Rwanda: Cartographie des crimes
Let us remember Our People
You can't stop thinking
Welcome to Home Truths
Everybody Hurts
Paul Kagame admits ordering...
Why did Kagame this to me?
Inzira ndende
Hutu Children & their Mums
Ways To Get Rid of Kagame
- The people should overthrow the Rwandan dictator (often put in place by foreign agencies) and throw him, along with his henchmen and family, out of the country – e.g., the Shah of Iran, Marcos of Philippines.Compaore of Burkina Faso
- Rwandans organize a violent revolution and have the dictator killed – e.g., Ceaucescu in Romania.
- Foreign powers (till then maintaining the dictator) force the dictator to exile without armed intervention – e.g. Mátyás Rákosi of Hungary was exiled by the Soviets to Kirgizia in 1970 to “seek medical attention”.
- Foreign powers march in and remove the dictator (whom they either instated or helped earlier) – e.g. Saddam Hussein of Iraq or Manuel Noriega of Panama.
- The dictator kills himself in an act of desperation – e.g., Hitler in 1945.
- The dictator is assassinated by people near him – e.g., Julius Caesar of Rome in 44 AD was stabbed by 60-70 people (only one wound was fatal though).
- Organise strikes and unrest to paralyze the country and convince even the army not to support the dictaor – e.g., Jorge Ubico y Castañeda was ousted in Guatemala in 1944 and Guatemala became democratic, Recedntly in Burkina Faso with the dictator Blaise Compaoré.
Almighty God :Justice for US
Killing Hutus on daily basis
RPF Trade Mark: Akandoya
Fighting For Our Freedom?
[Survivors Human Rights Advocates help Rwandan thinkers, writers, speakers and artists of our day to inspire our youth to raise their consciousness and transform the fractured African country of thousand hills.
Survivors Human Rights Advocates help Rwandan survivors, performers, scholars, young Rwandans representing the breadth of Rwandan social and political movements.
Survivors Human Rights Advocates encourage critical and imaginative thinking about the current Rwandan bloody dictatorship issues through political, cultural, and educational forums worldwide.]
By Mick Collins
[This is a Press Release (a French version follows the English) from the Forces for the Democratic Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) condemning the recent crimes against Rwandan refugees in eastern Congo committed by the combined militaries of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FADRC) and the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), known as the Rwandan Patriotic Army or Rwandan Defense Forces (RPA/RDF)--the latter being the powerful armed forces built-up in the 1980s and 90s in Rwanda/Burundi/Uganda at great expense by the US (AFRICOM), the UK and Israel, to further the militarized wastage of the African continent while facilitating the theft of its vast natural resources by private Western multinational corporations. Much of the social and political chaos one sees in sub-Saharan Africa is instigated by off-the-books military units with roots in the several major US bases in Rwanda/Burundi. And, of course, when it occurs in eastern Congo, this deadly chaos (which has taken upward of 6 million lives since 1990) is blamed on its victims, the FDLR. --mc]
The FDLR condemn the assassination of Rwandan refugees and publish a partial list of Rwandan Hutu refugees brutally murdered by the military coalition of the RPA (RDF) and the FARDC in the territories of Masisi, Kalehe and Walikale in DRC between 4 July and 25 August 2009.
The Democratic Liberation Forces of Rwanda ( FDLR ) condemn the ongoing serious crimes against the Congolese people and against the Rwandan Hutu refugees located in the eastern DRC and call for an independent international investigation to be conducted in order to identify the perpetrators of such crimes and bring them to justice.
The FDLR are resentful that soldiers of the coalition of the RPA (RDF) and the FARDC brutally murdered Rwandan refugees in eastern DRC, with the connivance and silence of the international community, especially the MONUC which supports this coalition in logistics.
Similarly, it is shocking that the international organizations present in the eastern DRC, like Human Rights Watch, UNHCR, the UNCHR, and OCHA, and the local and international media, such as Radio Okapi, the RFI, the VOA and the BBC, which usually rush to relay all false propaganda against the FDLR condone the massacres against Rwandan Hutu refugees in eastern DRC avoiding to talk about them.
