A Candle For Remembering

A Candle For Remembering
May this memorial candle lights up the historical past of our beloved Country: Rwanda, We love U so much. If Tears could build a stairway. And memories were a lane. I would walk right up to heaven. To bring you home again. No farewell words were spoken. No time to say goodbye. You were gone before I knew it And. Only Paul Kagame knows why. My heart still aches with sadness. And secret tears still flow. What It meant to lose you. No one will ever know.

Rwanda: Cartographie des crimes

Rwanda: cartographie des crimes du livre "In Praise of Blood, the crimes of the RPF" de Judi Rever Kagame devra être livré aux Rwandais pour répondre à ses crimes: la meilleure option de réconciliation nationale entre les Hutus et les Tutsis.

Let us remember Our People

Let us remember our people, it is our right

You can't stop thinking

Don't you know Rwandans are talkin' 'bout a revolution It sounds like a whisper The majority Hutus and interior Tutsi are gonna rise up And get their share SurViVors are gonna rise up And take what's theirs. We're the survivors, yes: the Hutu survivors! Yes, we're the survivors, like Daniel out of the lions' den (Hutu survivors) Survivors, survivors! Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights et up, stand up, don't give up the fight “I’m never gonna hold you like I did / Or say I love you to the kids / You’re never gonna see it in my eyes / It’s not gonna hurt me when you cry / I’m not gonna miss you.” The situation is undeniably hurtful but we can'stop thinking we’re heartbroken over the loss of our beloved ones. "You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom". Malcolm X

Welcome to Home Truths

The year is 1994, the Fruitful year and the Start of a long epoch of the Rwandan RPF bloody dictatorship. Rwanda and DRC have become a unique arena and fertile ground for wars and lies. Tutsi RPF members deny Rights and Justice to the Hutu majority, to Interior Tutsis, to Congolese people, publicly claim the status of victim as the only SurViVors while millions of Hutu, interior Tutsi and Congolese people were butchered. Please make RPF criminals a Day One priority. Allow voices of the REAL victims to be heard.

Everybody Hurts

“Everybody Hurts” is one of the rare songs on this list that actually offers catharsis. It’s beautifully simple: you’re sad, but you’re not alone because “everybody hurts, everybody cries.” You’re human, in other words, and we all have our moments. So take R.E.M.’s advice, “take comfort in your friends,” blast this song, have yourself a good cry, and then move on. You’ll feel better, I promise.—Bonnie Stiernberg


Paul Kagame admits ordering...

Paul Kagame admits ordering the 1994 assassination of President Juvenal Habyarimana of Rwanda.

Why did Kagame this to me?

Why did Kagame this to me?
Can't forget. He murdered my mother. What should be my reaction? FYI: the number of orphans in Rwanda has skyrocketed since the 1990's Kagame's invasion. Much higher numbers of orphans had and have no other option but joining FDLR fighters who are identified as children that have Lost their Parents in Kagame's Wars inside and outside of Rwanda.If someone killed your child/spouse/parent(s) would you seek justice or revenge? Deep insight: What would you do to the person who snuffed the life of someone I love beyond reason? Forgiving would bring me no solace. If you take what really matters to me, I will show you what really matters. NITUTIRWANAHO TUZASHIRA. IGIHE KIRAGEZE.If democracy is to sell one's motherland(Africa), for some zionits support, then I prefer the person who is ready to give all his live for his motherland. Viva President Putin!!!

RPF committed the unspeakable

RPF committed the unspeakable
The perverted RPF committed the UNSPEAKABLE.Two orphans, both against the Nazi world. Point is the fact that their parents' murder Kagame & his RPF held no shock in the Western world. Up to now, the Rwandan Hitler Kagame and his death squads still enjoy impunity inside and outside of Rwanda. What goes through someone's mind as they know RPF murdered their parents? A delayed punishment is actually an encouragement to crime, In Praise of the ongoing Bloodshed in Rwanda. “I always think I am a pro-peace person but if someone harmed someone near and dear to me, I don't think I could be so peaceful. I would like to believe that to seek justice could save millions of people living the African Great Lakes Region - I would devote myself to bringing the 'perp' along to a non-happy ending but would that be enough? You'd have to be in the situation I suppose before you could actually know how you would feel or what you would do”. Jean-Christophe Nizeyimana, Libre Penseur

Inzira ndende


Hutu Children & their Mums

Hutu Children & their Mums
Look at them ! How they are scared to death. Many Rwandan Hutu and Tutsi, Foreign human rights advocates, jounalists and and lawyers are now on Death Row Waiting to be murdered by Kagame and his RPF death squads. Be the last to know.


Rwanda-rebranding-Targeting dissidents inside and abroad, despite war crimes and repression Rwanda has “A well primed PR machine”, and that this has been key in “persuading the key members of the international community that it has an exemplary constitution emphasizing democracy, power-sharing, and human rights which it fully respects”. It concluded: “The truth is, however, the opposite. What you see is not what you get: A FAÇADE” Rwanda has hired several PR firms to work on deflecting criticism, and rebranding the country.

Targeting dissidents abroad One of the more worrying aspects of Racepoint’s objectives was to “Educate and correct the ill informed and factually incorrect information perpetuated by certain groups of expatriates and NGOs,” including, presumably, the critiques of the crackdown on dissent among political opponents overseas. This should be seen in the context of accusations that Rwanda has plotted to kill dissidents abroad. A recent investigation by the Globe and Mail claims, “Rwandan exiles in both South Africa and Belgium – speaking in clandestine meetings in secure locations because of their fears of attack – gave detailed accounts of being recruited to assassinate critics of President Kagame….

Ways To Get Rid of Kagame

How to proceed for revolution in Rwanda:
  1. The people should overthrow the Rwandan dictator (often put in place by foreign agencies) and throw him, along with his henchmen and family, out of the country – e.g., the Shah of Iran, Marcos of Philippines.Compaore of Burkina Faso
  2. Rwandans organize a violent revolution and have the dictator killed – e.g., Ceaucescu in Romania.
  3. Foreign powers (till then maintaining the dictator) force the dictator to exile without armed intervention – e.g. Mátyás Rákosi of Hungary was exiled by the Soviets to Kirgizia in 1970 to “seek medical attention”.
  4. Foreign powers march in and remove the dictator (whom they either instated or helped earlier) – e.g. Saddam Hussein of Iraq or Manuel Noriega of Panama.
  5. The dictator kills himself in an act of desperation – e.g., Hitler in 1945.
  6. The dictator is assassinated by people near him – e.g., Julius Caesar of Rome in 44 AD was stabbed by 60-70 people (only one wound was fatal though).
  7. Organise strikes and unrest to paralyze the country and convince even the army not to support the dictaor – e.g., Jorge Ubico y Castañeda was ousted in Guatemala in 1944 and Guatemala became democratic, Recedntly in Burkina Faso with the dictator Blaise Compaoré.

Almighty God :Justice for US

Almighty God :Justice for US
Hutu children's daily bread: Intimidation, Slavery, Sex abuses led by RPF criminals and Kagame, DMI: Every single day, there are more assassinations, imprisonment, brainwashing & disappearances. Do they have any chance to end this awful life?

Killing Hutus on daily basis

Killing Hutus on daily basis
RPF targeted killings, very often in public areas. Killing Hutus on daily basis by Kagame's murderers and the RPF infamous death squads known as the "UNKNOWN WRONGDOERS"

RPF Trade Mark: Akandoya

RPF Trade Mark: Akandoya
Rape, torture and assassination and unslaving of hutu women. Genderside: Rape has always been used by kagame's RPF as a Weapon of War, the killings of Hutu women with the help of Local Defense Forces, DMI and the RPF military

The Torture in Rwanda flourishes

The Torture in Rwanda flourishes
How torture flourishes across Rwanda despite extensive global monitoring

Fighting For Our Freedom?

Fighting For Our Freedom?
We need Freedom, Liberation of our fatherland, Human rights respect, Mutual respect between the Hutu majority and the Tutsi minority


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Par Jean-Jacques NGANGWESHE

Triste est de constater que les pays qui affichent sur leurs frontons : défenseurs des droits de l’homme et de la liberté, comme la France, l’Espagne, l’Angleterre, la Hollande, l’Israël, les USA, etc., sont les premiers pays qui colonisent injustement et arbitrairement différents peuples du monde et qui occupent par la force de nombreux territoires dans le monde contre la volonté de leurs peuples.
Cependant, ils trompent le monde avec l’armada des journalistes professionnels détenant d’importants moyens techniques audiovisuels et radiophoniques et qui diffusent des messages de propagandes, distillant des contre-vérités démagogiques sur la défense des libertés et des droits de l’homme. Ces campagnes de propagande sont relayées par des associations des droits de l’homme comme Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Ligue des Droits de l’Homme, Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF), etc.

Voici un exemple frappant : ce n’est pas du fait que les violations de droits de l’homme en Afrique préoccupent tellement la Maison Blanche que les Etats-Unis ont choisi Lopez Lomong, spécialiste du 1500 m , ancien réfugié soudanais au Kenya et militant pour le Darfour, comme porte-drapeau de leur délégation aux jeux olympiques de Beijing. C’est plutôt leurs intérêts stratégiques qui les y ont poussés.
Au Soudan, tout comme dans le reste de l’Afrique, les Etats-Unis voient d’un mauvais œil la percée économique ou l’avancée de la Chine, laquelle signe des contrats pétroliers et miniers avec plusieurs gouvernements.
Ce ne sont donc pas les droits de l’homme qui comptent pour les Etats-Unis, lesquels n’ont pas hésité à pousser le Rwanda, l’Ouganda et le Burundi à agresser la République Démocratique du Congo. Cette invasion injuste a coûté la vie à plus de 5 millions de Congolais tandis que les richesses naturelles et minérales ont été systématiquement pillées.

Mais la vérité est têtue et la liberté demeure l’idéal que chercheront toujours à réaliser les peuples qui sont dominés, écrasés et qui vivent dans la soumission absolue des impérialistes. Monsieur Robert Ménard, Secrétaire Général du RSF avec son pays la France, colonise le peuple kanak, guadeloupéens, guyanais, martiniquais, etc., qui demandent l’indépendance de leurs pays respectifs et leur liberté. Ces populations sont opprimées depuis plusieurs siècles.
Nul ne peut oublier l’assassinat odieux et ignoble des leaders nationalistes Jean-Marie Tjibaou, Eloi Machoro et de centaines de milliers des villageoises et villageois kanaks. En guise de preuves, voici le rappel de certains faits.

Primo : Les assassinats sommaires et les arrestations systématiques des différents leaders nationalistes des territoires et départements d’outre-mer, à l’instar de Jean-Marie Tjibaou, Eloi Machoro et tant d’autres.

Tjibaou était un homme politique non violent. Fils d'un chef de tribu et devenu leader nationaliste kanak, il est né en 1936 et assassiné à Ouvéa en 1989 par un tireur d’élite de la Gendarmerie française ; ce qui était un crime gratuit. Ordonné prêtre en 1965 à Ouvéa, il n’avait cessé, pourtant, de prôner la culture du dialogue et d’amitiés entre les peuples.
Le 5 décembre 1984, il avait payé très cher sa nomination à la tête du FLNKS (Front de Libération Nationale Kanak Socialiste). Lors de sa création, dix Kanak - parmi lesquels deux de ses frères qui roulaient dans la voiture qu'il aurait dû occuper - ont été assassinés par des colons européens dans une embuscade à Hienghène sur la route qui menait à ce congrès de FLNKS. Le RSF n’a jamais condamné ce massacre odieux.

Jean-Marie Tjibaou (Prêtre
Catholique non violent)

Par la suite, ce leader nationaliste a été assassiné le 4 mai 1989 avec Yeiwéné Yeiwéné, victime d’un complot ourdi par le pouvoir colonial français. Tjibaou était élu démocratiquement à plusieurs reprises par le peuple kanak dans différents postes publics.

Un autre leader politique nationaliste kanak, Eloi Machoro, qui avait été élu démocratiquement aux élections organisées par le pouvoir colonial, a été assassiné le 12 janvier 1985 près de Canala par des tireurs d’élite de la Gendarmerie française débarqués sur place spécialement pour tuer systématiquement les personnes qui demandaient la liberté et l’indépendance. Mais le RSF n’avait pas, non plus, dénoncé cet odieux crime barbare perpétré par la France

Le jour du massacre des Kanak, le Secrétaire Général du RSF, Mr Robert Menard, ce fameux «défenseur des droits de l’homme» et ses collaborateurs avaient défendu le colonialisme et l’impérialisme français contre les pauvres paysans kanak. Le silence de cette association avait placé une chape de plomb sur les libertés des peuples opprimés dans le monde. En outre, des centaines des Kanak croupissent dans les geôles françaises.

La seule faute et le seul grief des nationalistes guadeloupéens, kanak, guyanais et martiniquais ont été d’avoir revendiqué la liberté et l’indépendance de leurs pays qui sont devenus par la volonté des colonialistes, départements et territoires français d’outre-mer.

