A Candle For Remembering

A Candle For Remembering
May this memorial candle lights up the historical past of our beloved Country: Rwanda, We love U so much. If Tears could build a stairway. And memories were a lane. I would walk right up to heaven. To bring you home again. No farewell words were spoken. No time to say goodbye. You were gone before I knew it And. Only Paul Kagame knows why. My heart still aches with sadness. And secret tears still flow. What It meant to lose you. No one will ever know.

Rwanda: Cartographie des crimes

Rwanda: cartographie des crimes du livre "In Praise of Blood, the crimes of the RPF" de Judi Rever Kagame devra être livré aux Rwandais pour répondre à ses crimes: la meilleure option de réconciliation nationale entre les Hutus et les Tutsis.

Let us remember Our People

Let us remember our people, it is our right

You can't stop thinking

Don't you know Rwandans are talkin' 'bout a revolution It sounds like a whisper The majority Hutus and interior Tutsi are gonna rise up And get their share SurViVors are gonna rise up And take what's theirs. We're the survivors, yes: the Hutu survivors! Yes, we're the survivors, like Daniel out of the lions' den (Hutu survivors) Survivors, survivors! Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights et up, stand up, don't give up the fight “I’m never gonna hold you like I did / Or say I love you to the kids / You’re never gonna see it in my eyes / It’s not gonna hurt me when you cry / I’m not gonna miss you.” The situation is undeniably hurtful but we can'stop thinking we’re heartbroken over the loss of our beloved ones. "You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom". Malcolm X

Welcome to Home Truths

The year is 1994, the Fruitful year and the Start of a long epoch of the Rwandan RPF bloody dictatorship. Rwanda and DRC have become a unique arena and fertile ground for wars and lies. Tutsi RPF members deny Rights and Justice to the Hutu majority, to Interior Tutsis, to Congolese people, publicly claim the status of victim as the only SurViVors while millions of Hutu, interior Tutsi and Congolese people were butchered. Please make RPF criminals a Day One priority. Allow voices of the REAL victims to be heard.

Everybody Hurts

“Everybody Hurts” is one of the rare songs on this list that actually offers catharsis. It’s beautifully simple: you’re sad, but you’re not alone because “everybody hurts, everybody cries.” You’re human, in other words, and we all have our moments. So take R.E.M.’s advice, “take comfort in your friends,” blast this song, have yourself a good cry, and then move on. You’ll feel better, I promise.—Bonnie Stiernberg


Paul Kagame admits ordering...

Paul Kagame admits ordering the 1994 assassination of President Juvenal Habyarimana of Rwanda.

Why did Kagame this to me?

Why did Kagame this to me?
Can't forget. He murdered my mother. What should be my reaction? FYI: the number of orphans in Rwanda has skyrocketed since the 1990's Kagame's invasion. Much higher numbers of orphans had and have no other option but joining FDLR fighters who are identified as children that have Lost their Parents in Kagame's Wars inside and outside of Rwanda.If someone killed your child/spouse/parent(s) would you seek justice or revenge? Deep insight: What would you do to the person who snuffed the life of someone I love beyond reason? Forgiving would bring me no solace. If you take what really matters to me, I will show you what really matters. NITUTIRWANAHO TUZASHIRA. IGIHE KIRAGEZE.If democracy is to sell one's motherland(Africa), for some zionits support, then I prefer the person who is ready to give all his live for his motherland. Viva President Putin!!!

RPF committed the unspeakable

RPF committed the unspeakable
The perverted RPF committed the UNSPEAKABLE.Two orphans, both against the Nazi world. Point is the fact that their parents' murder Kagame & his RPF held no shock in the Western world. Up to now, the Rwandan Hitler Kagame and his death squads still enjoy impunity inside and outside of Rwanda. What goes through someone's mind as they know RPF murdered their parents? A delayed punishment is actually an encouragement to crime, In Praise of the ongoing Bloodshed in Rwanda. “I always think I am a pro-peace person but if someone harmed someone near and dear to me, I don't think I could be so peaceful. I would like to believe that to seek justice could save millions of people living the African Great Lakes Region - I would devote myself to bringing the 'perp' along to a non-happy ending but would that be enough? You'd have to be in the situation I suppose before you could actually know how you would feel or what you would do”. Jean-Christophe Nizeyimana, Libre Penseur

Inzira ndende


Hutu Children & their Mums

Hutu Children & their Mums
Look at them ! How they are scared to death. Many Rwandan Hutu and Tutsi, Foreign human rights advocates, jounalists and and lawyers are now on Death Row Waiting to be murdered by Kagame and his RPF death squads. Be the last to know.


Rwanda-rebranding-Targeting dissidents inside and abroad, despite war crimes and repression Rwanda has “A well primed PR machine”, and that this has been key in “persuading the key members of the international community that it has an exemplary constitution emphasizing democracy, power-sharing, and human rights which it fully respects”. It concluded: “The truth is, however, the opposite. What you see is not what you get: A FAÇADE” Rwanda has hired several PR firms to work on deflecting criticism, and rebranding the country.

Targeting dissidents abroad One of the more worrying aspects of Racepoint’s objectives was to “Educate and correct the ill informed and factually incorrect information perpetuated by certain groups of expatriates and NGOs,” including, presumably, the critiques of the crackdown on dissent among political opponents overseas. This should be seen in the context of accusations that Rwanda has plotted to kill dissidents abroad. A recent investigation by the Globe and Mail claims, “Rwandan exiles in both South Africa and Belgium – speaking in clandestine meetings in secure locations because of their fears of attack – gave detailed accounts of being recruited to assassinate critics of President Kagame….

Ways To Get Rid of Kagame

How to proceed for revolution in Rwanda:
  1. The people should overthrow the Rwandan dictator (often put in place by foreign agencies) and throw him, along with his henchmen and family, out of the country – e.g., the Shah of Iran, Marcos of Philippines.Compaore of Burkina Faso
  2. Rwandans organize a violent revolution and have the dictator killed – e.g., Ceaucescu in Romania.
  3. Foreign powers (till then maintaining the dictator) force the dictator to exile without armed intervention – e.g. Mátyás Rákosi of Hungary was exiled by the Soviets to Kirgizia in 1970 to “seek medical attention”.
  4. Foreign powers march in and remove the dictator (whom they either instated or helped earlier) – e.g. Saddam Hussein of Iraq or Manuel Noriega of Panama.
  5. The dictator kills himself in an act of desperation – e.g., Hitler in 1945.
  6. The dictator is assassinated by people near him – e.g., Julius Caesar of Rome in 44 AD was stabbed by 60-70 people (only one wound was fatal though).
  7. Organise strikes and unrest to paralyze the country and convince even the army not to support the dictaor – e.g., Jorge Ubico y Castañeda was ousted in Guatemala in 1944 and Guatemala became democratic, Recedntly in Burkina Faso with the dictator Blaise Compaoré.

Almighty God :Justice for US

Almighty God :Justice for US
Hutu children's daily bread: Intimidation, Slavery, Sex abuses led by RPF criminals and Kagame, DMI: Every single day, there are more assassinations, imprisonment, brainwashing & disappearances. Do they have any chance to end this awful life?

Killing Hutus on daily basis

Killing Hutus on daily basis
RPF targeted killings, very often in public areas. Killing Hutus on daily basis by Kagame's murderers and the RPF infamous death squads known as the "UNKNOWN WRONGDOERS"

RPF Trade Mark: Akandoya

RPF Trade Mark: Akandoya
Rape, torture and assassination and unslaving of hutu women. Genderside: Rape has always been used by kagame's RPF as a Weapon of War, the killings of Hutu women with the help of Local Defense Forces, DMI and the RPF military

The Torture in Rwanda flourishes

The Torture in Rwanda flourishes
How torture flourishes across Rwanda despite extensive global monitoring

Fighting For Our Freedom?

Fighting For Our Freedom?
We need Freedom, Liberation of our fatherland, Human rights respect, Mutual respect between the Hutu majority and the Tutsi minority


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Un plan copié et collé du génocide Rwandais.

Les populations civiles de Kanyabayonga sont unanimes : L’incendie des maisons par des militaires, le recrutement massif des jeunes diplômés à qui l'on promet une formation militaire et politique à l’étranger, les conflits terriens ainsi que les assassinats des chefs coutumiers et des civils, sont des actes barbares commis délibérément pour préparer le terrain aux colonies de peuplement tutsi. Les faits suivants en témoignent!

