Rwanda: Cartographie des crimes
Rwanda: cartographie des crimes du livre "In Praise of Blood, the crimes of the RPF" de Judi Rever
Kagame devra être livré aux Rwandais pour répondre à ses crimes: la meilleure option de réconciliation nationale entre les Hutus et les Tutsis.
Let us remember Our People
Let us remember our people, it is our right
You can't stop thinking
Don't you know
Rwandans are talkin' 'bout a revolution
It sounds like a whisper
The majority Hutus and interior Tutsi are gonna rise up
And get their share
SurViVors are gonna rise up
And take what's theirs.
We're the survivors, yes: the Hutu survivors!
Yes, we're the survivors, like Daniel out of the lions' den
(Hutu survivors) Survivors, survivors!
Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights
et up, stand up, don't give up the fight
“I’m never gonna hold you like I did / Or say I love you to the kids / You’re never gonna see it in my eyes / It’s not gonna hurt me when you cry / I’m not gonna miss you.”
The situation is undeniably hurtful but we can'stop thinking we’re heartbroken over the loss of our beloved ones.
"You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom".
Malcolm X
Welcome to Home Truths
The year is 1994, the Fruitful year and the Start of a long epoch of the Rwandan RPF bloody dictatorship. Rwanda and DRC have become a unique arena and fertile ground for wars and lies. Tutsi RPF members deny Rights and Justice to the Hutu majority, to Interior Tutsis, to Congolese people, publicly claim the status of victim as the only SurViVors while millions of Hutu, interior Tutsi and Congolese people were butchered. Please make RPF criminals a Day One priority. Allow voices of the REAL victims to be heard.
Everybody Hurts
“Everybody Hurts” is one of the rare songs on this list that actually offers catharsis. It’s beautifully simple: you’re sad, but you’re not alone because “everybody hurts, everybody cries.” You’re human, in other words, and we all have our moments. So take R.E.M.’s advice, “take comfort in your friends,” blast this song, have yourself a good cry, and then move on. You’ll feel better, I promise.—Bonnie Stiernberg
Paul Kagame admits ordering...
Paul Kagame admits ordering the 1994 assassination of President Juvenal Habyarimana of Rwanda.
Why did Kagame this to me?
Inzira ndende
Hutu Children & their Mums
Rwanda-rebranding-Targeting dissidents inside and abroad, despite war crimes and repression
Rwanda has “A well primed PR machine”, and that this has been key in “persuading the key members of the international community that it has an exemplary constitution emphasizing democracy, power-sharing, and human rights which it fully respects”. It concluded: “The truth is, however, the opposite. What you see is not what you get: A FAÇADE”
Rwanda has hired several PR firms to work on deflecting criticism, and rebranding the country.
Targeting dissidents abroad
One of the more worrying aspects of Racepoint’s objectives
was to “Educate and correct the ill informed and factually
incorrect information perpetuated by certain groups of expatriates
and NGOs,” including, presumably, the critiques
of the crackdown on dissent among political opponents
This should be seen in the context of accusations
that Rwanda has plotted to kill dissidents abroad. A
recent investigation by the Globe and Mail claims, “Rwandan
exiles in both South Africa and Belgium – speaking in clandestine meetings in secure locations because of their fears of attack – gave detailed accounts of being recruited to assassinate critics of President Kagame….
Ways To Get Rid of Kagame
How to proceed for revolution in Rwanda:
- The people should overthrow the Rwandan dictator (often put in place by foreign agencies) and throw him, along with his henchmen and family, out of the country – e.g., the Shah of Iran, Marcos of Philippines.Compaore of Burkina Faso
- Rwandans organize a violent revolution and have the dictator killed – e.g., Ceaucescu in Romania.
- Foreign powers (till then maintaining the dictator) force the dictator to exile without armed intervention – e.g. Mátyás Rákosi of Hungary was exiled by the Soviets to Kirgizia in 1970 to “seek medical attention”.
- Foreign powers march in and remove the dictator (whom they either instated or helped earlier) – e.g. Saddam Hussein of Iraq or Manuel Noriega of Panama.
- The dictator kills himself in an act of desperation – e.g., Hitler in 1945.
- The dictator is assassinated by people near him – e.g., Julius Caesar of Rome in 44 AD was stabbed by 60-70 people (only one wound was fatal though).
- Organise strikes and unrest to paralyze the country and convince even the army not to support the dictaor – e.g., Jorge Ubico y Castañeda was ousted in Guatemala in 1944 and Guatemala became democratic, Recedntly in Burkina Faso with the dictator Blaise Compaoré.
Almighty God :Justice for US
Killing Hutus on daily basis
RPF Trade Mark: Akandoya
Fighting For Our Freedom?
