Rwanda: Cartographie des crimes
Rwanda: cartographie des crimes du livre "In Praise of Blood, the crimes of the RPF" de Judi Rever
Kagame devra être livré aux Rwandais pour répondre à ses crimes: la meilleure option de réconciliation nationale entre les Hutus et les Tutsis.
Let us remember Our People
Let us remember our people, it is our right
You can't stop thinking
Don't you know
Rwandans are talkin' 'bout a revolution
It sounds like a whisper
The majority Hutus and interior Tutsi are gonna rise up
And get their share
SurViVors are gonna rise up
And take what's theirs.
We're the survivors, yes: the Hutu survivors!
Yes, we're the survivors, like Daniel out of the lions' den
(Hutu survivors) Survivors, survivors!
Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights
et up, stand up, don't give up the fight
“I’m never gonna hold you like I did / Or say I love you to the kids / You’re never gonna see it in my eyes / It’s not gonna hurt me when you cry / I’m not gonna miss you.”
The situation is undeniably hurtful but we can'stop thinking we’re heartbroken over the loss of our beloved ones.
"You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom".
Malcolm X
Welcome to Home Truths
The year is 1994, the Fruitful year and the Start of a long epoch of the Rwandan RPF bloody dictatorship. Rwanda and DRC have become a unique arena and fertile ground for wars and lies. Tutsi RPF members deny Rights and Justice to the Hutu majority, to Interior Tutsis, to Congolese people, publicly claim the status of victim as the only SurViVors while millions of Hutu, interior Tutsi and Congolese people were butchered. Please make RPF criminals a Day One priority. Allow voices of the REAL victims to be heard.
Everybody Hurts
“Everybody Hurts” is one of the rare songs on this list that actually offers catharsis. It’s beautifully simple: you’re sad, but you’re not alone because “everybody hurts, everybody cries.” You’re human, in other words, and we all have our moments. So take R.E.M.’s advice, “take comfort in your friends,” blast this song, have yourself a good cry, and then move on. You’ll feel better, I promise.—Bonnie Stiernberg
Paul Kagame admits ordering...
Paul Kagame admits ordering the 1994 assassination of President Juvenal Habyarimana of Rwanda.
Why did Kagame this to me?
Inzira ndende
Hutu Children & their Mums
Rwanda-rebranding-Targeting dissidents inside and abroad, despite war crimes and repression
Rwanda has “A well primed PR machine”, and that this has been key in “persuading the key members of the international community that it has an exemplary constitution emphasizing democracy, power-sharing, and human rights which it fully respects”. It concluded: “The truth is, however, the opposite. What you see is not what you get: A FAÇADE”
Rwanda has hired several PR firms to work on deflecting criticism, and rebranding the country.
Targeting dissidents abroad
One of the more worrying aspects of Racepoint’s objectives
was to “Educate and correct the ill informed and factually
incorrect information perpetuated by certain groups of expatriates
and NGOs,” including, presumably, the critiques
of the crackdown on dissent among political opponents
This should be seen in the context of accusations
that Rwanda has plotted to kill dissidents abroad. A
recent investigation by the Globe and Mail claims, “Rwandan
exiles in both South Africa and Belgium – speaking in clandestine meetings in secure locations because of their fears of attack – gave detailed accounts of being recruited to assassinate critics of President Kagame….
Ways To Get Rid of Kagame
How to proceed for revolution in Rwanda:
- The people should overthrow the Rwandan dictator (often put in place by foreign agencies) and throw him, along with his henchmen and family, out of the country – e.g., the Shah of Iran, Marcos of Philippines.Compaore of Burkina Faso
- Rwandans organize a violent revolution and have the dictator killed – e.g., Ceaucescu in Romania.
- Foreign powers (till then maintaining the dictator) force the dictator to exile without armed intervention – e.g. Mátyás Rákosi of Hungary was exiled by the Soviets to Kirgizia in 1970 to “seek medical attention”.
- Foreign powers march in and remove the dictator (whom they either instated or helped earlier) – e.g. Saddam Hussein of Iraq or Manuel Noriega of Panama.
- The dictator kills himself in an act of desperation – e.g., Hitler in 1945.
- The dictator is assassinated by people near him – e.g., Julius Caesar of Rome in 44 AD was stabbed by 60-70 people (only one wound was fatal though).
- Organise strikes and unrest to paralyze the country and convince even the army not to support the dictaor – e.g., Jorge Ubico y Castañeda was ousted in Guatemala in 1944 and Guatemala became democratic, Recedntly in Burkina Faso with the dictator Blaise Compaoré.
Almighty God :Justice for US
Killing Hutus on daily basis
RPF Trade Mark: Akandoya
Fighting For Our Freedom?
Saturday, November 30, 2013
[Since 1994, the world witnesses the horrifying Tutsi minority (14%) ethnic domination, the Tutsi minority ethnic rule with an iron hand, tyranny and corruption in Rwanda. The current government has been characterized by the total impunity of RPF criminals, the Tutsi economic monopoly, the Tutsi militaristic domination, and the brutal suppression of the rights of the majority of the Rwandan people (85% are Hutus)and mass arrests of Hutus by the RPF criminal organization =>AS International]
Ladies and Gentlemen,
On behalf of many of Kagame's victims mainly hutu
ethnic members, On behalf of African SurViVors International, the Association of Survivors of
the Genocide in the world and in the Great Lakes Region in particular, I would like to say that our
story is very sad, very sad indeed. In solidarity with who, at this moment in time, can
not anymore celebrate these interesting events like the Chrismas or the
New year, On behalf of those who hunger for justice in the death
camps(returnees imidugudu) and homes within the fascist state of Rwanda, 7 years have now passed since millions of our fellow citizens have been slaughtered in DRC(Ex-Zaire). I do not wish to remember you those hundred of thousands of hutu women,
wildly raped or gathered in burned houses, those who have been injected
HIV because they happen to be the wives of that hated majority in
Rwanda. Neither I do not want to forget those who tried to free our
country of origine Rwanda, Those who have been wrogly assimilated to
insurgents, interahamwe, infiltrators, etc. But Let me tell you that
these heros, men,women and children have fought a battle head-on
against the brutality, the injustice and policies of criminalisation,
categorazation by prejudicing against our mums, dads, brothers and
sisters. This criminalisation has been created by the well-known
RPF philosophers and wrongdoers who are inside and outside Rwanda. What
we have to do ?
