Rwanda: Cartographie des crimes
Let us remember Our People
You can't stop thinking
Welcome to Home Truths
Everybody Hurts
Paul Kagame admits ordering...
Why did Kagame this to me?
Inzira ndende
Hutu Children & their Mums
Ways To Get Rid of Kagame
- The people should overthrow the Rwandan dictator (often put in place by foreign agencies) and throw him, along with his henchmen and family, out of the country – e.g., the Shah of Iran, Marcos of Philippines.Compaore of Burkina Faso
- Rwandans organize a violent revolution and have the dictator killed – e.g., Ceaucescu in Romania.
- Foreign powers (till then maintaining the dictator) force the dictator to exile without armed intervention – e.g. Mátyás Rákosi of Hungary was exiled by the Soviets to Kirgizia in 1970 to “seek medical attention”.
- Foreign powers march in and remove the dictator (whom they either instated or helped earlier) – e.g. Saddam Hussein of Iraq or Manuel Noriega of Panama.
- The dictator kills himself in an act of desperation – e.g., Hitler in 1945.
- The dictator is assassinated by people near him – e.g., Julius Caesar of Rome in 44 AD was stabbed by 60-70 people (only one wound was fatal though).
- Organise strikes and unrest to paralyze the country and convince even the army not to support the dictaor – e.g., Jorge Ubico y Castañeda was ousted in Guatemala in 1944 and Guatemala became democratic, Recedntly in Burkina Faso with the dictator Blaise Compaoré.
Almighty God :Justice for US
Killing Hutus on daily basis
RPF Trade Mark: Akandoya
Fighting For Our Freedom?
Are you as bothered as we are by not knowing the whole truth about the Rwandan genocide; the brains behind it and its sponsors?
We do not wish to engage you in some phenomenological exercise. Not at all.
We are simply at a point where we need to confront that reflection in the mirror. This way we are able to see things about ourselves and our relationship to our environment that we could not otherwise be aware of.
We need to confront the truth about the main reason and bloodthirsty people behind massacres of Rwandans, the silence about millions of deaths of Hutus and Tutsis and the aftermath by the existing bloodthirsty dictatorship in Rwanda. Moving from the political to the personal, from the outside to the inside...
We want to bring you back to the RPF myth of Paul Kagame and his RPF, what to believe or what to do in response to RPF manipulation and propaganda, serious researchers’ observations, Hutu survivors’ experience and eye-witnesses stories, verbal or written.
It seems our analysis of the tragic situation in Rwanda begins and ends with the realization of the important fact that those who support Paul Kagame directly and/or indirectly often take part in the organized crime against Rwandans through their support to the Kagame autocratic regime.
We would like to say right away that the current outsiders’ involvement has worsened the current socio-political issue in Rwanda, and something has to be done to stop their support to the Rwandan dictator. If the issue is not addressed, the future generations will accuse us for having aided and abetted the destruction of our country. That will rather help out american and British crooks and looters than the common people of Rwanda.
The involvement of some of the Clinton and Bush Administrations in the Rwanda genocide has shaped and then encouraged impunity of Paul Kagame and RPF criminals. And if the issue is NOT addressed, there will be no peace in Rwanda or reconciliation among both communities, Hutus and Tutsis.
We need to make sure our own message is clear, and the support to the RPF regime will never help reconciliation all the ethnic groups in Rwanda. Since forcibly seizing power in the April 6, 1994, Paul Kagame and his government have made remarkable political progress in dividing Rwandans, divisions based on lies and the misinterpretation of tragic events of 1994.
To understand how the genocide plan is very multifaceted, we want the reader to know that corruption inside Rwanda, nepotism and cronyism are thriving via and with the help of the UN institutions and “NGOs”: for example the critical situation within the ICTR and the prosecution team is totally dependent on.
As an example: All of those corrupt, former-UN decision-maker puppets in Rwanda and Congo have been gathered at the UN working for UN special Department for Human rights with the purpose of protecting them from any prosecution for crimes they may have committed in Rwanda: Their list is not exhausted:
- The Canadian Louise Arbour, who was Chief War Crimes Prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda;
- Kofi Annan, the UN Secretary General, shut down the terror investigation of the double Hutu presidential assassination.
- The Canadian General Romeo Dallaire, who commanded the UN peacekeeping mission to Rwanda at the height of the genocide. He's the one who helped RPF infiltration in Kigali, RPF ammunition and was in charge of RPF infiltrators logistics. General Romeo Dallaire has escorted the missiles from Mulindi (RPF headquarters) to Kigali (CND parliament in Kigali) a couple of weeks before the shooting down of the Habyarimana plane. Because of his heavy crimes, he's got an everlasting immunity.
- The Japanese Sadako Ogata, who served as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees rewarded by Paul Kagame for having silenced the UN over the mass-slaughters of internally displaced Hutus in Rwanda's Auschwitz-the Kibeho camp, and hundreds of thousands of Hutu refugees in the Democratic Republic of Congo and many others.