Saturday, August 16, 2008
In an ethnic conflict such as is the case in Rwanda, truth is the first victim especially, regarding the accused. We do not have to wait hundreds of years like Oedipus Rex to be told the bitter truth.Thousands of innocent people were killed in Rwanda since October 1, 1990 when RPF invaded that country from Uganda. Between October 1, 1990 and April 1994, over 140,000 people were systematically killed by RPF/NRA in northern Rwanda, and over a million people were displaced rendering them to excruciating suffering without help from anywhere. That baleful killing of the innocent has continued up to today and also extended into Congo when RPF/NRA assisted by US Commandos, invaded Zaire slaughtering thousands of refugees in camps. The cabal went to great length to cover up their crimes as has been demonstrated over the years. Their lies have fooled the entire world community up to this very day, including the UNO. Nobles, intellectuals and commoners alike have come to believe the fabrications generated purposely to give legitimacy to a criminal gang dressed in the banality of evil so as to give them legitimacy, sympathy and acceptability, while covering up their heinous crimes against humanity which superseded those of Pol Pot of Cambodia and Salvadore Ayende of Chile.
The evidence, based on revelations from NRA military and intelligence officers plus interviews of peasant refugees which our organization has collected point to Tutsis. The RPF, together with NRA and the United State are implicated very clearly as the greatest criminals of the Rwanda genocide.Because of the lies and cover-ups which have been thoroughly concocted and orchestrated ever since the invasion started on October 1, 1990, the victims have been made to look like the criminals.
This criminal cabal has utilized tactics common to typical compulsive liars. The former UN Secretary General, Butros Butros Ghali, has often lamented over the fact that on many occasion he wanted to convene the Security Council to look into the Rwanda Crisis as it was unfolding in order to protect the lives of innocent civilians. Each time his efforts were thwarted by the USA and UK for reasons only known to their leaders. The USA went as far as training, arming, financing, and manipulating the international media in order to make the cabal’s criminal agenda prevail and succeed.One does not have to graduate from a Military Academy to know that in war, the victor wins if it kills more of the enemy.
If RPF and NRA defeated the Rwandese army, it goes without saying who killed more of whom. Regarding the theory of winning a war, General Patton said that, “Let the other son of a bitch die for his country”? How can then any person be fooled to believe that the defeated Hutus killed that many Tutsis and stilllost the war? The campaign to demonize all Hutus as “genociders” – an accusation which was never applied to Germans after WW II –has been effectively applied to Hutus and has demonized the entire ethnic group, including those who lived abroad during those years.
This kind of blanket accusation which is intended to protect the true criminals in this horrendous crime of invasion and mass murders and ethnic cleansing, which Tutsis are committing in Rwanda up to now, paints a an unbelievable picture of Hutus as being sophisticated in the art of war and so highly organized that they had the capability of amassing their enemies and slaughtering them in a matter of days. Not even a fool could believe that. It is sad to admit that that Hitler and Goebbels ingenuity in twisting facts and truth have made believers among today’s world’s greatest democracies. Secondly, we look at the population of Rwanda which was about 7 million people at that time. Tutsis were about 10% about 700,000 people. Is the cabal’s propaganda machine trying to convince us that all Tutsis in Rwanda were mobilized to be in accessible locations so that murderous thugs could butcher them in a matter of days?
Depicting Hutus as a collection of murderous thugs, when in fact they are the victims, and yet the German population was not so depicted after WWII is not only a skillful cover up of the truth but also an abomination of human reasoning. The Tutsis were always a minority in Rwanda. During the Hutu rule of Kayibanda and Habyarimana, there were many Tutsi attempts to invade and take power by force. There was no single time when Hutus ordered their army of civilians to butcher Tutsis. Yet in neighboring Burundi where Tutsi minority control the country, since 1960, there have been numerous pogroms of Hutus by ruling Tutsis which have claimed thousands of innocent Hutus. The UN has done nothing to bring the killers in Burundi to justice. Why? Now that we know what NRA did in Uganda during the war that ousted Obote’s regime and brought Museveni to power.
The same tricks were repeated in Rwanda when the same group NRA/RPF invaded Rwanda and overthrew Habyarimana’s government and established a Tutsi dominated junta. Former NRA intelligence officers reveal that in January of 1994, NRA deployed 950 soldiers from Uganda to Kigali in civilian clothes to take up positions in preparation for the planned mass killings that were to take place soon after the Rwandese President was killed by NRA/RPF in collaboration with Belgian troops, both of which had full control of the airport. They later sent another force of 5000 soldiers in other localities in the country to carry out the same job on a simultaneous basis. We have also learned that machetes, pangas, axes plus mobile radio transmitting units were brought in from Uganda to be used in the mass murders of civilians who happened to be Hutus, not Tutsis as the cabal wants us to believe.