To create more and more parties and to divide our
forces and consequentely to weak ourselves? The answer is NO. There is
NO WAY. We have to remember rightfully thi significance of such a
sacrifice that our heros gave or are giving in different fascist death
fast camps and prisons throuthout Rwanda. It was and it is a brave
gesture again refucused the world's attention on enslaved Rwanda with
scene's not witnessed in the course of recent killings in Rwanda and/or
in DRC.Who doesn't remember The BLOODBATH TRAIN Kisangani? A battle
that began with a simple refusal of cultivating, that struggle
eventually lead to mass massacres in Kanama, Nkuli, Kigombe,Byumba,
Kigali Ngali, in those Gitarama communes that border Gisenyi. The
struggle and the resistance of our Heros has been compared to the French against the Nazis invaders." The difference is that our heros, instead of being sustained by the entire world, they got betrayed by those who publically appear to be the Democracy defenders: The US Clinton's Government and The UK Tony Blair's one. After 4 years later, the mass-slaughter of Rwandan Hutu and Tutsi by the mastermind of the Rwandan genocide happened to be the Clinton and Blair's Families private affair involving millions of victims.
This year, as we look back on the significance of that vital point in our recent and sad history as survivors and on the men who died in those mountains of Bymba, Gitarama, Ruhengeri and Gisenyi. So too must we remember the nature of their battle, the battle for Freedom,Justice and Democracy of all of us . I guess the Kenyan Elections is a Warning and a sad event for the rwandan dictators and A LIGHT FOR HOPE for those who have lost their rights because it happens to be the majority in their country. It is during this time that the world learns of the pain, struggle, and sacrifice of many young men and women who were going trough, not ten thousands of miles from this Rwanda. A struggle, that in many ways ressembled and even mirrored that which Abaparmehutu embarked on since 1957. A struggle against a policy of criminalisation of political prisoners and ordinarly people held in those inhuman prisons.Likewise so too must we engage, here and elsewhere in the world, daily with as much energy as possible, ensuring that our children, friends and relatives of the ongoing death fast will be forgotten.
This year, as we look back on the significance of that vital point in our recent and sad history as survivors and on the men who died in those mountains of Bymba, Gitarama, Ruhengeri and Gisenyi. So too must we remember the nature of their battle, the battle for Freedom,Justice and Democracy of all of us . I guess the Kenyan Elections is a Warning and a sad event for the rwandan dictators and A LIGHT FOR HOPE for those who have lost their rights because it happens to be the majority in their country. It is during this time that the world learns of the pain, struggle, and sacrifice of many young men and women who were going trough, not ten thousands of miles from this Rwanda. A struggle, that in many ways ressembled and even mirrored that which Abaparmehutu embarked on since 1957. A struggle against a policy of criminalisation of political prisoners and ordinarly people held in those inhuman prisons.Likewise so too must we engage, here and elsewhere in the world, daily with as much energy as possible, ensuring that our children, friends and relatives of the ongoing death fast will be forgotten.
Their cry must be our battle cry in Rwanda and
elsewhere in this world. Wherever you are you must stand to pay tribute
to those men and women who have already given their lives on battle for
freedom to the death, we must renew our commitment and warm solidarity
to our brothers and sisters who at this moment and in the future fast
for the right of international, diplomatic and political status in the
struggle against the rwandan fascist Paul Kagame and RPF members. It is
with pride that we rightfully acknowledge and support the many-sided battle against Kagame's cruelties.
As we in Rwanda and ouside remember our 1996, 1997 and
1998 martyrs of the criminal Kagame, your courage and your strength
will contribute to retrieve our homeland. For this you have to play an
important role. To you, our friends and the rwandan community in Europe
and the North America, Intabaza, the Association of Survivors of the
Genocide of Rwandan Refugees in DRC is with you!
We are right! We Will
Secretery General
Dear Friends,
Brothers and sisters,
I would like to draw your attention on these different
findings. I guess you will have a fixed image of Kagame and his RPF on
Power in Rwanda:
1) Political and economic power in Rwanda rests in
the hands of people who not only returned from Uganda but also have
family links.
Theogene Rudasingwa, the Chief of Staff of Rwandan
President Paul Kagame is Gerald Gahima's brother. Gahima is the Rwandan
Attorney General. Their sister Beatrice Mukabaranga served as Deputy
Minister in the Ministry of Education shortly after the Rwandan
Patriotic Front overthrew the former government.
Major Denis Karera is Major Kwikiriza's brother.
Their brother Musinge is Deputy Attorney General (Avocat General) at the
Supreme Court.
Lieutenant Camille who heads the communications
systems of the Rwandan Patriotic Army (APR) is Lieutenant Colonel
Karemera's brother, former Minister of Education and ambassador to South
Lieutenant Colonel Karemera is Donat Kaberuka's first cousin. Their fathers are brothers. Kaberuka is minister of Finance.
Mutemberezi, the Governor of the National Bank of
Rwanda is married to Muligande's sister. Muligande is the current
Rwandan minister of Foreign Affairs. Mutemberezi's brother is mayor of
Commune Musambira. These are Tutsi returnees from Burundi.
Musoni Protais, Deputy Minister in the Ministry of
Interior is Patrick Mazimpaka's brother in law. Mazimpaka is Special
Envoy in General Kagame's office.
Dr. Richard Masozera is Aloysia Inyumba's husband. He is director of Immigration and Emigration
Hope Mulera is married to Gasana, the Director General of ENGEN, former BP FINA bought by a South African company.