La cité de
Kanyabayonga, à une centaine de kilomètres au sud de Butembo, dans le territoire de Lubero, au Nord-Kivu, a été, dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi 24 juin, le théâtre d’une incursion d’hommes en uniforme militaire non autrement identifiés qui ont mis le feu à plusieurs maisons d’habitation.

L’opération macabre a eu lieu entre 22h et 3 h du matin, heure locale. Au total 31 maisons ont été incendiées au quartier Muhola, à l’extrême Nord de la cité de Kanyabayonga, et 7 autres à Bulotwa environ 3 kilomètres au nord de Kanyabayonga, comme nous l'a relaté une de victime de cette barbarie qui a eu lieu dans cité ayant plusieurs camps militaires et plusieurs militaires qui se disent en zone opérationnelle.

Le fait que les incendies des maisons était devenue monnaie courante sans qu’un se
ul bandit soit arrêté et sans qu’il y ait une enquête, suffit pour dire que le génocide qui se commet à petit feu dans la région de Beni-Lubero est l’œuvre des Fardc brassés déployés dans la province. C’est cela la conclusion à laquelle la population victime est arrivée, identifiant les hommes en uniforme militaire comme ses premiers ennemis.

Selon plusieurs victimes, certains assaillants parlaient Kinyarwanda et d’autres Lingala pour expulser les habitants de leurs maisons avant de les incendier. Longtemps après le crime, soit entre 7h00 et 8h00 du mercredi 24 juin, une équipe des FARDC a voulu se déployer sur le lieu du crime, soit disant pour diligenter une enquête. Les jeunes du quartier Muhola en colère ont jeté des coups de pierre à ces sapeurs pompiers qui n’ont jamais été à l’heure là où on les appellait… Une véritable intifada a eu lieu…

Depuis quelques temps, le climat entre la population et les FARDC déployés dans la région se détériore du jour au lendemain comme en 1996, lors de la première occupation rwando-burundo-ougandaise. La lune de miel avec les rwandais-burundais-ougandais après la libération des beniluberois des FAZ du feu Maréchal Mobutu n’avait durée que deux semaines.

En effet, la résistance armée était née spontanément à la suite du comportement pillard et sanguinaire des libérateurs. Si en 1996, il s’agissait d’une guerre ouverte, celle q
ui se déroule actuellement au Kivu est sournoise car ses concepteurs pensent arriver à leurs objectifs machiavéliques en utilisant le mensonge et la diversion. Mais les Kivutiens en particulier et les congolais d’une manière générale suivent la situation à la loupe.

L’incendie des maisons au Nord-Kivu aurait ainsi comme objectif de préparer le terrain pour l’installation des populations rwandaises Tutsi qu’on appelle refugiés congolais au Rwanda, Tanzanie, Burundi, Uganda, etc. Ceux qui sont attendus en Territoire de Lubero seraient au nombre de 40 000 familles ! Les habitants de villages incendiés ne se rappellent pas pourtant avoir vécu avec des rwandais qui se seraient refugiés au Rwanda ou ailleurs dans un passé récent…

Si tel était le cas, le HCR pouvait réinstaller les refugiés revenants cas par cas comme il le fait pour les disparus congolais de la même région. Le fait d’incendier les maisons signifie que ceux qu’on appelle refugiés revenant du Rwanda n’ont jamais été au Congo auparavant. Il faut leur créer un territoire en toute pièce.

Paul Kagame, dans sa conquête de l' Est de la RDC, massacre les Hutus autochtones et les fait remplacer par des Tutsis venus de tous horizons. But poursuivi: colonie de peuplement.

Liste non exhaustive des Hutus massacrées par le RPF/APR/CNDP/RCD.

1. Uwihoreye Richard, Male, 40 ans
2. Munyandinda Jean-Marie Vianney, Male, 50 ans
3. Uwamahoro Beatha, Femelle, 2 ans
4. Muhetsi, Male, 40 ans

5. Gahungu, Male, 1 an
6. Gaudence, Femelle, 35 ans
7. Julienne, Femelle, 2 ans
8. Mukandayisenga, Femelle, 1an
9. Mujyambere, Male, 48 ans
10.Kazwinande Jean d’Amour, Male, 50 ans
11.Fumberi, Male, 40 ans
12.Habiyaremye Pascal, Male, 55 ans
13.Nyirarugendo Thaciana, Femelle, 54 ans
14.Bimenyimana Fidèle, Male, 45 ans
15.Ndaziganje Lucien, Male, 50 ans
16.Mugoyi, Male, 45 ans
17.Nyiraneza Elisabeth, Femelle, 70 ans
18.Ntakirutinka, Male, 60 ans
19.Kwigira Cyprien, Male, 42 ans
20.Mushimiye, Femelle, 20 ans
21.Mushi Anastase, Male, 35 ans
22.Byiringiro Erneste, Male, 5 ans
23.Mbabazi Samuel, Male, 40 ans
24. Kaneza Catherine, Femelle, 37 ans
25.Uwimbabazi Anne Marie, Femelle, 12 ans
26.Niyomugabo Emmanuel, Male, 10 ans
27. Mushimiyimana Godeleive, Femelle, 8 ans
28.Nzabazira Eric, Male, 10 ans
29.Ngabonziza Eric, Male, 16 ans
30.Safali Oscar, Male, 3 ans
31.Ingabire, Femelle, 14 ans
32.Bikorimana Jean, Male, 2 ans
33.Ndahimana, Male, 9 ans
34.Uwamahoro Pascasie, Femelle, 44 ans
35.Mukantwari Devota, Femelle, 14 ans
36.Karekezi Adam, Male, 59 ans
37.Muhire Jean Marie Vienney, Male, 40 ans
38.Muvandimwe, Male, 36 ans
39.Koboyi Theogene, Male, 40 ans
40.Uwitonze Jeanne, Femelle, 12 ans
41.Gishuhe Thomas, Male, 14 ans
42.Uzamukunda Lea, Femelle, 20 ans
43.Musabyimana Philippe, Male, 17 ans
44.Nyiranzabonimana, Femelle, 25 ans
45.Agatha, Femelle, 45 ans
46.Nzarora John, Male, 15 ans
47.Ubarijoro Léonard, Male, 65 ans
48.Habimana Fidèle, Male, 12 ans
49.Mukamanzi Drocelle, Femelle, 50 ans
50.Nyiraneza Esperance, Femelle, 17 ans
51.Gashema Moïse, Male, 54 ans
52.Hakizimana Emmanuel, Male, 25 ans
53.Niyonsaba, Femelle, 24 ans
54.Uwiragiye Josephine, Femelle, 8 ans
55.Furaha, Femelle, 5 ans
56.Nahayo, Male, 2 ans
57.Nyiramana, Femelle, 5 ans
58.Mukantwari, Femelle, 10 ans
59.Uwinema Marie, Femelle, 7 ans
60.Habiyambere , Male, 25 ans
61.Ayinkamiye Julienne, Femelle, 24 ans
62.Muhawenimana, Femelle, 6 ans
63.Mukantabana, Femelle, 20 ans

D’après nos sources, la première tentative de cette colonie de peuplement devait se dérouler à Luofu au Sud-de Lubero. Elle n’a pas eu lieu car la population sinistrée refuse de quitter les villages réduits en cendres. Certains habitants auraient déjà reconstruit leurs cases incendiées. Sachant que le territoire de Lubero est le territoire rural le plus peuplé de la R.D. Congo, les concepteurs de la colonie de peuplement Tutsi au sud de Lubero cogitent sur les conséquences de l’implantation d’une petite colonie Tutsi au milieu des Nande. Mais ils ne s’avouent pas encore vaincus.

Une autre stratégie d’anéantissement de la Province est l’existence de plusieurs opérations de recrutement des jeunes congolais dans la province du Nord-Kivu. La cible privilegiée de ce recrutement est les jeunes universitaires au chômage après leur licence ou leur graduat dans les universités de la région.

L’objectif de ce nième recrutement militaire dans un pays qui compte déjà plus des militaires qu’il ne peut entretenir, serait l’anéantissement de toute résistance contre les colonies de peuplement en perspective.

