead we were always recycling projects. That is how
grants from the European Union and DFID were stopped.
Coming back to Sundaram, he used to send articles on Rwanda to The New York
Times and Associated Press. I noted that Anjan was intelligent and daring. He
left the US after finishing his studies and went to DRC at a time when those
who lived there were leaving the country due to insecurity. He later followed
his wife to Rwanda where he concocted events that have no resemblance to what
was happening.
In the book Anjan claims that some of the students we taught were so
intimidated they didn’t write, others are jailed, others exiled, and other are
‘bought’ for well-remunerating jobs.”
Concerning those jailed, we always had chats with Sundaram on that subject.
There were those who were jailed after extorting people, by threatening, “If
you don’t give money I will write a story about you!”
Another allegation is of a female journalist that was jailed. I remember
that particular case prompted us to subscribe to all news outlets to help with
analysis during the trainings. The conclusion of all the journalism students at
the time was what that individual had done was not journalism, but defamation
and insults.
I asked Sundaram what would happen where he comes from, if a journalist
were to superimpose a swastika – the Nazi symbol – on an image of their
president. He told me that would never happen. In developed countries
newspapers avoid defaming to prevent fines or expensive lawsuits.
At that time, Bosco Gasasira of Umuvugizi had gone into self-imposed exile.
I explained to Sundaram what Gasasira was in the habit of writing in his
newspaper: violent lies that would never see the light of day in any
professional newspaper or magazine.
I told Sundaram of other journalists like that, and the list was long. Most
of these were people who when they sense an opportunity to reach Europe, which
is their estimation of paradise on earth, they grab it! Once there they get
welfare, which is superior to the life their poverty can afford them here. It
is the sad reality of quite a few that have been joining journalism.
The book “Bad News”
Integrity has generally been low in Rwandan journalism. Any of these
journalists upon being bribed for instance, would overlook their training of
reporting well-investigated facts. I thought I had made Sundaram see that. I
think he did, except that as his writings indicate he chooses to ignore it for
some reason.
This disingenuousness is at its utmost in the way Sundaram treats the
subject of Alphonse Nsabimana who turned up one day claiming he was being
intimidated because he worked for Umusesonewspaper. Nsabimana – whom Sundaram
disguises in his book as “Gibson” – was one of the trainees in our journalism
program and had plans of setting up a newspaper. He thought Internews would
give funds to people wanting to set up a newspaper or magazine. However the
only support we were mandated to provide was offices and Internet.
So when the broke and badly off Nsabimana realized no money would be
forthcoming from Internews he changed tactics, and invented a story to leave
Rwanda. He secretly talked to Sundaram and Blaquiere telling them that he was
“wanted” because he was a journalist of Umuseso; that he had just been released
by the secret services; that he was held in a secret place by unknown people.
Apparently Sundaram and Blaquiere wanted to believe this story; they wanted
to believe it badly enough that they offered a place in their house for the
supposed wanted man to hide out. He spent a month there. It was only much later
that Sundaram thought of cross checking his hero’s story with me. It turned out
Nsabimana had been in the hands of security forces alright, except it was for
far different reasons than the yarn he had been spinning to his benefactors.
On the morning of his finding refuge in Sundaram’s house he had been in
custody for one night at Nyamirambo Police Station. A sex worker had gone to
police alleging that Nsabimana had beaten her up because he thought she had
infected him with HIV. Despite learning of this, Sundaram and Blaquiere made
the decision to send Nsabimana to Uganda where, apparently with their
recommendation Nsabimana was received by humanitarian organizations including
Amnesty International.
This is one of the people that features prominently in Anjan Sundaram’s
book Bad News as “Gibson”, one of the “endangered journalists” in Rwanda, as
one of the “last journalists in a dictatorship”! The interesting thing is that
even when this “endangered journalist” returned from Uganda after that too
turned out to be a dead end, no one, no police or other security services
touched a hair off his head.
Sundaram and Blaquiere would later tell me that those they had recommended
to help Alphonse said they had investigated him and found out that he had lied
to them.