Other powerful returnees from Uganda are: Colonel
Frank Rusagara, former Deputy Minister of Defense; Colonel Andrews
Rwigamba, President of military courts; Colonel Frank Mugambage,
Commander of the Police; Colonel Kayonga, Advisor to Rwandan President
Kagame, Lieutenant Karera, and Lieutenant Camille.
Lieutenant Jacques Nziza oversees the Directorate of
Military Intelligence (DMI), a paramilitary agency specialized in
carrying out assassinations of RPF enemies while Lieutenant Patrick
Karegeya runs External Intelligence, a DMI branch that coordinates
assassinations abroad and the looting of the natural resources of the
Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Musoni James is another RPF heavy weight. He
represents General Kagame in the RPF. As such he is above Muligande in
terms of pecking order. He is also a major figure of Rwanda Revenue
Some women who joined the RPF during the bush war
still play a major role. There are Christine Umutoni, Emilie Rusera,
Aloysia Inyumba, Hope Murera, Rose Kabuye,
The RPF recently expelled Kabuye from the National
Transitional Assembly (NTA) and there is rumor that she might have been
expelled from the RPF and the APR. According to Jean- Pierre Mugabe, a
former RPF intelligence officer, she is implicated in the assassination
of former Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana.
The most powerful of these women is Aloysia Inyumba.
She has been closely associated with General Kagame since the creation
of the RPF. She is Kagame's confidant. She holds the signature and
secret numbers of the RPF bank accounts in foreign countries such as
Canada, Belgium, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Political sources say RPF leaders abused most of
these women during the bush war. After the victory of the RPF they
rewarded them with political positions.
2) General Paul Kagame's and his Rwandan Patriotic Army's criminal records(some of them):
Massacre of Burundian refugees resettled in Commune
Muvumba and massacre of Hima in Commune Muvumba, Prefecture of Byumba in
October 1990 when the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) invaded Rwanda from
its military bases in southwestern Uganda.
Massacres of the population of Shonga, Commune
Muvumba, Prefecture Byumba. The RPF occupied Shonga from October 1990
until its victory in July, 1994. The RPF decimated the population living
in Shonga.
Between 1991 and 1992, RPF massacred Hutu in the
communes of Bwisige, Cyumba, Cyungo, Kibali, Kivuye, Kiyombe, Mukarage,
Muvumba, and Ngarama of the prefecture of Byumba.
Massacres were also carried out in the communes
Butaro, Cyeru, and Nyamugali of Ruhengeri. Some of the people from these
communes were deported to Uganda and disappeared. RPF killings
generated massive internally displaced persons who sought refuge at
makeshift camps. The RPF shelled these camps although these internally
displaced persons were not armed.
On February 8, 1993, the RPF attacked the town of
Ruhengeri and massacred unarmed civilians. During the attack the RPF
summarily executed a large number of civilians including Barengayabo,
President of the Appeal's Court and Philippe Gakwerere, Inspector of
mining and their families.
During its military offensive of February 1993, the
RPF massacred unarmed civilians in Ngarama, Commune Gituza, Prefecture
of Byumba.
On May 18, 1993, the RPF assassinated Emmanuel
Gapyisi, a member of the political bureau of the Democratic Republican
Movement (MDR) and president of MDR in the prefecture of Gikongoro.
On August 25, 1993, the RPF assassinated Fidele
Rwambuka, mayor of the commune of Kanzenze, prefecture of Kigali and a
member of the central committee of the Republican National Movement for
Democracy and Development (MRND).
In the night of November 17 and 18, 1993 the RPA under Colonel Kayizari massacred 48 unarmed civilians in the sous-prefecture of Kirambo, prefecture of Ruhengeri.
In the same month of November 1993, the RPF Massacred
of unarmed civilians in Commune Mutura, prefecture Gisenyi and Commune
Bwisige, prefecture of Byumba. The United Nations Mission for Rwanda
(UNAMIR) investigated the massacre of Mutura and Kirambo and never
published its findings.
On February 21, 1994, the RPF assassinated Felicien Gatabazi, the executive secretary of the Social democratic party (PSD).
On February 22, 1994, the RPF assassinated Martin
Bucyana, president of the Coalition for the Defense of the Republic
(CDR). Colonel Karenzi of the RPF coordinated these political
On March 15, 1994 RPF soldiers under Colonel Kayonga
carried out the assassination of Nathanael Nyilinkwaya, director of the
tea factory of Cyohoha Rukeri, his wife, and two factory employees.
From 1991 to 1993, RPF agents posed mines and bombs
on roads, minibuses, and public places. Some of these agents were
arrested carrying explosives. Others were arrested crossing into Rwanda
from Burundi, Tanzania, and Zaire (the Democratic Republic of the Congo
According to a UN secret report and to Jean-Pierre
Mugabe, a former RPF official, General Kagame ordered the shooting down
of the plane carrying President Juvenal Habyarimana and his Burundi
counterpart, Cyprien Ntaryamira. The plane was shot down on April 6,
1994 at 8:30 PM as it was about to land at Kanombe International
Airport. Presidents, their aides and the crew died on the impact.
In April 1994, the RPF under Colonel Kayonga went from
house to house in Remera, Kigali killing businessmen, intellectuals,
politicians, and all members of their families. RPF soldiers executed
unarmed civilians who fled to Amahoro Stadium.
Following are the names of the people executed by the RPF. The list is not exhaustive.
-Ndagijimana, Celestin, Chief Administrator officer at IMPRISCO
-Claudien Habarushaka, former prefect of Kigali;
-Baliyanga, Sylvestre, then prefect of Ruhengeri, his wife and children;
-Jean-Marie Vianney Mvulirwenande's wife and children;
-Mujyanama, Theoneste, former attorney general;
-Habimana, Aloys, former director in the ministry of agriculture;
-Stanislas Niyibizi's wife and children;
-Hategekimana , Raphael, director of Village Urugwiro
-Major Bugenimana, Helene and her children;
-Bahigiki, Emmanuel, former secretary general in the ministry of planning, his wife, and children;
-Gahutu, Jean, his wife and his children;
Theodore, pharmacist, his wife and his children; Munyangabe, Marcel,
former president of the General Accounting Court, his wife and his
-Ndaziramiye, Herson, his wife and children.
