A Candle For Remembering

A Candle For Remembering
May this memorial candle lights up the historical past of our beloved Country: Rwanda, We love U so much. If Tears could build a stairway. And memories were a lane. I would walk right up to heaven. To bring you home again. No farewell words were spoken. No time to say goodbye. You were gone before I knew it And. Only Paul Kagame knows why. My heart still aches with sadness. And secret tears still flow. What It meant to lose you. No one will ever know.

Rwanda: Cartographie des crimes

Rwanda: cartographie des crimes du livre "In Praise of Blood, the crimes of the RPF" de Judi Rever Kagame devra être livré aux Rwandais pour répondre à ses crimes: la meilleure option de réconciliation nationale entre les Hutus et les Tutsis.

Let us remember Our People

Let us remember our people, it is our right

You can't stop thinking

Don't you know Rwandans are talkin' 'bout a revolution It sounds like a whisper The majority Hutus and interior Tutsi are gonna rise up And get their share SurViVors are gonna rise up And take what's theirs. We're the survivors, yes: the Hutu survivors! Yes, we're the survivors, like Daniel out of the lions' den (Hutu survivors) Survivors, survivors! Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights et up, stand up, don't give up the fight “I’m never gonna hold you like I did / Or say I love you to the kids / You’re never gonna see it in my eyes / It’s not gonna hurt me when you cry / I’m not gonna miss you.” The situation is undeniably hurtful but we can'stop thinking we’re heartbroken over the loss of our beloved ones. "You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom". Malcolm X

Welcome to Home Truths

The year is 1994, the Fruitful year and the Start of a long epoch of the Rwandan RPF bloody dictatorship. Rwanda and DRC have become a unique arena and fertile ground for wars and lies. Tutsi RPF members deny Rights and Justice to the Hutu majority, to Interior Tutsis, to Congolese people, publicly claim the status of victim as the only SurViVors while millions of Hutu, interior Tutsi and Congolese people were butchered. Please make RPF criminals a Day One priority. Allow voices of the REAL victims to be heard.

Everybody Hurts

“Everybody Hurts” is one of the rare songs on this list that actually offers catharsis. It’s beautifully simple: you’re sad, but you’re not alone because “everybody hurts, everybody cries.” You’re human, in other words, and we all have our moments. So take R.E.M.’s advice, “take comfort in your friends,” blast this song, have yourself a good cry, and then move on. You’ll feel better, I promise.—Bonnie Stiernberg


Paul Kagame admits ordering...

Paul Kagame admits ordering the 1994 assassination of President Juvenal Habyarimana of Rwanda.

Why did Kagame this to me?

Why did Kagame this to me?
Can't forget. He murdered my mother. What should be my reaction? FYI: the number of orphans in Rwanda has skyrocketed since the 1990's Kagame's invasion. Much higher numbers of orphans had and have no other option but joining FDLR fighters who are identified as children that have Lost their Parents in Kagame's Wars inside and outside of Rwanda.If someone killed your child/spouse/parent(s) would you seek justice or revenge? Deep insight: What would you do to the person who snuffed the life of someone I love beyond reason? Forgiving would bring me no solace. If you take what really matters to me, I will show you what really matters. NITUTIRWANAHO TUZASHIRA. IGIHE KIRAGEZE.If democracy is to sell one's motherland(Africa), for some zionits support, then I prefer the person who is ready to give all his live for his motherland. Viva President Putin!!!

RPF committed the unspeakable

RPF committed the unspeakable
The perverted RPF committed the UNSPEAKABLE.Two orphans, both against the Nazi world. Point is the fact that their parents' murder Kagame & his RPF held no shock in the Western world. Up to now, the Rwandan Hitler Kagame and his death squads still enjoy impunity inside and outside of Rwanda. What goes through someone's mind as they know RPF murdered their parents? A delayed punishment is actually an encouragement to crime, In Praise of the ongoing Bloodshed in Rwanda. “I always think I am a pro-peace person but if someone harmed someone near and dear to me, I don't think I could be so peaceful. I would like to believe that to seek justice could save millions of people living the African Great Lakes Region - I would devote myself to bringing the 'perp' along to a non-happy ending but would that be enough? You'd have to be in the situation I suppose before you could actually know how you would feel or what you would do”. Jean-Christophe Nizeyimana, Libre Penseur

Inzira ndende


Hutu Children & their Mums

Hutu Children & their Mums
Look at them ! How they are scared to death. Many Rwandan Hutu and Tutsi, Foreign human rights advocates, jounalists and and lawyers are now on Death Row Waiting to be murdered by Kagame and his RPF death squads. Be the last to know.


Rwanda-rebranding-Targeting dissidents inside and abroad, despite war crimes and repression Rwanda has “A well primed PR machine”, and that this has been key in “persuading the key members of the international community that it has an exemplary constitution emphasizing democracy, power-sharing, and human rights which it fully respects”. It concluded: “The truth is, however, the opposite. What you see is not what you get: A FAÇADE” Rwanda has hired several PR firms to work on deflecting criticism, and rebranding the country.

Targeting dissidents abroad One of the more worrying aspects of Racepoint’s objectives was to “Educate and correct the ill informed and factually incorrect information perpetuated by certain groups of expatriates and NGOs,” including, presumably, the critiques of the crackdown on dissent among political opponents overseas. This should be seen in the context of accusations that Rwanda has plotted to kill dissidents abroad. A recent investigation by the Globe and Mail claims, “Rwandan exiles in both South Africa and Belgium – speaking in clandestine meetings in secure locations because of their fears of attack – gave detailed accounts of being recruited to assassinate critics of President Kagame….

Ways To Get Rid of Kagame

How to proceed for revolution in Rwanda:
  1. The people should overthrow the Rwandan dictator (often put in place by foreign agencies) and throw him, along with his henchmen and family, out of the country – e.g., the Shah of Iran, Marcos of Philippines.Compaore of Burkina Faso
  2. Rwandans organize a violent revolution and have the dictator killed – e.g., Ceaucescu in Romania.
  3. Foreign powers (till then maintaining the dictator) force the dictator to exile without armed intervention – e.g. Mátyás Rákosi of Hungary was exiled by the Soviets to Kirgizia in 1970 to “seek medical attention”.
  4. Foreign powers march in and remove the dictator (whom they either instated or helped earlier) – e.g. Saddam Hussein of Iraq or Manuel Noriega of Panama.
  5. The dictator kills himself in an act of desperation – e.g., Hitler in 1945.
  6. The dictator is assassinated by people near him – e.g., Julius Caesar of Rome in 44 AD was stabbed by 60-70 people (only one wound was fatal though).
  7. Organise strikes and unrest to paralyze the country and convince even the army not to support the dictaor – e.g., Jorge Ubico y Castañeda was ousted in Guatemala in 1944 and Guatemala became democratic, Recedntly in Burkina Faso with the dictator Blaise Compaoré.

Almighty God :Justice for US

Almighty God :Justice for US
Hutu children's daily bread: Intimidation, Slavery, Sex abuses led by RPF criminals and Kagame, DMI: Every single day, there are more assassinations, imprisonment, brainwashing & disappearances. Do they have any chance to end this awful life?

Killing Hutus on daily basis

Killing Hutus on daily basis
RPF targeted killings, very often in public areas. Killing Hutus on daily basis by Kagame's murderers and the RPF infamous death squads known as the "UNKNOWN WRONGDOERS"

RPF Trade Mark: Akandoya

RPF Trade Mark: Akandoya
Rape, torture and assassination and unslaving of hutu women. Genderside: Rape has always been used by kagame's RPF as a Weapon of War, the killings of Hutu women with the help of Local Defense Forces, DMI and the RPF military

The Torture in Rwanda flourishes

The Torture in Rwanda flourishes
How torture flourishes across Rwanda despite extensive global monitoring

Fighting For Our Freedom?

Fighting For Our Freedom?
We need Freedom, Liberation of our fatherland, Human rights respect, Mutual respect between the Hutu majority and the Tutsi minority


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Press TV
August 29, 2009S.
Posted by: Rick Rozoff

America calls for expulsion of US troopsUnion of South American Nations (UNASUR) wraps up its extraordinary summit in Argentina amongst angry protests aimed at the US-Colombia military pact.

Regional leaders from the bloc of 12 nations in South America concluded the special UNASUR summit meeting held in the southern Argentine town of Bariloche on August 28, after the member states called for enduring peace and territorial integrity of the region's mostly leftist countries.

The leaders joined voices in expressing concerns about the presence of foreign forces in the region that might pose threats to the sovereignty of the bloc's Member States - a reference to a recent military pact between the United States and Colombia. The heads of South American states in UNASUR also pledged to "abstain from using threats or force against the integrity of other states from the UNASUR."

UNASUR's Friday declaration, signed by the Member States including Colombia, reiterates the bloc's commitment "to strengthen the fight and cooperation against terrorism and transnational organized crime and its related crimes," including "the trafficking of small and light guns."

The signed document requires the UNASUR countries to refrain from posing any military threats against other nations, specifying that "military cooperation agreements must be directed by the unconditional respect to the principles and aims of the UN Charter and the fundamental principles of the UNASUR Constitutive treaty."

The move appears to be directed at Colombia where President Alvaro Uribe has allowed US military to use seven army bases in the country. Meanwhile, hundreds of protesters took to the streets around the summit venue, demanding the expulsion of hundreds of US troops to be stationed in bases across South America.