What could they gain by sending Gibson aka Alphonse Nsabimana away even
after they knew that his stories of persecution were dubious at the least? I
can only conclude they wanted to have a journalist refugee to fill the need for
such in the planned book. And all Nsabimana wanted was a one-way ticket to
anywhere in Europe or beyond.
Sundaram who lived in Rwanda for three years and observed the journalism
profession here knows that the main problem of journalists is not “state
intimidation” or harassment. Journalists in Kigali regularly wrote really
incendiary stuff; criticizing the president and other high-ranking officials
every day and no harm came to them.
Rather he should have been asking, what were these people writing about and
how come they would write it again and again even with their constant claims of
Maybe he knew the main problem was a life of poverty; of failing to make
ends meet; failing to pay the rent, buy food, etc? That sad situation is
brought about by factors, such as ours still being a young economy with a very
small readership or audience, and an even smaller advertisement market that
cannot support all aspiring journalists. Those are the main reasons why many
who graduate from schools of journalism opt for careers in PR in government or
other institutions where there is a salary for a living.
“Bad News” conveniently skips over such facts in its eager search for bad
and distortions January 12, 2016 | Filed under: Cover Story,National | Posted
by: The Rwanda Focus
Aperçu par Yahoo
Monday, January 11, 2016
[Since 1994, the world witnesses the horrifying Tutsi minority (14%) ethnic domination, the Tutsi minority ethnic rule with an iron hand, tyranny and corruption in Rwanda. The current government has been characterized by the total impunity of RPF criminals, the Tutsi economic monopoly, the Tutsi militaristic domination, and the brutal suppression of the rights of the majority of the Rwandan people (85% are Hutus)and mass arrests of Hutus by the RPF criminal organization =>AS International]
Rwanda’s Entrenched President
“But I do
not think our aim is to have a president for life, nor is it what I would
want,” Mr. Kagame said. “Sooner, rather than later, this office will be
transferred from one person to another in a manner that will serve a purpose,
not merely set an example, whether for ourselves or others.”
Those words
ring hollow. Mr. Kagame seems intent on staying in power indefinitely. Since he
took the reins of this small east African country after the Rwandan genocide in
1994, he has become increasingly authoritarian, cracking down on freedom of
expression and making it impossible for political opponents to organize.
Paul Kagame A criminal Still President Enjoying impunity |
He is among
the leaders President Obama had in mind during a trip to Africa last year, when
he proclaimed that “Africa doesn’t need strongmen.” Term limits have become a
contentious issue on the continent in recent years. President Pierre Nkurunziza
of Burundi caused a crisis last year by pressing for a third term. In Burkina
Faso, a similar attempt by Blaise Compaoré in 2014 inspired protests that
ultimately forced him to flee the country.
situation is unique. American officials were not terribly optimistic that Mr.
Kagame would cede power this year, not least because he faces the prospect of
being prosecuted for war crimes at some point in the future. But they
nonetheless have continued to criticize him for his authoritarian style.
Kagame’s record is mixed, and some of his accomplishments have earned him
praise in the international community. Under his watch, Rwanda, which was
devastated by the bloodletting in 1994, has become one of the safest countries
in the region and its economy has grown steadily in recent years. The nation’s
gross domestic product has grown between 7 and 8 percent per year since 2003,
significantly reducing he number of impoverished Rwandans.
But those
gains have come as government critics have been unlawfully detained and forced
into exile. Some have been killed in custody. In its most recent annual human
rights report, the State Department last year noted an increase in “politically
motivated abductions” in Rwanda and said that local human rights groups had
stopped investigating such cases as a result of government pressure.
Kagame’s international champions include former President Bill Clinton, former
Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates. Like
many international leaders, they have been heartened by the remarkable progress
Rwanda has made since 1994. They should, however, acknowledge and speak out
against the government’s continuing abuses. To ignore them simply because they
play out largely out of sight does nothing for the liberties of Rwanda’s
citizens or the health of its politics.