-Gashegu, Dismas, former vice chancellor of the National University of Rwanda;
-Mbanzarugamba, Felicien, employee at Bralirwa, his wife and children;
-Kayibanda, Irenee, employee at Societe Nationale d'Assurances (SONARWA);
-Hategekimana, Jean, president of the Court of Kigali, his wife and children;
-Mupenda, Frederic, employee at the ministry of public works
-Donat Hakizimana, his wife and children.
-Nyungura, Emile, his wife and children; => a friend of mine at University.
According to Human Rights Watch and the FIDH, by
April 25, 1994 the RPF had opened a corridor from Kigali to Byumba. It
evacuated civilians from Amahoro Stadium, Kigali to Byumba. Some of the
people it evacuated were summarily executed in Byumba. Among them was
Gregoire Kayinamura, vice president of MDR, Norbert Muhaturukundo,
employee at the ministry of information, and Sebulikoko, Celestin,
businessman. This list is not exhaustive. So far, no RPF soldier has
been prosecuted.
On April 21, 1994 the RPF killed Catholic priests who
had sought refuge at Rwesero Seminary. These priests are: Christian
Nkiliyehe, Anastase Nkundabanyanga, Joseph Hitimana, Gaspard Mudashimwa,
Alexis Havugimana, Celestin Muhayimana, Augustin Mushyenderi, and
Fidele Mulinda. So far, no RPF soldier has been prosecuted.
On June 5, 1994 RPF soldiers summarily executed three
Catholic bishops: Vincent Nsengiyumva, Archbishop of Kigali; Thaddee
Nsengiyumva, bishop of Kabgayi; Joseph Ruzindana, bishop of Byumba; and
nine Catholic priests: Mgr. Innocent Gasabwoya, former General Vicar
Bishop of Kamonyi; Mgr. Jean-Marie Vianney Rwabilinda,
Father Emmanuel Uwimana, Chancellor of the minor seminary of Kabgayi,
Father Sylvestre Ndaberetse, Father Bernard Ntamugabumwe, Father
Francois Xavier Muligo, Father Alfred Kayibanda, and Fidele Gahonzire
Human RPF soldiers also executed Brother Jean Baptiste Nsinga, President
of St Joseph Brothers. So far no RPF soldier has been prosecuted.
RPF soldiers summarily executed priests, nuns, and
pastors. - From April 7, 1994 through August 1994, the RPF summoned
people to public meetings. After people had gathered to listen to RPF
officials, RPF soldiers massacred them. The following terms are
reminiscent of these episodes: kwitaba inama or to attend a public
meeting; kwikiza umwanzi or to get rid of the enemy, and gutegura or to
clean up a place. When people were summoned to attend a public meeting,
they were summarily executed. When people were summoned to clean up a
place to supposedly resettle internally displaced people, they were
summarily executed.
When people were summoned to attend a public meeting
to learn how to smoke out interahamwe, they were asked to tie each other
arms behind the back using ropes. Then they were summarily executed.
Human Rights Watch and the FIDH have reported these massacres in the
publication mentioned earlier.
A UNHCR report prepared by a team of three people
headed by Robert Gersony on these numerous massacres that occurred as
the RPF took control of Rwanda in 1994 was buried under pressure from
the United States and the UN. According to Human Rights Watch and the
FIDH, "From August 1 through September 5, the team visited ninety-one
sites in forty one of the 145 communes of Rwanda and gathered detailed
information about ten others". They go on to say that "A written note
produced by the UNHCR estimated only that the RPF had killed thousands
of persons a month, but Gersony himself reportedly estimated that during
the months from April to August the RPF killed between 25,000 and
45,000 persons, between 5,000 and 10,000 persons each month from April
through July and 5,000 for the month of August. In press accounts based
on leaked information, the figure most often cited was 30,000."
Massacre of unarmed civilian at Kibeho, prefecture of Gikongoro. UNAMIR, non-government
organizations and international news media witnessed this massacre.
More than 8,000 people died. Pasteur Bizimungu, then president of
Rwanda, urged the international community to accept the death toll of
three hundred people. RPA soldiers removed dead bodies at night and took
them at other locations so that international news media and non
government organizations could not count them.
Massacres of tens of thousands unarmed Hutu
civilians, mostly women, children and elderly, by the Rwandan Patriotic
Front, in Kanama in October-November 1997. The Rwanda
Patriotic Army accepted the responsibility for these crimes, but none
was punished or even prosecuted for these crimes against humanity. To
repair the tarnished image of Kagame's regime, Colonel Ibingira who
ordered this massacre was sentenced to one year of under house arrest.
Massacres of tens of thousands of unarmed civilians,
mostly women, children and elderly in the caves of Nyakinama, Bugoyi, in
1998. The international media and the international community confirmed
the massacres and Rwandan Patriotic Army admitted to the crimes.
Massacres of hundreds of thousands of ethnic Hutu civilians villagers,
mostly young boys,
women, children, and elderly in the villages across Ruhengeri and Gisenyi in 1997-1998,
by the Rwandan Patriotic Army. These massacres occurred under the
command of General Kayumba Nyamwasa, the current chief staff of the APR.
He was then the highest-ranking military officer in charge
of military operations in the prefectures of Gisenyi and Ruhengeri. The
international community confirmed the massacres.
Massacres of an estimated 200,000 Hutu civilians in the refugee camps in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, former Zaire in 1996-1997.
TheUnited Nations, the USA, and European Union confirmed the massacres
and the Rwandan Patriotic Army admitted to these crimes, but none was
prosecuted. These crimes were called "acts of genocide" by the
International Non-Government Independent Commission set up
by the United Nations to inquire on crimes committed in Eastern
Democratic Republic of the Congo. The following military officers
participated in the massacres of these Hutu refugees:
·Colonel James Kabarebe, commander of the military invasion of former Zaire.