Les colonialistes n’ont pas honte, parce que les territoires et départements d’outre-mer demeurent une aberration qu’un homme épris de bon sens et de justice ne saurait admettre. En effet, comment peut-on annexer de force des pays entiers qui se situent dans des continents lointains (africain, américain, asiatique et océanique) et dont les peuples font montre de grandes différences culturelles avec le peuple français métropolitain ? Et pourquoi faire encore aujourd’hui la guerre contre ces peuples dans le but de les dominer et de les exploiter ?

Pour la presse occidentale ainsi que de nombreuses associations occidentales des droits de l’homme, la liberté est une réalité quand la France colonise les autres peuples contre leur volonté depuis des siècles. Ainsi, les dirigeants de l’association RSF se taisent et se voilent la face. Cependant, Mr Robert Menard se fâche et crie en public au scandale quand la Chine continue d’occuper le Tibet.

Secundo: L’Angleterre peut occuper et massacrer des milliers d’Argentins des îles Malouines situées à quatorze mille kilomètres de la Grande Bretagne sans émouvoir l’association RSF et ses dirigeants. De même, l’Espagne peut continuer de coloniser et de tuer des soldats et civils marocains dans le Détroit de Gibraltar en occupant une portion des terres marocaines (Ceuta et Melilla) sans que cela n’émeuve Mr Menard pour le condamner avec force.
En revanche, il s’insurge du fait de voir la Russie refuser la sécession de la Tchétchénie et demande des sanctions internationales contre elle.

Une autre situation tragique est celle de cette Palestine meurtrie. Lorsque les Palestiniens, assujettis à l’esclavage dans leur propre territoire, se lèvent contre leur oppression et exploitation éhontée du fait de la colonisation, par le feu et par le sang, de leur pays par Israël, Mr Menard et son association les condamnent avec la dernière énergie.

Tercio : Quand les Afrikaners, principalement d’origine hollandaise, française et anglo-saxonne, instaurent la politique de l’apartheid en Afrique du Sud, Mr Menard et son groupe préfèrent condamner les militants de l’ANC qui combattent leur assujettissement.
Il y a lieu de signaler que l’apartheid, en tant que système politique fondé sur la discrimination et la ségrégation raciales, est demeuré vivace en Afrique du Sud en dépit du fait que ce sont les Noirs qui y détiennent aujourd’hui le pouvoir. Les Afrikaners se comportent toujours en seigneurs sans que les associations occidentales des droits de l’homme ne critiquent, ni ne dénoncent cette politique.

En Cote d’Ivoire, l’armée française a commis des massacres, les hélicoptères d’attaque au sol et des blindés ont tiré, sans discontinuer, sur des foules, des civils non armés, et des légionnaires français ont tué plusieurs civils ivoiriens. Cela n’a pas ému Mr Robert Menard qui n’a pas condamné les forfaits de l’armée de son pays en terre étrangère.
En outre, le RSF ne dit rien sur le camp de concentration de Guantanamo, mais critique la Chine à propos du Tibet et demande au boycott des jeux olympiques.

Les peuples opprimés du monde ne constatent-ils pas qu’il y a une justice à deux vitesses, l’une - qui consacre l’impunité - pour les puissances impérialistes, notamment occidentales, et l’autre pour sévir avec la dernière énergie contre les peuples opprimés.

Pourquoi cette situation de deux poids et deux mesures ? Tout simplement parce que les anciens colonialistes sont de nouveau contre les nouveaux. Or, le colonialisme est un fléau et une barbarie que nous devons combattre avec la dernière énergie. Nul peuple ne peut être soumis en esclavage par un autre ; nul peuple ne peut être dominé et colonisé par un autre.
Nous devrons combattre tout système qui rétrograde les valeurs universelles de l’homme. Qu’il vienne de l’Occident, du Japon, de la Chine, de l’Inde ou du Brésil. Qu’il soit lion ou tigre, un fauve reste toujours dangereux pour l’homme. Il en est ainsi de l’impérialisme dont le colonialisme et le néocolonialisme constituent des avatars qui resteront toujours dangereux pour les opprimés.

Quarto: L’invasion militaire de l’Irak par les USA et la Grande-Bretagne a été suivie par des exécutions sommaires systématiques ayant causé des millions de morts ; ce qui est une barbarie sans commune mesure et sans précédent dans l’histoire de l’Irak.
Aucun organisme de la société civile ou association de défense des droits de l’homme n’a levé le petit doigt pour défendre les victimes irakiens, ni condamné la boucherie de plus de 2.000.000 des civils, mais l’association Human Rights Watch et la presse occidentale regrettent plus des 3.000 soldats américains envahisseurs de l’Irak qui sont morts dans le territoire d’un pays soumis en esclavage.

Camp de concentration de Guantanamo (Violation flagrante de droit
de l’homme, de nombreux prisonniers sont des innocents) / Guantanamo
est un territoire de la république Cubaine occupé par les américains par
la tricherie de l’ancien président Enzo Batista qui a cédé le territoire
pour 70.000 dollars.aux Américains


La presse soi-disant de liberté ne dit rien sur les massacres de 2.000.000 d’Irakiens tués par les bombardements chirurgicaux des avions et hélicoptères américains et alliés. Comment peut-on ignorer plus de deux millions (2.000.000) de morts irakiens et ne regretter que 3.000 militaires américains ? Comment peut-on ignorer plus d’un million des blessés irakiens, mais regretter seulement les quelques milliers de soldats américains blessés ? Pourquoi le RSF ne dit rien sur plus de 200.000 Irakiens emprisonnés en Irak et dans les prisons secrètes en Europe ?
Pourquoi le RSF ne dit rien sur la torture, les crimes de guerre, les crimes contre l’humanité que subissent les Irakiens par les occupants Américains et Britanniques en Irak ?
Allez vite vivre les réalités des tortures dans le site ci-après (www.syti.net/Kiosque/Kiosque_TortureUSA.html) pour constater les horreurs, comme les orgies ci-après.


Les soldats de la démocratie américaine ont interdit
les Irakiens de faire la prière, ils les ont exigés de
Former une pyramide humaine humiliante

Dans le pays de l’Oncle Sam, l’Homme noir n’a jamais eu de place, mais en réalité, il demeure quotidiennement victime des interpellations et d’arrestations de faciès suivi des condamnations disproportionnées. La minorité noire vit un calvaire en Amérique. En outre, ils ne bénéficient d’aucune protection sociale et, sans ressources, beaucoup meurent de faim comme dans les pays du tiers-monde, mais motus et bouche cousue. Les emprisonnements systématiques et sommaires des Noirs américains pour les délits de faciès suivis des exécutions sommaires dans les chambres à gaz ou par injection.

Les soldats américains exigeants les Irakiens Croyants
de faire la fellation entre eux pendant la prière

Voici un exemple parmi des milliers d’autres : le cas du journaliste noir américain Mumia Abou Jamal. La vérité est que plusieurs de ces prisonniers noirs sont des innocents que les juges démocrates racistes condamnent sans preuve. Le journaliste noir américain Mumia Abou Jamal croupit depuis plusieurs années dans le couloir de la mort.

Le récit succinct de l’histoire de Mumia Abu-Jamal révèle qu’il est né le 24 avril 1954. A l’âge de 14 ans, il avait été arrêté et battu pour avoir protesté contre un meeting du candidat ultra-raciste George Wallace, à Philadelphie. Peu après, il a été fiché par le FBI pour avoir voulu rebaptiser son lycée du nom du grand dirigeant afro-américain “Malcolm X”. En 1969, le jeune homme était chargé de l’information à la section de Philadelphie du Black Panther Party (BPP).
Le FBI le considérait comme l’une des personnes “à surveiller et interner en cas d’alerte nationale”. Il était l’une des cibles du Cointelpro (programme d’infiltration et de contre-espionnage) dont ont été victimes Leonard Peltier et d’autres membres de l’Américan Indian Movement et des Black Panthers.

Devenu journaliste de radio apprécié et lauréat de plusieurs prix, Mumia est surnommé “la voix des sans-voix” pour sa critique de la corruption de la Police et des dirigeants politiques locaux. Depuis 1978, il dénonçait la violente répression qui frappait la communauté MOVE et, en 1981, il a suivi le procès de son fondateur, John Africa, qui a été acquitté des charges fabriquées contre lui. Le soutien de Mumia à MOVE a exaspéré les hommes politiques et la Police de Philadelphie et lui a valu le renvoi d’une des stations de radio où il était affecté.
Aussi, Mumia était-il contraint de travailler comme taximen de nuit pour faire vivre sa famille. Aux premières heures du 9 décembre 1981, Mumia Abu-Jamal a été grièvement blessé lors d’une fusillade dans le quartier sud de la ville où il est venu déposer un client. Arrêté, il est accusé du meurtre d’un policier, Daniel Faulkner, tué dans cette fusillade.
Malgré ses dénégations et l’absence d’antécédents judiciaires, une enquête inéquitable (expertises balistiques inexistantes, balles non identifiables, absence de relevé d’empreintes, zone des faits non sécurisée, tests non effectués, etc.) a conclu à la culpabilité de Mumia. Témoins menacés, subornés, écartés, rapports de police contradictoires, violations de ses droits, mèneront, en juillet 1982, à la condamnation à mort de cet opposant politique gênant sous la pression d’un juge recordman qui a exigé cette sentence. Mumia était, par la couleur de sa peau et son action militante, “le coupable idéal”.


Néanmoins, un ancien tueur à gages, Arnold Beverly, a, en juin 1999, avoué à l’une des avocates de Mumia avoir tué l’officier Faulkner dans le cadre d’un contrat mêlant police et mafia. Corroborés par un faisceau d’éléments et de témoignages concordants, les aveux de Beverly n’ont jamais été entendus par la justice sur la base du prétexte qu’ils ont été fournis “hors des délais de la procédure”.

Vous pourrez lire la suite de ce triste histoire dans plusieurs langues sur le site des défenseurs de Mumia : (http://www.mumiabujamal.net).

Ni Mr Robert Menard du « Reporters sans Frontières », ni les autres journalistes propagandistes occidentaux n’ont levé le petit doigt pour condamner cette situation injuste d’Abou Jamal. Il sera bientôt exécuté. A Paris, on n’a jamais vu un seul membre de RSF dans des manifestations réclamant la libération de Mumia.

L’Etat d’Israël qui condamne la Chine contre les violations des droits de l’homme est un cas qui relève de la conscience et de l’inconscience humaine. Le peuple israélien, dont la nation juive constitue la principale composante, compte parmi ceux qui, avec les Noirs, ont le plus souffert des atrocités de la part des autres hommes sur notre planète.
Pour autant, au risque de se moquer du monde, on ne saurait occulter la vérité : Israël est le pays qui tue chaque jour, au moins, un enfant palestinien et qui arrête et emprisonne chaque jour, au moins, 5 civils palestiniens, D’ailleurs, les deux tiers de la population palestinienne –tous ceux qui vivent effectivement en Palestine et non, en Israël et dans d’autres pays étrangers - sont en prison en Israël et beaucoup y subissent des sévices en tous genres.

Alors, il faudrait que l’on évite de vivre dans un monde des rigolos et des mythomanes : les donneurs de leçons sont des Etats qui violent systématiquement les droits humains les plus élémentaires.
Quinto: les soldats britanniques continuent de massacrer les civils argentins dans les îles Malouines (Falkland en anglais, Islas Malvinas en espagnol), un archipel de l'Atlantique Sud situé à 480 km des côtes de l'Argentine, mais à 14.000 km de l’Angleterre. La barbarie des soldats de sa Majesté est flagrante : des arrestations sommaires suivies des exécutions d’Argentins sans que la presse occidentale ne les condamne d’une quelconque façon.


Sexto : La situation des sans papiers dans « les démocraties occidentales » : Triste est de constater que les valeurs inaliénables de l’homme sont foulés au pied, des pères de familles ont perdus leur dignité et l’honneur, ils ont perdus aussi leurs noms pour être rebaptiser par des appellations sans papiers, comme les juifs dans les camps Nazi. Les couples mixtes sont séparés de force, les parents africains sont expulsés, les femmes blanches restent tristes et seules a élevés les enfants.
Selon les dirigeants occidentaux, leurs associations instrumentalisées et leur presse stipendiée, les emprisonnements massifs, systématiques et sommaires des citoyens des pays pauvres dans les prisons des pays d’Europe participent du respect des droits de l’homme. Le délit des Africains qui remplissent les geôles des pays européens est le fait de ne pas présenter des titres de séjour en règle. Ils sont le plus souvent condamnés à trois ou six mois, voire à deux ans de prison ferme alors que ces Africains n’ont jamais volé ou insulté une personne, par contre les européens sans titre de séjour valable se prélassent en Afrique comme des princes et des seigneurs.