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theOpinion Today newsletter.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
[Since 1994, the world witnesses the horrifying Tutsi minority (14%) ethnic domination, the Tutsi minority ethnic rule with an iron hand, tyranny and corruption in Rwanda. The current government has been characterized by the total impunity of RPF criminals, the Tutsi economic monopoly, the Tutsi militaristic domination, and the brutal suppression of the rights of the majority of the Rwandan people (85% are Hutus)and mass arrests of Hutus by the RPF criminal organization =>AS International]
JARED BALL, PRODUCER, TRNN: Welcome, everyone, back to the Real News. I'm Jared Ball here in Baltimore.
On Friday, December 18, the African Union authorized sending 5,000 peacekeepers to Burundi to protect civilians caught up in what reports are saying is the worst violence in the most recent move there towards civil war. More than 400 people have been killed in what is described by Reuters and others as escalating violence, and what the United Nations has called a campaign of repression.
We know that our next guest has long followed the history and more recent developments in that region of the world, and we turn now to him for his analysis of the situation. Glen Ford is executive editor and founder of Black Agenda Report, and is back again with us here for his Ford Report. Glen, welcome back to the Real News.
GLEN FORD: Thanks for having me.
BALL: So Glen, please catch us up and tell us what you make of all these recent developments.
FORD: Well, Kwame Nkrumah should be turning over in his grave. I think we see history in the making, because it appears that the United States has succeeded in making the African Union into an instrument of U.S. foreign policy.
The African Union's decision, it just came up with this decision recently, to send 5,000 troops to the small nation of Burundi, whether Burundi's elected government likes it or not. This represents the first time that the AU has sent soldiers into a country without permission. Burundi's president, Nkurunziza, calls this an invasion, and he says that he will resist an invasion. Those casualties that you were talking about over a period of months in Burundi are really not high at all by Great Lakes standards. There's been a great deal of violence in this region. Genocide, not just in Rwanda. Not just in the Congo. But also in Burundi, in very recent years. So these numbers that they're reporting, and claiming that it represents some kind of danger to the nation's stability, are really not on a scale that would warrant this kind of unprecedented move by the AU.
Kagame, The Rwandan bloody dictator still president of Rwanda |
Kagame just held a phony referendum that would allow him to stay in office until the year 2034, and that seems to be all right with Washington. He claims that he got 98 percent of the vote in that referendum. And if you believe that then you will believe anything. Burundi's president, Nkurunziza, on the other hand, is only seeking a third term. And he can make a reasonable claim that he deserves a third term in office. But the U.S. says no, no, no, he's got to go.
Remember, that is how Paul Kagame came to power in Rwanda in the early '90s. And what resulted from his invasion of Rwanda? A genocide. Any attack by these refugees who are being armed by Rwanda or an invasion by the African Union could set off a new round of real bloodletting in Burundi, in which hundreds of thousands died in the early years of the 21st century and in the 1990s. However, just like elsewhere in the world, the United States is more intent upon regime change. And it doesn't care how many Africans die in the process. And now it appears that the African Union itself, which Kwame Nkrumah envisioned as an instrument for the sovereignty, the protection of the African continent, that the AU itself is now an instrument of imperial policy.
BALL: Well, certainly the AU is not the organization of African unity and the pan-African and scientific, socialist vision that Nkrumah had. But I am wondering, also, if you could just quickly tell us a little bit about what is--you've mentioned the United States. But what are some of the other factors and players in the background encouraging this violence, and what are the two states themselves claiming, both Rwanda and Burundi, and then internally what is Burundi claiming are the actual reasons for this civil war? And if there's a way to work into your answer--because I know that this is a part of it--what factor does the Congo play in all of this as well?
FORD: Well, the Congo is the source of Rwanda's vaunted prosperity. Rwanda is held up as a model for the rest of Africa in terms of its economic success. But as anybody who knows anything about the region can tell you, Rwanda's success is predicated upon the theft of resources from the very--its very rich neighbor, the Congo. And the theft of those resources was the purpose of the Rwandan invasion of the Congo, lasting decades, that resulted in 6 million dead.
So Kagame believes himself to be the savior and salvation of all the Tutsis in the region, and of course he would be, be causing trouble for a Hutu leader in Burundi. He needs no more excuse than that. He also prospers when other countries in the, in the Great Lakes region do not, because he becomes the party that does most of the trade in the region.