·Colonel Ibingira;
·Lieutenant Colonel Murokore;
·Colonel Nzaramba;
·Retired Colonel Nduguteye;
·Colonel Jackson Rwahama;
·Major Jacques Nziza, Director of the Department of Military Intelligence (DMI;)
·Lieutenant Colonel Wilson Rutayisire;
·Major Dan Munyuza;
·Commander David;
·Commander Godfrey Kabanda;
·Lieutenant Colonel Kiago
Summary executions of the soldiers of the ex-FAR
(Forces Armees Rwandaises) and their families after they returned from
the refugee camps of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Tanzania
from 1996. Those who escaped assassination are rotting in jail. The
following listing is not exhaustive:
·Colonel Stanislas Hakizimana, assassinated along with his family, relatives, and neighbors on January 21, 1997;
·Lieutenant-Colonel Augustin Nzabanita assassinated while in prison in Gisenyi on January 23, 1997;
·Lietenant-Colonel BEM Antoine Sebahire assassinated along with his wife;
·Major Laurent Bizabarimana assassinated in Nyarutovu on January 18-19, 1997;
·Major Lambert Rugambage assassinated in January 1997;
·Major Rutayisire assassinated while in RPF ideological training known as ingando;
·Captain Alexander Mugarura, assassinated;
·Captain Theodore Hakizimana, assassinated;
·Captain Jean Kabera, assassinated;
·Lieutenant Francois Nsengimana, assassinated;
·Lieutenant Faustin Nsengiyumva, assassinated;
·Lieutenant Edouard Nsengiyumva, assassinated;
·Major Martin Ndamage rotting in a military prison;
·Major Athanase Uwamungu, rotting in a military prison;
·Captain Isidore Bwanakweri rotting in a military prison.
Extrajudicial executions of detainees by members of
the security forces some of which have been documented by Amnesty
International, for example:
·Execution of 12 detainees at Muyira solitary confinements, prefecture of Butare on January 14, 1997.
·Executions of more than 20 detainees at Gisovu dungeons, prefecture of Kibuye on January 23, 1997.
·Execution of six detainees at Runda dungeons, prefecture of Gitarama on February 14,1997
·Execution of 10 detainees at Maraba dungeons, prefecture of Butare on May 7, 1997.
·Execution of 15 detainees at Gatonde dungeons, prefecture of Ruhengeri.
·Execution of six detainees at Ndusu dungeons, prefecture of Ruhengeri on May 10, 1997.
·Execution of 95 detainees at Rubavu dungeons and an unknown number at Kanama dungeons.
The disappearances of many Rwandan citizens
(journalists, businessmen and ordinary people) and the detention of
Rwandan citizens in private houses. The number of these prisoners is
above 125,000 of whom more than 30 percent are believed to be innocent.
The killings of foreign nationals such as Father
Valmajo of Spain, killed at Nyinawimana in April 1994; Father Claude
Simard, a Canadian killed on October 17, 1994; three Spanish employees
of the non government organization Medicos del Mundo killed on 18
January 1997; Father Guy Pinard, a Canadian killed on February 2, 1997,
Father Curick Vjechoslav of Croatia assassinated in Kigali in 1998, and
Father Duchamp, a Canadian.
Some Family members Summarily Executed by General Kagame and RPF: The Hanous crime ever
- Baganizi Stanislas, wife and children branded in their home with grenades (talk to him the day before the infamous assassination)
- Philippe, Maria,Nyirabyago and her brother
- Mme Ntabugi my aunt and some of her children & other displaced fugitives were killed in a large cave in the so called "PAYIZANA"
- Verena and her three daughters, raped then summarily executed
- Dativa
- Dr Déo Twagirayezu Father, mother, brothers and sisters
- Alfonse, wife and children
- Mukagatare Josephine, her husband and children
- Augustin, Paulin and their brothers
- Ngira Aloys, Papa Kazehe and Kazehe
- Bwanakweli Charles Kizito went to call Friends in France didn't be back on 23/01/2013
- Abimana domitile with her one-year son Incuti, three brothers and a babysitter
- Apolinne
- Bazimaziki Augustin, his wife and children
- Karasira Elphas
- Victori et Maria son épouse
- mass-killing of Mukamira that took my uncle and friends
- Dusabe and her children
- Joseph, his brothers and sisters + their father who went to suicide after coming home and seeing how they were cut into pieces by the RDF
- Classmate Jotham and his bride in Byumba, were reportedly missing
- Uncle Nasson
- Philppe, his wife Maria, Nyirabyago and other kids I don't remember their names
- Augustin and Friends in Kisangani's bloodbath train.
- Majyambere
- B irete,
- Ndorayabo
- Kalibu andmany other neighbors who were domestic Tutsis belonging to Abasindi
- Kanamugire sisters
- Mass-slaughters and arbitrary executions of my relatives in Bunagana and Rutchuru
- Returnees in Ruhengeri in the countryside Kigali
Kagame's regime has detained 4,554 minors for
allegedly taking part in the genocide. Some were arrested when they were
as young as 8 years old. The children who were under 14 years old when
they were arrested have been sharing overcrowded filthy prisons with
adults. To accelerate the decimation of the Hutu, General Kagame 's
regime has resorted to two strategies. One has consisted of rounding up
Hutu males and sending them to prison for allegedly participating in the
genocide of Tutsi. Today 135,000 Hutu live in filthy crowded prisons
where they die of epidemics slowly. Some have had legs amputated and
others have lost feet or toes. The second strategy is round up able body
Hutu young males and send them to the front in the Democratic Republic
of the Congo (DRC) after receiving minimal military training.
According to a news report broadcast by the Voice of
America (VOA) on July 21, 2000, the UNHCR has recorded an increase of
Rwandan refugees fleeing to Tanzania since the beginning of this year.