Aux jeunes qu’on recrute et qui se réunissent nuitamment dans des résidences bien connues, on promet une formation militaire ou politique à l’étranger, un poste de commandement juteux dans l’armée, la police, la garde présidentielle, etc. Toute présence aux rencontres souvent nocturnes est rémunérée en espèces sonnantes et trébuchantes (au moins 50 US$) après des repas et des libations somptueux.

Dans cette rubrique, il faut ajouter que certaines sociétés de gardiennage de la Province forment leurs sentinelles à l’étranger… Une enquête est en cours sur ce vaste réseau de déstabilisation de la province par des promesses fallacieuses aux jeunes et aux forces vives….

Les jeunes du Nord-Kivu sont donc prévenus de ce vaste réseau de recrutement qui n’a d’autre but que le contrôle des forces vives de la Province afin de les anéantir en les éloignant de chez eux sous-prétexte de formation à l’étranger ! Le mirage de Poto, de Mikili, serait ainsi utilisé pour chasser les congolais de leurs terres… Tristesse !

Une des preuves pour convaincre les plus sceptiques est que tous les jeunes de la région qui étaient recrutés lors de la première occupation rwando-burundo-ougandaise n’ont jamais été promus mais vivent aujourd’hui dans la galère des grandes villes du pays, loin du Nord-Kivu. Ceux d’entre eux formés au Rwanda et en Ouganda qui avaient accédé aux postes de commandement militaire sont aujourd’hui morts, souvent de mort mystérieuse : accident de circulation, assassinat, etc.

D’autres sources concordantes parlent de la vente des terrains par certains chefs coutumiers corrompus. Plusieurs conflits terriens du moment seraient aussi dûs à cette montée exponentielle des enchères par les collabos des rwandais. Les chefs coutumiers retrouvés morts ces derniers temps seraient parmi ceux qui auraient refusé de se prêter à cet exercice diabolique de bradage du territoire national.

Les congolais doivent ainsi ouvrir l’œil et le bon car l’épée de Damoclès est suspendue sur notre coup ! Méfions-nous des faux-fuyants politiques ( remaniement, affaire Jean-Pierre Bemba, Muzito) dont le seul but est de nous distraire pendant que l’occupation effective de l’est du pays se met en place dans la douleur, la violation grave des droits humains fondamentaux des congolais !


The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Kagame is one of the puppets for the geopolitical powershift in Africa that the Anglo-American powers have organized in their favor. Aftermath: millions of Rwandan and Congolese people got butchered. Kagame says he's not responsible!

Who's still not convinced Paul Kagame is behind the genocide that the world quite simply sat and watched?

Why would Paul Kagame say the following in response to such allegations?
"Would I care that bloody Habyarimana died? I don't give a damn."

Please witness Kagame's choice of words during BBC HardTalk show. There is no doubt about it. After killing so millions of innocent Rwandans including dozens of innocent people from different nationalities, Kagame deserves to be taken into custody, held in the cells of the International Criminal Tribunal Court in Arusha or in The Hague where he should be tried hopefully before 2010.

By Jooneed Khan

The short and swift way to stop the ongoing holocaust in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) goes through Rwanda: the Anglophone Tutsi minority that has ruled Kigali since the 1994 genocide must be brought to reconcile with the Hutu majority, and accept its full participation in open democratic elections.

All other measures, from so-called "peace processes" to emergency aid and human rights campaigns, albeit necessary and praiseworthy, will be just more band-aid remedies applied to the symptoms of the crisis. The root cause of the "looters' war" is in Rwanda: it is the continuation, on Congolese soil, of Rwanda's unfinished civil war of 1990-94.

The latest band-aid measure is the 3,100 reinforcements added to the 21,000 MONUC (UN Mission in the Congo) this week by the Security Council after the Congolese stoned UN offices and vehicles, disgusted with the MONUC's nine-year failure, or unwillingness, to crush pro-Rwandan Tutsi General Laurent Nkunda's "rebellion" force of 10,000.

General Paul Kagamé, the Rwandan dictator and darling of the West (especially of the Anglo-Saxon axis), who still pumps the 1994 genocide for every ounce of legitimacy, is totally self-serving when he says that the crisis in North and South Kivu "is an internal Congolese matter, not a problem between the Congo and Rwanda."

The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine

by Kevin Jon Heller

NDLR: In a 2007 interview with the BBC, Mr Kagame said he would co-operate with an impartial inquiry. So why then he's not satisfied with the Spanish inquiry on the matter and other crimes committed in Rwanda? What matters?

I have been reading Roger’s fascinating missives from Rwanda with great interest and agree with much of what he has to say. But I have to demur from the claim that “Kagame is personally invested in making Rwanda a country that is committed to reconciliation, human rights and self-sufficiency.” Self-sufficiency, perhaps — there is no question that Rwanda has experienced significant economic growth over the past decade, although it is important to emphasize that, according to USAID, “[a] majority of the population lives on less than $1 per day and nearly nine in ten live on less than $2 per day.”

As for Kagame’s investment in reconciliation and human rights? Here is the summary paragraph from the State Department’s 2008 Country Report on Rwanda — which was one of its better years:

Significant human rights abuses occurred, although there were improvements in some areas. Citizens’ right to change their government was restricted, and local defense forces (LDF) personnel were responsible for four killings during the year. Violence against genocide survivors and witnesses by unknown assailants claimed at least 16 lives. There were reports of torture and abuse of suspects, although significantly fewer than in previous years. Prison and detention center conditions remained harsh. Security forces arbitrarily arrested and detained persons. Prolonged pretrial detention was a problem, and government officials attempted to influence judicial outcomes, mostly regarding the community-based justice system known as gacaca. There continued to be limits on freedom of speech and of association, and restrictions on the press increased. The government limited religious freedom, and official corruption was a problem. Restrictions on civil society, societal violence and discrimination against women, recruitment of child soldiers by representatives of a Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)-based armed group, trafficking in persons, child labor, and restrictions on labor rights occurred.

As for democracy, if Rwanda gets good marks, it’s only because the bar is set so low in the region. Here is the State Department again:

National Electoral Commission (NEC) rulings restricted the ability of the PSD and the PL to effectively spread their message, allowing the RPF to dominate the 22-day electoral campaign. The media devoted the bulk of its coverage to the RPF. There were credible reports of local government interference with PL and PSD rallies and meetings, and security forces briefly detained several campaign workers.

According to observers many voting stations opened early, did not make proper use of forms, and did not initially seal ballot boxes. Observers were often prevented by NEC and other government officials from monitoring the ballot counting above the polling station and polling center level (the first two levels). The Civil Society Election Observation Mission observed in its Statement of Preliminary Findings that “in a significant proportion of cases, it was not possible to confirm the accuracy of consolidated results at any stage beyond polling center consolidation.”

In 2003 President Paul Kagame won a landslide victory against two independent presidential candidates, receiving 95 percent of the vote in a largely peaceful but seriously marred election.

The constitution provides for a multiparty system but offers few rights for parties and their candidates. According to the 2006 African Peer Review Mechanism report, released by the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, a mandated initiative of the African Union, the country had made significant progress toward political pluralism, but parties were still “not able to operate freely” and faced legal sanctions if accused of engaging in divisive acts. The government’s continuing campaign against divisionism discouraged debate or criticism of the government and resulted in brief detentions and the holding of one political prisoner, former minister Ntakarutinka.

All political organizations were constitutionally required to join the Forum for Political Organizations, which continued to limit competitive political pluralism, according to the 2006 APRM report. Despite a June 2007 law allowing political parties to open offices at every administrative level, local officials on occasion reportedly prevented opposition meetings preceding the September parliamentary elections, citing improper paperwork or venue booking conflicts. During the year there were no reported efforts to form any new parties or efforts by the government to deny registration to any party.

And, of course, we cannot forget Kagame’s multiple invasions of the Congo, using the need to hunt down the FDLR as a pretext for illegally exploiting Congo’s natural resources — leading the UN to describe Kagame as one of the “godfathers” of such exploitation — and his unwavering support for Congolese rebel groups such as the RCD and Nkunda’s CNDP, which has led to suffering on a scale not seen since WW II.

The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine

An exile from her native land, Victoire Umuhoza seeks ethnic reconciliation.

By Doug Page, Staff Writer
1:25 AM Sunday, June 28, 2009

DAYTON — Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza is one of the estimated 500,000 Rwandans living in exile.

The mother of three hopes to end her exile in September, returning to her country to get her political party on the 2010 presidential ballot.