The United States props him up because Kagame contributes soldiers any time the United States needs them anywhere in Africa. Either for so-called peacekeeping missions or in more unilateral U.S. efforts to make sure that only people who are friendly to U.S. policy remain in power and with their heads.
FORD: Thank you.
BALL: And thank you for joining us here at the Real News. And for all involved, again, I'm Jared Ball here in Baltimore, saying as Fred Hampton used to say, to you we say peace if you're willing to fight for it. So peace, everybody, and we'll catch you in the whirlwind.
DISCLAIMER: Please note that transcripts for The Real News Network are typed from a recording of the program. TRNN cannot guarantee their complete accuracy.
The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
Thursday, December 24, 2015
[Since 1994, the world witnesses the horrifying Tutsi minority (14%) ethnic domination, the Tutsi minority ethnic rule with an iron hand, tyranny and corruption in Rwanda. The current government has been characterized by the total impunity of RPF criminals, the Tutsi economic monopoly, the Tutsi militaristic domination, and the brutal suppression of the rights of the majority of the Rwandan people (85% are Hutus)and mass arrests of Hutus by the RPF criminal organization =>AS International]
again, taking the occasion of the start of the New Year 2016, we call
upon all Rwandans, all Rwandan and victims and survivors living in
all corners of the world to come together for the common good of
Rwandans and the future generation.
Let us strengthen the call for the UN Security Council to establish the International Court for RPF Crimes and prosecute all crimes committed by Paul Kagame and RPF inside Rwanda and out of it in accordance with the International law.
Let us strengthen the call for the UN Security Council to establish the International Court for RPF Crimes and prosecute all crimes committed by Paul Kagame and RPF inside Rwanda and out of it in accordance with the International law.
unite against Kagame’s dirty game overplaying the ethnic card, let us
unite against all acts of Kagame’s ongoing tyranny and despotism,
arrests, imprisonment of political opponents to silence them, murders
and mass-murders, mass-rape, inequality, injustice, corruption etc. As
we all want to see a developed Rwanda with strong democratic
institutions, it is impossible to reach such notable goals under the
reign of utter negligence, repression of fundamentals of individual and
group rights.
establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, inspired by the
process that took place in South Africa, should allow us to develop an
appropriate understanding of past injustices and to envision
constructive remedies to create a new regional culture of fairness,
equal opportunity and prosperity to all Rwandans
Even though Kagame gets support about his misleading socio-cultural, political and Economic Indicators on Rwanda, there is much work to do to find out better indicators (2000 Rwandan fake census being the primary misleading indicator) and NOT those based on misleading information on Rwanda.
We strongly believe that the scourge of bad governance is a hindrance to our social and economic progress and change is long overdue as status of our country in most indicators continued to deteriorate.
we repeat our call to the RPF ruling party in Rwanda to immediately
open up the political space for the oppositions, release the would-be
president of Rwanda Ms. Ingabire Victoire, and all political prisoners and cease from harassing, intimidating and
arresting and assassinating of journalists, opposition members and
- Immediate and unconditional release of Ms. Ingabire Victoire, the Would-be President of Rwanda. Her detention is illegal. Paul KAGAME's government has no legal basis to keep her in jail after the expiration of the ordinance.
- Kagame should refrain organized ethnic cleansing and mass murder inside Rwanda and in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) by prejudicing the Hutu as FDLR and thus terrorist organization.
- General Kagame should refrain crimes of RPF death squads inside Rwanda, in Democratic Republic of the Congo, in neighboring countries and throughought the world.
- African SurViVors insist on the review of the collected information about permanent perpetrators of assassinations, mass-rape and mass-murder in DRC given the fact that Kagame is believed to use his battalion under Col. Mugabo RDF commander to rape and kill before shifting the crimes on FDLR armed group and most of the cases, victims are Hutu children and women.
- As the UN mapping Report is now known to public, the deportation of Hutu Rwandans by the Ugandan, Congolese governments into the hands of the RPF criminals is an criminal act that should be brought to justice as it has always led to the deaths of thousands of returnees from this community including a significant degree of UNHCR support and involvement.