This news report says: "The agency says that for the first six months of
this year, an average of 380 Rwandan refugees a month have sought
asylum in Tanzania. It says the recent big increase in refugees brings
this year's total to three thousand two hundred forty." A UNHCR
spokesperson told VOA that "aid workers who traveled to the Rwandan
border on July 11 were told that bodies had been seen floating in the
Akagera River."
Local Defense Units (LDU), RPF militias based in all
rural areas are responsible for this flight and murders. Lately they
have been very active in the prefecture of Kibungo where the RPF has
been trying to create a Tutsi land since it came to power in July 1994.
Tutsi who came from Uganda have occupied houses and banana fields in
Kibungo and chasing out Hutu from their properties. These Hutu have been
relocated into concentration camps euphemistically called "villages" by
the RPF regime. Here we do not forget those multiple hideous political
assassinations of Gapyisi, Bucyana, Gatabazi before april 1994 and Col.
Lizinde, Seth sendashonga in Kenya and many many others inside and
outside as well.
How the west will justify more than 3,500,000 deaths! Incredible! How the UN and other powefull countries will justify, mass-raping,
desappearences, killings of our kids mums, fathers, brothers and
sisters? A financial compansation could be acceptable????? I am really
The West has, for decades, plundered Africa's wealth
and permitted, and even, assisted in slaughtering Africa's people. The
West has been able to do this while still shrewdly cultivating the myth
that much of Africa's problems today are African made--we have all heard the usual Western defenses that Africa's problems are the fault of corrupt African administrations, centuries-old
tribal hatreds, the fault of unsophisticated peoples. But we know that
those statements are all a lie. We have always known it..."Congresswoman
This concerns the record of American policy in Africa
over most of the past decade, particularly that involving the central
African Great Lakes region. It is a policy that has rested, in my
opinion, on the twin pillars of unrestrained military aid and
questionable trade. The military aid programs of the United States,
largely planned and administered by the U.S. Special Operations Command
and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), have been both overt and
Wayne Madsen is an investigative journalist who has
written for The Village Voice, The Progressive, CAQ, and the
Intelligence Newsletter. He is the author of Genocide and Covert
Activities in Africa 1993-1999 (Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen,
1999), an expose of U.S. and French intelligence activities in Africa's
recent civil wars and ethnic rebellions. He served as an on-air
East Africa analyst for ABC News in the aftermath of the 1998 U.S.
embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. Mr. Madsen has appeared on 60
Minutes, World News Tonight, Nightline, 20/20, MS-NBC, and
NBC Nightly News, among others. He has been frequently quoted by the
Associated Press, foreign wire services, and many national and
international newspapers.
Mr. Madsen is also the author of a motion picture
screen play treatment about the nuclear submarine USS Scorpion. He is a
former U.S. Naval Officer and worked for the National Security Agency
and U.S. Naval Telecommunications Command.
"The present turmoil in central Africa largely stems
from a fateful incident that occurred on April 6, 1994. That was the
missile attack on the Rwandan presidential aircraft that resulted in the
death of Rwanda's Hutu President Juvenal Habyarimana, his colleague
President Cyprien Ntaryamira of Burundi, Habyarimana's chief advisers,
and the French crew.
The massacres of more than 500, 000 Tutsis and
moderate Hutus after the assassination of President Habyarimana on April
6th, 1994 were followed by a mass-slaughters orchestrated by the Tutsi-led
Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) government that resulted in the deaths of
500,000 mostly Hutu refugees in Rwanda and neighboring Zaire/Congo.
No one has even identified the assassins of the two
presidents let alone sought to bring them to justice. There have been a
number of national and international commissions that have looked into
the causes for the Rwandan genocide. These have included investigations
by the Belgian Senate, the French National Assembly, the United Nations,
and the Organization of African Unity. None of these investigations
have identified the perpetrators of the aerial assassination. In 1998,
French Judge Jean-Louis Bruguiere launched an investigation
of the aircraft attack. After interviewing witnesses in Switzerland,
Rwanda, Tanzania, and Russia, Bruguiere apparently has enough evidence
to issue an international arrest warrant for President Kagame. A former
French Judge, Thierry Jean-Pierre, now a Member of the
European Parliament, in an entirely separate and private investigation,
came to the same conclusion that Kagame was behind the attack. The
United States government must come to its senses, as it did with past
intelligence assets like Sadaam Hussein, Alberto Fujimori, General
Suharto, Ferdinand Marcos, and Manuel Noriega, and support a judicial
accounting by Kagame. If it is proven that U.S. citizens were in any way
involved in planning the assassination, they should also be brought to
justice before the international war crimes tribunal.
Immediately after the attack on the presidential
plane, much of the popular press in the United States brandished the
theory that militant Hutus brought it down. I suggest that following
some four years of research concentrating on the missile attack, there
is no basis for this conclusion. In fact, I believe there is concrete
evidence to show that the plane was shot down by operatives of the RPF.
At the time, the RPF was supported by the United States and its major
ally in the region, Uganda. Prior to the attack, the RPF leader, the
current Rwandan strongman General Paul Kagame, received military
training at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College at Fort
Leavenworth, Kansas. Many of Kagame's subordinates received similar
training, including instruction in the use of surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) at the Barry Goldwater Air Force Range at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona. It was Soviet-designed SAMs that were used to shoot down the Rwandan president's airplane.
By its own admission, the U.S. Defense Department
provided official military training to the RPF beginning in January
1994, three months before the missile attack on the aircraft.