Those tools were returned to Uganda as soon as the job was finished. Could this have been a nasty way of paying back the Hutus for their 1959/60 overthrow of the Tutsi monarchy when no guns were used?The same tactic has been effectively applied in northern Uganda where for nearly 20 years, NRA original goal of wiping out the Nilotic tribes are conducted with impunity. It is inconceivable that the Lords Resistance Army or Lakwena, who do not exceed two thousands, can prevail over NRA for all these years when operating inside Uganda which is under Museveni’s full controls. NRA successfully invaded Rwanda and Zaire and also gave the Sudanese army a hard time but cannot clean up an area as narrow as Acholi? According to local people in northern Uganda s and also people inside NRA, there are reports which have been suppressed by the western media to the effect that the so called crimes of mutilating people in Acholi, abducting children etc.. are all the works of NRA in order to justify their ethnic cleansing in northern Uganda.
The Tutsi controlled radio MUHABURA was spreading ethnic hatred of Hutus and never received criticism from either the USA or the UK. The Voice of America also set up a special Kinyarwanda Broadcast reporting the Tutsi side of the Rwanda crisis. The game of demonizing Hutus as mass killers was orchestrated at maximum speed by the western media, utilizing reporters and human rights watchers who were censored by USA or UK and had to go through Uganda to reach Rwanda. Roger Winters of the U.S. Committee for Refugees, plus another hired gun, William Pike, played a key role that made those two white men look like twin sons of Joseph Goebbels. We learned later that RPF/NRA had portable radio transmitters which broadcast their messages over the same channels of Hutu radio and spread murderous messages as part of the wider scheme to demonize Hutus.
For outside listeners and readers, all that sounded as the work of a highly organized Hutu killing machine. Yet indeed, the Hutus as a people were in total disarray and confusion at that moment in time. This assertion does not deny a fact that Hutus killed Tutsis. However, the organized killing of thousands of innocent civilians was the work of Kagame and Museveni. The greatest majority of the victims were Hutus but not Tutsis as the cabal propagandists want us to believe. The USA had already supplied RPF with radio jamming technology to block Hutu broadcasts to the masses. This was confirmed by a State Department person at a meeting of The Rwanda Forum that I attended in Washington DC in 1993.
If in fact the death toll was anywhere between 500,000 and a 1,000,000 people, and most of that killing took place in and around the city of Kigali, it absolutely impossible to have had that many Tutsis in the area. I personally visited Kigali and Ruhengyeri twice in March and August of 1993. I drove thorough the markets, hospitals, public car parks and around town. I could hardly count ten (10) Tutsis among those crowds – much as Tutsis are very conspicuous when among Hutus. The Hutus who reacted and indeed did kill some Tutsis could have responded to the misleading radio massages given out by the RPF killing machine which I have outlined above. Others may have reacted in anger in a manner no different from that of Black Americans after the killing of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968 or the barbaric treatment of Mr. Rodney King on April 29, 1992 in Los Angeles.
We cannot blame the US government for both of those riots since they were natural reaction to a provocative tragedy. Besides, what would anyone expect people to react like when they are slaughtered by invaders and their government leaders have been killed by the enemy who is clearly known?As soon as RPF came into power, they exhumed the skeletons of their victims from where they had hidden them. They collected the skeletons and paraded them all over Kigali and on roadsides throughout Rwanda to impress outside investigators so as to justify their criminal invasion of a Free State and murdering her citizens.Foreign journalists, human rights investigators and foreign policy makers who went to Rwanda during the fighting and after RPF took over, had to go through Uganda from where they were escorted by NRA or RPF agents.
They were managed thoroughly as to which places they can visit, whom to interview etc. In some of those interviews that were broadcast abroad, the local people who were interviewed could speak English with a Ugandan accent while others could be overheard speaking broken Swahili. We already know that Tutsis from Uganda, Congo, USA, Tanzania, Belgium and elsewhere flocked back to Rwanda after RPF conquered the Hutu army. They took over homes, farms and other properties that belonged to Hutus who were either killed or fled into exile. There are cases where Hutu families who returned home to find their family home occupied by Tutsis were permitted to build grass shanty nearby instead of reclaiming their original nice houses which they had built with their own labor.
Their only role in life is to be slaves of the Tutsis.No one has ever questioned what could have motivated an entire population to run off from their land into exile, as was the case in Rwanda during those dark days. The cabal’s propaganda has blindfolded to believe what is unbelievable. Only fire at each one’s rare end can force a people to flee for their lives in such huge numbers. I find it very difficult to believe that all those skulls are what they claim to be. After all, no one can tell the difference between the skull of a Tutsi and that of a Hutu or a Chinese or German for that matter. This trick of fabricating facts to favor NRA in Uganda was done to the maximum and served Museveni very well to convince the world that the Luwero Triangle skeletons he paraded were victims of Obote’s soldiers while in actual fact it was NRA who killed the citizens of that area and put the blame on Obote’s government.