- Respect of the Rwandan Genocide that makes clear circumstances in
which the mass-murder of Tutsi, Hutu and Twa ethnic members were done in
accordance with Paul Kagame's plan, the mastermind’s plan of the
Rwandan Genocide.
Happy New Year 2016
The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
[Since 1994, the world witnesses the horrifying Tutsi minority (14%) ethnic domination, the Tutsi minority ethnic rule with an iron hand, tyranny and corruption in Rwanda. The current government has been characterized by the total impunity of RPF criminals, the Tutsi economic monopoly, the Tutsi militaristic domination, and the brutal suppression of the rights of the majority of the Rwandan people (85% are Hutus)and mass arrests of Hutus by the RPF criminal organization =AS International]
Communiqué de presse du 2 décembre 2015
Nous sommes personnellement mis en cause par un ensemble d’articles de presse simultanément parus le 1er décembre 2015, à propos d’événements tragiques survenus fin juin 1994, alors que débutait l’opération Turquoise.
Ces faits font l’objet depuis onze ans d’une instruction conduite par la justice française à l’instigation de divers acteurs. Chacun pour sa part, nous avons toujours exprimé notre volonté de témoigner et de collaborer pleinement avec la justice, pour mettre enfin un terme à des accusations aussi invraisemblables que monstrueuses de « complicité de génocide », alors même que l’opération Turquoise a protégé des centaines de milliers de personnes de la violence et permis de sauver a minima des dizaines de milliers de vies tutsies.
Nous tenons à dénoncer avec la plus grande fermeté la reconstruction mensongère des faits, la dénaturation des pièces de la procédure pénale et l’articulation fallacieuse des témoignages contenues dans ces articles de presse. Contrairement à ce qui est affirmé, tous les documents évoqués ont été déclassifiés par le gouvernement et sont en possession de la justice depuis des années.
à Paris, le 2 décembre 2015
de corps d’armée (2S) Jean-Claude Lafourcade
de division (2S) Jacques Rosier
Vice-Amiral d’escadre Marin Gillier
The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
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I am Jean-Christophe Nizeyimana, an Economist, Content Manager, and EDI Expert, driven by a passion for human rights activism. With a deep commitment to advancing human rights in Africa, particularly in the Great Lakes region, I established this blog following firsthand experiences with human rights violations in Rwanda and in the DRC (formerly Zaïre) as well. My journey began with collaborations with Amnesty International in Utrecht, the Netherlands, and with human rights organizations including Human Rights Watch and a conference in Helsinki, Finland, where I was a panelist with other activists from various countries.
My mission is to uncover the untold truth about the ongoing genocide in Rwanda and the DRC. As a dedicated voice for the voiceless, I strive to raise awareness about the tragic consequences of these events and work tirelessly to bring an end to the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF)'s impunity.
This blog is a platform for Truth and Justice, not a space for hate. I am vigilant against hate speech or ignorant comments, moderating all discussions to ensure a respectful and informed dialogue at African Survivors International Blog.
Genocide masterminded by RPF
Finally the well-known Truth Comes Out.
After suffering THE LONG years, telling the world that Kagame and his RPF criminal organization masterminded the Rwandan genocide that they later recalled Genocide against Tutsis. Our lives were nothing but suffering these last 32 years beginning from October 1st, 1990 onwards. We are calling the United States of America, United Kingdom, Japan, and Great Britain in particular, France, Belgium, Netherlands and Germany to return to hidden classified archives and support Honorable Tito Rutaremara's recent statement about What really happened in Rwanda before, during and after 1994 across the country and how methodically the Rwandan Genocide has been masterminded by Paul Kagame, the Rwandan Hitler. Above all, Mr. Tito Rutaremara, one of the RPF leaders has given details about RPF infiltration methods in Habyarimana's all instances, how assassinations, disappearances, mass-slaughters across Rwanda have been carried out from the local autority to the government,fabricated lies that have been used by Gacaca courts as weapon, the ICTR in which RPF had infiltrators like Joseph Ngarambe, an International court biased judgments & condemnations targeting Hutu ethnic members in contraversal strategy compared to the ICTR establishment to pursue in justice those accountable for crimes between 1993 to 2003 and Mapping Report ignored and classified to protect the Rwandan Nazis under the RPF embrella . NOTHING LASTS FOREVER.