Beaucoup d’Africains sont victimes des bavures de la part de certains policiers européens qui n’hésitent pas à déchirer leurs titres de séjour et autres papiers d’identité tout en établissant des PV sur la base d’allégations fallacieuses. Certains sont torturés par la police des pays d’Europe, on a dénombré de nombreux cas de morts en Belgique, en France, en Italie, en Espagne, etc.



Septimo : L’invasion militaire de la République Démocratique du Congo par les armées rwandaise, ougandaise et burundaise, à l’instigation et sous la protection des puissances étrangères, notamment, les Etats-Unis d’Amérique, l’Angleterre et la Belgique. Ces pays ont financé et armé les armées d’agressions.
Mais, le pire est que les Congolais pleurent chaque jour environ cinq millions de morts. Par ailleurs, le viol systématique des femmes autochtones congolaises est utilisé par des Rwandais – forces gouvernementales et leurs opposants - comme arme de guerre à l’Est du Congo où l’on assiste aux expulsions forcées des populations autochtones de leurs terres et à l’intensification de l’exploitation illicite des minerais stratégiques tels que le coltan et la cassitérite par les envahisseurs. Les crimes contre l’humanité commis à l’Est du Congo par les seigneurs de guerre rwandais - tutsi et hutu confondus - comme Nkundabatware Mihigo sont bien connus de tous.
Mais, Nkundabatware et ses compatriotes ne sont pas arrêtés et les USA, l’Angleterre et la Belgique n’ont jamais condamné le génocide de cinq millions des Congolais. Les clichés photographiques suivants montrent à suffisance ce que sont les atrocités subies par les populations congolaises dans les territoires toujours occupés par des troupes rwandaises, toutes tendances – forces régulières et rebelles confondues.

Ces crimes sont perpétrés sur les instructions du général Paul Kagamé, Président de la République du Rwanda, un Etat africain mercenaire, s’il en est, et dont l’actuel chef - à l’instar de son homologue de l’Ouganda, Mr Museveni - a été préparé - dans une académie militaire aux Etats-Unis, plus précisement à Arkansas chez Bill Clinton - par les puissances impérialistes occidentales pour jouer un role maccabre en Afrique centrale.
Rares sont les défenseurs des droits de l’homme occidentaux qui aient condamné ce génocide des populations congolaises perpétré par le Rwanda de Kagame, l’Ouganda de Museveni et le Burundi de Buyoya. Nombreux sont, cependant en Occident, ceux qui n’ont osé levé le petit doigt pour protester contre les crimes de guerre, de génocide et contre l’humanité commis par ceux qui se présentent comme les fidèles alliés des pays occidentaux, notamment, des Etats-Unis d’Amérique, de la Grande Bretagne et de la Belgique.

Des responsables politiques occidentaux ainsi que des dirigeants des associations des droits de l’homme présentes en Occident, notamment Robert Menard, n’ont jamais dit un mot sur le génocide au Congo. Le paradoxe de l’histoire est très étonnant et absurde : le Ministre belge des Affaires étrangères, Mr Karl de Gucht, a même accusé les Congolais d’avoir commis ces massacres eux-mêmes et il n’a pas hésité à innocenter le Rwanda et l’Ouganda.
Toutefois, son cas relève simplement de l’esprit vindicatif du colonialiste belge qui a mal accepté et digéré l’indépendance du Congo. Cependant, la Cour Internationale de Justice (CIJ), basée à la Haye , en Hollande, avait déjà condamné l’Ouganda.
Néanmoins, le Ministre belge et de nombreuses associations occidentales des droits de l’homme font chaque jour la démonstration que la vie d’un Congolais ne vaut rien contre celle d’un Tibétain.


La moindre des conclusions démontre bien volontiers qu’il existe très peu d’associations des droits de l’homme dans le monde, mais beaucoup plus d’associations de malfaisance qui sont corrompues dans des pratiques qui relèvent de la pure escroquerie organisée contre les vraies victimes des violations des droits humains à travers la planète.