The same people who did that in Luwero repeated it in Rwanda and, unfortunately, it worked for them both times.The cabal fabricated and carried out a well managed media campaign to demonize Hutu people as murderers while covering up the crimes of the real murderers. The crimes of NRA and RPF, first of invading another country have been swept under the rug for all these years. Yet, when Iraq invaded Kuwait a few years ago, the USA and Britain mobilized other nations to drive the invaders out of Kuwait. RPF/NRA crimes of murdering thousands of innocent civilians and displacing nearly a million people from the day of invasion in 1990 to April of 1994 have been ignored tactfully.
Contrary to public lies which have been spread all over the world that Hutus massacred nearly a million Tutsis right after the RPF killed President Habyarimana we have information from people who were inside Museveni’s military/security system bringing new revelations that the so called genocide was planned by the Museveni/Kagame group to justify their attack on Kigali and win sympathy for their monolithic Tutsi regime, and also enable them to mobilize foreign aid without anyone questioning their barbaric brutality and gross human rights violations.Kagame and Museveni knew and planned the mass killings of innocent people who were to be predominantly Hutus, right after the President’s plane was shot down by RPF.
Kagame is quoted as saying that about 500,000 people will be slaughtered during that period of confusion. Hose people who did not know that Kagame was behind the planned genocide have accused him of being callous because he did not take steps to protect those many innocent lives, but rather was merely interested in taking power. We can now understand why he was not concerned about the loss of innocent lives if, in fact, he was responsible for their death. Second, the people who got killed were predominantly Hutu civilians as he had done in Northern Rwanda since October of 1990 and especially in Byumba and Ruhengeri in February of 1993. However, this time around Kagame had already set in motion media propaganda to claim that the people hacked to death were Tutsis and their killers were Hutu thugs.In March of 1994 a team of Tutsi/Hima soldiers from NRA were sent into Rwanda in civilian clothing.
They went into Kigali proper. Their mission was to carry out mass killings of civilians in Kigali and the surrounding areas. Another group of 5000 soldiers, all in civilian clothes, were subsequently sent into other populated areas of Rwanda to carry out the same mission of mass killings soon after President Habyarimana has been killed. Kagame armed all those men with machetes and pangas delivered to them directly from Uganda, their supply headquarters. In addition to those tools, they had portable radios and broadcasting units which transposed their messages onto the regular radio channels of Rwanda. The message was for Hutus to kill Tutsis who had killed the president.
To any outsider monitoring those radio broadcasts, the killers were obviously assumed to be Hutus while in actual fact it was Tutsis and Himas from Uganda who were carrying out the killings so as to tarnish the image of Hutus in the world community. Soon after the killings had been done, all the equipments (radios, pangas and machetes) were returned to Uganda, lest they be noticed by investigators for they were all brand new and had markings identifying them as coming from Uganda.
For any person to claim that between 800,000 and 1,000,000 Tutsis were slaughtered begs the question. Most of that killing was in the city of Kigali. What was the population of Kigali and how many of those were Tutsis. Interviews with refugees tell stories of many Hutus who lost their family members, and those were not necessarily opposition party members.Another area of concern for any person who wants to obtain the hidden truth would be to ask RPF leaders what may have caused a whole population of people to run away as the Rwandese did into exile. There must have been a thorough and well organized attack on the entire population to cause them gets into flight.
The only force which could possibly do that was RPF invaders. In September of 1992, I received information from sources in the Uganda military stating that Tutsis were planning to bulldoze Hututs off the land and replace them with Tutsis. I shared that information with some people, but they responded with laughter and scorn saying that it was impossible to bulldoze an entire population from their land, especially since the targeted population was the majority. The RPF crimes against the population have tactfully been swept under the rug for all these years.In January of 1990 a team of 150 mostly Tutsi men from the NRA and ISO were sent to Rwanda to survey (in military terms “WRECK” the situation prior to the proposed invasion which took place on October 1 of the same year.The RPF is committing atrocities of genocide in Rwanda from the day they invaded that country October 1, 1990 up to the present which have been ignored by the biased western media for reasons only known to themselves.
The U.S. government, Britain and Belgium are equally as guilty in the crimes of genocide in Rwanda. The participation of USA in the RPF crimes deserve its leaders to be tried before a Court of Justice if there is any in this world.SKULLS OF HUTUS KILLED BY RPF: The RPF massacre of innocent people in northern Rwanda in February of 1993 claimed over 25,000 civilian lives and displaced more than 100,000 people from their home area. At one location near Byumba, in a football stadium built by Mr. Kabuga, RPF massacred about 2000 people, cutting off their heads which they then buried in pits.