Demonstrators, accompanied by non-governmental organization activists and social campaigners, also protested against the presence of Uribe at the summit. Several unions and political parties have signed a letter of protest against the presence of the US in Latin America.

The letter was delivered to the regional leaders gathered in the Argentine mountain resort of Bariloche. UNASUR, launched in 2008 to strengthen regional ties and fight drug trafficking and corruption, comprises of 12 South American nations including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Surinam, Uruguay and Venezuela.

© Stop NATO

The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine

[SOS: Les témoins du Juge anti-terroriste français Jean Louis Bruguière sont en danger car leur identité est désormais connue].

Qui en est responsable? M. Kouchner? Le gouvernment Sarkozy? La CIA au sein de l'Elysée? Espionnage contre son propre pays au profit des puissances étrangères?

Le témoignage de Richard Mugenzi n'est pas crédible

Depuis le témoignage de Richard Mugenzi qui met en doute les conclusions du juge français Jean-Louis Bruguière à propos des auteurs de l'assassinat du président Juvénal Habyarimana, la presse pro-FPR s'en donne à coeur joie.

La machine à démonter le rapport du juge anti-terroriste est bien relancée. Mais quel crédit accorder au témoignage de l'ex-opérateur de l'armée rwandaise que la presse partisane présente comme un espion de Juvénal Habyarimana alors qu'il n'était qu'un simple opérateur radio chargé d'émettre et de recevoir des messages?

Au delà de cette polémique qui amuse les connaisseurs du dossier rwandais, c'est la méthodologie du juge français qui est critiquable sur la forme et non sur le fond. Contrairement à l'enquête du juge espagnol Fernando Merelles qui a abouti aux mêmes conclusions, monsieur Bruguière a dévoilé ses sources et les noms de ses témoins.

En plus lors de la tragi-comédie montée par le ministre français des affaires étrangères et mettant en scène madame Rose Kabuye au mois de novembre 2008, les avocats du FPR ont eu accès au dossier d'instruction. Les noms de tous les témoins et leurs témoignages sont connus. Le démontage du rapport est donc devenu plus facile pour décrédibiliser l'enquête en s'attaquant aux témoins clé retournables ou vulnérables.

Richard Mugenzi était une proie facile depuis que son identité était connue. Avant de faire ses déclarations, il a quitté la Tanzanie où il travaillait depuis 1998 pour le tribunal pénal international pour le Rwanda (TPIR). C'est à Kigali devant un journaliste français très proche du FPR, Jean François Dupaquier, qu'il s'est confié avant de poser fièrement à la une du New Times du 28 août, un journal quotidien anglophone qui véhicule la propagande du régime.

Il faut rappeler également que les premières déclarations de Abdul Ruzibiza lors de sa rétractation ont été faites sur les antennes d'une radio proche du FPR, Contact FM, et un journaliste français de Libération également proche du FPR, Christophe Ayad. Autre fait marquant de cette affaire de manipulation criminelle c'est l'assassinat du ministre Juvénal Uwilingiyimana dont le corps a été retrouvé dans un canal à Bruxelles.

Il a été tué par des professionnels qui lui ont enlevé les poumons afin de camoufler les preuves médico-légales de sa mort avant d'être jeté dans l'eau. En effet, quand il y a présence d'eau dans les poumons à l'autopsie, cela veut dire que la personne était vivante avant la noyade. L'ex-ministre de l'industrie et de l'artisanat et ex-directeur de l'ORTPN (office rwandais du tourisme et des parcs nationaux) a été assassiné parce qu'il avait refusé de cautionner les manipulations sur l'assassinat du président Habyarimana.

Les assassins voulaient qu'il déclare que c'est l'Akazu qui a tiré sur l'avion présidentiel pour déclencher le génocide. Il a payé cher sa dignité. Richard Mugenzi n'a pas eu le courage de Juvénal Uwilingiyimana. C'était la mort ou le retournement. Reste à voir si la mayonnaise va prendre dans ce dossier lourd et hypersensible qui a entraîné l'assassinat de deux chefs d'état et des milliers de morts innocents.

Mais on ne restera pas éternellement aux hypothèses, il faudra qu'un jour la vérité éclate, les Rwandais en sont convaincus. Et comme l'a dit l'ex-procureur du TPIR, la Suissesse Carla Del Ponte, "si c'est prouvé que c'est le FPR qui a tiré sur l'avion, c'est toute l'histoire du génocide rwandais à revoir."

C'est ce que craignent le FPR et ses défenseurs qui multiplient manipulations et assassinats. Quand au juge français qui a pris sa retraite, ses témoins sont en danger car leur identité est désormais connue.
© 2009 irwanda1.com

The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine

Get a deep insight into “the house negger” definition and you will understand why Hutus, 85% of the Rwandan population is getting exterminated.

I hear a lot of you polar bears out there telling me, "Hey, nigger! Why you so angry now? It's nigger history month, ain't it? Gonna learn about the history of the boombox and rape, eh?" You damn right I'm happy that finally America has taken one month out of their normally 12 month White History schedule.

But it's a pyrrhic victory at best; Black
History Month, as it is currently implemented, is a bandage solution to a bleeding wound full of cracka' pus. After years of celebrating it, I'm reasonably certain it is just the White Man pulling a sheet over the Black Nation, like they used to do until the KKK was changed over to a covert organization in 1989.


"Brothers and sisters, if you and I would just realize, that once we learn to talk the language that they understand, they will then get the point. You can't ever reach a man if you don't speak his language.
If a man speaks the language of brute force, you can't come to him with peace.
If a man speaks French, you can't speak to him in German.
If he speaks Swahili, you can't communicate with him in Chinese.
You have to find out, what does this man speak? Once you know his language, learn how to speak his language. He'll get the point, there will be some dialogue, some communication, and some understanding will be developed.
You've been in this country long enough to know the language the Klan speaks, they only know one language. What you and I have to start doing in 1965, I mean that's what you have to do because most of us have already been doing it, is start learning a new language. Learn the language that they understand, and then when they come up on our door step to talk, we can talk."

Don't Sit In, Stand Up

Malcolm X



  1. House nigger
    A black person that does their best to please white people even if it means disowning their own racial identity.

    "Uncle Tom House Niggers do scare me" - KRS One "House Niggas" (1989)

  2. House nigger
    A black person that sucks up to the white man for benefits. From slave times where the house nigga would get to work inside the house as opposed to picking cotton out in the hot sun.
    "Man, yous a house nigger" "No I ain't!" "yes u are! youd suck a crackers dick just to get some kool aid!!!"

  3. House nigger
    The house nigger, as defined by Malcolm X, is the slave who imagines himself to be thought of as kin by his master because they live in the same house. A modern-day equivalent is a dishwasher who has a chip on his shoulder bec
    ause he busts suds at a four-star hotel or restaurant.
    President Robert Mugabe about Dr Jendayi Frazer:
    ...You saw that little girl trotting around the globe like a prostitute => here next

    "What chu talking about?! I aint no field nigger slave! He aint my massa, he's my pal -- we live together see! I am a house nigger!" "There's a huge difference between a guy who washes dishes at Denny's and a guy who washes dishes at the Ritz. The former is a dirtbag and the latter is a pro."

  4. House Nigger
    A black Republican.
    Any black Republican is a house nigger because the GOP could care less about them, hence the Southern Strategy.

  5. House nigger
    It refers originally to slavery times, when black women used to be raped by the white slave owners to produce mixed children. They would usually grow up working in the plantation house and sometimes would receive education, unlike the black slaves who worked outside in the fields.

    The mixed children would associate with whites and have privileges the slaves did not. Now the term refers in a derogatory manner to lighter-skinned people of color, who are sometimes perceived as acting superior to darker-skinned people, and who because of their color, association with whites in what is viewed as a fawning manner, and greater success in life are sometimes resented by those less fortunate.
    Since Rasheed got that office job, he is full of himself and acting like a house nigger.

  6. House nigger
    . A black man in the White House, generally one exhibiting a toned-down version of African-American culture. 2. Barack Obama after November 4,2008.
    Black guy: Aw yeah, Obama won. That's mah niggah. White guy: Aw yeah, Obama won. That's mah House nigger.

  7. House nigger
    A domestic servant engaged in cleaning or gardening, either an African-American US citizen or a central american immigrant without papers.
    My house nigger, she comes from Guatamala. She's without papers. Anyway, she sure can wash dishes. Want her number?

The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine


Lettre ouverte adressée à l’Etat d’Israël et aux Juifs du monde entier et leurs organisations pour demander aux juifs qui font partis du FPR d’arrêter leur projet criminel qui a détruit le Rwanda et qui continue de détruire le Rwanda et l’Afrique des grands lacs.

Expéditeur :

Président de l’association des victimes (Hutus Tutsis et autres) TUBEHO TWESE ASBL et Comité International pour les victimes de la Haine Ethnique Massacres et Génocide et Président du Parti Politique Banyarwanda
Adresse : rue picard 88
1080 Bruxelles

Destinateur : Son Excellence le Premier Ministre Israélien

Objet : Vous informer que le FPR est un mouvement juif qui a commis le génocide contre les Tutsis et le génocide contre les Hutus et les Congolais. Nous demandons que tous les criminels soient punis. Nous demandons aux Juifs de demander pardon pour les personnes qui ont utilisé l’identité juif pour commettre des crimes de génocide contre les Tutsis, les Hutus et les Congolais.