Paris, mercredi, 13 / 08 / 2008
Jean-Jacques Ngangweshe
@ :Jean-jacques-ngangweshe@live.fr
@ :jjngangweshe@yahoo.fr
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Rwanda: Installing a US Protectorate in Central Africa
by Michel Chossudovsky
www.globalresearch.ca 8 May 2003
The URL of this article is: http://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO305A.html
Originally written in May 2000, the following text is Part II of Chapter 7 entitled "Economic Genocide in Rwanda", of the Second Edition of The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order , Global Outlook, Shanty Bay, Ont. 2003. This text updates the author's analysis on Rwanda written in 1995 , which was published in the first edition of Globalization of Poverty, TWN and Zed Books, Penang and London, 1997. To order the Second Edition of The Globalization of Poverty, click here .
This text is in part based on the results of a study conducted by the author together with Belgian economist Pierre Galand on the use of Rwanda's 1990-94 external debt to finance the military and paramilitary.
The civil war in Rwanda and the ethnic massacres were an integral part of US foreign policy, carefully staged in accordance with precise strategic and economic objectives.
From the outset of the Rwandan civil war in 1990, Washington's hidden agenda consisted in establishing an American sphere of influence in a region historically dominated by France and Belgium. America's design was to displace France by supporting the Rwandan Patriotic Front and by arming and equipping its military arm, the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA)
From the mid-1980s, the Kampala government under President Yoweri Musaveni had become Washington's African showpiece of "democracy". Uganda had also become a launchpad for US sponsored guerilla movements into the Sudan, Rwanda and the Congo. Major General Paul Kagame had been head of military intelligence in the Ugandan Armed Forces; he had been trained at the U.S. Army Command and Staff College (CGSC) in Leavenworth, Kansas which focuses on warfighting and military strategy. Kagame returned from Leavenworth to lead the RPA, shortly after the 1990 invasion.
Prior to the outbreak of the Rwandan civil war, the RPA was part of the Ugandan Armed Forces. Shortly prior to the October 1990 invasion of Rwanda, military labels were switched. From one day to the next, large numbers of Ugandan soldiers joined the ranks of the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA). Throughout the civil war, the RPA was supplied from United People's Defense Forces (UPDF) military bases inside Uganda. The Tutsi commissioned officers in the Ugandan army took over positions in the RPA. The October 1990 invasion by Ugandan forces was presented to public opinion as a war of liberation by a Tutsi led guerilla army.
Militarization of Uganda
The militarization of Uganda was an integral part of US foreign policy. The build-up of the Ugandan UPDF Forces and of the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA) had been supported by the US and Britain. The British had provided military training at the Jinja military base:
"From 1989 onwards, America supported joint RPF [Rwandan Patriotic Front]-Ugandan attacks upon Rwanda... There were at least 56 'situation reports' in [US] State Department files in 1991… As American and British relations with Uganda and the RPF strengthened, so hostilities between Uganda and Rwanda escalated… By August 1990 the RPF had begun preparing an invasion with the full knowledge and approval of British intelligence. 20
Troops from Rwanda's RPA and Uganda's UPDF had also supported John Garang's People's Liberation Army in its secessionist war in southern Sudan. Washington was firmly behind these initiatives with covert support provided by the CIA. 21
Moreover, under the Africa Crisis Reaction Initiative (ACRI), Ugandan officers were also being trained by US Special Forces in collaboration with a mercenary outfit, Military Professional Resources Inc (MPRI) which was on contract with the US Department of State. MPRI had provided similar training to the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and the Croatian Armed Forces during the Yugoslav civil war and more recently to the Colombian Military in the context of Plan Colombia.
Militarization and the Ugandan External Debt
The buildup of the Ugandan external debt under President Musaveni coincided chronologically with the Rwandan and Congolese civil wars. With the accession of Musaveni to the presidency in 1986, the Ugandan external debt stood at 1.3 billion dollars. With the gush of fresh money, the external debt spiraled overnight, increasing almost threefold to 3.7 billion by 1997. In fact, Uganda had no outstanding debt to the World Bank at the outset of its "economic recovery program". By 1997, it owed almost 2 billion dollars solely to the World Bank. 22
Where did the money go? The foreign loans to the Musaveni government had been tagged to support the country's economic and social reconstruction. In the wake of a protracted civil war, the IMF sponsored "economic stabilization program" required massive budget cuts of all civilian programs.
The World Bank was responsible for monitoring the Ugandan budget on behalf of the creditors. Under the "public expenditure review" (PER), the government was obliged to fully reveal the precise allocation of its budget. In other words, every single category of expenditure --including the budget of the Ministry of Defense-- was open to scrutiny by the World Bank. Despite the austerity measures (imposed solely on "civilian" expenditures), the donors had allowed defense spending to increase without impediment.
Part of the money tagged for civilian programs had been diverted into funding the United People's Defense Force (UPDF) which in turn was involved in military operations in Rwanda and the Congo. The Ugandan external debt was being used to finance these military operations on behalf of Washington with the country and its people ultimately footing the bill. In fact by curbing social expenditures, the austerity measures had facilitated the reallocation of State of revenue in favor of the Ugandan military.
Financing both Sides in the Civil War
A similar process of financing military expenditure from the external debt had occurred in Rwanda under the Habyarimana government. In a cruel irony, both sides in the civil war were financed by the same donors institutions with the World Bank acting as a Watchdog.
The Habyarimana regime had at its disposal an arsenal of military equipment, including 83mm missile launchers, French made Blindicide, Belgian and German made light weaponry, and automatic weapons such as kalachnikovs made in Egypt, China and South Africa [as well as ... armored AML-60 and M3 armored vehicles.23 While part of these purchases had been financed by direct military aid from France, the influx of development loans from the World Bank's soft lending affiliate the International Development Association (IDA), the African Development Fund (AFD), the European Development Fund (EDF) as well as from Germany, the United States, Belgium and Canada had been diverted into funding the military and Interhamwe militia.
A detailed investigation of government files, accounts and correspondence conducted in Rwanda in 1996-97 by the author --together with Belgian economist Pierre Galand-- confirmed that many of the arms purchases had been negotiated outside the framework of government to government military aid agreements through various intermediaries and private arms dealers. These transactions --recorded as bona fide government expenditures-- had nonetheless been included in the State budget which was under the supervision of the World Bank. Large quantities of machetes and other items used in the 1994 ethnic massacres --routinely classified as "civilian commodities" -- had been imported through regular trading channels. 24
According to the files of the National Bank of Rwanda (NBR), some of these imports had been financed in violation of agreements signed with the donors. According to NBR records of import invoices, approximately one million machetes had been imported through various channels including Radio Mille Collines, an organization linked to the Interhamwe militia and used to foment ethnic hatred. 25
The money had been earmarked by the donors to support Rwanda's economic and social development. It was clearly stipulated that funds could not be used to import: "military expenditures on arms, ammunition and other military material". 26 In fact, the loan agreement with the World Bank's IDA was even more stringent. The money could not be used to import civilian commodities such as fuel, foodstuffs, medicine, clothing and footwear "destined for military or paramilitary use". The records of the NBR nonetheless confirm that the Habyarimana government used World Bank money to finance the import of machetes which had been routinely classified as imports of "civilian commodities." 27
An army of consultants and auditors had been sent in by World Bank to assess the Habyarimana government's "policy performance" under the loan agreement.28 The use of donor funds to import machetes and other material used in the massacres of civilians did not show up in the independent audit commissioned by the government and the World Bank. (under the IDA loan agreement. (IDA Credit Agreement. 2271-RW).29 In 1993, the World Bank decided to suspend the disbursement of the second installment of its IDA loan. There had been, according to the World Bank mission unfortunate "slip-ups" and "delays" in policy implementation. The free market reforms were no longer "on track", the conditionalities --including the privatization of state assets-- had not been met. The fact that the country was involved in a civil war was not even mentioned. How the money was spent was never an issue.30
Whereas the World Bank had frozen the second installment (tranche) of the IDA loan, the money granted in 1991 had been deposited in a Special Account at the Banque Bruxelles Lambert in Brussels. This account remained open and accessible to the former regime (in exile), two months after the April 1994 ethnic massacres.31
Postwar Cover-up
In the wake of the civil war, the World Bank sent a mission to Kigali with a view to drafting a so-called loan "Completion Report".32 This was a routine exercise, largely focussing on macro-economic rather than political issues. The report acknowledged that "the war effort prompted the [former] government to increase substantially spending, well beyond the fiscal targets agreed under the SAP.33 The misappropriation of World Bank money was not mentioned. Instead the Habyarimana government was praised for having "made genuine major efforts-- especially in 1991-- to reduce domestic and external financial imbalances, eliminate distortions hampering export growth and diversification and introduce market based mechanisms for resource allocation..." 34, The massacres of civilians were not mentioned; from the point of view of the donors, "nothing had happened". In fact the World Bank completion report failed to even acknowledge the existence of a civil war prior to April 1994.
In the wake of the Civil War: Reinstating the IMF's Deadly Economic Reforms
In 1995, barely a year after the 1994 ethnic massacres. Rwanda's external creditors entered into discussions with the Tutsi led RPF government regarding the debts of the former regime which had been used to finance the massacres. The RPF decided to fully recognize the legitimacy of the "odious debts" of the 1990-94. RPF strongman Vice-President Paul Kagame [now President] instructed the Cabinet not to pursue the matter nor to approach the World Bank. Under pressure from Washington, the RPF was not to enter into any form of negotiations, let alone an informal dialogue with the donors.
The legitimacy of the wartime debts was never questioned. Instead, the creditors had carefully set up procedures to ensure their prompt reimbursement. In 1998 at a special donors' meeting in Stockholm, a Multilateral Trust Fund of 55.2 million dollars was set up under the banner of postwar reconstruction.35 In fact, none of this money was destined for Rwanda. It had been earmarked to service Rwanda's "odious debts" with the World Bank (--i.e. IDA debt), the African Development Bank and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).
In other words, "fresh money" --which Rwanda will eventually have to reimburse-- was lent to enable Rwanda to service the debts used to finance the massacres. Old loans had been swapped for new debts under the banner of post-war reconstruction.36 The "odious debts" had been whitewashed, they had disappeared from the books. The creditor's responsibility had been erased. Moreover, the scam was also conditional upon the acceptance of a new wave of IMF-World Bank reforms.
Post War "Reconstruction and Reconciliation"
Bitter economic medicine was imposed under the banner of "reconstruction and reconciliation". In fact the IMF post-conflict reform package was far stringent than that imposed at the outset of the civil war in 1990. While wages and employment had fallen to abysmally low levels, the IMF had demanded a freeze on civil service wages alongside a massive retrenchment of teachers and health workers. The objective was to "restore macro-economic stability". A downsizing of the civil service was launched.37 Civil service wages were not to exceed 4.5 percent of GDP, so-called "unqualified civil servants" (mainly teachers) were to be removed from the State payroll. 38
Meanwhile, the country's per capita income had collapsed from $360 (prior to the war) to $140 in 1995. State revenues had been tagged to service the external debt. Kigali's Paris Club debts were rescheduled in exchange for "free market" reforms. Remaining State assets were sold off to foreign capital at bargain prices.
The Tutsi led RPF government rather than demanding the cancellation of Rwanda's odious debts, had welcomed the Bretton Woods institutions with open arms. They needed the IMF "greenlight" to boost the development of the military.
Despite the austerity measures, defense expenditure continued to grow. The 1990-94 pattern had been reinstated. The development loans granted since 1995 were not used to finance the country's economic and social development. Outside money had again been diverted into financing a military buildup, this time of the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA). And this build-up of the RPA occurred in the period immediately preceding the outbreak of civil war in former Zaire.
Civil War in the Congo
Following the installation of a US client regime in Rwanda in 1994, US trained Rwandan and Ugandan forces intervened in former Zaire --a stronghold of French and Belgian influence under President Mobutu Sese Seko. Amply documented, US special operations troops -- mainly Green Berets from the 3rd Special Forces Group based at Fort Bragg, N.C.-- had been actively training the RPA. This program was a continuation of the covert support and military aid provided to the RPA prior to 1994. In turn, the tragic outcome of the Rwandan civil war including the refugee crisis had set the stage for the participation of Ugandan and Rwandan RPA in the civil war in the Congo:
"Washington pumped military aid into Kagame's army, and U.S. Army Special Forces and other military personnel trained hundreds of Rwandan troops. But Kagame and his colleagues had designs of their own. While the Green Berets trained the Rwandan Patriotic Army, that army was itself secretly training Zairian rebels.… [In] Rwanda, U.S. officials publicly portrayed their engagement with the army as almost entirely devoted to human rights training. But the Special Forces exercises also covered other areas, including combat skills… Hundreds of soldiers and officers were enrolled in U.S. training programs, both in Rwanda and in the United States… [C]onducted by U.S. Special Forces, Rwandans studied camouflage techniques, small-unit movement, troop-leading procedures, soldier-team development, [etc]… And while the training went on, U.S. officials were meeting regularly with Kagame and other senior Rwandan leaders to discuss the continuing military threat faced by the [former Rwandan] government [in exile] from inside Zaire… Clearly, the focus of Rwandan-U.S. military discussion had shifted from how to build human rights to how to combat an insurgency… With [Ugandan President] Museveni's support, Kagame conceived a plan to back a rebel movement in eastern Zaire [headed by Laurent Desire Kabila] ... The operation was launched in October 1996, just a few weeks after Kagame's trip to Washington and the completion of the Special Forces training mission… Once the war [in the Congo] started, the United States provided "political assistance" to Rwanda,… An official of the U.S. Embassy in Kigali traveled to eastern Zaire numerous times to liaise with Kabila. Soon, the rebels had moved on. Brushing off the Zairian army with the help of the Rwandan forces, they marched through Africa's third-largest nation in seven months, with only a few significant military engagements. Mobutu fled the capital, Kinshasa, in May 1997, and Kabila took power, changing the name of the country to Congo…U.S. officials deny that there were any U.S. military personnel with Rwandan troops in Zaire during the war, although unconfirmed reports of a U.S. advisory presence have circulated in the region since the war's earliest days.39
American Mining Interests
At stake in these military operations in the Congo were the extensive mining resources of Eastern and Southern Zaire including strategic reserves of cobalt -- of crucial importance for the US defense industry. During the civil war several months before the downfall of Mobutu, Laurent Desire Kabila basedin Goma, Eastern Zaire had renegotiated the mining contracts with several US and British mining companies including American Mineral Fields (AMF), a company headquartered in President Bill Clinton's hometown of Hope, Arkansas.40
Meanwhile back in Washington, IMF officials were busy reviewing Zaire's macro-economic situation. No time was lost. The post-Mobutu economic agenda had already been decided upon. In a study released in April 1997 barely a month before President Mobutu Sese Seko fled the country, the IMF had recommended "halting currency issue completely and abruptly" as part of an economic recovery programme.41 And a few months later upon assuming power in Kinshasa, the new government of Laurent Kabila Desire was ordered by the IMF to freeze civil service wages with a view to "restoring macro-economic stability." Eroded by hyperinflation, the average public sector wage had fallen to 30,000 new Zaires (NZ) a month, the equivalent of one U.S. dollar.42
The IMF's demands were tantamount to maintaining the entire population in abysmal poverty. They precluded from the outset a meaningful post-war economic reconstruction, thereby contributing to fuelling the continuation of the Congolese civil war in which close to 2 million people have died.
Concluding Remarks
The civil war in Rwanda was a brutal struggle for political power between the Hutu-led Habyarimana government supported by France and the Tutsi Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) backed financially and militarily by Washington. Ethnic rivalries were used deliberately in the pursuit of geopolitical objectives. Both the CIA and French intelligence were involved.
In the words of former Cooperation Minister Bernard Debré in the government of Prime Minister Henri Balladur:
"What one forgets to say is that, if France was on one side, the Americans were on the other, arming the Tutsis who armed the Ugandans. I don't want to portray a showdown between the French and the Anglo-Saxons, but the truth must be told." 43
In addition to military aid to the warring factions, the influx of development loans played an important role in "financing the conflict." In other words, both the Ugandan and Rwanda external debts were diverted into supporting the military and paramilitary. Uganda's external debt increased by more than 2 billion dollars, --i.e. at a significantly faster pace than that of Rwanda (an increase of approximately 250 million dollars from 1990 to 1994). In retrospect, the RPA -- financed by US military aid and Uganda's external debt-- was much better equipped and trained than the Forces Armées du Rwanda (FAR) loyal to President Habyarimana. From the outset, the RPA had a definite military advantage over the FAR.
According to the testimony of Paul Mugabe, a former member of the RPF High Command Unit, Major General Paul Kagame had personally ordered the shooting down of President Habyarimana's plane with a view to taking control of the country. He was fully aware that the assassination of Habyarimana would unleash "a genocide" against Tutsi civilians. RPA forces had been fully deployed in Kigali at the time the ethnic massacres took place and did not act to prevent it from happening:
The decision of Paul Kagame to shoot Pres. Habyarimana's aircraft was the catalyst of an unprecedented drama in Rwandan history, and Major-General Paul Kagame took that decision with all awareness. Kagame's ambition caused the extermination of all of our families: Tutsis, Hutus and Twas. We all lost. Kagame's take-over took away the lives of a large number of Tutsis and caused the unnecessary exodus of millions of Hutus, many of whom were innocent under the hands of the genocide ringleaders. Some naive Rwandans proclaimed Kagame as their savior, but time has demonstrated that it was he who caused our suffering and misfortunes… Can Kagame explain to the Rwandan people why he sent Claude Dusaidi and Charles Muligande to New York and Washington to stop the UN military intervention which was supposed to be sent and protect the Rwandan people from the genocide? The reason behind avoiding that military intervention was to allow the RPF leadership the takeover of the Kigali Government and to show the world that they - the RPF - were the ones who stopped the genocide. We will all remember that the genocide occurred during three months, even though Kagame has said that he was capable of stopping it the first week after the aircraft crash. Can Major-General Paul Kagame explain why he asked to MINUAR to leave Rwandan soil within hours while the UN was examining the possibility of increasing its troops in Rwanda in order to stop the genocide?44
Paul Mugabe's testimony regarding the shooting down of Habyarimana's plane ordered by Kagame is corroborated by intelligence documents and information presented to the French parliamentary inquiry. Major General Paul Kagame was an instrument of Washington. The loss of African lives did not matter. The civil war in Rwanda and the ethnic massacres were an integral part of US foreign policy, carefully staged in accordance with precise strategic and economic objectives.
Despite the good diplomatic relations between Paris and Washington and the apparent unity of the Western military alliance, it was an undeclared war between France and America. By supporting the build up of Ugandan and Rwandan forces and by directly intervening in the Congolese civil war, Washington also bears a direct responsibility for the ethnic massacres committed in the Eastern Congo including several hundred thousand people who died in refugee camps.
US policy-makers were fully aware that a catastrophe was imminent. In fact four months before the genocide, the CIA had warned the US State Department in a confidential brief that the Arusha Accords would fail and "that if hostilities resumed, then upward of half a million people would die". 45 This information was withheld from the United Nations: "it was not until the genocide was over that information was passed to Maj.-Gen. Dallaire [who was in charge of UN forces in Rwanda]." 46
Washington's objective was to displace France, discredit the French government (which had supported the Habyarimana regime) and install an Anglo-American protectorate in Rwanda under Major General Paul Kagame. Washington deliberately did nothing to prevent the ethnic massacres.
When a UN force was put forth, Major General Paul Kagame sought to delay its implementation stating that he would only accept a peacekeeping force once the RPA was in control of Kigali. Kagame "feared [that] the proposed United Nations force of more than 5,000 troops… [might] intervene to deprive them [the RPA] of victory".47 Meanwhile the Security Council after deliberation and a report from Secretary General Boutros Boutros Ghali decided to postpone its intervention.
The 1994 Rwandan "genocide" served strictly strategic and geopolitical objectives. The ethnic massacres were a stumbling blow to France's credibility which enabled the US to establish a neocolonial foothold in Central Africa. From a distinctly Franco-Belgian colonial setting, the Rwandan capital Kigali has become --under the expatriate Tutsi led RPF government-- distinctly Anglo-American. English has become the dominant language in government and the private sector. Many private businesses owned by Hutus were taken over in 1994 by returning Tutsi expatriates. The latter had been exiled in Anglophone Africa, the US and Britain.
The Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA) functions in English and Kinyarwanda, the University previously linked to France and Belgium functions in English. While English had become an official language alongside French and Kinyarwanda, French political and cultural influence will eventually be erased. Washington has become the new colonial master of a francophone country.
Several other francophone countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have entered into military cooperation agreements with the US. These countries are slated by Washington to follow suit on the pattern set in Rwanda. Meanwhile in francophone West Africa, the US dollar is rapidly displacing the CFA Franc -- which is linked in a currency board arrangement to the French Treasury.
Notes (Endnote numbering as in the original chapter)
Written in 1999, the following text is Part II of Chapter 5 on the Second Edition of The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order. The first part of chapter published in the first edition was written in 1994. Part II is in part based on a study conducted by the author and Belgian economist Pierre Galand on the use of Rwanda's 1990-94 external debt to finance the military and paramilitary.
Africa Direct, Submission to the UN Tribunal on Rwanda, http://www.junius.co.uk/africa- direct/tribunal.html Ibid.
Africa's New Look, Jane's Foreign Report, August 14, 1997.
Jim Mugunga, Uganda foreign debt hits Shs 4 trillion, The Monitor, Kampala, 19 February 1997.
Michel Chossudovsky and Pierre Galand, L'usage de la dette exterieure du Rwanda, la responsabilité des créanciers, mission report, United Nations Development Program and Government of Rwanda, Ottawa and Brussels, 1997.
ibid, the imports recorded were of the order of kg. 500.000 of machetes or approximately one million machetes.
Ibid. See also schedule 1.2 of the Development Credit Agreement with IDA, Washington, 27 June 1991, CREDIT IDA 2271 RW.
Chossudovsky and Galand, op cit
World Bank completion report, quoted in Chossudovsky and Galand, op cit.
See World Bank, Rwanda at http://www.worldbank.org/afr/rw2.htm.
Ibid, italics added
A ceiling on the number of public employees had been set at 38,000 for 1998 down from 40,600 in 1997. See Letter of Intent of the Government of Rwanda including cover letter addressed to IMF Managing Director Michel Camdessus, IMF, Washington, http://www.imf.org/external/np/loi/060498.htm , 1998.
Lynne Duke Africans Use US Military Training in Unexpected Ways, Washington Post. July 14, 1998; p.A01.
Musengwa Kayaya, U.S. Company To Invest in Zaire, Pan African News, 9 May 1997.
International Monetary Fund, Zaire Hyperinflation 1990-1996, Washington, April 1997.
Alain Shungu Ngongo, Zaire-Economy: How to Survive On a Dollar a Month, International Press Service, 6 June 1996.
Quoted in Therese LeClerc. "Who is responsible for the genocide in Rwanda?", World Socialist website at http://www.wsws.org/index.shtml , 29 April 1998.
Paul Mugabe, The Shooting Down Of The Aircraft Carrying Rwandan President Habyarimama , testimony to the International Strategic Studies Association (ISSA), Alexandria, Virginia, 24 April 2000.
Linda Melvern, Betrayal of the Century, Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, 8 April 2000.
Scott Peterson, Peacekeepers will not halt carnage, say Rwanda, rebels, Daily Telegraph, London, May 12, 1994.