After the conquest of Rwanda, the RPF junta dug out all the sculls of their own victims and paraded them in Kigali and everywhere as skulls of Tutsis who were killed by Hutus. Such calculated and blatant lies horrified the local people who witnessed those crimes being committed and also witnessed the actual unearthing of the skulls and skeletons for display in Kigali and on roadsides for the world to further condemn the Hutus en masse.CORPSES IN THE RIVER KAGERA AND LAKE VICTORIA:RPF has become a master of deception and lies which have gone on unabated for years. One should look at the way RPF entered Rwanda in two columns. One column followed eastern route along the Rwanda Tanzania border. That area was already under RPF control. It is through that swampy area that River Kagera passes and has a bridge that crosses into Tanzania. During that time many Hutu civilians fled their homes and country as RPF invaders were on a wild rampage of killing any person in sight.
Those who attempted to enter Tanzania via the only crossing there is met RPF invaders waiting for them at the bridge. Thousands of Hutus were thrown into the raging river by RPF men. Others drowned in the attempt to cross the river away from the bridge where certain death awaited them. It is important to emphasize that all those corpses which floated into the river and eventually reached Lake Victoria were of Hutus and their killers were RPF. The Tutsi propaganda twisted the facts claiming those floating corpses as being of Tutsis killed by Hutu extremists. The world community and you here in this Tribunal have swallowed those fabrications up to this very day.
How could intelligent people in the UN and western governments be so myopic and not ask a simple question: if Hutu rioters in Kigali were killing any people – I am not denying the killings which took place mainly in Kigali – did they have any reason or means to transport their victims as far away as to dump those bodies in the river where there were columns of invading RPF on the move towards the capital?
Now we know who was killing and who were being killed. It is obvious that the people who were being killed were the ones on the run for their lives. That is why the world witnessed in horror a tremendous exodus of Hutus fleeing to Congo, Burundi and Tanzania but not to Uganda where the killers were coming from.
The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet it cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
In an ethnic conflict such as is the case in Rwanda, truth is the first victim especially, regarding the accused. We do not have to wait hundreds of years like Oedipus Rex to be told the bitter truth.Thousands of innocent people were killed in Rwanda since October 1, 1990 when RPF invaded that country from Uganda. Between October 1, 1990 and April 1994, over 140,000 people were systematically killed by RPF/NRA in northern Rwanda, and over a million people were displaced rendering them to excruciating suffering without help from anywhere. That baleful killing of the innocent has continued up to today and also extended into Congo when RPF/NRA assisted by US Commandos, invaded Zaire slaughtering thousands of refugees in camps. The cabal went to great length to cover up their crimes as has been demonstrated over the years. Their lies have fooled the entire world community up to this very day, including the UNO. Nobles, intellectuals and commoners alike have come to believe the fabrications generated purposely to give legitimacy to a criminal gang dressed in the banality of evil so as to give them legitimacy, sympathy and acceptability, while covering up their heinous crimes against humanity which superseded those of Pol Pot of Cambodia and Salvadore Ayende of Chile.
The evidence, based on revelations from NRA military and intelligence officers plus interviews of peasant refugees which our organization has collected point to Tutsis. The RPF, together with NRA and the United State are implicated very clearly as the greatest criminals of the Rwanda genocide.Because of the lies and cover-ups which have been thoroughly concocted and orchestrated ever since the invasion started on October 1, 1990, the victims have been made to look like the criminals.
This criminal cabal has utilized tactics common to typical compulsive liars. The former UN Secretary General, Butros Butros Ghali, has often lamented over the fact that on many occasion he wanted to convene the Security Council to look into the Rwanda Crisis as it was unfolding in order to protect the lives of innocent civilians. Each time his efforts were thwarted by the USA and UK for reasons only known to their leaders. The USA went as far as training, arming, financing, and manipulating the international media in order to make the cabal’s criminal agenda prevail and succeed.One does not have to graduate from a Military Academy to know that in war, the victor wins if it kills more of the enemy.
If RPF and NRA defeated the Rwandese army, it goes without saying who killed more of whom. Regarding the theory of winning a war, General Patton said that, “Let the other son of a bitch die for his country”? How can then any person be fooled to believe that the defeated Hutus killed that many Tutsis and stilllost the war? The campaign to demonize all Hutus as “genociders” – an accusation which was never applied to Germans after WW II –has been effectively applied to Hutus and has demonized the entire ethnic group, including those who lived abroad during those years.
This kind of blanket accusation which is intended to protect the true criminals in this horrendous crime of invasion and mass murders and ethnic cleansing, which Tutsis are committing in Rwanda up to now, paints a an unbelievable picture of Hutus as being sophisticated in the art of war and so highly organized that they had the capability of amassing their enemies and slaughtering them in a matter of days. Not even a fool could believe that. It is sad to admit that that Hitler and Goebbels ingenuity in twisting facts and truth have made believers among today’s world’s greatest democracies. Secondly, we look at the population of Rwanda which was about 7 million people at that time. Tutsis were about 10% about 700,000 people. Is the cabal’s propaganda machine trying to convince us that all Tutsis in Rwanda were mobilized to be in accessible locations so that murderous thugs could butcher them in a matter of days?