Son Excellence le Premier Ministre,

Nous nous adressons à vous pour vous informer que le parti politique FPR qui dirige le Rwanda depuis environ quinze ans est un mouvement juif.

  • Le FPR est un mouvement qui a été récupéré et construit dès les premières années de sa naissance par des personnes ayant l’identité juive et quelques Tutsis extrémistes. Le FPR est un mouvement juif.

  • Nous nous adressons à vous pour informer que votre système FPR est un monstre qui a commis les choses inimaginables qui n’ont jamais existé dans le monde.

  • Le FPR est un mouvement nazi qui a déclenché le génocide contre les Tutsis.

  • Le FPR est mouvement nazi qui a commis le génocide contre les Hutus au Rwanda surtout dans les régions de l’Est du Rwanda et dans d’autres régions.

  • Le FPR est un mouvement nazi qui a commis le génocide contre les réfugiés Hutus au Congo et contre les Congolais.

  • Le FPR est un mouvement nazi qui continue de déstabiliser l’Afrique.

En tant représentant des associations des victimes et Président du Parti Politique Banyarwanda, je m’adresse à l’Etat d’Israël et aux Juifs du monde entier et leur organisations pour qu’ils prennent leur responsabilité pour nous débarrasser de leur monstre le FPR. Il faut que les choses changes au Rwanda et dans toute l’Afrique ou les choses vont mal.

Nous demandons à l’Etat d’Israël et aux Juifs du monde entier et leur organisations de résoudre le problèmes des Juifs qui déstabilisent les Rwandais et le Rwanda depuis longtemps sous couvert des autres identités et nationalités des pays tels que USA, Belgique, Allemagne, UK, France, Hollande, pays scandinaves et d’autres.

Nous demandons aux citoyens de ces pays cités et d’autres non cités de prendre la responsabilité pour résoudre ce problème du FPR qui déstabilise le Rwanda et toute l’humanité.
Il n’y a aucun crime de demander un juif d’être responsable de ses actes s’il est en train d’agir sous couvert d’une autre identité d’un pays quelconque qui n’est pas l’Israël.

Ne pas lui demander d’être responsable, c’est être complice et coauteur des crimes commis. Nous demandons à l’Etat d’Israël d’assumer la responsabilité de leur identité qui dépasse les frontières connues de l’Israël et nous demandons que l’impute s’arrête pour les personnes qui utilisent l’identité juive.

Il faut pouvoir montrer qu’il n’y a plus de cachète pour chaque malfaiteur qu’il soit décideur, lobbyiste ou autre acteur. Il faut que chaque personne soit responsable de ses actes.

Nous rappelons que le génocide Rwandais (qui regroupe le génocide Tutsi et le génocide Hutu) d’un coté commis par les Tutsis extrémistes contre les Hutus (en 1994 et après 1994) et de l’autre coté commis par les Hutus extrémistes contre les Tutsis (en 1994) a eu lieu au Rwanda à cause du complot international.

Le Rwanda a été détruit par une coalition des occidentaux (services secrets, politiciens, universitaires, lobbyistes et autres) et certains citoyens Rwandais Tutsis informés et présentés comme demandeurs (comme par exemple ceux qui sont allés à l’ONU en 1994 pour empêcher l’ONU de secourir les Tutsis).

C’est ce système qui a fait le déclenchement du génocide, le suivi à distance dans l’exécution du génocide et la gestion de la période qui a suivi les événements de 1994.

Dans cette coalition qui a détruit le Rwanda, il faut y ajouter un certain nombre des Hutus criminels qui ont commis de génocide et qui doivent être punis pour leurs actes parce qu’ils sont responsables de leurs actes.

C’est la coalition qui a planifié les actes de décente d’avion du président Habyarimana, de déclenchement du génocide en demandant les casques Bleus Belges de rentrer en Belgique ainsi que d’autres actes d’empêcher l’ONU d’intervenir et la de gestion de génocide et de gestion de la période d’après génocide.

Actuellement le même système de complot international continue à empêcher la justice internationale de juger tous les criminels.

Parmi les personnes qui font partis du complot et qui se sont montrées comme des personnes constituant la colonne vertébrale du système (qui déstabilise le Rwanda et les Rwandais) sont des personnes ayant l’identité juive et se trouvent dans les différents pays du monde qui sont en relation avec le Rwanda et l’Afrique.

Les mêmes personnes veulent continuer à se cacher derrière les citoyens juifs et le génocide juif. Ces mêmes individus ayant l’identité juive continuent de vouloir montrer que le génocide Juif ressemble au génocide Tutsi alors que c’est faux. Certains de ces personnes vont plus loin en essayant de développer les théories qui veulent dire que les Tutsis ont l’origine juive alors que c’est faux.

En demandant à l’Etat d’Israël et aux Juifs du monde entier et leurs organisations de rappeler à l’ordre certaines personnes parmi eux, il ne s’agit pas de d’oublier la responsabilité aux autres citoyens des pays qui ont été coauteurs ou coassociés des projets criminels qui ont détruit le Rwanda, le Congo et l’Afrique.

Nous demandons à l’Etat d’Israël et aux Juifs du monde entier et leurs organisations de reconnaitre les Hutus victimes du génocide Hutus commis par certains Tutsis criminels en 1994 et après 1994.

Nous demandons à l’Etat d’Israël et aux Juifs du monde entier et leurs organisations de reconnaitre que certaines personnes ayant l’identité juive ont participé au projet de commettre les crimes de génocide contre les Tutsis et le génocide contre les Hutus et les Congolais.

Nous demandons à l’Etat d’Israël et aux Juifs du monde entier et leurs organisations de demander pardon au peuple Rwandais pour les crimes commis par les personnes ayant l’identité juive contre les Rwandais et contre les Congolais.

Nous demandons à l’Etat d’Israël et aux Juifs du monde entier et leur organisations de demander pardon parce qu’ils n’ont pas pu secouru les Rwandais (en 1994 et près) alors qu’ils avaient les moyens et c’était une période où les personnes ayant l’identité juive avaient un pouvoir réel dans certains pays puissants du monde.

Pour les crimes qui ont été commis avant 1994, en 1994 et après 1994 au Rwanda et au Congo, Nous lançons un appel à tous les Etats du monde et à l’Etat d’Israël et aux Juifs du monde entier et leurs organisations pour qu’ils acceptent que les Tutsis génocidaires et d’autres criminels qui ont commis ces crimes soient punis.

Nous lançons un appel aux citoyens (de bon cœur) du monde entier pour venir en aide aux citoyens Rwandais et à d’autres Africains pour arrêter la machine criminel qui est le FPR qui ravage toute la région de l’Afrique des grands lacs et qui nuit à l’avenir de l’Afrique.

Nous lançons un appel aux citoyens (responsables et de bons cœurs) du monde entier pour mettre de l’ordre dans les affaires du monde entier. Il est temps d’avoir le courage de dire au propriétaire et copropriétaires des systèmes criminels (qui existent dans différents pays du monde) d’arrêter leurs machines.

Nous demandons aux citoyens du monde entier de ne pas écouter les personnes qui font parti de la machine qui a ravagé le Rwanda et qui présentent le Rwanda avec des mensonges pour cacher les crimes et d’autres abus commis par le FPR.

Tous les citoyens du monde doivent savoir que le Rwanda d’aujourd’hui dirigé par le FPR est une dictature. Le Rwanda actuel est un pays qui est dirigé par le pouvoir nazi qui est le FPR qui a exterminé les Tutsis, les Hutus et d’autres Rwandais et les Congolais.

Nous lançons un appel aux présidents et aux chefs des gouvernements des pays puissants et d’autres pays du monde entier pour qu’ils puissent montrer que le monde d’aujourd’hui n’est pas habité et dirigé par les personnes les sauvages, criminels qui s’entretuent. Je demande aux dirigeants du monde entier de ne pas laisser commettre des génocides et d’autres crimes. Il est temps que l’homme montre le coté positif de son humanisme.

Nous annexons à la présente certains témoignages des Rwandais et des occidentaux et nous donnons la copie aux différents Président, Chefs des gouvernements, parlementaires et autres des USA, United Kingdom (UK), France, Hollande, Allemagne, Belgique, Pays scandinaves et tous les pays européens, Canada, Australie, Pays Africains et autres.

Fait à Bruxelles, le 27/08/2009


Président de l’association des victimes (Hutus Tutsis et autres) TUBEHO TWESE ASBL et Comité International pour les victimes de la Haine Ethnique Massacres et Génocide et Président du Parti Politique Banyarwanda

Tél (32) 488 25 03 05

Email :
infotubeho@yahoo. fr
www.allvictims. org
www.banyarwandapoli ticalparty. org
Copie pour information à :
Information to:

To His Excellency the Prime Minister of Australia
To His Excellency the President of France
To His Excellency the President of Malawi
To His Excellency the President of Kenya
To His Excellency the Head of Commission in European Union (All)
To His Excellency the Member of African Union (All)
To His Excellency the Representative of Government member of European Union (All)
To His Excellency Member of Security Council (All)
To His Excellency Member of European parliament (All)
To His Excellency Member of USA Congress (All)
To His Excellency the Representative of International Amnesty
To His Excellency the Representative of Human Rights Watch
To His Excellency The Archbishop of Canterbury
His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
To His Excellency Michael Cassidy
To His Excellency Nelson Mandela
To His Excellency Bishop Desmond Tutu
To His Excellency the Representative of Martin Luther King Center
To His Excellency the Representative of Jimmy Carter Center

Annexes of testimonies:

According to Nick Gordon, a British reporter in UDC Newsletter, in April 1996, “the Tutsi dominated regime in Rwanda, which took power in 1994, use petroleum-fuelled crematoriums at several locations. Their victims are Hutu, men, women and children regardless of age. In the same year, UDC Newsletter underscored these crimes to no avail.