The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet it cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet it cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Mon cher Helmut, Agaculama/Vidal: Rakiya Omar/Rudasingwa et leur chevauchée 1994
Vous me comblez d'aise. Agaculama a lancé ce que l'on nomme "un ballon" en journalisme. Et le ballon a cassé une vitre. Une nouvelle vraie ou fausse qui par elle même engendre démentis et confirmations. Et quand on écrème le tout, la vérité limpide apparaît. Bien sûr, Madame Théogène Rudasingwa, pardon Rakiya Omar, fait partie de la même structure que Madame Alison Liebfhalsky Desforges. African Rights est l'émanation efpéërienne d'African Rights Watch qui fut créée pour permettre aux Inkotanyi de gagner la guerre médiatique.
Je vous confirmerai, mon cher Helmut, que Rakiya Omar était au QG de Mulindi de 1993 à 1994 et qu'elle a accompagné la sanglante chevauchée fantastique du FPR jusqu'au Gisaka puis le Bugesera avec son équipe de scribes pharisianiques et d'ayatollah du Droitdelhommisme au service exclusif de Kagame! Sinon, comment expliquer que RO ait signé sa préface à son livre qui sert de réquisitoire aux procureurs d'Arusha, "Death, Despair and Defiance" de 1201 pages en septembre 1994? Seriez-vous capable en deux mois de rédiger et imprimer un bouquin de 1201 pages comme le firent Rakiya Omar et Alex de Waal en 1994? Voici exactement le parcours de Rakiya Omar, parcours qui correspond exactement à celui pris par les Inkotanyi, y compris leur passage par le Burundi avec l'aide de l'armée burundaise :
Nairobi/Kenya 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 avril, 1 mai
Ngara/Tanzania 3, 4 mai
Jonction avec le FPR 5 mai à Rusumo/Kibungo
Gahini/Kibungo 5, 6, 7, 8 mai
Rwamagana/Kibungo 8 mai
Gahini/Kibungo 9 mai
Nairobi/Kenya 12 mai
Byumba 18, 19, 20 mai
Rutare/Byumba 21 mai
Byumba 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 mai
Kabuga/Kigali Ngali 27, 28 mai
Gahini/Kibungo 28 mai
Zaza/Bugesera 29 mai
Rukumbeli, Sake/Kibungo 29 mai
Nyamata/Bugesera 30, 31 mai, 1 juin
Ngenda/Bugesera 1 juin
Kamabuye/Bugesera 2 juin
Ruhuha/Bugesera 2 juin
Nyamata/Bugesera 2, 3, 4, juin
Kirundo/Burundi 4 juin
Nyamata/Bugesera 5 juin
Gashora/Bugesera 8, 9 juin
Cibitoke/Burundi 10 juin
Kivumu/Burundi 10, 11 juin
Mubuga/Burundi 11 juin
Shyogwe/Gitarama 11 juin
Ntongwe/Gitarama 11 juin
Tambwe/Gitarama 11 juin
Ruhango/Gitarama 12, 13 juin
Nyanza/Gitarama 14 juin
Tambwe/Gitarama 16 juin
Kabuga/Kigali Ngali 16 juin
Ndera/Kigali Ngali 17 juin
Kigali 17 juin
Kabuye/Kigali Ngali 18 juin
Kabuga/Kigali Ngali 19 juin
Gahini/Kibungo 17 juillet
Nyamata/Bugesera 20 juillet

A bon entendeur salut. Si l'Histoire est têtue, la mémoire d'Agaculama est encore plus têtue !!! Ce sont bien des faits fiables et vérifiables qui nourissent la Vérité, pas des calembradaines a posteriori.
Bien amicalement, Helmut.
Umutabazi Agaculama, l'A.M.I. des Abanyarwaanda.
Monday, August 4, 2008

Dear Net-user,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
African Rights, The Active RPF-Ibuka transnational criminal organization based in London operating on behalf of Paul Kagame’s mafia and terrorist organization.
African rights officially works for Justice, It’s known to be an organization officially working on issues of grave human rights abuses, conflict, famine and civil reconstruction in Africa! But in fact, it’s a Tutsi-lobbyist organization headed by Rakiya Omar, a pro-Tutsi lobbyist Somali woman paid much money to lie and send many people from the region to the death as she works for this organization sponsored by the Tutsi–Mafioso working for other terrorist organizations based in Africa, terrorist states and Nazi regimes carrying out grave human rights abuses, conflict, assassinations, rapes, ethnic cleansing like the Rwandan regime under the RPF regime, known for having exterminated 3, 5 millions of the hated Hutu ethnic group, and more than 4 millions of Congolese people.

Dear net-user,

You won’t believe me but you will be amazed the way they report about the human rights violations. No mention about the RPF regime, no mention about the heavyweight criminal Paul Kagame, the African Hitler. When they report about violations, they talk about Hutus they want to be assassinated or exterminated saying that Hutus have a genocidal ideology to speed up their killings inside and outside Rwanda.

Be careful! African Rights writings generally predict mass-murders! Hutus become again the main RPF target.

Do not tell me “You were right all along”. They all know we know who they are! They are specialized in big lies on behalf of the RPF regime, spreading up the Paul Kagame’s scenario about 1994 tragedy, admonishing at the same time Hutus and prejudicing Hutu ethnic members and you will realize that they renew their data by including new Hutu intellectuals but using the same worlds SSDD. They are actually known as the RPF Nazi thinkers headed by a Somali woman.

This group of RPF activists operating outside in the Nazi organization based in and well-trained accusers (among them are master minders of the mass-murders of Hutus for years: 1990-1993.1994, 1996 and 1998) are believed to be exclusively members of African Rights, a Rwandese organization based in London. Before that the extermination takes place, African Rights members are known to be experts to prejudice Hutus before launching the mass-slaughters.

Those ill-thinkers have no first-hand experience on which to base their accusations. Most of the cases, the will tell you bitter experiences they had with some Hutus, refugees and in the same time you will notice that their facts are scanty and strained. They resorts to a selective sorting of their own few memories, mix them up with hearsay, and over generalize.

Nobody can possibly know all Hutus, Interahamwe or FDLR. Hence any negative judgment from them as a whole is, strictly speaking, an instance of thinking ill without sufficient warrant. So, this negative attitude and "GREGARIOUS" instinct of African Rights toward Hutus is sustained by spurious overgeneralization I always encounter the RPF and RPF Lobby syndrome of Prejudice against Hutus.
There is no denying, dear Netter, that the degree of African Rights moral indignation engendered is undoubtedly IRRELEVANT.

Be careful when you read today and tomorrow’s African Rights writings. This is a preventive and a foresee advise before thousands of Hutus get Killed in these coming days.

So that you can be sure you are acknowledged about African Rights disingenuous demagogy,
Take an umbrella and protect yourself against this dangerous and harsh rain.
When an angry looking dog charges down the street, we categorize him as a “mad dog” and avoid him, so is African Rights that all the time behaves unprofessionally.
Please check in your entourage, the sky darkens.
When you see a crazily swaying automobile, we think “drunk driver” then we act accordingly!
African Rights has always lumped the international community only under a very simple formula: Hutus are genocidaires, Interahamwe, extremists for those Hutus who claim to oppose RPF Nazism.
So Because of African Rights labels, people around the world have a dominant name over Hutus as Interahamwe. On the contrary, RPF criminals are good boys who are cleaning Rwanda from Hutus, the Interahamwe!
Tomorrow, you will be told this bloody African rights organization that in Rwandan schools Hutu children have genocidal ideology, that Hutus are Christ-killers! Therefore Hutus- have-to-be-hated. AFRICAN RIGHTS TRY ALWAYS TO RUBRICIZE and always fuel and speedup THE MASSACRES OF HUTUS from North to south , from East to West. IT’S A MATTER OF FACTS. If you don’t believe me, double check what I’ve written here.
All is about how to speed up the Hutus extermination. Did you notice that? If not go back to the then African rights pages and read them carefully, I say CAREFULLY and you will realize that Hutus are the centre of their writings.
Finally, do not tell me “Hey You were right all along”

Antifascisme Oblige,

Jean-Christophe Nizeyimana, Libre Penseur
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Ladies and Gentlemen:

Allow me to express my appreciation & gratitude to the Mrs. Condoleezza Rice for this invaluable report on the extermination of the majority of Rwandans who happened to be born Hutus. This reports plays a meaningful and significant role to contribute towards peace in Rwanda and justifies the Spanish arrest warrants AGAINST RPF MILITARY HIGH RANKING OFFICERS. I am very proud to see the Spanish judge coming to the same conclusion with RPF leadership indictment. I am grateful to the Us Dept State for their high expertise and professional work theyfve produced relating the daily crimes faced by my fellow citizens( I have great memories about them in 1996-1997 up to 1998).

Frankly I am unimpressed with this ongoing genocide in R wanda at all levels across the country. If you happen to be an interior Hutu, please donft make loudly comments about the ongoing genocide highlighted by the US State Department.. Otherwise you are going to kick a sleeping dog, and I tell you what: with these arrest warrants, RPF criminals became mad, angry dogs. So be prepared to be bitten and be bitten bad. These RPF Nazis have no interest or intention whatsoever to earnestly surrender before the Court.

Thousands of Hutu children are charged with genocide in the Rwanda schools. Bodily or mental harm, they run away from schools and very often from their families to become street children. Their trauma, sickness, deaths have never been investigated or explained. Their families are never told. Many Rwandans who are believed to be born Hutus remains are buried in unmarked graves, often-mass graves. Genocide doesn't always happen quickly!
Hutu children were and are forcibly taken from their parents and transferred to Tutsi families to privent 'Ingengabitekerezo ya genocide" and sometimes are taken to the brainwashing Ingando's in the pursuit of a genocide. Let THEM face the ugly Truth.

Jean-Christophe Nizeyimana

Executive Secretary


Utrecht, March 12, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Dear Friends,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
On behalf of many of Kagame's victims mainly hutu ethnic members, On behalf of Intabaza,
the Association of Survivors of the Rwanda Genocide of Rwandan Refugees in the DRC,

I would like to say that our story is very sad. In solidarity with who, at this moment in time, can not anymore celebrate these interesting events like the Chrismas or the New year, On behalf of those who hunger for justice in the death camps(returnees imidugudu) and homes within the fascist state of Rwanda, 7 years have now passed since millions of our fellow citizens have been slaughtered in DRC(Ex-Zaire). I do not want to remember you those ten of thousands of hutu women, wildly raped or gathered in burned houses, those who have been injected HIV because they happen to be the wives of that hated majority in Rwanda.

Neither I do not want to forget those who tried to free our country of origine Rwanda, Those who have been wrogly assimilated to insurgents, interahamwe, infiltrators, etc. But Let me tell you that these heros,
men,women and children have fought a battle head-on against the brutality, the injustice and
policies of criminalisation, categorazation by prejudicing against our mums, dads, brothers
and sisters. This criminalisation has been created by the well-known RPF philosophers and
wrongdoers who are inside and outside Rwanda. What we have to do ? To create more and
more parties and to divide our forces and consequentely to weak ourselves? The answer is
NO. There is NO WAY.