Umuhoza is chairwoman of the United Democratic Forces, which espouses nonviolence and reconciliation among the various Rwandan ethnic groups following the 1994 genocide.

“It is time to get the (democratic) process back on track,” she said Saturday, June 27, prior to speaking to members of the local Rwandan community at the Holiday Inn North. “I am speaking to the exiles, telling them they can play a role in solving these problems.

“The first step is to end the use of violence. We must give a chance (to) a peaceful transition of power.”

Unlike some in her audience Saturday, Umuhoza did not witness the genocide that killed an estimated 1 million people. She left her country for school in the Netherlands several months before the start of the countrywide violence.

But what she saw on television started her down a political path.

Recently, several disparate exile groups formed a political coalition of the Umuhoza’s United Democratic Forces and the Rwanda Democratic Opposition Party to put forward a presidential candidate: Umuhoza.

There are several roadblocks the coalition must pass. It must be recognized by the current government, which prohibits opposition parties, to appear on the ballot.

And Umuhoza must get a passport and return to Rwanda for the first time since 1994. If allowed back and her candidacy is recognized, then comes a likely uphill campaign.

“I will do anything for my country,” she said, though admitted some trepidation about returning to Rwanda. “The regime does not accept dissenting voices.”

She hopes that her appearances before Rwandans in Europe and the United States will encourage Western governments with investments in Rwanda to speak out on her behalf to the current Rwandan government.

“I hope the United States government will support the democratic process, put words into action,” she said.

The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
Friday, June 26, 2009

RWANDA MUST BE FREED FROM THE AUTOCRATIC RPF REGIME. Enough is enough. Enough to the World Still Watching.

The world cannot abandon Rwandans in two decades without repercussions. If nothing is done to help the ever determined Rwandan pro-democratic movement, contempt of the value of democracy outside THE FREE WORLD will flourish.

The shameful silence of the EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN LEADERS about the heavyweight criminal Paul Kagame's criminal records, the Freen world indifference to the multitude of obvious mass atrocities committed by Paul Kagame and his RPF/A, the whitewashing of Paul Kagame's crimes with visits, TERRORISM sponsoring, invitations and shameful academic awards MUST END. That silence or the lack of thereof, is what has actually got us to take such a decision. Regrattable silence has led to the assassination of more than 8 millions of Rwandan and Congolese people.


We know many of former Clinton adminstration members, those who are currently enjoying the Congolese bloody coltan are not willing to help those who oppose the current bloody RPF regime, those who are determined to liberate Rwanda. And they still do. That means Paul Kagame and his bloody criminal organization, RPF will have more time to continue to continue arming Local Defence Forces and RPF/A/RDF who wish to kill as many Hutus and others from the democratic world (Spanish, Amercans and French mainly) as they can find.

Contempt is already there: Paul Kagame says: I don't care. And He actually doesn't. Look : 8 millions consciously mass-slaughtered without being intimidated. RPF Impunity is underway inside Rwanda and outside of IT.

The ending democracy of Rwanda is setting back the cause of Freedom around the world, including and especially in The African Great Lakes Region and that region will never be secure until Rwanda is free. We cannot and must not allow the Rwandan people to always be abandoned. Lessons : 1990 RPF invasion, 1994 genocide, 1995 Kibeho genocide, 1996 up to 1998 genocide. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH !

With the seemingly world conspiracy, Rwandans feel they have no choice. Therefore Rwandan SurViVors
inside Rwanda and around the world hereby beg every single European, American, Burundian, Congolese to join us in supporting the continuing effort to liberate Rwanda and demanding the European Union, the United States of America and Canada NOT ANYMORE ABANDON THE RWANDAN PEOPLE. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH !



The revolution starts by changes in ideas. Once the changes in thinking processes started then it needs that changes get maturity. Mind will remain active with practices of ideas.

When the ideas are put in practice the difficulties and problems arise that were not thought before or neglected. Hence the thinking minds are needed to lead the revolutionary process.

It is the process of maturity of revolution. The masses also mature with maturation of the revolution. If a revolution has to survive it has to evolve constantly and it only can evolve when there are thinking minds with clear visions and devotions. Hence every revolution has three basic processes:

1- Birth of revolution: The struggle to change opinion of masses and intellectuals is key to revolution. A culture and system that is making lives for people difficult, messy, hard to handle and no ways to escape can’t be expressed effectively by people. People usually lack the ability to express in coordinated manners though they express their sufferings frequently.

The coordination of sufferings and finding their reasons in coordinated manner reveal the defects the culture and system that govern society. It is the intellectuals that have the ability to coordinate the sufferings, defects of culture and systems and link the sufferings of people to them. Similarly it is the intellectuals which can present the alternative solutions and systems. Presenting the alternative solutions is the seed of change in mind. This seed germinates only if the thought processes are continuously injected.

2- Maturation of revolution: When the ideas put into practice it would need a thinking body of visionary intellectuals to solve the problems and lead revolution in correct path (Stick to objectives). The high levels of flexibility in tactics and approaches are necessary for maturity of revolution.

3- Evolution of revolution: Once revolution succeeds to put its firm foundations in society and achieved the goals and changes it promised then there is need to expand and make alive the revolution. As coming generations are brought up under new situations and conditions so their preferences, judgments and objectives differ from previous generations. It is called generation gapes. Generation gaps are a common phenomenon of all societies. It is dangerous for revolutions and many revolutions collapse by ignoring generation gaps. The coming generations may reject the accomplishments of revolutions by making alternative historical interpretations and analysis so it is necessary for a revolution to indulge its every generation in revolutionary processes by creating tasks and making their minds thinking in the revolutionary lines. It is called evolution of the revolution.

In all three processes that we have counted the thinking process is the core and hub of the revolution. No revolution could take birth or succeed with leading thinkers. Societies which lack leading revolutionary groups or settings fail to have any revolution or have riots, civil wars, chaos and destructions by name of revolution.

A small introduction and knowing the stages of revolution we can have a short analysis of revolution by posing key questions and answers to them.

1- Does revolution need massive support to be started?

From historical evidences it is clear that revolution starts from small thinking devotees rather than in masses. The socialist revolution has its roots in Marx that had a small part of his life in political struggle and in large part had an intellectual struggle.

It was not Karl Marx that had massive struggle for revolution and its maturity but it was Lenin and Mao who had evolved in Marxist thoughts that agitated people of Russia and China to propagate the Socialist and communist revolutions. The same example is fitted to the Islamic revolution in Iran.

The leftist thoughts rooted in Marxism already working in China and Russia, and other parts of Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. The Islamic thoughts have roots both in Iran and Iraq. Imam Khomeini were old man lived majority of his life teaching Islamic thoughts. The thinking process requires time to develop leading intellectuals and coordination of thoughts.

If breaking of habits is difficult in individuals then breaking habit of masses is much difficult. Individuals suffer from their bad habits but it requires high levels of convincing to change the individual’s life style. To change lives of people it requires changes in culture and systems of society. Certainly both culture and system are too resistant to change. Cultures and systems are evolved through long processes and they govern daily lives of people. Changing these sustained cultures and systems require high levels of intellect, knowledge and visions. More important than this, is transferring of these intellect and visions to people to prepare people for a change.

The development of historical dialectic and historical materialism is the foundation of intellectual endeavors of communists and socialists movements. Similarly, the revival of concepts of Islamic government was the foundation of the Islamic movements which lead to the Islamic revolution of Iran.

2- How intellectual leaderships lead to maturity of revolution?

It is the Chinese communist party and the Islamic councils that lead the Chinese and Islamic revolution of Iran when the ideas put into practice. The Chinese communist party and Islamic councils were the sources of intellectual leaderships to bring revolution into maturity.

The successful leadership involve in total restructuring and nourishing the young generation into a revolutionary culture. The most effective part of introducing new culture is educations, active and controlled participation of masses in processes of change.

3- Do people not become trouble making once they become habitual of resistance and aware of their powers?

Revolution is more sensitive than artworks as they just not only agitate people for change but also put people in constructive process of change. It is the real art of revolutionaries that they make people more responsible and contributing than normal conditions or in older exploiting systems and cultures.

As agitations of people require learning new ideas and skills, interacting and coordinating with each other but once the revolution took place, it will follow unlearning processes in which people have to unlearn the agitating behaviors and learning constructions. Unlearning agitations and having active participations in reconstructing new revolutionary systems, culture and ideals in society the people require new skills, knowledge and coordination.