Nick Gordon investigated and reported that RPF regime built crematoriums at Bugesera, Ruhengeri, Byumba, Kibungo, Inyungwe and other locations, where thousands of Hutus were killed daily and their bodies were incinerated under the program called "MANPOWER DUTIES" while U.S. officials looked on.

“ The Tutsi regime is conducting genocide in Rwanda to reduce the Hutu population to "manageable level". At Gabiro, one of those Auschwitz-like crematorium”, Nick reported. According to this researcher,, between 1000 and 2000 Hutus were incinerated daily and their ashes spread in the fields by a tractor. Nick also reported that an American military base was just adjacent to the crematorium at Bugesera.

It was impossible for American GIs not to hear the daily and loud groaning coming from across the fence; neither could they fail to smell the stench of burning flesh. “A highly placed official in Kigali reached by phone last month who requested for anonymity, confirmed existence of those Nazi-like crematoriums where over 2000 Hutus are incinerated daily and their ashes scattered in fields … When asked whether U.S. officials in Kigali know of this, she answered, "Absolutely YES", Nick asserted.

Nick Gordon continues saying that “Surprisingly, U.S. military is stationed near and working with the Tutsi ‘gestapo’ know of these crematoriums but none has yet expressed any concern!

U.S. officials in the White House, Pentagon, State Dept. and the CIA who pamper the Tutsi regime in Kigali have maintained total silence and often engage in cover ups to criminal activities and transgressions by the Kigali regime. According to sources in Rwanda, the crematorium at Nyungwe forest is run by a garrison who are under training by U.S. military officials. The sources implicate Americans as having built the crematorium at Byumba which is disguised as a "Water Supply and Rehabilitation of Refugees Project".

The one at Gabiro is also reported to have been constructed by Americans Nick Gordon continues that “UDC has learnt that the population in areas surrounding those crematoriums have been complaining about the stench of burning flesh. In response, RPF Gestapo imported machines which grind the bodies and dump the remains in acid solution”
Nick (Nickolas) Gordon’s revelation has the same information with RUTAYISIRE Boniface’s report published.

Mr. Rutayisire Boniface, the President of victims association TUBEHO TWESE ASBL et CIVHEMG has done the research and published his findings to this issue for regions of Kibungo, Byumba, Umutara and Kigali rural (as these places were previously called). These findings are available at
According to Major Furuma Alphonse, the former officer of RPF, in his open letter to president Kagame, Furuma declared that: "From the time Arusha Peace Agreement was being negotiated up to as late as 1996, you (Kagame Paul) carried out a deliberate policy of using all means possible to reduce the Hutu Population in the Umutara, Kibungo and Bugesera regions”.

These areas were deliberately resettled by old caseload returnees from Uganda, Tanzania and Burundi respectively. Families of many top RPF/RPA leaders are among those who were resettled in this manner."

Major Furuma Alphonse revealed that it is Paul Kagame who gave an order to soldiers of RPF to exterminate Hutus in a program of reducing the Hutu population of Umutara, Kibungo and Bugesera in order to resettle Tutsis refugees from Uganda, Tanzania and Burundi.

This revelation from an RPF officer of High rank Major Furuma Alphonse, confirms that genocide against Hutu has been planed by RPF and Kagame and this truth was confirmed by our research. With other different testimonies of witnesses, all of that confirm that there is no other possible legal definition for these crimes committed by RPF against Hutus. Killings done by RPF against Hutus are genocide.

According to Rutayisire Boniface’s findings in 2006, “ […] in Ngoma sector and Nshiri (province of Kibungo , at school of Kanazi (Sake) RPF soldiers gathered a big number of Hutus, about 20,000 who were killed by RPF soldiers who had gathered them saying they were going to have a meeting with RPF administration! At Kinzovu, a significant number of Hutu was killed the same way.

Also a big number of Hutus were killed and burnt in Bisenga and Remera of Kibungo, Rwinkwavu, Rukira, Rusumo, etc. Everywhere in the Eastern part of Rwanda, many Hutus were killed by RPF soldiers and some Tutsis civilians.

In his testimony in as a neutral witness in a Brussels Tribunal Court “Cour d’Assise” on 30 November 2004, Rutayisire Boniface said: “after tree weeks of RPF’s occupation of the Eastern region of Rwanda and having closed the Rusumo border, there were indiscriminate Hutu massacres in all RPF occupied villages. The land belonging to the killed Hutus was then occupied by their Tutsi Killers.

When RPF arrived at Rusumo, they closed the border thereby stopping the Hutus from fleeing in to Tanzania. The Hutu were actually fleeing because of systematic massacres which were being perpetrated by Tutsis civil and RPF against Hutus. There were brought in concentration camps of Hutus before their execution by RPF and some Tutsi civilians!

In the meantime, the hunt for the Hutu in every possible hideout under the code ‘Fouiller les Hutus’ - meaning that hunt every Hutu systematically and every where with attention by RPF/RPA and some Tutsi civilians like the Tutsi had been hunted by the Interahamwe in other regions. The Old, children and women Hutus who were unable to reach the concentration camps were killed en route! Gahini, Mukarange, Kabarondo, Gabiro, among other Hutu concentration camps remain in many people’s memory!

Almost at every public place and particularly hospitals and markets, RPF and RPA personnel and some Tutsi civilians have organised groups of soldiers who had the job of capturing Hutus(children, women, men and old people) coming to market or Hospitals. Hutus captured were then taken immediately to nearest concentrations camps where they were mercilessly massacred. The most infamous concentration camps were in Gahini where the concentration camp was just near the Hospital in old carpentry.

Killing in these concentration camps were done in many different ways including dismantling one’s skull with an old hoe locally known as agafuni. Other infamous concentration camps for the Hutu were in Gabiro,Ryamanyoni, Zaza, Nasho, Rwinkwavu, Rukira, Rusumo, etc.

Different ‘humanitarian assistance’ NGO looked on while the Hutu who were coming towards them for help especially for food were being diverted to the concentration camps instead of being served with the food. Notwithstanding that these NGOs have decided to keep quite over what they saw happen to the Hutu, it is our considered view that they have a moral and legal duty to testify. We, the survivors and victims of all these crimes, argue them to tell the story without fear or favour.
The crimes committed against Hutu refugees in Congo are well documented.

In effect, in his letter dated 29th June 1998, the UN Secretary General is categorical that: “the members of investigating team described the crimes committed that time by AFDL and elements of RPF as Genocide ( genocide against Hutus refugees in Congo). It is of paramount importance to note that the chief of staff of AFDL during that time was James Kabarebe who is now the chief of RDF (Rwanda Defence Force)

According to a Belgian government newspaper “Le Soir N° 189 of Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th August 2002, p5 : "Members of Rwandese opposition party denounced the massacres done systematically in 1994 in Umutara, Kibungo and Bugesera regions and said that about 10.000 to 20.000 Hutus were killed in some communes (districts).

The same crimes and similar methods of killings against the Hutus in Rwanda by RPF were used in Congo. If, the perpetrators of these crimes against the Hutus should be brought to Justice, it could help to know what happened with the regime of RPF.

Rwanda: The crimes of genocide committed by RPF against Hutus, they are known (in Rwanda) as crimes of genocide against Hutus and the Hutu population claims for justice together with Tutsi genocide. According to the “Report of Member of Rwandan Parliament, Kigali, June 2004” it written that: in district of Rukara, Umutara ex Kibungo, the Gacaca Courts have problems because some Hutus on village (in East) ask for justice of their people killed by RPF”.

The report in Kinyarwanda continues saying that “these problems have been identified: there are places where in the meeting of Gacaca Courts, the population say “we continue to talk only problems of Tutsis killed by Interahamwe, but when will we talk officially the problem of Hutus killed by Inkotanyi (soldiers of RPF)?

The film by Marcel Guerin broadcasted by Vlaams Radio and Television in Belgium (VRT) also gives details of crimes of genocide committed by RPF along Rwanda-Tanzania boarder. It gives also details on crimes committed by RPF along Rwanda-Uganda boarder.
Visit www.allvictims.org for that film.
Done in Brussels, 07th April 2009
President of « TUBEHO TWESE ASBL » and “International Committee for Victims of Massacres and Genocide (CIVHEMG)”
Tel 32 (0) 488 25 03 05,
Email: http://fr.mc285.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=infotubeho@yahoo.fr

The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
Friday, August 28, 2009

Le peuple congolais doit se libérer du mobutisme, cet esclavage spirituel qui l’enferme dans les rêves illusoires d’attendre que le bien-être social lui soit apporté de : Washington, Londres, Paris, Berlin, Bruxelles, Pékin, Tokyo…voire de la Banque Mondiale, du FMI et autres.

Notre pays se meurt à cause des manœuvres sordides de type colonialiste. En fait, des colonialistes invétérés veulent nous imposer, au 21ème siècle, une ancienne-nouvelle forme de domination : le néocolonialisme en d’autres termes la domination par l’intermédiaire de nos propres compatriotes traîtres, corrompus, ennemis du peuple.