We have to remember rightfully thi significance of such a sacrifice that our heros gave or are giving in different fascist death fast camps and prisons throuthout Rwanda. It was and it is a brave gesture again refucused the world's attention on enslaved Rwanda with scene's not witnessed in the course of recent killings in Rwanda and/or in DRC.Who doesn't remember THE BLOODBATH TRAIN in Kisangani? A battle that began
with a simple refusal of cultivating, that struggle eventually lead to mass massacres in Kanama, Nkuli, Kigombe,Byumba, Kigali Ngali, in those Gitarama communes that border Gisenyi. The struggle and the resistance of our Heros has been compared to ".

This year, as we look back on the significance of that vital point in our recent and sad history as survivors and on the men who died in those mountains of Bymba, Gitarama, Ruhengeri and Gisenyi. So too must we remember the nature of their battle, the battle for Freedom, Justice and Democracy of all of us . I guess the Kenyan Elections is a Warning and a sad event for the rwandan dictators and A LIGHT FOR HOPE for those who have lost their rights because it happens to be the majority in their country. It is during this time that the world learns of the pain, struggle, and sacrifice of many young men and women who were going trough, not ten thousands of miles from this Rwanda. A struggle, that in many ways ressembled and even mirrored that which Abaparmehutu embarked on since 1957. A struggle against a policy of criminalisation of political prisoners and ordinarly people held in those inhuman prisons.Likewise so too must we engage, here and elsewhere in the world, daily with as much energy as possible, ensuring that our children, friends and relatives of the ongoing death fast will be forgotten. Their cry must be our battle cry in Rwanda and elsewhere in this world. Wherever you are you must stand to pay tribute to those men and women who have already given their lives on battle for freedom to the death, we must renew our commitment and warm solidarity to our brothers and sisters who at this moment and in the future fast for the right of international, diplomatic and political status in the struggle against the rwandan fascist Paul Kagame and RPF members. It is with pride that we rightfully acknowledge and support the many-sided battle against Kagame's cruelties.
As we in Rwanda and ouside remember our 1996, 1997 and 1998 martyrs of the criminal
Kagame, your courage and your strength will contribute to retrieve our homeland. For this
you have to play an important role. To you, our friends and the rwandan community in
Europe and the North America, Intabaza, the Association of Survivors of the Genocide of
Rwandan Refugees in DRC is with you! We are right! We Will Win!
Jean-Christophe Nizeyimana (www!)
Secretery Executive