- Bernard Kouchner and now the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, a friend of Kagame, is the imposter known as the French doctor who found out how to milk the Rwandan genocide. Trying to deflect attention from he's involvment in the Rwandan Genocide, Kouchner organized Rose Kabuye's big show to discredit Bruguière anti-terror investigation which resulted in Arrest Warrants against Paul Kagame and his 9 high-ranking military officers.
- Louis Michel, Belgian and European High commissionner for Humanitarian affairs. He's another Kagame’s business partner in the Rwandan genocide.
- Then we mention Kagame's impunity supporters: Mike Abramowitz, David Cameron, Hilary Clinton, Suzanne Rice who by the way are believed to be RPF backers, best friends and admirers of the dictator.
- Then follows Bill Clinton, known as an american hero by RPF and IBUKA because he's the one who supported Paul Kagame by taking the grave decision not to intervene in Rwanda.
- Tony Blair, the current African Hitler adviser and the main backer of the RPF invasion of Rwanda since the RPF invasion in the 90's.
- We must say that Bill Gates happened to be all in buddy with the Rwandan despotic tyrant after the dictator expropriated Hutus and ordered their land titles to be transferred to Bill gates. He is the one of the main RPF sponsors and now known to support the plan of building up the RPF apartheid in Rwanda.
All of them are undermining the cause of justice in Rwanda by protecting the Rwandan Nazi criminals headed by General Paul Kagame, a dictator who has been ranked the most dangerous criminal on the planet.
Using their visits to influence the outcomes of Kagame's prosecutions, these corrupt and evil officials should likewise be considered as war criminals. The corrupt “businessmen” are pretending to protect the US interests in Rwanda when they are, in fact, supporting the growing Fascism in Rwanda and worse of that, they are actively supporting the growing apartheid and Nazism there.
The assassination of President Habyarimana remains unsolved BECAUSE OF these above-mentioned RPF backers. How is it that the United States and United Kingdom are doing nothing to resolve the longest and most dangerous conflict in our world?
“It's hard to decide if this is a comedy or a horror show(,) while every step, every visit promotes humiliation, rape, disappearances, killings of Rwandans and mass violations of civil and human rights in and out of Rwanda”.
Now, as then, Rwandan survivors are shocked. We all witness, at the daily basis, RPF criminal acts of obstruction of justice at the highest levels of the international criminal court (ICTR) for Rwanda. If left to fester, the poisoning of democracy and human rights in Rwanda will continue.
Outrage among Rwandan survivors triggered the Spanish arrest warrants against, and the eventual incarceration of, Paul Kagame.
It is extraordinarily upsetting and frustrating that we can live in a world where it is possible that criminals are protected from being brought before the bar of Justice. We see no embarrassment from RPF backers and sponsors when 3,500,000 Rwandans are mass-murdered by Paul Kagame and there is no prosecution, no condemnation of such awful crimes. It’s a kind of picnic for the above mentioned to see Rwandans getting slaughtered. Worse than that, they aren’t bothered when it’s said they’re looting our country.
The Hutu population is chased away from towns, their lands, private properties are expropriated without compensation, and in the coming days, you will be seeing that soon Hutus will BE UNWELCOME in Kigali. To make it easier, the land which is supposed to belong to Hutus is no longer private. It belongs to the government, in other words, to the RPF leadership and members.
RPF is kidnapping and then distributing Ruhengeri gorillas to its supporters even though the Virunga Volcanoes Mountain Gorillas are under international protection. To make it easier, Dr Dian Fossey was assassinated in a very strange situation, and many sources confirm she was killed by those who actually support the Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame. The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International that was founded in 1978 by Dr. Dian Fossey, herself, can’t do anything about it.
As these criminals show such nauseating behavior towards Rwandan survivors, and with mounting outrage from Rwandan survivors, Paul Kagame and his RPF criminal organization have received a green card Green Light for killing, raping and promoting the Rwandan genocide manipulation.
All ingredients for overwhelming the ongoing genocide against the majority of Rwandans by targeting Hutus because of their easy-going vulnerability, injustice and helplessness.. It is true that the feeling of growing anger among Rwandan survivors has taken place while the Clintons, Bushes, Tony Blair and Bill Gates have become the founders, supporters, and backers of the RPF criminal organization the wanted RPF criminal leadership, RPF criminal military, RPF secret police units, RPF secret services and death squads, DMI, LDF, etc.
The worse things get in Rwanda, the more arrogant and untouchable Kagame becomes, and, on the contrary, the RPF and Kagame’s tyrannical and repressive government get support and then legitimation for the simple reason that they have decided the truth on the Rwandan genocide cannot bear the light of day.
©Survivors Editions
The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
Human and Civil Rights
Rwanda: A mapping of crimes
KIBEHO: Rwandan Auschwitz
Mass murderers C. Sankara
Stephen Sackur’s Hard Talk.
Prof. Allan C. Stam
Prof. Christian Davenport
The killing Fields - Part 1
The killing Fields - Part II
Daily bread for Rwandans
The killing Fields - Part III
Time has come: Regime change
Drame rwandais- justice impartiale
Sheltering 2,5 million refugees
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