En fait, Notre pays est tombé entre les mains d’un conglomérat d’aventuriers, ploutocrates qui s’enrichissent de manière insolente, scandaleuse, rapide, révoltante au détriment des intérêts du peuple qui continue à mourir de faim et à être privé de ses droits essentiels les plus élémentaires. Nous devons nous désillusionner d’attendre notre bonheur de l’extérieur. « Le bonheur d’un peuple doit se fonder sur son effort intérieur. » disait Pierre Mulele le 9 juin 1963.

Après 50 ans ’’d’indépendance’’, plutôt 50 ans de honte au cours desquels les congolais sont restés incapables de se prendre en charge pour la défense de leurs intérêts ni de penser par eux–mêmes, attendant toujours d’être guidés ou téléguidés par les pensées extérieures en faveur des intérêts qui ne sont pas ceux du peuple congolais, la RDCongo ne sait pas où elle va ni ce qu’elle veut!

C’est la raison pour laquelle Info UCDP donne le point de vue de l’Union de Congolais pour la Défense de la Patrie et du Peuple UCDP sur la visite de Madame Hillary Clinton, Secrétaire d’Etat américain en RDCongo : Cette visite en RDCongo, surtout sur sa rencontre, après Kinshasa, avec Joseph Kabila à Goma continue à provoquer des vagues dans l’opinion!

En 6 points, l’UCDP revisite sur le fond les méandres de cette visite :

1) De l’oubli du passé et de la justice, l'UCDP dit:

Une paix durable est indissociable de la justice! Sans cette dualité, le reste n’est que de la poudre aux yeux pour distraire le peuple congolais! Joseph Kabila et madame Clinton n'ont, à aucun moment, fait allusion à la « La Justice » pour les 6 millions de congolais massacrés dans une guerre d'agression absurde contre la RD Congo par le Ruanda, l'Ouganda, le Burundi et dont les commanditaires ne sont autres que l'ancien Président des USA Bill Clinton, époux de la Secrétaire d'Etat américain et l'ancien 1er ministre britannique Tony Blair, aujourd'hui conseiller spécial de Paul Kagamé, le dictateur de Kigali.

- Paul Kagame a eu le toupet de demander aux congolais de regarder vers l’avenir et d’oublier le passé pendant qu’à Arusha, depuis plusieurs années, un tribunal pénal international permanent pour le Ruanda y est érigé pour juger les hutus présumés responsables du génocide de 94 au Ruanda!

- Au Nord-Kivu, sous-couvert de l’uniforme des FARDC, avec la complicité des dirigeants congolais, les soldats ruandais du CNDP qui occupent le terrain, et avec l’aide de la Monuc, sont entrain de massacrer les hutus du FDLR et les résistants congolais maï-maï! Pourquoi lui Kagame a-t-il le droit de se référer au passé ?

- Madame Hillary Clinton a dit qu’elle ne pourra travailler qu’avec les congolais amnésiques c'est-à-dire avec ceux qui sont d’accord de ne plus penser au passé ni de s’y référer, pourtant elle n’osera pas demander aux juifs d’oublier leShoah!

- Depuis la fin de la 2ème guerre mondiale en 1945, malgré la sentence du tribunal de Nuremberg contre les auteurs de cette guerre de 1940-45 clôturé il y a environ 65 ans, les présumés génocidaires des Juifs en Europe sont toujours recherchés et jugés jusqu’à ce jour!

D’ailleurs, la récente extradition de John Ramjk le terrible, au début de mai 2009, un homme de 89 ans, par un avion ambulance au regard de la détérioration de son état de santé, des Etats-Unis pour l’Allemagne. Il y est écroué dans une prison de haute sécurité en Bavière afin de répondre de ses crimes commis en 1943.

- Les Etats-Unis ont montré qu’ils ne sont pas prêts à oublier le passé : récemment, le Libyen condamné à perpétué en Ecosse depuis 10 ans suite à l’attentat de Boeing 747 de la PANAM au-dessus de Lockerbie en 1987, qui a fait 210 morts américains, a été libéré par la justice écossaise parce qu’il n’a plus que moins de 3 mois de vie à cause du cancer généralisé en phase terminale.

Malgré des milliards de dollars de dommages d’intérêts versés par la Lybie aux familles des victimes, pourtant, les américains et leur gouvernement condamnent avec force cette libération, car ils n’ont pas oublié. Quelle leçon veut-elle nous donner en demandant aux congolais de tourner la page Hillary Clinton?

N’est-pas celle d’oublier les crimes de son époux contre notre peuple congolais à partir du 2 août 1998, sans oublier l’ordre d’assassinat de Mzee Laurent Désiré Kabila du 16 janvier 2001, voire l’assassinat de Patrice Emery Lumumba le 17 janvier 1961, sur l’ordre du Président Eisenhower?

2) De la normalisation des relations avec le Ruanda et l’Ouganda, l'UCDP dit :

Durant son séjour en RDCongo, Madame Clinton n'a pas prononcé, dans aucun de ses discours diplomatiques un seul mot de compassion pour les 6 millions de victimes congolaises de l’agression ruando-ougandaise contre la RDCongo!

Paul Kagame et Joseph Kabila en apprentissage au poker menteur
Ceci n’est-il pas l’illustration de son penchant en faveur de ses pouvoirs criminels contre notre Nation et notre peuple !

En aucun cas, La pseudo-normalisation (EN COURS) des relations avec le Ruanda et l’Ouganda, ne peut être considérée comme une normalisation avec le peuple congolais tant que les Présidents de ces deux pays, Paul Kagamé et Yoweri Museveni sont protégés par des puissances prédatrices et ne sont pas mis en cause pour la responsabilité des crimes contre l’humanité, crimes de guerre, de génocide et des rapines en RDCongo!

Joseph Kabila prend la RDCongo comme sa propriété privée ! En transformant ses relations privées avec les dirigeants criminels du Ruanda et de l’Ouganda en ’’normalisation’’ d’Etats! Il se prend pour l'Etat congolais n'ayant de compte à ne rendre à personne encore moins au peuple congolais!

Lorsque ses relations personnelles et ses intérêts privés avec ses complices Ruandais et Ougandais sont utilisés pour bluffer le peuple congolais, cette acte est qualifié comme de la haute trahison !

Certes, pour l’UCDP, le peuple congolais est condamné à vivre tôt ou tard, sans haine ni vengeance, avec des millions des peuples innocents du Rwanda et de l’Ouganda, mais à condition que les dirigeants criminels, de part et d’autre, cités ci-haut, soient évincés des pouvoirs et traduits en justice afin de répondre de leurs responsabilités respectives pour crimes contre l’humanité, crimes de guerre et de génocide en RDCongo.

Le ’’sommet de la Maison Blanche’’ qui réunira les trois complices de la tragédie congolaise à savoir Paul Kagame – Yoweri Museveni –Joseph Kabila, devra interpeller et éclairer le Président Barack Obama qu’il a à faire à un trio des dictateurs criminels et complices des crimes qui ne sont pas représentatifs de ’’leurs’’ peuples respectifs qu’ils oppriment !

Les trois complices étaient portés au sommet des pouvoirs pour servir les intérêts qui ne sont pas ceux des peuples de la RDCongo, de l’Ouganda ni du Ruanda! Nous espérons que le Président américain comprendra le caractère nuisible dans la sous région des Grands Lacs de la présence de l’ancien premier ministre britannique Tony Blair, conseiller spécial du dictateur Paul Kagame!

3) De l’impunité et de l’application de la justice, l’UCDP dit :

L’UCDP considère cette normalisation des ‘‘relations diplomatiques’’, comme un effet d’annonce pour masquer les relations privées entre 3 grands complices du génocide du peuple congolais et du vol de nos avoirs, à savoir, Joseph Kabila, Paul Kagamé et Yoweri Museveni.

Bien sûr, en ne citant que Joseph Kabila dans cette présente, l’UCDP n’a pas oublié les Jean-Pierre Bemba, Arthur Zahidi Ngoma, Adolphe Onusumba, Wamba dia Wamba Ernest, Emile Ilunga, Joseph Mudumbi, Roger Lumbala, Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi, Olivier Kamitatu, Jean-Pierre Ondekane, José Endundo, Théo Baruti, Lambert Mende, Kalala Shambuyi, Déogracias Bugera, Azarias Ruberwa, Moïse Nyarugabo, Bizima Karaha, etc…A ce propos, Yerodia avait dit le 3 octobre 2001 : « les criminels reviennent, veulent revenir sur les lieux de leurs forfaits. Le Président de la République, c’est le fils de notre frère et camarade Laurent Désiré Kabila.

Le Président Joseph Kabila, c’est notre fils, nous le soustrairons de toutes les manœuvres consistant à l’entraîner subrepticement vers la trahison de la révolution pour laquelle le Président Laurent Désiré Kabila a sacrifié sa vie.

Faut-il admettre que Lumumba, Mulele et Kabila soient morts pour rien ? Il faut rappeler aux revenants que nous n’avons pas oublié ce qu’ils ont fait. Ils ne rentreront pas ici les mains dans les poches en sifflotant des airs joyeux comme s’ils n’avaient rien fait. »

Malheureusement, Joseph Kabila a trahi Mzee Laurent Désiré KABILA et le peuple congolais tandis que Yerodia est devenu depuis 2003 avec le PPRD, le protecteur irréductible des criminels de notre peuple ! Laurent Désiré KABILA aurait-il été infiltré à partir du maquis? En effet, Yerodia qui était son proche, n’a servi et ne sert aujourd’hui qu’à endormir les nationalistes avec des discours mirobolants sans lendemain !