Dear Friends,
Brothers and sisters,
I would like to draw your attention on these different findings. I guess you will have a fixed
image of Kagame and his RPF on Power in Rwanda:
1) Political and economic power in Rwanda rests in the hands of people who not only
returned from Uganda but also have family links.
Theogene Rudasingwa, the Chief of Staff of Rwandan President Paul Kagame is Gerald
Gahima's brother. Gahima is the Rwandan Attorney General. Their sister Beatrice
Mukabaranga served as Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Education shortly after the
Rwandan Patriotic Front overthrew the former government.
Major Denis Karera is Major Kwikiriza's brother. Their brother Musinge is Deputy Attorney
General (Avocat General) at the Supreme Court.
Lieutenant Camille who heads the communications systems of the Rwandan Patriotic Army
(APR) is Lieutenant Colonel Karemera's brother, former Minister of Education and
ambassador to South Africa.
Lieutenant Colonel Karemera is Donat Kaberuka's first cousin. Their fathers are brothers.
Kaberuka is minister of Finance.
Mutemberezi, the Governor of the National Bank of Rwanda is married to Muligande's sister.
Muligande is the current Rwandan minister of Foreign Affairs. Mutemberezi's brother is
mayor of Commune Musambira. These are Tutsi returnees from Burundi.
Musoni Protais, Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Interior is Patrick Mazimpaka's brother in
law. Mazimpaka is Special Envoy in General Kagame's office.
Dr. Richard Masozera is Aloysia Inyumba's husband. He is director of Immigration and
Hope Mulera is married to Gasana, the Director General of ENGEN, former BP FINA bought
by a South African company.
Other powerful returnees from Uganda are: Colonel Frank Rusagara, former Deputy Minister
of Defense; Colonel Andrews Rwigamba, President of military courts; Colonel Frank
Mugambage, Commander of the Police; Colonel Kayonga, Advisor to Rwandan President
Kagame, Lieutenant Karera, and Lieutenant Camille.
Lieutenant Jacques Nziza oversees the Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI), a
paramilitary agency specialized in carrying out assassinations of RPF enemies while
Lieutenant Patrick Karegeya runs External Intelligence, a DMI branch that coordinates
assassinations abroad and the looting of the natural resources of the Democratic Republic of
the Congo.
Musoni James is another RPF heavy weight. He represents General Kagame in the RPF. As
such he is above Muligande in terms of pecking order. He is also a major figure of Rwanda
Revenue Authority.
Some women who joined the RPF during the bush war still play a major role. There are
Christine Umutoni, Emilie Rusera, Aloysia Inyumba, Hope Murera, Rose Kabuye,
The RPF recently expelled Kabuye from the National Transitional Assembly (NTA) and there
is rumor that she might have been expelled from the RPF and the APR. According to Jean-
Pierre Mugabe, a former RPF intelligence officer, she is implicated in the assassination of
former Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana.
The most powerful of these women is Aloysia Inyumba. She has been closely associated
with General Kagame since the creation of the RPF. She is Kagame's confidant. She holds
the signature and secret numbers of the RPF bank accounts in foreign countries such as
Canada, Belgium, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Political sources say RPF leaders abused most of these women during the bush war. After
the victory of the RPF they rewarded them with political positions.
2) General Paul Kagame's and his Rwandan Patriotic Army's criminal records(some of them):
Massacre of Burundian refugees resettled in Commune Muvumba and massacre of Hima in
Commune Muvumba, Prefecture of Byumba in October 1990 when the Rwandan Patriotic
Front (RPF) invaded Rwanda from its military bases in southwestern Uganda.
Massacres of the population of Shonga, Commune Muvumba, Prefecture Byumba. The RPF
occupied Shonga from October 1990 until its victory in July, 1994. The RPF decimated the
population living in Shonga.
Between 1991 and 1992, RPF massacred Hutu in the communes of Bwisige, Cyumba,
Cyungo, Kibali, Kivuye, Kiyombe, Mukarage, Muvumba, and Ngarama of the prefecture of
Massacres were also carried out in the communes Butaro, Cyeru, and Nyamugali of
Ruhengeri. Some of the people from these communes were deported to Uganda and
disappeared. RPF killings generated massive internally displaced persons who sought refuge
at makeshift camps. The RPF shelled these camps although these internally displaced
persons were not armed.
On February 8, 1993, the RPF attacked the town of Ruhengeri and massacred unarmed
civilians. During the attack the RPF summarily executed a large number of civilians including
Barengayabo, President of the Appeal's Court and Philippe Gakwerere, Inspector of mining
and their families.
During its military offensive of February 1993, the RPF massacred unarmed civilians in
Ngarama, Commune Gituza, Prefecture of Byumba.
On May 18, 1993, the RPF assassinated Emmanuel Gapyisi, a member of the political
bureau of the Democratic Republican Movement (MDR) and president of MDR in the
prefecture of Gikongoro.
On August 25, 1993, the RPF assassinated Fidele Rwambuka, mayor of the commune of
Kanzenze, prefecture of Kigali and a member of the central committee of the Republican
National Movement for Democracy and Development (MRND).
In the night of November 17 and 18, 1993 the RPA under Colonel Kayizari massacred 48
unarmed civilians in the sous-prefecture of Kirambo, prefecture of Ruhengeri.
In the same month of November 1993, the RPF Massacred of unarmed civilians in
Commune Mutura, prefecture Gisenyi and Commune Bwisige, prefecture of Byumba. The
United Nations Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR) investigated the massacre of Mutura and
Kirambo and never published its findings.
On February 21, 1994, the RPF assassinated Felicien Gatabazi, the executive secretary of
the Social democratic party (PSD).
On February 22, 1994, the RPF assassinated Martin Bucyana, president of the Coalition for
the Defense of the Republic (CDR). Colonel Karenzi of the RPF coordinated these political
On March 15, 1994 RPF soldiers under Colonel Kayonga carried out the assassination of
Nathanael Nyilinkwaya, director of the tea factory of Cyohoha Rukeri, his wife, and two
factory employees.
From 1991 to 1993, RPF agents posed mines and bombs on roads, minibuses, and public
places. Some of these agents were arrested carrying explosives. Others were arrested
crossing into Rwanda from Burundi, Tanzania, and Zaire (the Democratic Republic of the
Congo (DRC).
According to a UN secret report and to Jean-Pierre Mugabe, a former RPF official, General
Kagame ordered the shooting down of the plane carrying President Juvenal Habyarimana
and his Burundi counterpart, Cyprien Ntaryamira. The plane was shot down on April 6, 1994
at 8:30 PM as it was about to land at Kanombe International Airport. Presidents, their aides
and the crew died on the impact.
In April 1994, the RPF under Colonel Kayonga went from house to house in Remera, Kigali
killing businessmen, intellectuals, politicians, and all members of their families. RPF soldiers
executed unarmed civilians who fled to Amahoro Stadium.
Following are the names of the people executed by the RPF. The list is not exhaustive.
- Ndagijimana, Celestin, Chief Administrator officer at IMPRISCO
- Claudien Habarushaka, former prefect of Kigali;
- Baliyanga, Sylvestre, then prefect of Ruhengeri, his wife and children;
- Jean-Marie Vianney Mvulirwenande's wife and children;
- Mujyanama, Theoneste, former attorney general;
- Habimana, Aloys, former director in the ministry of agriculture;
- Stanislas Niyibizi's wife and children;
- Hategekimana , Raphael, director of Village Urugwiro
- Major Bugenimana, Helene and her children;
- Bahigiki, Emmanuel, former secretary general in the ministry of planning, his wife, and
- Gahutu, Jean, his wife and his children;
- Nsengiyaremye, Theodore, pharmacist, his wife and his children; Munyangabe, Marcel,
former president of the General Accounting Court, his wife and his children;
- Ndaziramiye, Herson, his wife and children.
- Gashegu, Dismas, former vice chancellor of the National University of Rwanda;
- Mbanzarugamba, Felicien, employee at Bralirwa, his wife and children;
- Kayibanda, Irenee, employee at Societe Nationale d'Assurances (SONARWA);
- Hategekimana, Jean, president of the Court of Kigali, his wife and children;
- Mupenda, Frederic, employee at the ministry of public works
- Donat Hakizimana, his wife and children.
- Nyungura, Emile, his wife and children;
According to Human Rights Watch and the FIDH, by April 25, 1994 the RPF had opened a
corridor from Kigali to Byumba. It evacuated civilians from Amahoro Stadium, Kigali to
Byumba. Some of the people it evacuated were summarily executed in Byumba. Among
them was Gregoire Kayinamura, vice president of MDR, Norbert Muhaturukundo, employee
at the ministry of information, and Sebulikoko, Celestin, businessman. This list is not
exhaustive. So far, no RPF soldier has been prosecuted.
On April 21, 1994 the RPF killed Catholic priests who had sought refuge at Rwesero
Seminary. These priests are: Christian Nkiliyehe, Anastase Nkundabanyanga, Joseph
Hitimana, Gaspard Mudashimwa, Alexis Havugimana, Celestin Muhayimana, Augustin
Mushyenderi, and Fidele Mulinda. So far, no RPF soldier has been prosecuted.
On June 5, 1994 RPF soldiers summarily executed three Catholic bishops: Vincent
Nsengiyumva, Archbishop of Kigali; Thaddee Nsengiyumva, bishop of Kabgayi; Joseph
Ruzindana, bishop of Byumba; and nine Catholic priests: Mgr. Innocent Gasabwoya, former
General Vicar Bishop of Kamonyi; Mgr. Jean-Marie Vianney Rwabilinda, Father Emmanuel
Uwimana, Chancellor of the minor seminary of Kabgayi, Father Sylvestre Ndaberetse, Father
Bernard Ntamugabumwe, Father Francois Xavier Muligo, Father Alfred Kayibanda, and
Fidele Gahonzire Human RPF soldiers also executed Brother Jean Baptiste Nsinga,
President of St Joseph Brothers. So far no RPF soldier has been prosecuted.
RPF soldiers summarily executed priests, nuns, and pastors. - From April 7, 1994 through
August 1994, the RPF summoned people to public meetings. After people had gathered to
listen to RPF officials, RPF soldiers massacred them. The following terms are reminiscent of
these episodes: kwitaba inama or to attend a public meeting; kwikiza umwanzi or to get rid of
the enemy, and gutegura or to clean up a place. When people were summoned to attend a
public meeting, they were summarily executed. When people were summoned to clean up a
place to supposedly resettle internally displaced people, they were summarily executed.
When people were summoned to attend a public meeting to learn how to smoke out
interahamwe, they were asked to tie each other arms behind the back using ropes. Then
they were summarily executed. Human Rights Watch and the FIDH have reported these
massacres in the publication mentioned earlier.
A UNHCR report prepared by a team of three people headed by Robert Gersony on these
numerous massacres that occurred as the RPF took control of Rwanda in 1994 was buried
under pressure from the United States and the UN. According to Human Rights Watch and
the FIDH, "From August 1 through September 5, the team visited ninety-one sites in forty one
of the 145 communes of Rwanda and gathered detailed information about ten others". They
go on to say that "A written note produced by the UNHCR estimated only that the RPF had
killed thousands of persons a month, but Gersony himself reportedly estimated that during
the months from April to August the RPF killed between 25,000 and 45,000 persons,
between 5,000 and 10,000 persons each month from April through July and 5,000 for the
month of August. In press accounts based on leaked information, the figure most often cited
was 30,000."
Massacre of unarmed civilian at Kibeho, prefecture of Gikongoro. UNAMIR, non-government
organizations and international news media witnessed this massacre. More than 8,000
people died. Pasteur Bizimungu, then president of Rwanda, urged the international
community to accept the death toll of three hundred people. RPA soldiers removed dead
bodies at night and took them at other locations so that international news media and non
government organizations could not count them.
Massacres of tens of thousands unarmed Hutu civilians, mostly women, children and elderly,
by the Rwandan Patriotic Front, in Kanama in October-November 1997. The Rwanda
Patriotic Army accepted the responsibility for these crimes, but none was punished or even
prosecuted for these crimes against humanity. To repair the tarnished image of Kagame's
regime, Colonel Ibingira who ordered this massacre was sentenced to one year of under
house arrest.
Massacres of tens of thousands of unarmed civilians, mostly women, children and elderly in
the caves of Nyakinama, Bugoyi, in 1998. The international media and the international
community confirmed the massacres and Rwandan Patriotic Army admitted to the crimes.
Massacres of hundreds of thousands of ethnic Hutu civilians villagers, mostly young boys,
women, children, and elderly in the villages across Ruhengeri and Gisenyi in 1997-1998, by
the Rwandan Patriotic Army. These massacres occurred under the command of General
Kayumba Nyamwasa, the current chief staff of the APR. He was then the highest-ranking
military officer in charge of military operations in the prefectures of Gisenyi and Ruhengeri.
The international community confirmed the massacres.
Massacres of an estimated 200,000 Hutu civilians in the refugee camps in the Democratic
Republic of the Congo, former Zaire in 1996-1997. TheUnited Nations, the USA, and
European Union confirmed the massacres and the Rwandan Patriotic Army admitted to
these crimes, but none was prosecuted. These crimes were called "acts of genocide" by the
International Non-Government Independent Commission set up by the United Nations to
inquire on crimes committed in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. The following
military officers participated in the massacres of these Hutu refugees:
· Colonel James Kabarebe, commander of the military invasion of former Zaire.
· Colonel Ibingira;
· Lieutenant Colonel Murokore;R>· Colonel Nzaramba;>· Retired Colonel Nduguteye;
· Colonel Jackson Rwahama;
· Major Jacques Nziza, Director of the Department of Military Intelligence (DMI;)R>· Lieutenant Colonel Wilson Rutayisire;
· Major Dan Munyuza;
· Commander David;
· Commander Godfrey Kabanda;
· Lieutenant Colonel Kiago
Summary executions of the soldiers of the ex-FAR (Forces Armees Rwandaises) and their
families after they returned from the refugee camps of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
and Tanzania from 1996. Those who escaped assassination are rotting in jail. The following
listing is not exhaustive:
· Colonel Stanislas Hakizimana, assassinated along with his family, relatives, and
neighbors on January 21, 1997;
· Lieutenant-Colonel Augustin Nzabanita assassinated while in prison in Gisenyi on
January 23, 1997;
· Lietenant-Colonel BEM Antoine Sebahire assassinated along with his wife;
· Major Laurent Bizabarimana assassinated in Nyarutovu on January 18-19, 1997;
· Major Lambert Rugambage assassinated in January 1997;
· Major Rutayisire assassinated while in RPF ideological training known as ingando;
· Captain Alexander Mugarura, assassinated;
· Captain Theodore Hakizimana, assassinated;
· Captain Jean Kabera, assassinated;
· Lieutenant Francois Nsengimana, assassinated;
· Lieutenant Faustin Nsengiyumva, assassinated;
· Lieutenant Edouard Nsengiyumva, assassinated;
· Major Martin Ndamage rotting in a military prison;
· Major Athanase Uwamungu, rotting in a military prison;
· Captain Isidore Bwanakweri rotting in a military prison.
Extrajudicial executions of detainees by members of the security forces some of which have
been documented by Amnesty International, for example:
· Execution of 12 detainees at Muyira solitary confinements, prefecture of Butare on
January 14, 1997.
· Executions of more than 20 detainees at Gisovu dungeons, prefecture of Kibuye on
January 23, 1997.
· Execution of six detainees at Runda dungeons, prefecture of Gitarama on February
· Execution of 10 detainees at Maraba dungeons, prefecture of Butare on May 7, 1997.
· Execution of 15 detainees at Gatonde dungeons, prefecture of Ruhengeri.
· Execution of six detainees at Ndusu dungeons, prefecture of Ruhengeri on May 10,
· Execution of 95 detainees at Rubavu dungeons and an unknown number at Kanama
The disappearances of many Rwandan citizens (journalists, businessmen and ordinary
people) and the detention of Rwandan citizens in private houses. The number of these
prisoners is above 125,000 of whom more than 30 percent are believed to be innocent.
The killings of foreign nationals such as Father Valmajo of Spain, killed at Nyinawimana in
April 1994; Father Claude Simard, a Canadian killed on October 17, 1994; three Spanish
employees of the non government organization Medicos del Mundo killed on 18 January
1997; Father Guy Pinard, a Canadian killed on February 2, 1997, Father Curick Vjechoslav
of Croatia assassinated in Kigali in 1998, and Father Duchamp, a Canadian.
Kagame's regime has detained 4,554 minors for allegedly taking part in the genocide. Some
were arrested when they were as young as 8 years old. The children who were under 14
years old when they were arrested have been sharing overcrowded filthy prisons with adults.
To accelerate the decimation of the Hutu, General Kagame 's regime has resorted to two
strategies. One has consisted of rounding up Hutu males and sending them to prison for
allegedly participating in the genocide of Tutsi. Today 135,000 Hutu live in filthy crowded
prisons where they die of epidemics slowly. Some have had legs amputated and others have
lost feet or toes. The second strategy is round up able body Hutu young males and send
them to the front in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) after receiving minimal
military training.
According to a news report broadcast by the Voice of America (VOA) on July 21, 2000, the
UNHCR has recorded an increase of Rwandan refugees fleeing to Tanzania since the
beginning of this year. This news report says: "The agency says that for the first six months
of this year, an average of 380 Rwandan refugees a month have sought asylum in Tanzania.
It says the recent big increase in refugees brings this year's total to three thousand two
hundred forty." A UNHCR spokesperson told VOA that "aid workers who traveled to the
Rwandan border on July 11 were told that bodies had been seen floating in the Akagera
Local Defense Units (LDU), RPF militias based in all rural areas are responsible for this flight
and murders. Lately they have been very active in the prefecture of Kibungo where the RPF
has been trying to create a Tutsi land since it came to power in July 1994. Tutsi who came
from Uganda have occupied houses and banana fields in Kibungo and chasing out Hutu from
their properties. These Hutu have been relocated into concentration camps euphemistically
called "villages" by the RPF regime. Here we do not forget those multiple hideous political
assassinations of Gapyisi, Bucyana, Gatabazi before april 1994 and Col. Lizinde, Seth
sendashonga in Kenya and many many others inside and outside as well.
How the west will justify more than 3,500,000 deaths! Incredible! How the UN and other
powefull countries will justify, mass-raping, desappearences, killings of our kids mums,
fathers, brothers and sisters? A financial compansation could be acceptable????? I am really
The West has, for decades, plundered Africa's wealth and permitted, and even, assisted in
slaughtering Africa's people. The West has been able to do this while still shrewdly cultivating
the myth that much of Africa's problems today are African made--we have all heard the usual
Western defenses that Africa's problems are the fault of corrupt African administrations,
centuries-old tribal hatreds, the fault of unsophisticated peoples. But we know that those
statements are all a lie. We have always known it..."Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney
This concerns the record of American policy in Africa over most of the past decade,
particularly that involving the central African Great Lakes region. It is a policy that has rested,
in my opinion, on the twin pillars of unrestrained military aid and questionable trade. The
military aid programs of the United States, largely planned and administered by the U.S.
Special Operations Command and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), have been both
overt and covert.
Wayne Madsen is an investigative journalist who has written for The Village Voice, The
Progressive, CAQ, and the Intelligence Newsletter. He is the author of Genocide and Covert
Activities in Africa 1993-1999 (Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen, 1999), an expose of U.S. and
French intelligence activities in Africa's recent civil wars and ethnic rebellions. He served as
an on-air East Africa analyst for ABC News in the aftermath of the 1998 U.S. embassy
bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. Mr. Madsen has appeared on 60 Minutes, World News
Tonight, Nightline, 20/20, MS-NBC, and NBC Nightly News, among others. He has been
frequently quoted by the Associated Press, foreign wire services, and many national and
international newspapers.
Mr. Madsen is also the author of a motion picture screen play treatment about the nuclear
submarine USS Scorpion. He is a former U.S. Naval Officer and worked for the National
Security Agency and U.S. Naval Telecommunications Command.
"The present turmoil in central Africa largely stems from a fateful incident that occurred on
April 6, 1994. That was the missile attack on the Rwandan presidential aircraft that resulted
in the death of Rwanda's Hutu President Juvenal Habyarimana, his colleague President
Cyprien Ntaryamira of Burundi, Habyarimana's chief advisers, and the French crew.
The massacres of more than 500, 000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus after the assassination of
President Habyarimana on April 6th, 1994 were followed by a mass-slaughters orchestrated
by the Tutsi-led Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) government that resulted in the deaths of
500,000 mostly Hutu refugees in Rwanda and neighboring Zaire/Congo.
No one has even identified the assassins of the two presidents let alone sought to bring them
to justice. There have been a number of national and international commissions that have
looked into the causes for the Rwandan genocide. These have included investigations by the
Belgian Senate, the French National Assembly, the United Nations, and the Organization of
African Unity. None of these investigations have identified the perpetrators of the aerial
assassination. In 1998, French Judge Jean-Louis Bruguiere launched an investigation of the
aircraft attack. After interviewing witnesses in Switzerland, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Russia,
Bruguiere apparently has enough evidence to issue an international arrest warrant for
President Kagame. A former French Judge, Thierry Jean-Pierre, now a Member of the
European Parliament, in an entirely separate and private investigation, came to the same
conclusion that Kagame was behind the attack. The United States government must come to
its senses, as it did with past intelligence assets like Sadaam Hussein, Alberto Fujimori,
General Suharto, Ferdinand Marcos, and Manuel Noriega, and support a judicial accounting
by Kagame. If it is proven that U.S. citizens were in any way involved in planning the
assassination, they should also be brought to justice before the international war crimes
Immediately after the attack on the presidential plane, much of the popular press in the
United States brandished the theory that militant Hutus brought it down. I suggest that
following some four years of research concentrating on the missile attack, there is no basis
for this conclusion. In fact, I believe there is concrete evidence to show that the plane was
shot down by operatives of the RPF. At the time, the RPF was supported by the United
States and its major ally in the region, Uganda. Prior to the attack, the RPF leader, the
current Rwandan strongman General Paul Kagame, received military training at the U.S.
Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Many of Kagame's
subordinates received similar training, including instruction in the use of surface-to-air
missiles (SAMs) at the Barry Goldwater Air Force Range at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona. It
was Soviet-designed SAMs that were used to shoot down the Rwandan president's airplane.
By its own admission, the U.S. Defense Department provided official military training to the
RPF beginning in January 1994, three months before the missile attack on the aircraft.
In testimony before the French inquiry commission, former French Minister for International
Cooperation Bernard Debre insisted that the two SAM-16s used in the attack on the aircraft
were procured from Ugandan military stocks and were "probably delivered by the Americans
. . . from the Gulf War." He was supported by two former heads of the French foreign
intelligence service (DGSE) Jacques Dewatre and Claude Silberzahn, as well as General
Jean Heinrich, the former head of French military intelligence (DRM). Former moderate Hutu
Defense Minister James Gasana, who served under Habyarimana from April 1992 to July
1993, stated before the French inquiry that his government declined to purchase SAMs
because they realized the RPF had no planes and, therefore, procurement of such weapons
would have been a waste of money.
The contention by French government officials that the RPF was responsible for the aerial
attack is supported by three former RPF intelligence officers who disclosed details of the
operation to UN investigators. The three informants were rated as Category 2 witnesses on a
4-point scale where 1 is highly credible and 2 is "true but untested." The RPF informants
claim the plane was downed by an elite 10-member RPF team with the "assistance of a
foreign government." Some of the team members are apparently now deceased. A
confidential UN report on the plane attack was delivered to the head of the UN War Crimes
Tribunal, Judge Louise Arbour of Canada, but was never made public. In fact, Arbour
terminated the investigation when details of the RPF's involvement in the assassination
became clear. The UN now denies such a report exists. Michael Hourigan, an Australian
lawyer who first worked as an International War Crimes Tribunal investigator and then for the
UN's Office of Internal Oversight Services, confirmed that the initial war crimes investigation
team uncovered evidence of the R4658729;:6<=;>@?ACBED;F2=$5G9;?HI5KJ2?LM729$7;NPO14Q58729$<=;>@?A8RS1TU=$D2B@LV72?WXinvolvement in the attack but their efforts were undercut by senior UN staff.
After the former RPF intelligence team revealed details of the attack, they were supported by
yet another former RPF intelligence officer named Jean Pierre Mugabe. In a separate
declaration, Mugabe contended that the assassination was directed by Kagame and RPF
deputy commander-in-chief James Kabarebe. The RPF, according to Mugabe, campaigned
extensively for the regional peace meeting in Dar es Salaam from which Habyarimana was
returning when he was assassinated. Mugabe claimed the idea was to collect the top Hutu
leadership on the plane in order to easily eliminate them in the attack.
Yet another defector from the RPF, Christophe Hakizabera, in a declaration to a UN
investigation commission, states that the "foreign power" that helped the RPF shoot down the
airplane was, in fact, Uganda. According to Hakizabera, the first and second assassination
planning meetings were held in Uganda in the towns of Kabale and Mbarara, respectively. A
third, in which Kagame was present, was held in March 1994 in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina
As it did with the three other RPF defectors, the UN took no action as a result of this
complaint. It appears, and this is supported by private conversations I have had with former
UN officials, that some other party is calling the shots in the world body's investigation of
human rights violations in Africa.
The involvement of Uganda in the assassination tends to support the contention of the
former French government ministers that the SAMs were provided to Uganda by the United
States from captured Iraqi arms caches during Desert Storm. My own research indicates that
these missiles were delivered to Uganda via a CIA-run arms depot outside of Cairo, Egypt.
After the transfer, Uganda kept some of the missiles and launchers for its own armed forces
and delivered the remainder to the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) and the RPF.
Other evidence pointing to an RPF role in the attack includes COMINT (communications
intelligence) picked up by military units and civilian radio operators in Rwanda. A Rwandan
Armed Forces COMINT listening station picked up a transmission on an RPF frequency,
which stated "the target is hit." This was reported to a Togolese member of the UN
Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR). A Belgian amateur radio operator reported that
after the attack, he heard someone on a frequency used by a Belgian PMC in Kigali state,
"We killed Le Grand (Habyarimana)." The Belgian operator also stated that all Rwandan
Armed Forces messages following the attack indicated the Rwandan army was in complete
disarray n something that would not have been the case had the Rwandan government
perpetrated the attack on its own president. Another source of COMINT was a French
signals intelligence unit sent to Kigali from the French military base in Bangui, Central African
Republic. According to French Judge Jean-Pierre, copies of French intercepts of RPF
communications indicate, beyond a doubt, the culpability of the RPF in the attack on the
Some formerly classified US State Department cables, which I received following a Freedom
of Information Act request, reveal that the U.S. foreign policy establishment was of two minds
over the April 6 attack. The U.S. Embassy in Burundi kept a surprisingly open mind about its
theories about the missile attack, even suggesting a Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) role in it.
Other U.S. diplomatic posts, most notably that in Kigali, seemed to follow the script that the
aircraft was downed by hard-line Hutus who wanted to implement a well-planned genocide of
Tutsis and moderate Hutus.
A May 25, 1994 Secret message from the Department of State to all African diplomatic posts
also reports that "the RPF has summarily executed Hutu militia alleged to have been
involved in the massacres and the RPF has admitted to such killings." The same message
states that "Rwandan government officials who controlled the airport" or "French military
officials" recovered the downed presidential aircraft's black box after securing the airport and
removing the body of the French pilot from Habyarimana's plane. However, according to
officials I interviewed who were involved with UN air movements in the region, the black box
was secretly transported to UN Headquarters in New York where it remains to this day.
Officially, the Rwandan government claims the black box went missing. According to the UN
investigators, the black box was spirited away by UN officials from Kigali to New York via
Nairobi. In addition, this shipment was known to US government officials. According to the
UN sources, data from the black box is being withheld by the UN under pressure from our
own government. The investigators also revealed that RPF forces controlled three major
approaches to Kayibanda Airport on the evening of the attack and that European
mercenaries, in the pay of the RPF and US intelligence, planned and launched the missile
attack on the Mystere-Falcon. The CIA figured prominently in the UN investigation of the
missile attack. According to the investigators, the search for the assassins ultimately led to a
warehouse in Kanombe, near the airport. From this warehouse, during the afternoon of April
6, the missile launchers were assembled and readied for action by the mercenaries. As the
UN investigation team was nearing its final conclusion and was prepared to turn up evidence
indicating the warehouse had been leased by a Swiss company, said to be linked to U.S.
intelligence, its mandate was swiftly terminated...."
Wayne Madsen
It is clear that the United States, contrary to comments made by its senior officials, including
former President Clinton, played more of a role in the Rwandan tragedy than it readily
admits. This involvement continued through the successive Rwandan and Ugandan-led
invasions of neighboring Zaire/Congo. Speculation that Rwanda was behind the recent
assassination of President Laurent Kabila in Congo (and rumors that the CIA was behind it)
has done little to put the United States in a favorable light in the region. After all, the date of
Kabila's assassination on January 16 this year -- was practically 40 years from the very day
of the CIA-planned and executed assassination of Congolese leader Patrice Lumumba.
The quick pace at which Kabila's son and successor Joseph Kabila visited the United States
at the same time of Kagame's presence, and his subsequent meetings with Corporate
Council for Africa officials and Maurice Tempelsman (the majordomo of U.S. Africa policy),
calls into question what the United States knew about the assassination and when it knew
about it.
Also, particularly troublesome is a conclusion the CIA is said to have reached in an
assessment written in January 1994, a few months before the genocide. According to key
officials I have interviewed during my research, that analysis came to the conclusion that in
the event that President Habyarimana was assassinated, the minimum number of deaths
resulting from the mayhem in Rwanda would be 500 (confined mostly to Kigali and environs)
and the maximum 500,000. Regrettably, the CIA's higher figure was closer to reality.
"Remember that Kagame was in Washington about August 1996 checking his battle plans
with the Pentagon. Mobutu's days were numbered"
The US took all the right decisions to allow the Rwanda genocide to unfold. And Clinton's
comment that "we didn't know what was going on at the time" couldn't have been a bigger lie.
Do you suppose it was coincidental that a Rwanda delegate rotated on to the security council
early in 1994 and then worked with US representatives to block all subsequent attempts to
deal appropriately with the unfolding slaughter?"......
"All these US military programs like IMET and E-IMET, ACRI and JCET are designed to
consolidate US hegemony. UPDF and RCD and SPLA have conscripted child soldiers. They
use sophisticated weapons not only the machetes so widely advertised by the media
propaganda front of 1994 which sowed indifference and apathy in the US public. Troops
have been trained by US green berets and US military personnel have worked to coordinate
SPLA and RPF/UPDF/RCD military campaigns. This is according to Ugandan dissidents
and/or Congolese refugees fleeing Congo and/or ex-patriots on the ground. And there are
plenty of people who support these statements....."
".........Remember that RPF government clamed the economic growth is of 5% then 10%, Just
like Enron and other 200 US companies which collupsed in bankrupcy because of
bribary,corruption and big lies......."
I find it particularly remarkable that the diamond exports from the Democratic Republic of
Congo (DRC) were some US$897 million in 1997. Now this is a "country" which was in a
major war. And then in 1998, DRC ranked second in diamond production at 25.7 million
carats. Again, a country in a brutal war where hundreds and hundreds of thousands of
people and in fact I think it is millions of people -- suffered the consequences through
disease and despair and displacement and rape and hunger and robbery and often death.....