Depicting Hutus as a collection of murderous thugs, when in fact they are the victims, and yet the German population was not so depicted after WWII is not only a skillful cover up of the truth but also an abomination of human reasoning. The Tutsis were always a minority in Rwanda. During the Hutu rule of Kayibanda and Habyarimana, there were many Tutsi attempts to invade and take power by force. There was no single time when Hutus ordered their army of civilians to butcher Tutsis. Yet in neighboring Burundi where Tutsi minority control the country, since 1960, there have been numerous pogroms of Hutus by ruling Tutsis which have claimed thousands of innocent Hutus. The UN has done nothing to bring the killers in Burundi to justice. Why? Now that we know what NRA did in Uganda during the war that ousted Obote’s regime and brought Museveni to power.
The same tricks were repeated in Rwanda when the same group NRA/RPF invaded Rwanda and overthrew Habyarimana’s government and established a Tutsi dominated junta. Former NRA intelligence officers reveal that in January of 1994, NRA deployed 950 soldiers from Uganda to Kigali in civilian clothes to take up positions in preparation for the planned mass killings that were to take place soon after the Rwandese President was killed by NRA/RPF in collaboration with Belgian troops, both of which had full control of the airport. They later sent another force of 5000 soldiers in other localities in the country to carry out the same job on a simultaneous basis. We have also learned that machetes, pangas, axes plus mobile radio transmitting units were brought in from Uganda to be used in the mass murders of civilians who happened to be Hutus, not Tutsis as the cabal wants us to believe.
Those tools were returned to Uganda as soon as the job was finished. Could this have been a nasty way of paying back the Hutus for their 1959/60 overthrow of the Tutsi monarchy when no guns were used?The same tactic has been effectively applied in northern Uganda where for nearly 20 years, NRA original goal of wiping out the Nilotic tribes are conducted with impunity. It is inconceivable that the Lords Resistance Army or Lakwena, who do not exceed two thousands, can prevail over NRA for all these years when operating inside Uganda which is under Museveni’s full controls. NRA successfully invaded Rwanda and Zaire and also gave the Sudanese army a hard time but cannot clean up an area as narrow as Acholi? According to local people in northern Uganda s and also people inside NRA, there are reports which have been suppressed by the western media to the effect that the so called crimes of mutilating people in Acholi, abducting children etc.. are all the works of NRA in order to justify their ethnic cleansing in northern Uganda.
The Tutsi controlled radio MUHABURA was spreading ethnic hatred of Hutus and never received criticism from either the USA or the UK. The Voice of America also set up a special Kinyarwanda Broadcast reporting the Tutsi side of the Rwanda crisis. The game of demonizing Hutus as mass killers was orchestrated at maximum speed by the western media, utilizing reporters and human rights watchers who were censored by USA or UK and had to go through Uganda to reach Rwanda. Roger Winters of the U.S. Committee for Refugees, plus another hired gun, William Pike, played a key role that made those two white men look like twin sons of Joseph Goebbels. We learned later that RPF/NRA had portable radio transmitters which broadcast their messages over the same channels of Hutu radio and spread murderous messages as part of the wider scheme to demonize Hutus.
For outside listeners and readers, all that sounded as the work of a highly organized Hutu killing machine. Yet indeed, the Hutus as a people were in total disarray and confusion at that moment in time. This assertion does not deny a fact that Hutus killed Tutsis. However, the organized killing of thousands of innocent civilians was the work of Kagame and Museveni. The greatest majority of the victims were Hutus but not Tutsis as the cabal propagandists want us to believe. The USA had already supplied RPF with radio jamming technology to block Hutu broadcasts to the masses. This was confirmed by a State Department person at a meeting of The Rwanda Forum that I attended in Washington DC in 1993.
If in fact the death toll was anywhere between 500,000 and a 1,000,000 people, and most of that killing took place in and around the city of Kigali, it absolutely impossible to have had that many Tutsis in the area. I personally visited Kigali and Ruhengyeri twice in March and August of 1993. I drove thorough the markets, hospitals, public car parks and around town. I could hardly count ten (10) Tutsis among those crowds – much as Tutsis are very conspicuous when among Hutus. The Hutus who reacted and indeed did kill some Tutsis could have responded to the misleading radio massages given out by the RPF killing machine which I have outlined above. Others may have reacted in anger in a manner no different from that of Black Americans after the killing of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968 or the barbaric treatment of Mr. Rodney King on April 29, 1992 in Los Angeles.