Même si, en RDCongo, on offre l'amnistie aux criminels de guerres et de génocide en RD Congo ! Le peuple congolais n'a pas oublié que le ministre des affaires étrangères du Président Joseph Kabila, Mr Alexis Tambwe Mwamba, pour ne citer que lui en exemple sur la longue liste de gibiers de potence, est un associé de tous les pouvoirs agresseurs de notre pays et des criminels de notre peuple.

Tôt ou tard, Il devra répondre individuellement devant la justice congolaise de l'ordre d'abattre l'avion civil de la société CAL à destination de Kinshasa qu'il avait donné à Kindu en 1998. Il y avait des centaines de morts et aucun survivant. Il faut retenir que les crimes contre l'humanité, crimes de guerre et de génocide sont imprescriptibles.

Madame le Secrétaire d’Etat américain, frisant l’apologie du déni de justice, n’a, à aucun moment, pointé du doigt sur Paul Kagamé et Yoweri Museveni qui portent, pourtant, les responsabilités du génocide des 6 millions de congolais privés de justice jusqu’à ce jour. L’histoire retiendra et pointera du doigt sur tous ceux qui désavouent la justice sur les crimes commis contre le peuple congolais depuis le 2 août 1998!

4) De l’assistance américaine et de la réforme de l’armée et de la sécurité, l'UCDP dit :

Mzee Laurent Désiré KABILA disait : « Si nous choisissons à nouveau le chemin de l’allégeance à l’étranger, le chemin de la facilité parce qu’on nous promet de ’’l’assistance’’, nous ramperons à quatre pattes ! »

L’armée, la police, la DGM et les renseignements en RDCongo doivent être entièrement au service du peuple congolais et non au service du pouvoir d’un président, encore moins d’un parti ou organisation politique qui s’en sert pour intimider le peuple congolais.

La réforme de l'armée doit être pensée par nous-mêmes congolais en fonction de la réalité sécuritaire de notre intégrité territoriale, comme cela se fait dans tous les pays du monde! L'armée congolaise est, en ce moment infiltrée à tous les niveaux au travers le controversé "brassage" imposé par les instigateurs de l’agression contre notre pays.

Il ressort clairement que le pouvoir de Kinshasa porte la responsabilité de la fragilisation de notre système de défense et de sécurité pour des intérêts politiciens si bien que l’armée, la police, comme les services de sécurité ne sont plus, sans conteste, que les outils de répression au service du pouvoir comme à l’époque de Mobutu !

Le caractère répressif du pouvoir actuel en RDCongo (copier-coller du pouvoir mobutiste) est nécessaire pour protéger et assurer la prospérité des intérêts étrangers! Le passé congolais que Madame Hillary Clinton condamne à l’oubli, nous apprend qu’entre 1961-1963, les USA avaient créé des prétextes sous couvert de l’ONU qu’ils pilotaient afin de prendre en main l’armée congolaise pour en faire une machine à répression néocoloniale à leur service, les congolais avaient vécu l’enfer pendant 32 ans!

Cette armée, d’inspiration américaine, avait servi à bâillonner toute prise de conscience congolaise : des officiers formés et compétents étaient écartés ou liquidés systématiquement dès qu’il y avait un soupçon de représentation du danger pour le pouvoir oppresseur mobutiste ! On se souvient des majors André Mpika, Bula…, voire Panubule, Biamwenze, Kalonda, Kudiakubanza, , Tshiunza …. Même des civils Buriaba Impes, Matanda…! La liste n’est pas exhaustive!

On se souvient aussi du procureur (Auditeur) général militaire Likulia Bolongo qui avait monté le scénario du coup d’Etat fictif et requis la peine de mort contre ces officiers innocents qui avait été exécutés sans appel et leurs corps mis dans une fausse commune dans un lieu secret que Likulia connaît!

Aujourd’hui, l’histoire se répète, la Monuc, en RDCongo, sert encore d’outil d’encadrement et de cautionnement des actions criminelles des commanditaires de la déstabilisation de la RDCongo!

Cette armée ne sera-elle pas une structure dont les finalités seront de protéger les intérêts des multinationales contre les aspirations du peuple en confiant les postes stratégiques aux éléments contrôlés par le pouvoir ruandais ou les ruandais infiltrés.

S’agissant de l’Africom, une trouvaille américaine, les congolais craignent, à raison, de voir une ’’nouvelle force publique’’ dont le but non avoué, serait de protéger le pouvoir néocolonialiste et les intérêts prédateurs, contre le peuple congolais!

5) Du pouvoir congolais face au pouvoir américain, l’UCDP dit :

A force de dire oui à tout, même lorsqu’on chie sur le peuple congolais, Joseph Kabila dont l’action diplomatique est limitée au Ruanda et à l’Ouganda, démontre son insuffisance politique naturelle pour défendre les intérêts du peuple congolais. Nous respectons les ambitions du Président Barack Obama pour les Etats-Unis et le peuple américain, mais cela ne nous oblige pas en tant que congolais, de ne pas avoir notre propre vision du monde et nos ambitions pour notre pays.

Comme Mobutu, Joseph Kabila veut se pérenniser au pouvoir au détriment du peuple congolais ! Pour cela, il est prêt à le trahir en faveur de ses intérêts et de ses complices mobutistes qui l’entourent et se servent au détriment du peuple ! Les mêmes individus sous prétexte qu’ils servaient Mobutu avec le soutien de la Maison Blanche depuis le 14 septembre 1960, avaient contribué à sa chute.

Aujourd’hui, les Etats-Unis sont un pays en difficulté économique, au bord de la récession financière. Ce pays vit sur une dette colossale et il faut savoir qu’il y a plus de 50 millions des américains qui vivent dans une extrême pauvreté depuis plusieurs années, sans droit aux soins médicaux, au logement, au travail, à la scolarité, etc…Ces américains ont besoin que leur gouvernement s’occupe d’eux en priorité et Barak Obama sait qu’il était élu pour travailler pour le peuple américain et résoudre les problèmes américains d’abord…..!

A ce sujet, derrière le discours diplomatique de Madame Hillary, on perçoit ce qu’elle pense tout bas qui correspond à ce que l’UCDP dit politiquement à haute voix ! Sa démarche diplomatique en Afrique, en général, et en RDCongo en particulier, est avant tout au bénéfice des Etats-Unis pour le bien-être du peuple américain et non pour le bien-être du peuple congolais.

Joseph Kabila et tous ses complices congolais travaillant contre les intérêts du peuple congolais notamment, Kengo devenu son père spirituel dans le néocolonialisme ou leur 1er ministre Muzitu, ont passé leur temps à poser des doléances et à faire des ronds de jambes face au Secrétaire d’Etat américain Madame Hillary Clinton qui n’est pas ’’la sœur Emmanuelle’’ de la politique américaine pour distribuer gratuitement l’aumône à tous les mendiants du monde!

A-t-on déjà vu un riche vouloir qu’un pauvre devienne riche comme lui ? Les congolais ne peuvent espérer sortir de la pauvreté que le jour où ils se décideront à se prendre en charge en choisissant pour le pouvoir d’Etat des hommes et des femmes engagés strictement pour protéger et défendre les intérêts de la nation congolaise! exte trimnt du peuple!ns un lieu secret que Likula stes stratégiques.

6 ) A propos du FDLR et de la LRA, l’UCDP dit :

Concernant le FDLR, pourquoi madame Hillary Clinton n’a-t-elle pas exigé une solution politique par l’organisation d’un dialogue inter-ruandais qui réunira toutes les organisations politiques et de la société civile ruandaises ? Les massacres organisés contre les hutus au Nord Kivu par Joseph Kabila et Paul Kagamé ne sont-ils pas cautionnés par le silence de Madame Hillary Clinton ? Et ce silence n’exprime-t-il pas une certaine complicité depuis qu’elle était avec son époux comme locataires de la Maison Blanche.

En tout état de cause, l’acharnement de Paul Kagamé et Joseph Kabila contre des réfugiés Hutu en RDCongo, viole toutes les règles des Nations-Unies sur la protection des réfugiés ! Depuis 1994, le FDLR n’a jamais contrôlé un seul mètre carré à l’intérieur du Rwanda depuis 1994. Pourquoi donc cette arnaque qui consiste à charger ce mouvement ruandais en le poussant à l’intérieur du territoire congolais ?

Pourquoi refuse-t- on à la LRA de Koni un dialogue pour partager le pouvoir en Ouganda jusqu’aux élections comme les USA et la Grande-Bretagne l’ont dicté à Sun City pour la RDCongo? Yoweri Museveni a des comptes à rendre à la justice congolaise.

Joseph Kabila qui avait autorisé, avec la complicité de Museveni, l’incursion de l’armée ougandaise, à sa guise, est coupable des massacres qui se sont opérés et qui s’opèrent au Nord Est de la RD Congo ?

L’UCDP, la force politique susceptible de réaliser le pari du bien-être que veut notre peuple avec honneur dans une vraie paix durable, appelle les congolaises et congolais à la vigilance, surtout à ne pas se laisser distraire par la propagande d’un pouvoir corrompu, essoufflé et n’ayant rien de positif à apporter aujourd’hui pour l’avenir de notre Nation!

L’épanouissement de notre peuple et le développement de notre pays ne seront possibles qu’avec la mobilisation, l’engagement et l’intelligence du peuple congolais lui-même avant tout et avant tout soutien d’autres peuples honnêtes et qui nous respectent!