In testimony before the French inquiry commission,
former French Minister for International Cooperation Bernard Debre
insisted that the two SAM-16s used in the attack on the aircraft were procured from Ugandan military stocks and were "probably delivered by the Americans
. . . from the Gulf War." He was supported by two
former heads of the French foreign intelligence service (DGSE) Jacques
Dewatre and Claude Silberzahn, as well as General Jean Heinrich, the
former head of French military intelligence (DRM). Former moderate Hutu
Defense Minister James Gasana, who served under Habyarimana from April
1992 to July 1993, stated before the French inquiry that his government
declined to purchase SAMs because they realized the RPF had no planes
and, therefore, procurement of such weapons would have been a waste of
The contention by French government officials that the
RPF was responsible for the aerial attack is supported by three former
RPF intelligence officers who disclosed details of the operation to UN
investigators. The three informants were rated as Category 2 witnesses
on a 4-point scale where 1 is highly credible and 2 is "true but untested." The RPF informants claim the plane was downed by an elite 10-member
RPF team with the "assistance of a foreign government." Some of the
team members are apparently now deceased. A confidential UN report on
the plane attack was delivered to the head of the UN War Crimes
Tribunal, Judge Louise Arbour of Canada, but was never made public. In
fact, Arbour terminated the investigation when details of the RPF's
involvement in the assassination became clear. The UN now denies such a
report exists. Michael Hourigan, an Australian lawyer who first worked
as an International War Crimes Tribunal investigator and then for the
UN's Office of Internal Oversight Services, confirmed that the initial
war crimes investigation
team uncovered evidence of the R4658729;:6< =;>@?ACBED;F2=$5G9;?HI5KJ2?LM729$7;NPO14Q58729 S1TU=WXD
involvement in the attack but their efforts were undercut by senior U staff.
After the former RPF intelligence team revealed
details of the attack, they were supported by yet another former RPF
intelligence officer named Jean Pierre Mugabe. In a separate
declaration, Mugabe contended that the assassination was directed by
Kagame and RPF deputy commander-in-chief James Kabarebe.
The RPF, according to Mugabe, campaigned extensively for the regional
peace meeting in Dar es Salaam from which Habyarimana was returning when
he was assassinated. Mugabe claimed the idea was to collect the top
Hutu leadership on the plane in order to easily eliminate them in the
Yet another defector from the RPF, Christophe
Hakizabera, in a declaration to a UN investigation commission, states
that the "foreign power" that helped the RPF shoot down the airplane
was, in fact, Uganda. According to Hakizabera, the first and second
assassination planning meetings were held in Uganda in the towns of
Kabale and Mbarara, respectively. A third, in which Kagame was present,
was held in March 1994 in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.
As it did with the three other RPF defectors, the UN
took no action as a result of this complaint. It appears, and this is
supported by private conversations I have had with former UN officials,
that some other party is calling the shots in the world body's
investigation of human rights violations in Africa.
The involvement of Uganda in the assassination tends
to support the contention of the former French government ministers that
the SAMs were provided to Uganda by the United States from captured
Iraqi arms caches during Desert Storm. My own research indicates that
these missiles were delivered to Uganda via a CIA-run arms
depot outside of Cairo, Egypt. After the transfer, Uganda kept some of
the missiles and launchers for its own armed forces and delivered the
remainder to the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) and the RPF.
Other evidence pointing to an RPF role in the attack
includes COMINT (communications intelligence) picked up by military
units and civilian radio operators in Rwanda. A Rwandan Armed Forces
COMINT listening station picked up a transmission on an RPF frequency,
which stated "the target is hit." This was reported to a Togolese member
of the UN Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR). A Belgian amateur
radio operator reported that after the attack, he heard someone on a
frequency used by a Belgian PMC in Kigali state, "We killed Le Grand
(Habyarimana)." The Belgian operator also stated that all Rwandan
Armed Forces messages following the attack indicated
the Rwandan army was in complete disarray n something that would not
have been the case had the Rwandan government perpetrated the attack on
its own president. Another source of COMINT was a French signals
intelligence unit sent to Kigali from the French military base in
Bangui, Central African Republic. According to French Judge Jean-Pierre,
copies of French intercepts of RPF communications indicate, beyond a
doubt, the culpability of the RPF in the attack on the aircraft.
Some formerly classified US State Department cables,
which I received following a Freedom of Information Act request, reveal
that the U.S. foreign policy establishment was of two minds over the
April 6 attack. The U.S. Embassy in Burundi kept a surprisingly open
mind about its theories about the missile attack, even suggesting a
Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) role in it. Other U.S. diplomatic posts,
most notably that in Kigali, seemed to follow the script that the
aircraft was downed by hard-line Hutus who wanted to implement a well-planned genocide of Tutsis and moderate Hutus.
A May 25, 1994 Secret message from the Department of
State to all African diplomatic posts also reports that "the RPF has
summarily executed Hutu militia alleged to have been involved in the
massacres and the RPF has admitted to such killings." The same message
states that "Rwandan government officials who controlled the airport" or
"French military officials" recovered the downed presidential
aircraft's black box after securing the airport and removing the body of
the French pilot from Habyarimana's plane. However, according to
officials I interviewed who were involved with UN air movements in the
region, the black box was secretly transported to UN Headquarters in New
York where it remains to this day.
Officially, the Rwandan government claims the black
box went missing. According to the UN investigators, the black box was
spirited away by UN officials from Kigali to New York via Nairobi. In
addition, this shipment was known to US government officials. According
to the UN sources, data from the black box is being withheld by the UN
under pressure from our own government. The investigators also revealed
that RPF forces controlled three major approaches to Kayibanda Airport
on the evening of the attack and that European mercenaries, in the pay
of the RPF and US intelligence, planned and launched the missile attack
on the Mystere-Falcon. The CIA figured prominently in the
UN investigation of the missile attack. According to the investigators,
the search for the assassins ultimately led to a warehouse in Kanombe,
near the airport. From this warehouse, during the afternoon of April 6,
the missile launchers were assembled and readied for action by the
mercenaries. As the UN investigation team was nearing its final
conclusion and was prepared to turn up evidence indicating the warehouse
had been leased by a Swiss company, said to be linked to U.S.
intelligence, its mandate was swiftly terminated...."
Wayne Madsen
It is clear that the United States, contrary to
comments made by its senior officials, including former President
Clinton, played more of a role in the Rwandan tragedy than it readily
admits. This involvement continued through the successive Rwandan and Ugandan-led
invasions of neighboring Zaire/Congo. Speculation that Rwanda was
behind the recent assassination of President Laurent Kabila in Congo
(and rumors that the CIA was behind it) has done little to put the
United States in a favorable light in the region. After all, the date of
Kabila's assassination on January 16 this year -- was practically 40 years from the very day of the CIA-planned and executed assassination of Congolese leader Patrice Lumumba.