We cannot blame the US government for both of those riots since they were natural reaction to a provocative tragedy. Besides, what would anyone expect people to react like when they are slaughtered by invaders and their government leaders have been killed by the enemy who is clearly known?As soon as RPF came into power, they exhumed the skeletons of their victims from where they had hidden them. They collected the skeletons and paraded them all over Kigali and on roadsides throughout Rwanda to impress outside investigators so as to justify their criminal invasion of a Free State and murdering her citizens.Foreign journalists, human rights investigators and foreign policy makers who went to Rwanda during the fighting and after RPF took over, had to go through Uganda from where they were escorted by NRA or RPF agents.
They were managed thoroughly as to which places they can visit, whom to interview etc. In some of those interviews that were broadcast abroad, the local people who were interviewed could speak English with a Ugandan accent while others could be overheard speaking broken Swahili. We already know that Tutsis from Uganda, Congo, USA, Tanzania, Belgium and elsewhere flocked back to Rwanda after RPF conquered the Hutu army. They took over homes, farms and other properties that belonged to Hutus who were either killed or fled into exile. There are cases where Hutu families who returned home to find their family home occupied by Tutsis were permitted to build grass shanty nearby instead of reclaiming their original nice houses which they had built with their own labor.
Their only role in life is to be slaves of the Tutsis.No one has ever questioned what could have motivated an entire population to run off from their land into exile, as was the case in Rwanda during those dark days. The cabal’s propaganda has blindfolded to believe what is unbelievable. Only fire at each one’s rare end can force a people to flee for their lives in such huge numbers. I find it very difficult to believe that all those skulls are what they claim to be. After all, no one can tell the difference between the skull of a Tutsi and that of a Hutu or a Chinese or German for that matter. This trick of fabricating facts to favor NRA in Uganda was done to the maximum and served Museveni very well to convince the world that the Luwero Triangle skeletons he paraded were victims of Obote’s soldiers while in actual fact it was NRA who killed the citizens of that area and put the blame on Obote’s government.
The same people who did that in Luwero repeated it in Rwanda and, unfortunately, it worked for them both times.The cabal fabricated and carried out a well managed media campaign to demonize Hutu people as murderers while covering up the crimes of the real murderers. The crimes of NRA and RPF, first of invading another country have been swept under the rug for all these years. Yet, when Iraq invaded Kuwait a few years ago, the USA and Britain mobilized other nations to drive the invaders out of Kuwait. RPF/NRA crimes of murdering thousands of innocent civilians and displacing nearly a million people from the day of invasion in 1990 to April of 1994 have been ignored tactfully.
Contrary to public lies which have been spread all over the world that Hutus massacred nearly a million Tutsis right after the RPF killed President Habyarimana we have information from people who were inside Museveni’s military/security system bringing new revelations that the so called genocide was planned by the Museveni/Kagame group to justify their attack on Kigali and win sympathy for their monolithic Tutsi regime, and also enable them to mobilize foreign aid without anyone questioning their barbaric brutality and gross human rights violations.Kagame and Museveni knew and planned the mass killings of innocent people who were to be predominantly Hutus, right after the President’s plane was shot down by RPF.
Kagame is quoted as saying that about 500,000 people will be slaughtered during that period of confusion. Hose people who did not know that Kagame was behind the planned genocide have accused him of being callous because he did not take steps to protect those many innocent lives, but rather was merely interested in taking power. We can now understand why he was not concerned about the loss of innocent lives if, in fact, he was responsible for their death. Second, the people who got killed were predominantly Hutu civilians as he had done in Northern Rwanda since October of 1990 and especially in Byumba and Ruhengeri in February of 1993. However, this time around Kagame had already set in motion media propaganda to claim that the people hacked to death were Tutsis and their killers were Hutu thugs.In March of 1994 a team of Tutsi/Hima soldiers from NRA were sent into Rwanda in civilian clothing.
They went into Kigali proper. Their mission was to carry out mass killings of civilians in Kigali and the surrounding areas. Another group of 5000 soldiers, all in civilian clothes, were subsequently sent into other populated areas of Rwanda to carry out the same mission of mass killings soon after President Habyarimana has been killed. Kagame armed all those men with machetes and pangas delivered to them directly from Uganda, their supply headquarters. In addition to those tools, they had portable radios and broadcasting units which transposed their messages onto the regular radio channels of Rwanda. The message was for Hutus to kill Tutsis who had killed the president.
To any outsider monitoring those radio broadcasts, the killers were obviously assumed to be Hutus while in actual fact it was Tutsis and Himas from Uganda who were carrying out the killings so as to tarnish the image of Hutus in the world community. Soon after the killings had been done, all the equipments (radios, pangas and machetes) were returned to Uganda, lest they be noticed by investigators for they were all brand new and had markings identifying them as coming from Uganda.