© Info UCDP

The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine

What is 'unspeakable' about your crimes, Mr Zunes, is that you PRETEND to advocate non-violence and democracy and oppose US imperialism and oppressive regimes, yet the results of the programs and policies you promote and support is the destruction of the democratic process and the murder, in the name of regime-change, of democratically elected socialist leaders.

I’ll speak in particular of the aid and comfort you gave to the military violence that changed the duly-elected Milosevic regime in Serbia/Yugoslavia in 2000.

The stated purpose of the 78-day bombing of Serbia and its environs--stated by its supporters like General Wesley Clark, Javier Solano, and Richard Holbrooke (all, like you, warriors for peace?)-- was to 'bring down the Stalinist strongman Milosevic.'

Now, you can demur and say you opposed the bombing as 'immoral, illegal, and unnecessary' and that it actually delayed the 'non-violent' movements effectively 'Bringing Down the Dictator,' but certainly anyone who lived through that bombing and the subsequent singularly non-non-violent riots around the Yugoslav presidential elections of 2000, would hear this as little more than liberal cant.

In your glorified fictionalization of how "The people of Serbia were able to do nonviolently what 11 weeks of NATO bombs could not," you omit some important history: First, those 2000 presidential (early) elections called by then-Yugoslavia president Slobodan Milosevic, in response to enormous pressure from movements forcing non-violent and democratic regime-change, were the first time that the Yugoslav presidency had been put to a popular vote.

Milosevic had assumed the role of president as he was the leader of the most popular political party, and as such was the head of the Yugoslav presidentium. The 'Stalinist' Milosevic did not run for a third term as the much more politically influential president of Serbia because of constitutional term limits on that office.

Certainly conduct most unbecoming a repressive, authoritarian dictator. And when it looked like the election would run its democratic course--and that is not to say that it appeared Milosevic was a cinch to win or lose--the real threat to you and yours became that the principles of Serbian/Yugoslav democracy (a real socialist democracy) would be shown to be far superior (i.e., far more honestly in the service of the real interests of the majority of its people) to those of any of the NATO nations seeking to 'change' Serbia/Yugoslavia.

This was the moment the violent, anti-democratic forces in your movement kicked in. The riots, the looting and burning and beatings, the mass destruction of public property, the circling of Belgrade with heavily armed troops: was this somehow separate and apart from your instructions to the OTPOR cadres in Budapest? And when Milosevic came in second after the first round of voting to Vojislav Kostunica (though neither gained the 51% majority required to win outright), why was it imperative for your regime-change program to nullify the elections and threaten Milosevic with even more bloody civil war if he continued to pursue the electoral process into a constitutionally-mandated second round? Why couldn't Milosevic have been allowed to lose the second round? Here is where your crimes become 'unspeakable.'

Because your idea of regime change in Serbia went well-beyond the man, Milosevic, who, after all, was just that, one man, a man who had served his country lawfully, loyally and in the best traditions of revolutionary socialism. He could not be allowed to continue in Serbian/Yugoslav politics, especially as leader of the opposition, because that would have validated that country's socialist democracy, and it was that absolute need to destroy socialist democracy everywhere, that forced you not only to 'bring down' the politician Milosevic, along with his Socialist Party of Serbia (as your ilk has subsequently done with Vojslav Seselj and his Radical Party of Serbia), but you had, in the great tradition of non-violence, to put this decent, majoritarian leader to death.

First, your 'non-violent' ground forces arrested Slobodan Milosevic, put him in Belgrade's central prison, held him without ever bring charges against him (because, despite all your insinuations, your stooges have admitted there were no charges that could be brought!), and conning your craven bagman, PM Zoran Djindjic, into ransoming the President to NATO's kangaroo court in The Hague--a ransom that was never paid, of course, but then no sensible person puts any stock in the word of the NATO fascists you front.

And, in Holland, after a protracted circus of mendacious wheedling and prolonging the war against Yugoslav socialism by other means, it became painfully evident that the Tribunal could not convict Milosevic of the charges for which they had, again, produced no evidence.

Yet they certainly could not acquit him--let him go home to assume the parliamentary seat he’d been democratically elected to while locked down--they couldn’t cut him loose without admitting their own subhuman criminality--so they just murdered him in prison--made it look like he slipped in the shower, choked on his mac and cheese, overdosed on allergy medication.

But, hey, the Tribunal investigated itself and absolved itself of any responsibility in the President’s death, so . . . as with 9/11: Democracy Rules! Death to Tyrants! Then it became easy enough for Javier Solano and the rest of your NATO cohort to go about 'imposing' Peace and Democracy by eviscerating Serbia's political institutions and indenturing the people for generations to come through the private sale of that once proudly independent socialist nation to venal and vulgar Western financial and commercial mafias.

When I was in Belgrade in March to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the start of the NATO bombing, I turned on the TV and saw where the World Bank or IMF had granted Serbia a $4.3 billion loan. Good news? For privateers like you maybe. But the people of Serbia are going to have to further reduce their social spending by 30%.

So, see, this is where your crimes become truly 'unspeakable'--and whether you are now or ever have been paid on CIA/MI6/Mossad check stock is irrelevant. Your programs, through the most violent and anti-democratic means, have ruined the health of the Serbian/Yugoslav peoples with your use of depleted uranium arms and destroyed the river systems through the pollution brought on by the bombing of chemical and petroleum refineries; you have allowed the murders of thousands of innocent people and relegated the survivors to a life of miserable dependence on the Western Waste Culture that sponsors you.

The Peace your non-violence brings is the peace of death. And Serbia is but one example. Now you are going to go down and help the anti-coup forces, the pro-Zelaya forces in Honduras? This is how you mean to oppose US imperialism? By showing them that documentary about how you brought down the democratically-elected dictator Milosevic, and by giving them some lessons in non-violence and democracy from young Serbian Quislings?

The Hondurans--and the world at large--need to be warned: You dishonor and destroy everyone you pretend to help.

You are truly unspeakable.

Source: Click here

© Mick Collins CirqueMinime/Paris

The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
Thursday, August 27, 2009

“You cannot understand the present unless you first understand the past.” Paul Rusesabagina

[No word has been uttered about Kagame’s bloody past nor is it likely to gnaw on the conscience of Blair who bolstered Rwanda with foreign aid even as he was killing, torturing and executing his internal enemies].

Exclusive analysis

“It starts with five deaths in Byumba, then 10 in Ruhengeri, then 50, shortly it grows to 100, including summary executions, rape and orgies of Hutu women and teenage girls, akandoyi-torture (the RPF trademark), then it goes to thousands deaths, hundreds of thousands, then 1 million, 2 million, 3 million deaths… By the time you realise, it has a dimension that is wiping out life in villages and communities and is getting out of control and the whole internal and International political situation is in a mess.

What Kagame doesn’t know about genocide is not worth mentioning. The rehabilitation of Paul Kagame from genocidaire to peace-maker and receiver of honorary doctorates from universities in the West has been achieved by the international media and G8 governments sweeping his crimes under the carpet.

This has been easy to do because grasping what happened in Rwanda is a gargantuan task. Once you move beyond the Hotel Rwanda frame you begin to uncover an evil so unspeakable and so complex, it shatters all your media-fed illusions.

Some years ago I met a
Congolese journalist who began to educate me on President Kagame’s role in the destabilisation of eastern Congo.

What I heard was so disturbing and so opposite to the UK media’s representation of the situation in Rwanda that at first I refused to accept it. Today there is no doubt in my mind that Kagame and his cohort, Ugandan dictator Yoweri Museveni are war criminals who should be tried in the Hague for crimes against humanity. This is not likely to happen as they are instruments of the US.

And where the US goes, the UK will follow closely behind clinging tightly to the imperial master’s coat-tails.

It has just been announced that another well known war criminal, Tony Blair, is offering his services to Rwanda as a consultant, impressed with the progress that Rwanda has made after years of civil war. No word has been uttered about Kagame’s bloody past nor is it likely to gnaw on the conscience of Blair who bolstered Rwanda with foreign aid even as he was killing, torturing and executing his internal enemies.

So I read with creeping alarm that the first person to congratulate Mwai Kibaki on his supposed re-election was Ugandan war criminal and dictator Yoweri Museveni. Kibaki then sent out a call for help to Museveni who duly turned up in Nairobi to discuss how to resolve the situation.

envoy was swiftly dispatched to Kingala, Rwanda with a message from Kibaki for Kagame explaining the Kenyan situation which begs the question, why does Kagame need an explanation from Kibaki?

South Africa’s Nobel Peace laureate Desmond Tutu’s offers of mediation were rejected as were the then head of the African Union and Ghanaian president, John Kufuor. Add to this Kibaki’s rejection of South African Cyril Ramaphosa, a man widely respected for the role he
played in the South African democratic process and Irish peace negotiations. This speaks volumes.

As instruments of US policy in Africa, Museveni and Kagame’s utterances should be paid close attention to, as they give pointers to US intentions in the region. Museveni is “America’s darling” and strongman.

Kagame was trained by the US Army at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, USA and served as head of Museveni’s Directorate of Military Intelligence. Kagame visits the US frequently, speaks at Harvard University and has the ear of the White House and the Pentagon. Both men recognise Kibaki’s government.