Human and Civil Rights
Human Rights, Mutual Respect and Dignity
For all Rwandans :
Hutus - Tutsis - Twas
Rwanda: A mapping of crimes
Rwanda: A mapping of crimes in the book "In Praise of Blood, the crimes of the RPF by Judi Rever
Be the last to know: This video talks about unspeakable Kagame's crimes committed against Hutu, before, during and after the genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda.
The mastermind of both genocide is still at large: Paul Kagame
KIBEHO: Rwandan Auschwitz
Kibeho Concetration Camp.
Mass murderers C. Sankara
Stephen Sackur’s Hard Talk.
Prof. Allan C. Stam
The Unstoppable Truth
Prof. Christian Davenport
The Unstoppable Truth
Prof. Christian Davenport Michigan University & Faculty Associate at the Center for Political Studies
The killing Fields - Part 1
The Unstoppable Truth
The killing Fields - Part II
The Unstoppable Truth
Daily bread for Rwandans
The Unstoppable Truth
The killing Fields - Part III
The Unstoppable Truth
Time has come: Regime change
Drame rwandais- justice impartiale
Carla Del Ponte, Ancien Procureur au TPIR:"Le drame rwandais mérite une justice impartiale" - et réponse de Gerald Gahima
Sheltering 2,5 million refugees
Credible reports camps sheltering 2,500 million refugees in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have been destroyed.
The UN refugee agency says it has credible reports camps sheltering 2,5 milion refugees in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have been destroyed.
Latest videos
Peter Erlinder comments on the BBC documentary "Rwanda's Untold Story
Madam Victoire Ingabire,THE RWANDAN AUNG SAN SUU KYI
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Rwanda, un génocide en questions
Bernard Lugan présente "Rwanda, un génocide en... par BernardLugan Bernard Lugan présente "Rwanda, un génocide en questions"
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[Since 1994, the world witnesses the horrifying Tutsi minority (14%) ethnic domination, the Tutsi minority ethnic rule with an iron hand,...
Contacts:: Kitty Kurth, Hotel Rwanda Rusesabagina Foundation 312-617-7288 Friends of the Congo 202-584-6512 Africa Faith and Justice N...
[ Since 1994, the world witnesses the horrifying Tutsi minority (14%) ethnic domination, the Tutsi minority ethnic rule, tyranny and corr...
Stephen Sackur, HARDtalk's presenter, has been a journalist with BBC News since 1986. Stephen Sackur, HARDtalk's pr...
Kananga foot shufflers, April 19, 2003 Kinshasa, May 4, 2003 » Kigali, Rwanda, April 22, 2003 “How many lives in danger are necessary for a...
[Bizima(na) Karaha(muheto), Azarias Ruberwa(nziza), Jules Mutebusi (vit protégé actuellement au Rwanda),Laurent Nkunda(batware) (vit protég...
[Since 1994, the world witnesses the horrifying Tutsi minority (14%) ethnic domination, the Tutsi minority ethnic rule with an iron han...
29/09/2019 By Jean-Christophe, Libre Penseur A blanket amnesty of past and present crimes whitewash to ...
[Since 1994, the world witnesses the horrifying Tutsi minority (14%) ethnic domination, the Tutsi minority ethnic rule with an iron ha...
[Since 1994, the world witnesses the horrifying Tutsi minority (14%) ethnic domination, the Tutsi minority ethnic rule with an iron han...
Everything happens for a reason
Bad things are going to happen in your life, people will hurt you, disrespect you, play with your feelings.. But you shouldn't use that as an excuse to fail to go on and to hurt the whole world. You will end up hurting yourself and wasting your precious time. Don't always think of revenging, just let things go and move on with your life. Remember everything happens for a reason and when one door closes, the other opens for you with new blessings and love.
Hutus didn't plan Tutsi Genocide
Kagame, the mastermind of Rwandan Genocide (Hutu & tutsi)