4- Societies are part of international communities and they have agreements. Revolutions break the relations between societies. How the revolutionary societies could reattach into international community?

Certainly! The revolution break ties with international community and even may result in conflict with international communities as we have seen in case of Soviet, Chinese, Cuban and Islamic revolution in Iran.

As revolution matures, it starts evolving and it is the evolutionary phases of the revolution that the revolutions and the international community find ways to bring their relations and interactions normal. Why I have chosen the evolutionary stage of revolution as a phase of normalization of relation because in this phase or stage the revolutionary process would have constructed the promises it made and would have gained skills, knowledge, professionalism, productivities and capabilities that international communities can no more ignore them.

The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine

By Hannah C. Bealer, Staff Writer
12:38 AM Friday, June 26, 2009

Rwandan presidential candidate and United Democratic Front party member Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza will be at the Dayton North Holiday Inn at 3 p.m. Saturday, June 27.

Dayton has a Rwandan population of about 300, said Kristine Ward, chair of the board at the House of the People, a shelter for Rwandan refugees in Dayton.

Ward said 17 refugees are currently housed at the center, where they have the opportunity to seek employment and focus on education.

In September 2010, Umuhoza will run against President General Paul Kagame of the Rwandan Patriotic Front.

The Tutsi-formed RPF are widely believed to have played a part in the killings of Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana and Burundian President Cyprien Ntaryamira, who died when their plane was shot down in 1994. The assassinations caused controversy among the two groups, and led to the Rwandan genocide.

“Those who ignore all about Rwanda think that Kagame is a hero for his country whereas he is co-responsible for the Rwandanese tragedy,” Umuhoza said April 15 while giving a lecture at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands.

Ward said as an American citizen, she does not have a position in the Rwandan election. She believes that the local refugees, however, will “have a great deal to say about it. They were the ones who fortunately lived through the genocide.”

Renewal ceremony

“We gather not because we are all the same. We gather because we are all in this together,” Father John Krumm said at St. Mary’s Church on Saturday, June 20.

Krumm, who has been the priest of St. Mary’s for nine years, led a ceremony for the renewal of Isaie Sibomana’s and Sylvie Incuti’s marriage vows. The couple married in 1999 in Burkina Faso, a nation in West Africa. Their first child, Brice Sibomana, 8, was born in the country.

When the couple moved to Dayton, Incuti gave birth to their now 1-year-old twins, Bryan and Bright.

The family felt it was “important to renew their vows in a church for the community and their children,” Ward said. Brice’s first communion was included in the ceremony as well as the twins’ baptism.

Many Rwandan refugees who escaped the 1994 genocide were in attendance for the ceremony, and Krumm’s words must have hit home for many of them.Ward has only positive things to say about the refugees she assists at the House of the People. “They’re very forgiving,” she said. “That’s why it’s hard for them to understand the genocide.”

Ward also noted that many of the refugees held high-ranking jobs in Rwanda, ranging from university professors to doctors. However, when they arrive at the House of the People, “they take any job they can get.”

Many will agree to work the night shift so they can spend the daytime with their children, she said.

“If there’s a gift they can give, it’s the way they care for their children,” Ward said. “These men are the most dedicated fathers I have seen.”

Ward, who’s work at the House is voluntary, says it’s a miracle when a Rwandan family comes to live at the House with all members intact. Despite their misfortunes, “they never lost their dignity, their hope or their love,” said Ward.

Now, the refugees have a new hope for the country they fled.
That hope comes in the form of Umuhoza.

Umuhoza did not witness the genocide personally.
In an interview with Oliver Nyiruburgara, a journalist who focuses on African affairs, she explained she left Rwanda in 1994 to live in the Netherlands. She watched the genocide progress on television.

“It hurt me deep in my heart,” she told Nyiruburgara. “My political determination is based on that. We suffered a genocide and the first step should be reconciliation.”

Philippe Bizimana, the Rwandan community coordinator in Dayton, says that Umuhoza will be the first politician the community will see when she comes to speak in Dayton.

Bizimana came to live in the U.S. 10 years ago when he left a Kenyan refugee camp and arrived in Dayton. “This is my place,” he said of the city.

Bizimana said not many people know of Umuhoza, but “many people would support anyone who could bring peace in Rwanda.”

Dr. Joseph Twagilimana, another Rwandan refugee, feels similarly. He explained the name ‘Umuhoza’ means a person who cleans the tears off of a crying person’s cheeks.

If Umuhoza defeats the current president, she will be the country’s first female president.

“That would be great. I feel like everyone will be happy like they are in Liberia now,” said Bizimana, referring to Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf who won the 2005 Liberian presidential election and became its first elected female head of state.

“We don’t distinguish between male or female,” explained Twagilimana. “We distinguish who can do what and the way he or she can do it. A president is a president, not a male or a female.”

Contact this reporter at (937) 225-9370 or hbealer

The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine

Les FDLR dénoncent l’entrée massive en RDC de nouvelles troupes du régime de Kigali dans le but de piller les richesses de la RDC , de brûler les villages, de violer les femmes et les filles et tuer tous ceux qui s’opposent au plan macabre de soumettre les populations de l’est de la RDC au dictat du dictateur de Kigali et de ses sponsors.

En complicité avec les autorités de Kinshasa et de la MONUC , des troupes de Kigali sont entrain de retourner massivement en RDC pour tuer tous les Rwandais et les Congolais qui s’opposent à la politique sanguinaire du régime de Kigali et celle de Kabila qui a cédé l’exploitation des richesses de l’est de la RDC aux groupes criminels de Kagame et de ses sponsors.

Les troupes de l’Armée Patriotique Rwandaise (APR/RDF) traversent actuellement la frontière rwando-congolaise en passant par Bunagana et Jomba ainsi que par Kibumba et Rugali. De même, les autorités de Kinshasa ont accepté que des troupes de Kigali habillées en civil passent directement par le poste frontalier de Goma. Ce sont ces mêmes troupes de Kagame qui vont assurer la sécurité des festivités marquant le 49è anniversaire de l’indépendance de la RDC prévues le 30 juin 2009 à Goma.

Selon des informations fiables à notre disposition, plus de 6.000 hommes lourdement armés viennent de traverser la frontière ces derniers jours pour s’ajouter à plus de 8.000 hommes de Kagame qui sont déjà en RDC sous le drapeau du CNDP.

Les autorités de la RDC , de la MONUC et de Kigali se sont entendues pour ne pas parler dans les médias de ce retour massif des troupes de Kigali afin d’éviter des protestations des populations civiles et des élus provinciaux et nationaux qui sont contre l’occupation de leur territoire par des troupes sanguinaires de Kigali comme ils l’ont montré lors de l’opération « Umoja Wetu ».

Ainsi, Kabila espère-t-il que ces nouvelles troupes envoyées par Kigali pourront d’ici peu remporter certaines batailles contre les troupes des FDLR et qu’il pourrait dans ce cas s’approprier ces victoires des troupes de Kigali dans son discours à la nation le 30 juin 2009.

C’est dans cette logique de la guerre que depuis le 23 juin 2009 les troupes de Kigali ont lancé des attaques généralisées contre les éléments des FDLR aussi bien dans le Sud-Kivu que dans le Nord-Kivu et commis des crimes graves contre les populations civiles locales, provoquant ainsi un immense exode de populations.

Les FDLR prennent encore une fois les peuples congolais et rwandais ainsi que la Communauté Internationale à témoin que les va-t-en guerre n’ont pas encore abandonné leur plan diabolique d’achever le génocide qu’ils ont commis contre les peuples rwandais et congolais depuis le 1 octobre 1990.

Les FDLR rappellent à tous les peuples de la Région des Grands Lacs Africains et au monde entier que dans la discipline et l’abnégation, leurs troupes ont, depuis le lancement de l’opération « Umoja Wetu » en janvier 2009 et à maintes reprises, donné des leçons inoubliables aux agresseurs de la coalition composée de l’APR (RDF) et des FARDC.

Les FDLR rassurent que même dans les nouveaux affrontements qui viennent de commencer, leurs troupes continueront à protéger les populations civiles congolaises et les réfugiés rwandais et que la coalition de l’APR (RDF) et des FARDC va en sortir tête baissée.

Les FDLR demandent une fois de plus à la Communauté Internationale , spécialement au Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies, à l’Union Africaine et à l’Union Européenne de ne pas continuer à endosser la responsabilité de cette guerre inutile et injuste mais plutôt d’opter clairement pour la négociation directe entre les FDLR et le régime de Kigali.