The FDLR condemn the complicit silence of humanitarian organizations, the international community and the media, and make available to the public a non-exhaustive list of Rwandan Hutu refugees brutally murdered by the military coalition of the RPA (RDF) and the FARDC with the support of the MONUC in Kalehe, Masisi and Walikale territories for the period from July 4, 2009, to August 25, 2009.
In the town of Kibua / Masisi:
In the town of Biliko / Walikale:
- Uwimana Madeleine 45, female;
- Irankunda Devota, 14, female;
- Ntawuzumunsi Evariste, 30, male;
- Habyarimana Emmanuel, 17, male;
- Soromba Martha, 36, female; Akanaka, 1 year, male
- Bienvenue, 35, female;
- Habiyambere Fabien, 50, male;
In the town of Kirambo / Walikale:
- Twagiramukama Samuel, 47, male;
- Mukacyuma Marie, 63, female;
- Mukandagano Lucia, 15, female;
- NIKUZE Francine, 47, female;
In the town of Shario / Walikale:
- Munyendamutsa Emmanuel, 50, male;
- Kabera Théoneste, 65, male;
- Baziki Eliel, 70, male;
- Manizabayo, 28, female;
- Baziki Colette, 36, female;
- Kambanda Jason, 54, male;
- Mukeshimana Assumpta, 50, male;
- Jibu, 2, male;
In the town of Tuonane / Walikale:
- Kirimvi, 60, male;
In the village of Ramba / Kalehe:
- Kigufi Jean-Marie, 45, male;
- Nikuze Anne, 40, female;
- Kalimunda Evariste, 35, male;
- Schadrak, 48, male;
- Mokili, 40, male;
- Nyirakabaraga Aloysie, 45, female;
- Ntibagwira Béata, 40, female;
- Mukamana Béatrice, 2, female;
- Mukandoli Thérèse, 3, female;
- Kigabo Froduald, 49, male;
In the town of Bunyarwanda / Walikale:
- Maman Koffi, 38, female;
In the town of Kalenge / Walikale:
- A group of 40 people, most of whom were women and children, were massacred and their identities are still to be determined.
- The women were murdered after being raped by soldiers of the coalition of the RPA (RDF) and the FARDC.
The FDLR publish this list to insure that the memory of these martyrs will not be forgotten; they remain convinced that sooner or later all those directly or indirectly responsible for these serious crimes against Rwandan refugees will have to face justice.
May the Almighty God receive the souls of these victims.
Issued in Paris,
09 September 2009
Callixte Mbarushimana
Executive Secretary of the FDLR
Les FDLR condamnent l’assassinat de réfugiés rwandais et publient une liste non exhaustive des réfugiés Hutu rwandais sauvagement assassinés par les militaires de la coalition de l’APR (RDF) et des FARDC dans les territoires de Masisi, Kalehe et Walikale en RDC du 4 Juillet au 25 Août 2009.
Les Forces Démocratiques de Libération du Rwanda ( FDLR ) condamnent les crimes graves en cours contre les populations congolaises et contre les réfugiés Hutu rwandais se trouvant à l’Est de la RDC et demandent qu’une enquête internationale indépendante soit diligentée afin d’en identifier les auteurs et les traduire en justice.
Les FDLR s’indignent que les soldats de la coalition de l’APR (RDF) et des FARDC assassinent sauvagement les réfugiés rwandais se trouvant à l’Est de la RDC et ce avec la complaisance et le silence de la Communauté Internationale , spécialement de la MONUC qui appuie cette coalition en logistique.
De même, il est révoltant que les organisations internationales présentes à l’est de la RDC comme le HRW, le HCR, le Bureau des Droits de l’Homme de l’ONU, l’OCHA ainsi que les médias locaux et internationaux comme la Radio OKAPI , la RFI , la VOA et la BBC qui s’empressent pourtant de relayer toutes les propagandes mensongères contre les FDLR cautionnent les massacres contre les réfugiés Hutu rwandais à l’Est de la RDC en évitant d’en parler.