The quick pace at which Kabila's son and successor
Joseph Kabila visited the United States at the same time of Kagame's
presence, and his subsequent meetings with Corporate Council for Africa
officials and Maurice Tempelsman (the majordomo of U.S. Africa policy),
calls into question what the United States knew about the assassination
and when it knew about it.
Also, particularly troublesome is a conclusion the
CIA is said to have reached in an assessment written in January 1994, a
few months before the genocide. According to key officials I have
interviewed during my research, that analysis came to the conclusion
that in the event that President Habyarimana was assassinated, the
minimum number of deaths resulting from the mayhem in Rwanda would be
500 (confined mostly to Kigali and environs) and the maximum 500,000.
Regrettably, the CIA's higher figure was closer to reality.
"Remember that Kagame was in Washington about August
1996 checking his battle plans with the Pentagon. Mobutu's days were
The US took all the right decisions to allow the
Rwanda genocide to unfold. And Clinton's comment that "we didn't know
what was going on at the time" couldn't have been a bigger lie. Do you
suppose it was coincidental that a Rwanda delegate rotated on to the
security council early in 1994 and then worked with US representatives
to block all subsequent attempts to deal appropriately with the
unfolding slaughter?"......
"All these US military programs like IMET and E-IMET,
ACRI and JCET are designed to consolidate US hegemony. UPDF and RCD and
SPLA have conscripted child soldiers. They use sophisticated weapons
not only the machetes so widely advertised by the media propaganda front
of 1994 which sowed indifference and apathy in the US public. Troops
have been trained by US green berets and US military personnel have
worked to coordinate SPLA and RPF/UPDF/RCD military campaigns. This is
according to Ugandan dissidents and/or Congolese refugees fleeing Congo
and/or ex-patriots on the ground. And there are plenty of people who support these statements....."
".........Remember that RPF goverment clamed the
economic growth of 5% then 10%, Just like Enron and other 200 US
companies which collupsed in bankrupcy because of bribary,corruption and
big lies......."
I find it particularly remarkable that the diamond
exports from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) were some US$897
million in 1997. Now this is a "country" which was in a major war. And
then in 1998, DRC ranked second in diamond production at 25.7 million
carats. Again, a country in a brutal war where hundreds and hundreds of
thousands of people and in fact I think it is millions of people -- suffered the consequences through disease and despair and displacement and rape and hunger and robbery and often death.....
The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and Nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet It cannot be destroyed. ==> Wolverine
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I am Jean-Christophe Nizeyimana, an Economist, Content Manager, and EDI Expert, driven by a passion for human rights activism. With a deep commitment to advancing human rights in Africa, particularly in the Great Lakes region, I established this blog following firsthand experiences with human rights violations in Rwanda and in the DRC (formerly Zaïre) as well. My journey began with collaborations with Amnesty International in Utrecht, the Netherlands, and with human rights organizations including Human Rights Watch and a conference in Helsinki, Finland, where I was a panelist with other activists from various countries.
My mission is to uncover the untold truth about the ongoing genocide in Rwanda and the DRC. As a dedicated voice for the voiceless, I strive to raise awareness about the tragic consequences of these events and work tirelessly to bring an end to the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF)'s impunity.
This blog is a platform for Truth and Justice, not a space for hate. I am vigilant against hate speech or ignorant comments, moderating all discussions to ensure a respectful and informed dialogue at African Survivors International Blog.
Human and Civil Rights
Human Rights, Mutual Respect and Dignity
For all Rwandans :
Hutus - Tutsis - Twas
Rwanda: A mapping of crimes
Rwanda: A mapping of crimes in the book "In Praise of Blood, the crimes of the RPF by Judi Rever
Be the last to know: This video talks about unspeakable Kagame's crimes committed against Hutu, before, during and after the genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda.
The mastermind of both genocide is still at large: Paul Kagame
KIBEHO: Rwandan Auschwitz
Kibeho Concetration Camp.
Mass murderers C. Sankara
Stephen Sackur’s Hard Talk.
Prof. Allan C. Stam
The Unstoppable Truth
Prof. Christian Davenport
The Unstoppable Truth
Prof. Christian Davenport Michigan University & Faculty Associate at the Center for Political Studies
The killing Fields - Part 1
The Unstoppable Truth
The killing Fields - Part II
The Unstoppable Truth
Daily bread for Rwandans
The Unstoppable Truth
The killing Fields - Part III
The Unstoppable Truth
Time has come: Regime change
Drame rwandais- justice impartiale
Carla Del Ponte, Ancien Procureur au TPIR:"Le drame rwandais mérite une justice impartiale" - et réponse de Gerald Gahima
Sheltering 2,5 million refugees
Credible reports camps sheltering 2,500 million refugees in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have been destroyed.
The UN refugee agency says it has credible reports camps sheltering 2,5 milion refugees in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have been destroyed.
Latest videos
Peter Erlinder comments on the BBC documentary "Rwanda's Untold Story
Madam Victoire Ingabire,THE RWANDAN AUNG SAN SUU KYI
Rwanda's Untold Story
Rwanda, un génocide en questions
Bernard Lugan présente "Rwanda, un génocide en... par BernardLugan Bernard Lugan présente "Rwanda, un génocide en questions"
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Everything happens for a reason
Bad things are going to happen in your life, people will hurt you, disrespect you, play with your feelings.. But you shouldn't use that as an excuse to fail to go on and to hurt the whole world. You will end up hurting yourself and wasting your precious time. Don't always think of revenging, just let things go and move on with your life. Remember everything happens for a reason and when one door closes, the other opens for you with new blessings and love.
Hutus didn't plan Tutsi Genocide
Kagame, the mastermind of Rwandan Genocide (Hutu & tutsi)
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