It must be remembered Kagame has been
accused of ordering Rwandan President Habyarimana’s to be shot down. At the time Habyarimama was involved in talks that aimed at sharing power with Kagame’s Revolutionary Patriotic Front (RPF) but he was not pleased with the pace at which the talks were moving and decided to kill Habyarimana.

This event became the catalyst for the Rwanda’s civil war which led to a million people being killed. Kagame did this knowing full well what the consequences would be and to secure control of power for himself. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees reported that from April to August in 1994, the rebel RPF headed by Paul Kagame systematically killed between 25,00 and 45,000 Hutus and others as it made its way to the capital city of Kigali.

That was just the beginning.

When it was reported that the bodies of Hutu victims were being found washed up on the shores of Lake Victoria, Kagame, a consummate liar, scoffed that those were Tutsis and the killings continued with fury. (See the Taylor Report – COMPENDIUM OF RPF CRIMES – OCTOBER 1990 TO 1996 *pdf). There was no one to speak for the victims because the killings were sanctioned in the west as a necessary evil.

The RPF was made up of Tutsi exiles who had fled an earlier genocide instigated by Rwanda’s departing embittered Belgian colonial masters in the 1950’s. They had found refuge in Uganda and many had ended up in the military.

Kagame headed the RPF who received financial and military backing from Washington while Habyarimana’s forces were supported by France.

Both Hutus and Tutsis engaged in atrocities but it was primarily a proxy war between the US and France for control of the Congo. The US wanted to establish itself as a neo-colonial power in the region and France desperately tried to hold on. Iraq ravaged by war became the center for illegal arms deals which supplied both sides of the conflict. Uganda became the conduit. Ethnic rivalries were stoked deliberately.

The loss of a million lives did not matter to Kagame nor to Washington.
The RPF invasion of Rwanda led to 1.5 million Rwandan and Burundians fleeing into neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo. Paul Kagame as newly installed head of Rwanda then led an invasion together with Uganda’s People’s Defense Force (UPDF) and Laurence Kabila’s Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo (ADFL) into eastern Congo ostensibly to capture Hutus.

Kagame’s reasons for invading eastern Congo quickly disappeared as the the army linked up with the Hutus and used them to gain control of the region, particularly the
diamond city of Kisangani which is 1500 miles away from the border Rwanda shares with Congo. According to the UN, “With minor exceptions, the objective of [its] military activity is to secure access to mining sites or ensure a supply of captive labour.”
Eastern Congo is one of the most minerally rich places in the world, minerals which are highly sought after by US and EU corporations. Here he set up the ‘Congo desk which was manned by his soldiers. Its purpose was to funnel out of DRC diamonds, gold, cobalt and coltan, an expensive mineral used in the manufacture of mobile phones.

Sixty to seventy per cent of the coltan exported from the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, the United Nations reported in 2002, has been mined “under the direct surveillance” of the Rwandan army. Most of the rest was produced by subcontractors and companies answerable to the army or to other departments of the Rwandan government.3 Kagame’s people, in other words, had a near-monopoly on global coltan production.

After fighting off the Ugandan army in June 2000, the Rwandan forces managed “to funnel all the diamonds in Kisangani [in eastern DRC] through the Congo Desk”. Local diamond traders were forced to sell to the contractor nominated by the Rwandan army, and at prices set by the desk. The Rwandans appear to have been stealing about $2 million worth of diamonds a month. (
Monbiot C.)

The army also managed to capture most of eastern Congo’s public funds, seizing its revenues for water electricity, airports and roads. By 1999 the ‘Congo desk’ was generating 80% of the Rwandan army’s budget, some $320 million a year.

The Rwandan elites new found wealth and prosperity is fruit borne from the Congo’s fields of blood. This is the reason why Rwanda has made progress since its civil war, the Congolese have been paying tribute to Kagame. And this is the dark underbelly of neo-liberalism which avaricious Blair admires.

Horrifyingly, the displacements caused by the people fleeing the army who burned and razed to the ground Congolese villages led to more people dying than were killed by the Interhamwe in Rwanda. From the invasion in 1999 to when the Rwandan army pulled out in 2002, the UN suggests that over 3.5 million deaths in excess of previous levels of mortality “occurred from the beginning of the war up to September 2002. These deaths are a direct result of the occupation by Rwanda and Uganda.” The figure today stands at 5 million.

That’s 45,000 people a month since the troubles began in the region. This barely raises a flicker of interest in the international press.

The war in DRC might have officially ended but the plundering carries on. The Rwandan Patriotic Army soldiers at the ‘Congo Desk’ exchanged their uniforms for civilian clothing and the plunder continued under close management by the army in Kigali. Rwanda continues to use the excuse of rebel soldiers to invade and to arm rebel Tutsi forces that have been fighting to annex eastern Congo.

Kagame’s soothing comment, “I tend to believe that the Kenyan army is professional and has been stable,” should be viewed with extreme suspicion. It is widely known that Kenya’s army harbours the same ethnic rivalry tearing the country apart.

Many of those in the army are sympathetic to Odinga who is aware that there is a danger the army could split along ethnic lines.
It is Odinga who has poured cold water on using Kenyan troops to contain the violence that is ripping Kenya apart while Kibaki will not dare involve the army.

Which then leaves only outside military intervention by the AU or UN. If the AU or UN take this route what would that look like? Which countries would send troops and given the behaviour of Ugandan troops in Nyanza who killed Luos indiscriminately, would Kenyans welcome them? Would the army stay in their barracks if that happened? Proof of how destabilising this will be to Kenya can be seen in neighbouring Sudan and if you have the courage to look, Congo.

So-called humanitarian missions such as United Nations Observer Mission in Congo (MONUC) are merely cloaks for the theft at gun-point of DRC’s wealth.
MONUC members sit on the boards of many of the corporations that have interests in DRC. This reflects the growing trend to privatise humanitarian missions.

The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine

AS International

AS International
SurViVors SPEAK OUT - Rights of Victims Seeking Justice and Compensation for the RPF Genocide. This is an Exciting Collaborative Project launched by The AS International Founder Jean-Christophe Nizeyimana, Economist and Human Rights Activist. Join US and Be the First to know about the Mastermind of the Rwandan Genocide Still At large and enjoing Impunity.


I am Jean-Christophe Nizeyimana, an Economist, Content Manager, and EDI Expert, driven by a passion for human rights activism. With a deep commitment to advancing human rights in Africa, particularly in the Great Lakes region, I established this blog following firsthand experiences with human rights violations in Rwanda and in the DRC (formerly Zaïre) as well. My journey began with collaborations with Amnesty International in Utrecht, the Netherlands, and with human rights organizations including Human Rights Watch and a conference in Helsinki, Finland, where I was a panelist with other activists from various countries. My mission is to uncover the untold truth about the ongoing genocide in Rwanda and the DRC. As a dedicated voice for the voiceless, I strive to raise awareness about the tragic consequences of these events and work tirelessly to bring an end to the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF)'s impunity. This blog is a platform for Truth and Justice, not a space for hate. I am vigilant against hate speech or ignorant comments, moderating all discussions to ensure a respectful and informed dialogue at African Survivors International Blog.

Genocide masterminded by RPF

Finally the well-known Truth Comes Out. After suffering THE LONG years, telling the world that Kagame and his RPF criminal organization masterminded the Rwandan genocide that they later recalled Genocide against Tutsis. Our lives were nothing but suffering these last 32 years beginning from October 1st, 1990 onwards. We are calling the United States of America, United Kingdom, Japan, and Great Britain in particular, France, Belgium, Netherlands and Germany to return to hidden classified archives and support Honorable Tito Rutaremara's recent statement about What really happened in Rwanda before, during and after 1994 across the country and how methodically the Rwandan Genocide has been masterminded by Paul Kagame, the Rwandan Hitler. Above all, Mr. Tito Rutaremara, one of the RPF leaders has given details about RPF infiltration methods in Habyarimana's all instances, how assassinations, disappearances, mass-slaughters across Rwanda have been carried out from the local autority to the government,fabricated lies that have been used by Gacaca courts as weapon, the ICTR in which RPF had infiltrators like Joseph Ngarambe, an International court biased judgments & condemnations targeting Hutu ethnic members in contraversal strategy compared to the ICTR establishment to pursue in justice those accountable for crimes between 1993 to 2003 and Mapping Report ignored and classified to protect the Rwandan Nazis under the RPF embrella . NOTHING LASTS FOREVER.

Human and Civil Rights

Human Rights, Mutual Respect and Dignity For all Rwandans : Hutus - Tutsis - Twas

Rwanda: A mapping of crimes

Rwanda: A mapping of crimes in the book "In Praise of Blood, the crimes of the RPF by Judi Rever Be the last to know: This video talks about unspeakable Kagame's crimes committed against Hutu, before, during and after the genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda. The mastermind of both genocide is still at large: Paul Kagame

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Kibeho Concetration Camp.

Mass murderers C. Sankara

Stephen Sackur’s Hard Talk.

Prof. Allan C. Stam

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The killing Fields - Part II

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Everything happens for a reason

Bad things are going to happen in your life, people will hurt you, disrespect you, play with your feelings.. But you shouldn't use that as an excuse to fail to go on and to hurt the whole world. You will end up hurting yourself and wasting your precious time. Don't always think of revenging, just let things go and move on with your life. Remember everything happens for a reason and when one door closes, the other opens for you with new blessings and love.

Hutus didn't plan Tutsi Genocide

Kagame, the mastermind of Rwandan Genocide (Hutu & tutsi)

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