Les FDLR dénoncent ce silence complice des organisations humanitaires, de la Communauté Internationale et des medias et mettent à la disposition du public une liste non exhaustive des réfugiés Hutu rwandais sauvagement assassinés par les militaires de la coalition de l’APR (RDF) et des FARDC avec le soutien de la MONUC dans les territoires de KALEHE, MASISI et WALIKALE pour la seule période allant du 4 Juillet 2009 au 25 Août 2009.
Dans la localité de Kibua/Masisi:
- Nyamukeba, 30 ans, masculin.
Dans la localité de Biliko/Walikale:
- Uwimana Madeleine 45 ans, féminin;
- Irankunda Devota, 14 ans, féminin;
- Ntawuzumunsi Evariste, 30 ans, masculin;
- Habyarimana Emmanuel, 17 ans, masculin;
- Soromba Marthe , 36 ans, féminin;
- Akanaka, 1 an ; masculin;
- Bienvenue, 35 ans, féminin ;
- Habiyambere Fabien, 50 ans, masculin ;
Dans la localité de Kirambo/Walikale :
- Twagiramukama Samuel, 47 ans, masculin ;
- Mukacyuma Marie, 63 ans, féminin ;
- Mukandagano Lucie, 15 ans, féminin ;
- Nikuze Francine, 47 ans, féminin ;
Dans la localité de Shario/Walikale:
- Munyendamutsa Emmanuel, 50 ans, masculin ;
- Kabera Theoneste, 65 ans, masculin ;
- Baziki Eliel, 70 ans, masculin ;
- Manizabayo, 28 ans, féminin ;
- Baziki Colette, 36 ans, féminin ;
- Kambanda Jason, 54 ans, masculin ;
- Mukeshimana Assumpta, 50 ans, masculin ;
- Jibu, 2 ans, masculin ;
Dans la localité de Tuonane/Walikale:
- Kirimvi, 60 ans, masculin;
Dans la localité de Ramba/Kalehe:
- Kigufi Jean Marie, 45 ans, masculin;
- Nikuze Anne, 40 ans, féminin;
- Kalimunda Evariste, 35 ans, masculin;
- Schadrak, 48 ans; masculin;
- Mokili, 40 ans, masculin;
- Nyirakabaraga Aloysie, 45 ans, féminin;
- Ntibagwira Béata, 40 ans, féminin;
- Mukamana Béatrice, 2 ans, féminin;
- Mukandoli Thérèse, 3 ans, féminin ;
- Kigabo Froduald, 49 ans, masculin;
Dans la localité de Bunyarwanda/Walikale:
- Maman Koffi, 38 ans, féminin;
Dans la localité de Kalenge/Walikale :
- Un groupe de 40 personnes dont la majorité étaient des femmes et des enfants furent massacrés et leurs identités sont en cours de détermination. Les femmes furent assassinées après avoir été violées par les militaires de la coalition de l’APR(RDF) et des FARDC.
Les FDLR publient cette liste pour que la mémoire de ces martyrs ne soit pas oubliée et restent convaincues que tôt ou tard tous ceux qui sont responsables directement ou indirectement de ces crimes graves contre les réfugiés rwandais auront à en répondre devant la justice.
Que Dieu accueille les âmes de toutes ces victimes auprès de Lui.
Fait à Paris,
le 9 Septembre 2009
Callixte Mbarushimana
Secrétaire Exécutif des FDLR
The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
Human and Civil Rights
Rwanda: A mapping of crimes
KIBEHO: Rwandan Auschwitz
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Stephen Sackur’s Hard Talk.
Prof. Allan C. Stam
Prof. Christian Davenport
The killing Fields - Part 1
The killing Fields - Part II
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The killing Fields - Part III
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