"The Truth is always something that is told, not something that is known. If there were no speaking or writing, there would be no about anything, there would only be what is".

AS International

AS International
SurViVors SPEAK OUT - Rights of Victims Seeking Justice and Compensation for the RPF Genocide. This is an Exciting Collaborative Project launched by The AS International Founder Jean-Christophe Nizeyimana, Economist and Human Rights Activist. Join US and Be the First to know about the Mastermind of the Rwandan Genocide Still At large and enjoing Impunity.


I am Jean-Christophe Nizeyimana, an Economist, Content Manager, and EDI Expert, driven by a passion for human rights activism. With a deep commitment to advancing human rights in Africa, particularly in the Great Lakes region, I established this blog following firsthand experiences with human rights violations in Rwanda and in the DRC (formerly Zaïre) as well. My journey began with collaborations with Amnesty International in Utrecht, the Netherlands, and with human rights organizations including Human Rights Watch and a conference in Helsinki, Finland, where I was a panelist with other activists from various countries. My mission is to uncover the untold truth about the ongoing genocide in Rwanda and the DRC. As a dedicated voice for the voiceless, I strive to raise awareness about the tragic consequences of these events and work tirelessly to bring an end to the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF)'s impunity. This blog is a platform for Truth and Justice, not a space for hate. I am vigilant against hate speech or ignorant comments, moderating all discussions to ensure a respectful and informed dialogue at African Survivors International Blog.

Genocide masterminded by RPF

Finally the well-known Truth Comes Out. After suffering THE LONG years, telling the world that Kagame and his RPF criminal organization masterminded the Rwandan genocide that they later recalled Genocide against Tutsis. Our lives were nothing but suffering these last 32 years beginning from October 1st, 1990 onwards. We are calling the United States of America, United Kingdom, Japan, and Great Britain in particular, France, Belgium, Netherlands and Germany to return to hidden classified archives and support Honorable Tito Rutaremara's recent statement about What really happened in Rwanda before, during and after 1994 across the country and how methodically the Rwandan Genocide has been masterminded by Paul Kagame, the Rwandan Hitler. Above all, Mr. Tito Rutaremara, one of the RPF leaders has given details about RPF infiltration methods in Habyarimana's all instances, how assassinations, disappearances, mass-slaughters across Rwanda have been carried out from the local autority to the government,fabricated lies that have been used by Gacaca courts as weapon, the ICTR in which RPF had infiltrators like Joseph Ngarambe, an International court biased judgments & condemnations targeting Hutu ethnic members in contraversal strategy compared to the ICTR establishment to pursue in justice those accountable for crimes between 1993 to 2003 and Mapping Report ignored and classified to protect the Rwandan Nazis under the RPF embrella . NOTHING LASTS FOREVER.

Human and Civil Rights

Human Rights, Mutual Respect and Dignity For all Rwandans : Hutus - Tutsis - Twas

Rwanda: A mapping of crimes

Rwanda: A mapping of crimes in the book "In Praise of Blood, the crimes of the RPF by Judi Rever Be the last to know: This video talks about unspeakable Kagame's crimes committed against Hutu, before, during and after the genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda. The mastermind of both genocide is still at large: Paul Kagame

KIBEHO: Rwandan Auschwitz

Kibeho Concetration Camp.

Mass murderers C. Sankara

Stephen Sackur’s Hard Talk.

Prof. Allan C. Stam

The Unstoppable Truth

Prof. Christian Davenport

The Unstoppable Truth Prof. Christian Davenport Michigan University & Faculty Associate at the Center for Political Studies

The killing Fields - Part 1

The Unstoppable Truth

The killing Fields - Part II

The Unstoppable Truth

Daily bread for Rwandans

The Unstoppable Truth

The killing Fields - Part III

The Unstoppable Truth

Time has come: Regime change

Drame rwandais- justice impartiale

Carla Del Ponte, Ancien Procureur au TPIR:"Le drame rwandais mérite une justice impartiale" - et réponse de Gerald Gahima

Sheltering 2,5 million refugees

Credible reports camps sheltering 2,500 million refugees in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have been destroyed. The UN refugee agency says it has credible reports camps sheltering 2,5 milion refugees in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have been destroyed.

Latest videos

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Everything happens for a reason

Bad things are going to happen in your life, people will hurt you, disrespect you, play with your feelings.. But you shouldn't use that as an excuse to fail to go on and to hurt the whole world. You will end up hurting yourself and wasting your precious time. Don't always think of revenging, just let things go and move on with your life. Remember everything happens for a reason and when one door closes, the other opens for you with new blessings and love.

Hutus didn't plan Tutsi Genocide

Kagame, the mastermind of Rwandan Genocide (Hutu & tutsi)

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