For any person to claim that between 800,000 and 1,000,000 Tutsis were slaughtered begs the question. Most of that killing was in the city of Kigali. What was the population of Kigali and how many of those were Tutsis. Interviews with refugees tell stories of many Hutus who lost their family members, and those were not necessarily opposition party members.Another area of concern for any person who wants to obtain the hidden truth would be to ask RPF leaders what may have caused a whole population of people to run away as the Rwandese did into exile. There must have been a thorough and well organized attack on the entire population to cause them gets into flight.
The only force which could possibly do that was RPF invaders. In September of 1992, I received information from sources in the Uganda military stating that Tutsis were planning to bulldoze Hututs off the land and replace them with Tutsis. I shared that information with some people, but they responded with laughter and scorn saying that it was impossible to bulldoze an entire population from their land, especially since the targeted population was the majority. The RPF crimes against the population have tactfully been swept under the rug for all these years.In January of 1990 a team of 150 mostly Tutsi men from the NRA and ISO were sent to Rwanda to survey (in military terms “WRECK” the situation prior to the proposed invasion which took place on October 1 of the same year.The RPF is committing atrocities of genocide in Rwanda from the day they invaded that country October 1, 1990 up to the present which have been ignored by the biased western media for reasons only known to themselves.
The U.S. government, Britain and Belgium are equally as guilty in the crimes of genocide in Rwanda. The participation of USA in the RPF crimes deserve its leaders to be tried before a Court of Justice if there is any in this world.SKULLS OF HUTUS KILLED BY RPF: The RPF massacre of innocent people in northern Rwanda in February of 1993 claimed over 25,000 civilian lives and displaced more than 100,000 people from their home area. At one location near Byumba, in a football stadium built by Mr. Kabuga, RPF massacred about 2000 people, cutting off their heads which they then buried in pits.
After the conquest of Rwanda, the RPF junta dug out all the sculls of their own victims and paraded them in Kigali and everywhere as skulls of Tutsis who were killed by Hutus. Such calculated and blatant lies horrified the local people who witnessed those crimes being committed and also witnessed the actual unearthing of the skulls and skeletons for display in Kigali and on roadsides for the world to further condemn the Hutus en masse.CORPSES IN THE RIVER KAGERA AND LAKE VICTORIA:RPF has become a master of deception and lies which have gone on unabated for years. One should look at the way RPF entered Rwanda in two columns. One column followed eastern route along the Rwanda Tanzania border. That area was already under RPF control. It is through that swampy area that River Kagera passes and has a bridge that crosses into Tanzania. During that time many Hutu civilians fled their homes and country as RPF invaders were on a wild rampage of killing any person in sight.
Those who attempted to enter Tanzania via the only crossing there is met RPF invaders waiting for them at the bridge. Thousands of Hutus were thrown into the raging river by RPF men. Others drowned in the attempt to cross the river away from the bridge where certain death awaited them. It is important to emphasize that all those corpses which floated into the river and eventually reached Lake Victoria were of Hutus and their killers were RPF. The Tutsi propaganda twisted the facts claiming those floating corpses as being of Tutsis killed by Hutu extremists. The world community and you here in this Tribunal have swallowed those fabrications up to this very day.
How could intelligent people in the UN and western governments be so myopic and not ask a simple question: if Hutu rioters in Kigali were killing any people – I am not denying the killings which took place mainly in Kigali – did they have any reason or means to transport their victims as far away as to dump those bodies in the river where there were columns of invading RPF on the move towards the capital?
Now we know who was killing and who were being killed. It is obvious that the people who were being killed were the ones on the run for their lives. That is why the world witnessed in horror a tremendous exodus of Hutus fleeing to Congo, Burundi and Tanzania but not to Uganda where the killers were coming from.
The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet it cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
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I am Jean-Christophe Nizeyimana, an Economist, Content Manager, and EDI Expert, driven by a passion for human rights activism. With a deep commitment to advancing human rights in Africa, particularly in the Great Lakes region, I established this blog following firsthand experiences with human rights violations in Rwanda and in the DRC (formerly Zaïre) as well. My journey began with collaborations with Amnesty International in Utrecht, the Netherlands, and with human rights organizations including Human Rights Watch and a conference in Helsinki, Finland, where I was a panelist with other activists from various countries.
My mission is to uncover the untold truth about the ongoing genocide in Rwanda and the DRC. As a dedicated voice for the voiceless, I strive to raise awareness about the tragic consequences of these events and work tirelessly to bring an end to the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF)'s impunity.
This blog is a platform for Truth and Justice, not a space for hate. I am vigilant against hate speech or ignorant comments, moderating all discussions to ensure a respectful and informed dialogue at African Survivors International Blog.
Human and Civil Rights
Human Rights, Mutual Respect and Dignity
For all Rwandans :
Hutus - Tutsis - Twas
Rwanda: A mapping of crimes
Rwanda: A mapping of crimes in the book "In Praise of Blood, the crimes of the RPF by Judi Rever
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