Les FDLR restent attachées à la paix et rappellent que seuls les régimes de Kigali et de Kinshasa ainsi que leurs sponsors doivent porter la responsabilité de toutes les conséquences de cette guerre qu’ils ont imposée aux peuples épris de paix de la Région des Grands Lacs Africains.

Fait à Paris le 25 Juin 2009

Callixte Mbarushimana

Secrétaire Exécutif des FDLR


The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Click here
: Text of Amendment

Ref: 66/2009
Date: 21 May 2009
Time: 12:00 GMT

On 19 May, 2009, the Spanish parliament passed a resolution calling on the government to limit Spain’s universal jurisdiction mechanisms. The proposal called for the existing legislation to be modified so that cases may only be pursued if they involve Spanish victims or if the accused is present on Spanish soil.

In light of the confusion surrounding this proposal, the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) whish to clarify certain issues.

The existing law, which grants Spanish courts jurisdiction over genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, has not been modified. The Spanish parliament has agreed to request the government to draft new legislation aimed at amending the existing law. This legislation will have to be drafted, and then accepted by the parliament. Further, it must be found to be compliant with the Spanish constitution and Spain’s international legal obligations.

Current universal jurisdiction cases, which include PCHR’s case against seven senior Israeli officials in relation to the June 2002 Al-Daraj attack in Gaza, currently remain unaffected. However, if the law is changed, Spanish judges will no longer have the jurisdiction necessary to continue their investigations; the victims will be denied judicial remedy.

PCHR wish to emphasize that universal jurisdiction is not merely a Palestinian issue. It is an essential legal tool – a mechanism of last resort – used when national courts are genuinely unwilling or unable to investigate or prosecute those accused of international crimes. As such, it provides a means of judicial remedy to victims throughout the world who suffer at the hands of oppressive regimes. Universal jurisdiction is an essential component in upholding the rule of law. It is a first step on the road towards universal justice, whereby victims’ rights may be ensured through the legal punishment of guilty parties. Victims’ rights to an effective judicial remedy form a core component of international human rights law, and are codified in article 2 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

All available options will be considered in an effort to ensure that Spain does not succumb to political pressure, and continues to uphold international justice.

PCHR call on lawyers, human rights organizations, civil society, and all concerned parties, to combat any proposed amendment to the law, and to fight to ensure that the interests of justice, and the rights of victims, are upheld. The constitutionality of any proposed amendment to the law will be challenged.

In 2005, following the issuance of an arrest warrant for Israeli Major General Doron Almog, former Prime Minister Tony Blair declared Britain’s intention to modify the United Kingdom’s laws on universal jurisdiction. Four years later, this amendment has not come to pass. Last week, British Justice Secretary Jack Straw embraced the concept of universal jurisdiction, when he noted that he was considering proposing changes to UK law that would allow courts in Britain to try cases where genocide had allegedly been committed elsewhere in the world.

The fight for justice will be continued. PCHR affirm their intention to continue to pursue all available legal mechanisms to ensure that victims’ rights are protected and the rule of law upheld. The fight against impunity cannot be lost.

Click here to see a translation of the proposed amendment.

The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine

***** -----******
Les députés espagnols ont approuvé jeudi une réduction du mandat du principe de juridiction universelle, qui permet aux magistrats espagnols d'engager des poursuites pour certains crimes particulièrement graves commis dans d'autres pays.

Fait rare, les députés socialistes et les conservateurs (opposition) se sont alliés pour faire voter ce texte à la chambre basse du Parlement. La mesure va désormais être transmise au Sénat, où elle devrait être approuvée.

En vertu de la nouvelle loi, les magistrats espagnols ne pourront plus engager de poursuites dans le cadre de la juridiction universelle que lorsque des Espagnols seront victimes dans les affaires concernées ou lorsque les auteurs présumés des faits se trouveront en Espagne.

La loi ne sera pas rétroactive, les dossiers actuellement en cours ne seront donc pas abandonnés.
Cette réforme fait suite à plusieurs critiques de pays étrangers, dont Israël, qui se sont plaints de faire l'objet de procédures initiées par l'Audience nationale, la plus haute instance judiciaire espagnole, sur la base de cette disposition.

Le principe de juridiction universelle a notamment été utilisé par Baltasar Garzon, le plus célèbre juge d'Espagne, pour ouvrir de nombreuses enquêtes ayant trait aux droits de l'Homme, comme celle qui a visé l'ancien dictateur chilien Augusto Pinochet.

En avril, il avait ouvert une enquête sur les tortures qu'aurait autorisées l'administration Bush dans la prison américaine de Guantanamo, à Cuba.

The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
NDLR: The information released here next does not reflect the SurViVors Edition's position on the way UN and involved parties dealt with the Assassination of President Habyarimana. the reson why this article has been published is among other questions. It's bloody obvious that the assassination was so planed and the killer knew what he was doing. Why RPF Killers remain still at large and worse of that run a country: Rwanda? Does the International Community (Western powers) have minimum respect for Human beings even if they are Africans?

*** --***

It is the story of a black box, an orange metal box in the size of a large shoe box. The commercial airliners are equipped with such boxes, which are identified by numbers riveted to the metal. Designed to record flight data and cockpit conversations, black boxes are useful in case of accident.

It is indeed the story of a black box, but a story like no other ones. The one in question was in fact supposed to shelter in her womb the key to the Rwandan genocide in 1994 against the Tutsis and moderate Hutus.
It first appeared on the scene when the French troops involved in Turquoise military operation take their positions in Rwanda, while the genocide continues.

Suddenly, the box is brandished by Paul Barril, the former police officer in the Elysée. On June 28, 1994, Paul Barril reassures the public that he surely possesses the black box of the Falcon 50 of President Juvenal Hab
yarimana that was shot down three months ago. This is the attack that triggered the Rwandan genocide.

Paul Barril declared to the international institutions that he now holds the enigmatic black box capable of uncovering the mystery surrounding the genocide. From now on, all regards were turned away from Rwanda, away from the facts and the reality on the ground, to focus on this box comparable to the Holy Grail, which subsequently became the black box of genocide. Alas, a few days later, the blow falls. From July 8, 1994, the French newspaper "Le Monde" alleges that the black box presented by Paul Barril was "not the black box."

This concludes the first chapter about the mysterious black box, but the story is far from over. The black box will be resurrected and have a second life. This occured in 2004. As the tenth anniversary of the Rwandan genocide approaches, many damning evidences on the foreign policy of Paris in Rwanda have been made public. The date marks a turning point.
On March 10, 2004, the French newspaper, Le Monde, announced that "the black box of the Falcon 50 has been transferred, ten years ago, to the UN Headquarters in New York". The newspaper specifically stated that "according to Judge Bruguiere, the United Nations are currently obstructing the investigation into the attack of April 6, 1994. The accusations were clear: for unknown reaso
ns the United Nations retained an important piece of conviction. The public would immediately be flooded of flash news, articles and statements supporting this sudden turn of effects. Once again, the mechanisms of genocide are obscured in favor of a polar well tied.
According to the article, the black box had been conveyed ten years earlier in New York at the UN headquarters but the UN became disinterested of the box. Conclusion: "If the black box is still there, the UN has for sure a substantial asset for the day when it would like to know what really happened on Apri
l 6, 1994, in the night sky of Kigali-City" .

Once again, the revelation was invalidated ten days later. "Last week, a first examination of the black box done at UN headquarters in New York, revealed nothing that would establish that it comes from the Falcon 50 shot down on April 6, 1994", reported Le Monde.

The tape was played over. It contains extracts from the conversation between the control tower and an aircraft on the tarmac of Kigali, but has provided no evidence what so ever. The public will thereafter learn that this was just a montage.

This concludes the second life of the mysterious black box. Nevertheless, there still is a third chapter, which although written and recorded, has not yet been made available to the public. Here it is. It starts exactly from the quote 6 798 of Judge Bruguiere's instructions.

On March 31, 2004, an official representative of Dassault-Aviation Company acknowledges that the Rwandan president's plane was not equipped with a black box. On July 1, 2004, the final UN investigation on the black box discovery in New York was reexamined. It is clearly mentioned that immediately after the attack on the president's aircraft, at 2:45 am, on April 7, 1994 the French military mission in Rwanda has received authorization from Paris to conduct an investigation into this crash.

It also well established that that access to the plane crash area was denied to the United Nations until May 21, 1994.
It is also stated that the black box currently in New York was found by the UN on May 27, 1994, abandoned near the crash area. In conclusion, the United Nations confirmed that the black box currently in New York is not from the Falcon 50 that was shot down.

Judge Bruguiere was nonetheless obliged to go ahead and complete the investigation. On November 2
9, 2004, he interviewed an Air France official. Under penalty of perjury, he said that the black box discovered a decade later in UN shelves is from a Concorde aircraft! Specifically, it is from the Air France Concorde 209 Air France, F-BVFC. Records in the maintenance files of Air France Concorde undoubtedly attest its origin. One month later, a second Air France confirmed these findings.

Upon such new developments, Judge Bruguiere interrupted his investigation without trying to understand the sequence of these amazing facts. Do you imagine how a black box from an Air France Concorde, inadvertently found on the grass near Kigali-City in late May 1994, then ten years later on UN shelves in New York, can be brandished as the missing puzzle piece that is crucially needed to solve the riddle posed by the Rwandan genocide? The question irresistibly evokes the bordereau of the Dreyfus affair.

It is not given to everybody to have a Concorde black box. It is not easy to mount a somewhat credible soundtrack of this box or to drop it on the grass near Kigali-City after the attack of April 6, 1994, when the war was raging throughout the city. It is even more difficult to follow in detail the itinerary of this box all the way to the UN Headquarters in New York.

It is finally very rude to leak out the information at the right time that corresponds to the timing of a useful scandal that will capture the media's attention but also lead to a timely confusion.

Of course, the story of the black box of genocide doesn't tell anything about the genocide. However, it tells everything that people would like it to tell. Who are those people? Why are they doing this? The answer to these questions can only be found in one place: Paris.

The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
Sunday, June 21, 2009

By Abdoul Aziz Agne
June 5, 2009

DAKAR, Senegal
Fifteen years after the missile attack that killed the Rwandan president, Juvenal Habyarimana the mystery continues to surround this terrorist act that triggered the Rwandan genocide in 1994. The Rwandan Youth Movement for Reconciliation, Peace and Truth in Rwanda (MJRPVR) strongly believes that the United Nations, by its inaction, is complicit in the missile attack that destroyed Habyarimana' s aircraft.

The future of Rwanda appears to be linked to this unfortunate event that occurred on April 6, 1994 which tragically cost life to President Juvenal
Habyarimana. The president's jet was shot down by a missile attack as it prepared to land at the Kanombe International Airport. The president and his team had been on a regional peace meeting in Tanzania in an attempt to end the Rwandan civil war between his government and the RPF rebels that had invaded the country from Uganda since October 1990.

Today, fifteen years later, Rwandans want that justice be done by shading the light on the real culprits of this terrorist act. With regard to this issue, the Rwandan Youth Movement for Reconciliation, Peace and Truth in Rwanda (MJRPVR) does not go around the bush to accuse the United Nations of complicity in this crime. The movement which encompasses Rwandan youths who love justice, attests that the missiles used to carry out this terrorist act were launched from an area that was controlled by the UN peacekeepers.

"It is important that the world know that the UN has always hidden the truth about this terrorist attack against the president's plane", asserted these young people during a press conference held at the headquarters of the African Coalition for the Defense of Human Rights (RADDHO).

One may recall that just a few weeks ago, a study in the United States reported that the black box found on the site of the accident was not from Habyarimana' s plane. Instead, it was from a Concorde aircraft, specifically, the Air France Concorde 209, F-BVFC.

This suspicious fact suggests that other factors are indeed involved in this mysterious murder. In addition, members of this youth movement reminded the public that since 1992 the UN, through the UNAMIR, was in charge of the security of Kigali City.

Furthermore, MJRPVR members pointed out the following questions: How were the three missiles used in this attack sent to Rwanda when we all know that at that time Rwanda was under the UN arm embargo? How did these missiles escape the control by the UN peacekeepers?

There are so many unanswered questions which put the UN in the center of such a tragic event that has profoundly marked the Rwandan history. Indeed, the attack against the Rwandan president's plane triggered for the Rwandan genocide of 1994, which claimed nearly two million lives, Tutsis and Hutus included.

This is why, the MJRPVR "begs" the UN "to release the recording from the black box of the aircraft that was shot down". It will be recalled that the incident occurred in a context of peace negotiations to end the Rwandan civil war that began on October 1, 1990.

These negotiation efforts had led to the Arusha Peace Agreement signed on August 4, 1993. The agreement mainly focused on three points including power-sharing, recognition of the RPF movement as a political party and the integration of RPF rebels in the Rwandan army.

Actually, the MJRPVR strongly believes that restituting the truth about who killed Habyarimans is a fundamental step in the search for peace and stability in Rwanda. For this reason, MJRPVR members plan to seize the African Union so that the investigation process into the where about of the black box from Habyarimana' s plane can finally find its epilogue.

The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
Friday, June 19, 2009

Posted on Jun 14, 2009
By Chris Hedges

This week marks the end of the dollar’s reign as the world’s reserve currency. It marks th
e start of a terrible period of economic and political decline in the United States. And it signals the last gasp of the American imperium. That’s over. It is not coming back. And what is to come will be very, very painful.

Barack Obama, and the criminal class on Wall Street, aided by a corporate media that continues to peddle fatuous gossip and trash talk as news while we endure the greatest economic crisis in our history, may have fooled us, but the rest of the world knows we are bankrupt.

And these nations are damned if they are going to continue to prop up an inflated dollar and sustain the massive federal budget deficits, swollen to over $2 trillion, which fund America’s imperial expansion in Eurasia and our system of casino capitalism. They have us by the throat. They are about to squeeze.

There are meetings being held Monday and Tuesday in Yekaterinburg, Russia, (formerly Sverdlovsk) among Chinese President Hu Jintao, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and other top officials of the six-nation Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The United States, which asked to attend, was denied admittance. Watch what happens there carefully. The gathering is, in the words of economist Michael Hudson, “the most important meeting of the 21st century so far.”

It is the first formal step by our major trading partners to replace the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. If they succeed, the dollar will dramatically plummet in value, the cost of imports, including oil, will skyrocket, interest rates will climb and jobs will hemorrhage at a rate that will make the last few months look like boom times. State and federal services will be reduced or shut down for lack of funds.

The United States will begin to resemble the Weimar Republic or Zimbabwe. Obama, endowed by many with the qualities of a savior, will suddenly look pitiful, inept and weak. And the rage that has kindled a handful of shootings and hate crimes in the past few weeks will engulf vast segments of a disenfranchised and bewildered working and middle class. The people of this class will demand vengeance, radical change, order and moral renewal, which an array of proto-fascists, from the Christian right to the goons who disseminate hate talk on Fox News, will assure the country they will impose.

I called Hudson, who has an article in Monday’s Financial Times called “The Yekaterinburg Turning Point: De-Dollarization and the Ending of America’s Financial-Military Hegemony.” “Yekaterinburg,” Hudson writes, “may become known not only as the death place of the czars but of the American empire as well.” His article is worth reading, along with John Lanchester’s disturbing exposé of the world’s banking system, titled “It’s Finished,” which appeared in the May 28 issue of the London Review of Books.

“This means the end of the dollar,” Hudson told me. “It means China, Russia, India, Pakistan, Iran are forming an official financial and military area to get America out of Eurasia. The balance-of-payments deficit is mainly military in nature. Half of America’s discretionary spending is military. The deficit ends up in the hands of foreign banks, central banks. They don’t have any choice but to recycle the money to buy U.S. government debt. The Asian countries have been financing their own military encirclement. They have been forced to accept dollars that have no chance of being repaid. They are paying for America’s military aggression against them. They want to get rid of this.”

China, as Hudson points out, has already struck bilateral trade deals with Brazil and Malaysia to denominate their trade in China’s yuan rather than the dollar, pound or euro. Russia promises to begin trading in the ruble and local currencies. The governor of China’s central bank has openly called for the abandonment of the dollar as reserve currency, suggesting in its place the use of the International Monetary Fund’s Special Drawing Rights. What the new system will be remains unclear, but the flight from the dollar has clearly begun.

The goal, in the words of the Russian president, is to build a “multipolar world order” which will break the economic and, by extension, military domination by the United States. China is frantically spending its dollar reserves to buy factories and property around the globe so it can unload its U.S. currency. This is why Aluminum Corp. of China made so many major concessions in the failed attempt to salvage its $19.5 billion alliance with the Rio Tinto mining concern in Australia. It desperately needs to shed its dollars.

“China is trying to get rid of all the dollars they can in a trash-for-resource deal,” Hudson said. “They will give the dollars to countries willing to sell off their resources since America refuses to sell any of its high-tech industries, even Unocal, to the yellow peril. It realizes these dollars are going to be worthless pretty quickly.”

The architects of this new global exchange realize that if they break the dollar they also break America’s military domination. Our military spending cannot be sustained without this cycle of heavy borrowing. The official U.S. defense budget for fiscal year 2008 is $623 billion, before we add on things like nuclear research. The next closest national military budget is China’s, at $65 billion, according to the Central Intelligence Agency.

There are three categories of the balance-of-payment deficits.

  1. America imports more than it exports. This is trade.
  2. Wall Street and American corporations buy up foreign companies. This is capital movement.
  3. The third and most important balance-of-payment deficit for the past 50 years has been Pentagon spending abroad.

It is primarily military spending that has been responsible for the balance-of-payments deficit for the last five decades. Look at table five in the Balance of Payments Report, published in the Survey of Current Business quarterly, and check under military spending. There you can see the deficit.

To fund our permanent war economy, we have been flooding the world with dollars. The foreign recipients turn the dollars over to their central banks for local currency. The central banks then have a problem. If a central bank does not spend the money in the United States then the exchange rate against the dollar will go up. This will penalize exporters.

This has allowed America to print money without restraint to buy imports and foreign companies, fund our military expansion and ensure that foreign nations like China continue to buy our treasury bonds. This cycle appears now to be over. Once the dollar cannot flood central banks and no one buys our treasury bonds, our empire collapses. The profligate spending on the military, some $1 trillion when everything is counted, will be unsustainable.

“We will have to finance our own military spending,” Hudson warned, “and the only way to do this will be to sharply cut back wage rates. The class war is back in business. Wall Street understands that. This is why it had Bush and Obama give it $10 trillion in a huge rip-off so it can have enough money to survive.”

The desperate effort to borrow our way out of financial collapse has promoted a level of state intervention unseen since World War II. It has also led us into uncharted territory.

“We have in effect had to declare war to get us out of the hole created by our economic system,” Lanchester wrote in the London Review of Books. “There is no model or precedent for this, and no way to argue that it’s all right really, because under such-and-such a model of capitalism ... there is no such model. It isn’t supposed to work like this, and there is no road-map for what’s happened.”

The cost of daily living, from buying food to getting medical care, will become difficult for all but a few as the dollar plunges. States and cities will see their pension funds drained and finally shut down. The government will be forced to sell off infrastructure, including roads and transport, to private corporations. We will be increasingly charged by privatized utilities—think Enron—for what was once regulated and subsidized. Commercial and private real estate will be worth less than half its current value.

The negative equity that already plagues 25 percent of American homes will expand to include nearly all property owners. It will be difficult to borrow and impossible to sell real estate unless we accept massive losses. There will be block after block of empty stores and boarded-up houses. Foreclosures will be epidemic.

There will be long lines at soup kitchens and many, many homeless. Our corporate-controlled media, already banal and trivial, will work overtime to anesthetize us with useless gossip, spectacles, sex, gratuitous violence, fear and tawdry junk politics.

America will be composed of a large dispossessed underclass and a tiny empowered oligarchy that will run a ruthless and brutal system of neo-feudalism from secure compounds. Those who resist will be silenced, many by force. We will pay a terrible price, and we will pay this price soon, for the gross malfeasance of our power elite.

The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Like a freak in bed, Paul Kagame with his trademark fanatical stare dresses up like Hitler.
Check out his look and to ensure you're on the right way, watch this:

Those who argue that Paul Kagame has stopped genocide don't know what they are talking about. He's actually believed to be the genocide ruler, the mastermind and the brain behind the genocide in Rwanda. However, to help him not to stand before the bar of justice, they do so with an idea behind to let the world taking it as a justification for the RPF fascism and authoritarianism than anything like a reasonable political position in a modern liberal democracy.

© SurViVors Editions

The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine

AS International

AS International
SurViVors SPEAK OUT - Rights of Victims Seeking Justice and Compensation for the RPF Genocide. This is an Exciting Collaborative Project launched by The AS International Founder Jean-Christophe Nizeyimana, Economist and Human Rights Activist. Join US and Be the First to know about the Mastermind of the Rwandan Genocide Still At large and enjoing Impunity.


I am Jean-Christophe Nizeyimana, an Economist, Content Manager, and EDI Expert, driven by a passion for human rights activism. With a deep commitment to advancing human rights in Africa, particularly in the Great Lakes region, I established this blog following firsthand experiences with human rights violations in Rwanda and in the DRC (formerly Zaïre) as well. My journey began with collaborations with Amnesty International in Utrecht, the Netherlands, and with human rights organizations including Human Rights Watch and a conference in Helsinki, Finland, where I was a panelist with other activists from various countries. My mission is to uncover the untold truth about the ongoing genocide in Rwanda and the DRC. As a dedicated voice for the voiceless, I strive to raise awareness about the tragic consequences of these events and work tirelessly to bring an end to the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF)'s impunity. This blog is a platform for Truth and Justice, not a space for hate. I am vigilant against hate speech or ignorant comments, moderating all discussions to ensure a respectful and informed dialogue at African Survivors International Blog.

Genocide masterminded by RPF

Finally the well-known Truth Comes Out. After suffering THE LONG years, telling the world that Kagame and his RPF criminal organization masterminded the Rwandan genocide that they later recalled Genocide against Tutsis. Our lives were nothing but suffering these last 32 years beginning from October 1st, 1990 onwards. We are calling the United States of America, United Kingdom, Japan, and Great Britain in particular, France, Belgium, Netherlands and Germany to return to hidden classified archives and support Honorable Tito Rutaremara's recent statement about What really happened in Rwanda before, during and after 1994 across the country and how methodically the Rwandan Genocide has been masterminded by Paul Kagame, the Rwandan Hitler. Above all, Mr. Tito Rutaremara, one of the RPF leaders has given details about RPF infiltration methods in Habyarimana's all instances, how assassinations, disappearances, mass-slaughters across Rwanda have been carried out from the local autority to the government,fabricated lies that have been used by Gacaca courts as weapon, the ICTR in which RPF had infiltrators like Joseph Ngarambe, an International court biased judgments & condemnations targeting Hutu ethnic members in contraversal strategy compared to the ICTR establishment to pursue in justice those accountable for crimes between 1993 to 2003 and Mapping Report ignored and classified to protect the Rwandan Nazis under the RPF embrella . NOTHING LASTS FOREVER.

Human and Civil Rights

Human Rights, Mutual Respect and Dignity For all Rwandans : Hutus - Tutsis - Twas

Rwanda: A mapping of crimes

Rwanda: A mapping of crimes in the book "In Praise of Blood, the crimes of the RPF by Judi Rever Be the last to know: This video talks about unspeakable Kagame's crimes committed against Hutu, before, during and after the genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda. The mastermind of both genocide is still at large: Paul Kagame

KIBEHO: Rwandan Auschwitz

Kibeho Concetration Camp.

Mass murderers C. Sankara

Stephen Sackur’s Hard Talk.

Prof. Allan C. Stam

The Unstoppable Truth

Prof. Christian Davenport

The Unstoppable Truth Prof. Christian Davenport Michigan University & Faculty Associate at the Center for Political Studies

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The Unstoppable Truth

The killing Fields - Part II

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Drame rwandais- justice impartiale

Carla Del Ponte, Ancien Procureur au TPIR:"Le drame rwandais mérite une justice impartiale" - et réponse de Gerald Gahima

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Everything happens for a reason

Bad things are going to happen in your life, people will hurt you, disrespect you, play with your feelings.. But you shouldn't use that as an excuse to fail to go on and to hurt the whole world. You will end up hurting yourself and wasting your precious time. Don't always think of revenging, just let things go and move on with your life. Remember everything happens for a reason and when one door closes, the other opens for you with new blessings and love.

Hutus didn't plan Tutsi Genocide

Kagame, the mastermind of Rwandan Genocide (Hutu & tutsi)

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